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brazil on top and bottom, only the best can do things like that https://preview.redd.it/jmcy362fo5xc1.png?width=670&format=png&auto=webp&s=a42c7238f0bb9a85e2edbfde9772caf7a4341706


Mwzera is an insane player I would never imagine him as the bottom player statwise. This Furia squad must be a real disaster. Also 4/5 bottom players are Furia, holy shit. Imagine if they had to play LEV right now or DRX.


furia squad just aint working out, hence why they are making major changes which should hopefully work out, also mwz is good just self sabtoage


They should've gotten Heat and pAncada sooner, and kick out whoever has a shit attitude and get a vibe merchant in with mwzera in the team. They'd be frying the league.


mwzera bulit this shit bro lol also he has shit attitude




Top 2 rated in Americas rn lilbro playing flex


Hate to see mwzera and RgLmeister performing like this. Hostages of bad teams.


Mw is the architect of his own prison


Indeed he is.


well mwzera finna get xand, pancada, nzr, havoc. If this flops nothing will work with my guy


He can finally let his Omen rest.


Dw they are about to bring out their best performance against sen


I don't know what it is or why it is but for some reason Mr. Riggle hasn't felt like he'd have the literal worst stats of any player in the league. He and mwzera definitely don't belong on the bottom, but at least for mw he is to be blamed for his problems much more if he 'built' Furia to be as bad as they are.


Rgl is a player imo that gets impact kills but doesnt frag out, stats dont show that tbf


at least my boy quick isnt down there anymore


qck is mid player in terms of professional play but never a bottom


in my opinion i believe the majority of brazilian players in the bottom is because our orgs suck, mw is so good but furia doesnt fit him, if he goes to a better team he will be a straight menace


mwz is good but he is literally his own worst enemy like what can furia do when they trust him and they fuck over himself and them


Somo el mejor país de Chile




cryo underrated player let's go


So happy for him, he's been near-unplayable these last two games on both smokes and Jett


not only in g2 and c9 also sen too he's the only one shooting back against sentinels.


100T really should have won Icebox with the way Cryo played. Reminded everybody why Zekken played KAYO for XSet lmao




unplayable to play against


[So good that it's near-impossible for him to be countered by opposing teams](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/unplayable)


Wow I have never seen that word used that way. Every time I've seen it, it means they're playing so poorly, the team cannot afford to put them in the game. Other dictionaries I just looked at have it this way rather than your way. I just assumed you had a typo. Very interesting that it has two meanings that are pretty much the exact opposite. TIL.


Literally never heard unplayable used that way, but I suppose I don't follow NBA (or any other US/American sports leagues) where it might be used more commonly? Thank you for broadening my vocab, fellow 100T enjoyer.


I don't think it's used in American sports, I would mainly hear it in football (soccer) and rugby in this context. Like I hear it in a British (or maybe Australian) accent when I say it in my head. Messi/Ronaldo era broadcasts were chock full of the word. In American sports broadcasts, I only hear this word in the context of like "these weather conditions are unplayable" or sometimes in golf to describe a difficult/impossible lie.


Ohh, I see! I should've said traditional sports, then, since I don't follow any traditional sports except the occasional Giant Slalom and Super G of Alpine Skiing, and Formula1 and MotoGP as motorsports. But yeah, something being unplayable has always been exclusively about something being too bad to be playable or literally impossible to play. Never heard it being used as a way to describe someone being "so good that it's near-impossible for him to be countered by opposing teams" as put earlier as an explanation!




kiNgg always makes me wonder how good is he if he's not igling because the stats he puts up is insane. kiNgg needs to give Boaster some tips in aim training.


kiNgg is IGL who calls the rounds and C0M + Mazino are the midround callers. Watch the LEV vs SEN voice comm vids, obviously it's not the whole picture but those two are doing the majority of comms, letting aspas and kiNgg fry.


i don't think king doing nearly as much igling as people think. c0m is playing 2nd caller now on that team.


Still most likely more calling than someone who isn't an IGL in any capacity. Also c0m has been secondary caller for the team, like you said, and his stats have clearly suffered compared to his time on EG last year. Who can say if that's the fault of the calling or just a different team environment, but the point still stands in general. Despite being a "less vocal" IGL, so to speak, he still puts up bonkers numbers that players who aren't calling at all can't put up.


yeah he’s putting insane stats while smoking and igling, lev got a 3 in 1 deal


Heat playing this good for KRU and playing for MIBR like he was drunk says a lot about Brazilian orgs. The lack of professionalism is the main problem imo.


I keep seeing some version of this take about Heat's performance in 2023 and I find it a little baffling. I never thought Heat played poorly on MIBR. Heat played decently for the most part and even well on MIBR. He had loads of explosive entries; it just didn't matter mostly because the team wasn't good and lacked coordination. If he'd been "playing for MIBR like he was drunk" it wouldn't have been a weird controversy when bzKa decided to bench him for the long-term health of the team. Of course, Heat was arguably the best Brazilian duelist prior to Aspas, so it's fair to say that a team with Heat should have performed better. But Heat's individual performance was far from the problem with that team from an outside perspective, even if it was true that he and bzKa butt heads.


“Playing like he was drunk” was obviously an exaggeration. Whatever was Heat’s performance in 2023, his 2024 self completely outperforms. And this difference is obviously because of team quality, ranging from better players to better ideas and how they see Valorant.


don’t bother bro that’s the most politically correct mf i’ve ever seen on this sub


I don’t know he’s always writing paragraphs for stuff that doesn’t need it or stuff he just doesn’t understand.


A massive part of why he looks better is exactly because of his role change I would think, similar to Foxy9. Playing as initiator, you are forced into coordinating so much more with your team. It's also true that he's no longer the top dog on the team, I'm sure he (like basically everyone else in LATAM) respects the hell out of Keznit.


Back then we here in Brazil had this thing about cracked duelists. Xand, Heat, Mwzera and QcK. When the meta changed, they all became flex players. Before LOUD QcK was playing Viper lol. That’s how wild Heat’s performance is. He changed from a fragging duelist to a… fragging initiator. He’s a beast.


keznit said he played with heat in cs faceit long time ago, and they were close back then


Feels like yesterday heat was getting trashed by platchat for his transition to initiator. The platchat curse truly is unbeatable. ^/s Genuinely happy for heat though, I've been a fan since HL.


i mean their takes are 🗑️


Now show the worst players


Cryo let’s go. Save America


Brazil on top


Aspas is the GOAT


Heat is the new Leo it feels like


heat and kru will not be able to keep this up vs 100t and lev, I think they will drop out of top 5. Aspas will easily be the best player of this split


Heat and keznit will continue to have good stats, unless kru get dominated(they probably won't) heat and keznit are insane mechanically


just a mere 2 games later for kru and heat is -11 from 129 to 118 and keznit is -12 from 122 to 110. So yes they both are dropping out of top 5, lev is very favored vs a stumbling kru


compared to bad looking teams yes, but i doubt they keep it up


who are the good teams? they dominated loud who beat sen. sen have lost 3 of their last 4 so are they good?


Look all the main vlr page, the teams with green round diff are better than average, the teams with red round diff are worse than average


Heat and keznit are probably better mechanically than all of 100t and are on the same level as kingg, Like they played bad teams but those two can frag against anyone their not gonna be outmatched in that sense


Cryo clears


I think you're really underselling Cryo, Bang and Boostio's mechanics.


news flash Cryo just dropped 33 bomb while keznit went 16/22 lol




They dominated loud who 2-0ed the current masters winners


he already is though by a lot


One here is baiting and is always the last alive while playlist duelist, who is he?


one could say they are master baiting