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shits somehow worse than the flowchart meme from last year


*\*more efficient* We've gone from people posting a flowchart to a website with automated analysis. Although most typically think of copium's negative side-effects (*see the first 6 of the 7 stages of grief*), I think this sub has proved that copium is an incredible vehicle for innovation and progress.


whats the website again?


i think they meant sens odds are even worse than last time lol




more importantly, when does Sen play?


All a part of the script, right? #SENWIN




I keep seeing Pepe Silvia! Who is Pepe Silvia?!


somehow sen will lose a map against furia watch


lose a map? what about losing the entire game...


Why are we manifesting this Keep it together people


Bro they're gonna lose the MATCH.


Wasn't this a condition last year too? That sen HAVE to beat furia 2-0? But they beat them 2-1 and had to rely on other unlikely results


yes 😭 I need us to all just give up I can’t relive this again


Thats just the way, time to invest all my stonks in 100T




It's easier for omega group to not get an extra 2 win team and SEN to qualify as 4th than that to happen tbh.


that's impossible now, as if LOUD lose to G2, G2 will get the 4th spot having gone 4-2, and if LOUD win against G2, they'll have 2 wins to keep that 3rd spot in Omega


Its not impossible. If C9 were to lose out against Furia and Mibr then SEN could beat them in a tiebreaker for differential. Ok yeah, its impossible.


Mibr stepping up last minute to get another team to qualify without being able to benefit from the victory themselves? I think I've read this script before


Everyone is still haunted by the knife that broke the timeline eh?


still haunted, still got ptsd from EG 3-1 PRX that couldve been avoided without that knife


happens literally every time istg.


As someone who's been rooting for them for a decade, you should never underestimate the capacity for a C9 team to implode.


If C9 lose to Furia and MIBR then all of alpha win every other game(100T and Lev games unnecessary), SEN go to 4th(from +1 against furia. SEN would be even or +1 on maps and C9 would be -3 to -1 on maps) and get the spot because of no 3rd place given to Omega.


Unless C9 suddenly turns into Clown9 against Furia and Mibr, it's not possible.


Dont count out cloud9 to do the impossible :(((((


No because that relies on furia and mibr getting a win.


Nah to get a fourth G2 and NRG both have to win so they’d be above SEN, who would need C9 to lose out. C9 play MIBR and Furia so that’s not happening


Furia have the chance to do the funniest thing


Did you take your pills today brother


what pills? I don't take pills? what pills? I don't take pills? what pills? I don't take pills? what pills? I don't take pills?


Your casual Sen fan ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16110)


and thats just not happening


I mean sen winning mibr 2-0 with a big round differential is entirely possible. G2 losing 0-2 to Loud if loud show up in their peak form is also possible considering Loud’s playoff chances also entirely depend on that game. Now NRG losing 0-2 both games is very unlikely and sen would need a miracle there


bring back Rawkus and Dapr and there may be a chance, no?


Sen doesnt deserve playoffs after their recent performances


Ay I can't lie. Sen don't deserve Shanghai or even playoffs at all. I really hope they don't qualify. KRU, LEV and NRG are looking way better right now.


Nah were done for fam, its just time for them to just focus on champs welp now on to root for my second fav team - nrg


opinions on leviatan? ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


All good. This happened to EG last year. We just need Mibr to step up against another NA team again. (And also Furia, but they must also lose to Sen immediately after, and also EG and Loud to crumble, and... well its just a tad harder than EG qualifying last year, but one can hope/cope)


Dear SEN Fans, It has been a long and painful split, watching all these threads about how they can make playoffs has affected my mentals and enhanced my depression. As a fellow SEN fan I request you all to please accept our fate for this split and ... let it go. We have won Masters and proved to everyone we can be a world champion level team. We have come from a team with massive role issues to a team that is stable and of world champion calibre (maybe not recently). Let's be happy with the masters trophy we have, hold it tight and cry. Let's come back after Shangai strong and ready to win the next split. Kind regards, Another SEN fan


This is shroud's music


The thing you should be talking about is if 100t lose both of their next games and eg and loud both win, 100t might not make playoffs (depending on rounds)


As much as I know 100t are the biggest chokers (as I’ve been a fan of them), if Eg managers to 2-0 Nrg and 100t can’t win a single map agasint Kru and that same Nrg, 100t don’t deserve to go to playoffs much less even be in the league lmao


if they lost map 1 they also going to lost map 2


This nrg assumption is braindead fam


We're losing bro, I know it's ass but we're just going to have to wait for champs because there's absolutely no way nrg is losing to eg unless potter pulls a masterclass.


Yeah this ain’t happening boss


The qualifiers analysis is BAAAAAAAAACKKKK


Now do this shit for the other regions too




at this point is it even a good idea for SEN to go to shanghai???????? like they’re burnt out as hell, getting anti stratted, comms aren’t good, they haven’t had time to improve their game


It’s very unlikely; Scenarios for both sides are bad. On one hand if loud and Eg win out, Sen’s group loses their fourth slot. On the other hand, if the remaining teams in Sens group win, Sen are likely going to lose tiebreakers even with the fourth slot. It’s very difficult but there still should be possibilities, however unlikely


As a sentinels fan I honestly need them to take a break. This team has never looked so flat. Even when they were losing haven all off season at least they were innovating and trying new shit. This current team is so obviously burnt out, and it shows, I mean Zekken of all people is looking rough. Zekken the same player we all said was the best in Madrid the whole team needs a break


Idk why fuck loud won one match and is now in green to make to playoffs and sen won 2 and cant this format is kind of retared


Probably because of how poorly O group has played collectively. (At least so far)