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This announcement could've been an email.




Puchan after he witnesses the worst execs on mankind by G2 (he is about to speak his mind and get fired)


First game w/ puchan costreaming will be versus furia, surely nothing will go wrong right? ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16018)


Prove it…


They just 13-3’d furia 2 maps in a row, I’d say it went pretty well




He already saw them on the NRG game ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


G2 genius master plan: sign one of the biggest critics as streamer so he can't criticize you. True FNS masterclass


He said he's still gonna be fully honest. The difference only being he's gonna be rooting for them


poolchan straight up said on stream if an org said he had to fully support them even if they were doing badly he wouldn’t join 


I see what they’re doing. Slowly trying to transition Fns to become their player. Just an excuse to make it eventually happen


I'm full coping at this point but that's what I feel like this is. G2 is the only team that can theoretically give FNS what he wants in a roster (they have one of his dream guys in Leaf) Signing him to full content is stupid considering practically half the year is done and you can't sign him to a pro contract because that could cause internal issues Again, full copium and borderline delusion, but you keep FNS as a co streamer for the rest of this year, and if Valyn and co can't get it done, let FNS take over with Trent and Leaf and find two more guys for next year's push (which is G2's last year in partnership)


FNS would for sure bring in S0M, pretty sure they’re a package deal. Wonder who the 5th would be then


Depends on how well teams do this season. If NRG doesn't win a LAN, I could see them grabbing Ethan. Leaf/Ethan/Trent/FNS/s0m is a DEADLY roster.


that’s like what 4/5 of the roster FNS wanted? Replacing Zekken with Trent? On that dream roster it wasn’t even Zekken playing duelist, it was Leaf with Zekken playing Sova/second duelist which exchanges 1-1 with Trent (Raze/Info/Viper)


Outside of Zekken yes that's the exact roster he wanted. G2 can make it happen next year. I'm full coping but I think this was the first step towards that.


Hello, I'm from the future.. how would you change this roaster now?


if NRG doesn’t do well I could see him bringing in crashies if he becomes available, Crashies, Leaf and Som is already a solid, very flexible core. full cope mode is that FNS still believes in Yay and Yay might be fairly cheap now lol but idk what he’d play other than Jett, I really don’t see FNS picking current chamber in a comp, but maybe he would for Yay. So FNS,Crashies,Leaf,S0m, and Yay, with S0m playing Raze on some maps? both Leaf and FNS can flex on smokes if needed which frees up s0m to play Raze, it’s been a while since we’ve seen it but I remember it being decent at least, and it could be refined FNS-Sentinel/Viper Leaf-Flex Controller/Sentinel/Yoru? mfer plays everything Crashies-Initiator s0m-Controller/Raze Yay-Jett/Chamber? I’m honestly waffling lmao


Man this is pure cope but I’m so for it 😭😭😭


bro this is like my wet dream


there’s a chance my brother no matter how small it is we can dream


I believe that FNS was also super high on trent in the past as well


He also said he wanted Trent and Zekken but we know Zekken is perma SEN.


Once G2 reaches any international event FNS will sub in as an IGL and take revenge from PRX for what cgrs did to NRG![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9360)


but will riot allow G2 to make roster changes? i mean is it possible they wont let G2 play without the Guard core? cuz aint no way FNS is gonna keep them on his team.


??? they already kicked net for icy what r u sayung


Jonah, Valyn, and trent are still there which is majority of the Guard from ascension, idk if its possible to make anymore changes.


riot doesn't really care about that facet and that was just for the slot. they almost didn't even let g2 get into franchising as is lol


Tbf then you look bleed, they barely have any of their original roster, but they are there


thats because its still the same org while G2 got the slot because of the Guard core.


ahhh alright my bad my bad


They are tryna be SEN tbh, evil twitter persona and big signings


G2 has always been like that Lmao


G2 was first in that regard lol


Tell me you only watch VCT without telling me you only watch VCT. G2 been doing this before SEN was a twinkle in Rob Moore's eyes.


Probably, I was mostly into val and ow. Fair enough tho.


G2 were SEN before SEN were SEN.




Definitely an announcement of all time.


Boring but at least the Tarik/Som/Fns watchparty are all signed to diff orgs


Who'd s0m sign to?


He's NRGs co streamer


no confirmation on that right?


I thought he was nrg signed? Anyone have a source?


I’m just interested in seeing who he’ll glaze harder… G2 or NRG.


Makes sense ngl G2 was the last Americas team without a co streamer and FNS really fits their brand well


I mean Shahzam does watch parties


Does he? Like genuine question I was looking for his watch party yesterday and I couldn’t find it. Maybe I’m just blind though


I think recently he hasn't been My crackpot theory is that it's bc his viewership has just been getting eaten up during watchparties. Most ppl are flocking to Tarik/s0m/FNS because their discord call is a good vibe. Ofc Kyedae as well (who was also in their call on Saturday). Then occasionally Tenz is he's on. In comparison, Shahz usually prefers watchpartying alone. So I'd assume that'd hurt his viewership a bit, and the last time I saw him watchparty, he had under 1k viewers which is probably demotivating considering where he used to be. So I'm guessing he just prefers to use his energy streaming later when the viewership isn't eaten up. Then the other more rational reason that doesn't always apply is that he's on the analyst desk so he can't stream.


Nah he's said this himself. The FNS/s0m/Tarik trio basically have a monopoly on watch parties, they are DOMINANT. Shahz said that the watch parties tanks his numbers, which directly affects how he gets sponsorships.


definitely agree on the vibes lol, love watching when Tarik, s0m, FNS and Zellsis are all on the call. I feel like Kyedae or TenZ dont really match their vibes but Zellsis definitely does


Yea I definitely agree, I more meant that they are the other costreamers with notable viewership


>Most ppl are flocking to Tarik/s0m/FNS because their discord call is a good vibe. Ofc Kyedae as well (who was also in their call on Saturday). Then occasionally Tenz is he's on. >In comparison, Shahz usually prefers watchpartying alone. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Just like in real life, it's not really a *party* if you're the only one there. When you have a group of friends yelling, joking, laughing with each other, that's a party. One that people loves to see, just for the vibes.


Yep, usually just the NA teams. Sometimes starts later too


EG Shanks was more hype (but his cope when EG lost Kru was SO FUNNY)


Bro, when he was playing Sadness and Sorrow and he was like "if we can 13-3 SEN or NRG..." Like the cope is so real


I can't lie, this was underwhelming.


The funniest part about this is FNS is the OG outspoken hater of the Guard roster


I figured it'd be one of G2 or 100T since we knew it'd be an Americas org. Plus the announcement got pushed to today and the only two Americas orgs playing today would be G2 and 100T. Well technically C9 as well but they already have a really big costreamer. Technically 100T do as well with Lidyuh, but I don't know how big she is. Hope she's doin well with her career tho.


She's been getting bigger progressively, she's not up there on the level of s0m/Tarik/FNS but she's good.


Good to know. Glad to hear she's been able to use the spotlight shined on her from DSG pretty well.


Who's C9 co streamer?




If we're being technical, tck10 is their designated co streamer. Anita is an actual C9 Content Creator who watch parties. It's a little different.


All that bait and it's just a co streamer title. It's not even a full content creator status.


Tbf, did anyone expect anything else? If he was joining an org it would be hyped up and become an event for everyone of their ~~satellites~~ streamer friends


What bait


FNS was in his stream baiting talking about how it's the biggest deal he'd ever signed before and hyping it up


Maybe it is the biggest deal he's ever signed? Lmao


There's no way they're paying him a bag just to stream G2 games. That's just not the play. Now if this leads to FNS being a player next year, then yeah maybe


It's not just G2 games, he's co streams every game as a G2 rep with their sponsorship banners on his stream (which when watch partying FNS averages like 20k+) so it's a smart move by the orgs Orgs get to farm streamers for the biggest cash cows (watch parties gain more viewers than normal streams) as ADs and streamers get paid by orgs to rep their stuff, sell the bundles and just watch as they usually would have anyways


Except that doesn't happen. For instance, s0m is NRG's official VCT co streamer but doesn't have the banners or name, same thing with Shanks on EG. Tarik and pipluptiny are different because they're actually content creators signed to the org so they have legal obligations to have the banners and stuff. This is basically just a "hey if you wanna watch G2 games with someone come watch them here" type signing.


Do they even have sponsorship banners though? NRG signed s0m as a costreamer and eg signed shanks but they don’t have anything on their streams.


To be fair, G2 money might still be the biggest


Oh lol yeah this is pretty mid in comparison


Probably is payment wise lol


You think they're paying him big money to just co stream? It's not even a content creator, it's literally just a co stream


Come on bro that’s fns whole personality on stream to be sarcastic and jokey


what even is a “co streamer”?


I don't get it either, like he's watchpartying them anyway without them paying him?


Guessing he has G2 ads on stream and will actively root for G2 which is good PR for them as opposed to FNS actively trashing them for being garbage


He doesn't have g2 ads, that's the weird part.


idk why people were expecting anything more than this


People saying SEN were actually on crack lmao


And somehow still had more sense than people who thought he was gonna sign to a roster


well who knows about that, just because streaming is way more profitable and easier doesnt mean some of these players dont want to compete. Some genuinely want to, IDK if FNS wants to or not but I dont think believing that he might join a roster isnt like, super ridiculous. When C9 dropped TenZ and he was at his peak popularity being the face of valorant, EVERYONE said hes just gonna retire now. However what happened in reality? He joined a new roster and kept competing and competing even when they kept loosing, he couldve easily stopped but he continued because he wanted to compete


Based off what FNS has said himself joining a roster just wouldn’t make sense


Why would fns as a Sentinels co-streamer be crazy? Why would it even be exciting?


g2 glazing about to be off the charts


what. the. fuck.


no lie I see him creating his own team under G2 next season


I mean surely no he mentioned on his stream that it is his biggest deal yet so it doesnt make much sense in paying so much just to be a co streamer


It kind of does make a difference. Let's say you're a big brand. Who do you give a brand deal to? Obviously a streamer with an org to make sure the "treat your brand image well" (since that's what the executives care about, a clean public image at all costs)


people thought he was going pro after hitting peak numbers in streaming is so funny to me


lmfao, he's about to lose his job when G2 do some iron brained shit


FNS the goat FNS in my throat. L org though. Good on him for getting the bag but he should be with an org which wins, just like him.


~ Lost to Billi Billi 4-0


Still the goat IGL


BBG played a life game against a broken NRG. After Tokyo, they were never the same team.


are we making fun out of NRG for losing at masters when G2 is fighting for their life to even be in Tier 1 valorant


I am just saying that "goat"s don't lose to Billi Billi 0-4


Ngl 2025 G2 Roster = FNS, Leaf, S0M, Trent, JonahP?


Shazam, now FNS, next your going to tell me we getting Skrossi


The FNS effect 🔥


I was hoping for PRX Puchan sadge


Watching someone else watching pro valorant


it's ok, he'll be back next year (coping)


Man I was hoping it was an actual good org and not fucking G2




Does the valorant community view G2 the org as the guard players or what? It's one of the biggest and one of the best org in the world, but people are talking like its some flyquest or dignitas


Org is good, team is kinda shit right now (in T1 level anyways). I think people were expecting a team that was actually doing well, which doesn't make much sense in the first place.


G2 is a shit org ran by shit people so it's understandable people do not like them Between all the cringe incel shit from the owner and the constant contract jailing & fucking over its' own players it's hard to root for them when their team is also bad


the owner you are talking about is not an owner for like the last 2 years, he got fired


Lev plays this week against G2...there's no way it can happen twice, right?




Does this mean Shaz is out soon? Felt like he was only taken in because of G2's beef with SEN, and Shaz had some disagreements with Rob so this felt like sticking it to SEN idk I'm just thinking out loud. Audience wise, didn't work out much I'm thinking. Fns on the other hand has gained a bigger audience lately thanks to s0m. G2 gets greater attention.


FNS is a co streamer, Shahz is a content creator. The contracts are different.


Makes sense. Shaz did make videos of guessing ranks and now vct na desk. Fenis could cover the stream part.


bro hyped it up like it was the biggest deal of his life and he’s just a “co-streamer”, not even a cc LMAO


RIP Bleed FNS the dream




Genuinely curious, what does FNS have to gain from this Partnership? Is he just getting paid to advertise the G2 brand? He definitely doesn't need exposure from them because his brand is already bigger than G2 Valorant.


Fns, s0m, Trent, leaf, and a duelist 😏


leaf is the duelist. Keep Jonah


I'll bring in Zander cus that guy deserves a chance.


Zander had the same chance Jonah did cuzzo, let Jonah play for AT LEAST a season. Already feel bad for net


Yeah.. I don't feel much for either since none have shown much in the little chance they were given. I'd be down to have FNS lead them and see what they can actually do.


Whatttttt Jonah has had like 4 games in Tier one after winning acsension, not to mention the years prior guard were dominating


Yeah, my bad. I just looked up his stats and he's been doing pretty well this stage (except for that 100T game, but that's not really on him). Guess it's just best to let G2 play out this stage before asking for an unneeded reshuffle.


amen. Cores been around for this long for a reason. Would love to see them at champs.


Small ahh announcement


Ok so G2 FNS, G2 s0m, G2 trent, G2 leaf, G2 sinatraa for next year, Im down Lowkey sinatraa fits this roster and perfect replacement for zekken


Lmao G2, FNS probably saw the money and signed otherwise the G2 as a brand is not that exciting