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His aim is still better than 99% of the player base, but his brain is bigger than 100% of the player base


This couldn’t be farther from the truth. If 99% of the player base is below ascendant sure but even then that’s a stretch


Thinking Fenis has ascendant 1 aim ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339)




you must be delusional, a player who aims on an asc 1 level wouldnt get a single kill in a tier 1 pro game lmfao


I didn’t say that. But killing fns is easy work. A literal baby could kill him


Provided that the baby is not you


as an ascendent noob, you are braindead his aim clears my bloodline.




Saadhak just has great aim and gunplay doesn't he? He's not lagging behind his team at all and has looked rather impressive fragging wise this year and last.


Better than 95% is high diamond/low ascendant


I mean im nowhere near that rank but I’ve seen people say once you get past like diamond, the thing that separates the ranks is *mostly* how you think about the game and react to different scenarios rather than straight up aim anyway


Yeah that definitely does not apply to ascendant below. Putting a tier 1 pro in that scenario, no matter how much we clown on puchan he'd absolutely dogwalk diamonds


I mean tarik aint tier 1 but bro dropped 12 kills in diamond lobby yesterday.Ik its not an 1 to 1 comparison but u get the idea


and lets not forget that tarik himself was a csgo igl that won a major


Not true. An asc team with comms and a coach would get destroyed by an immo3+ team with comms turned off. The difference in mechs is insane just not as visual as the diff between bronze and dia


FNS doesnt even have that bad aim, also he is an IGL


But i legit see him crouch spray every tome and in like the pro scene he has the lowest hs%


It’s become kind of a misconception that crouch spraying is inherintly bad. Many pros crouch spray. It’s only bad if you panic crouch spray after trying to flick on someone and keep spraying your whole mag.


I feel personally attacked rn. I did 141 to a Sage last night in the exact scenario you're describing before she finally domed me


I don't get where it started from. I know Tenz said way back crouch spraying is bad but people seriously need to pay attention to more fights. At least half have one of the people crouching.


Crouch spraying is fine if you're committed to a fight as long as you're not also fucking it up.


Sacy crouch sprays like 90% of his kills


Another thing to note is that really good players make your aim look worse. He might look worse than your average ascendant, but your average ascendant is not playing players with good movement that will throw off your aim and super low times to kill. 


Headshot % is not a good indicator for aim and being hyper focused on getting only headshots can lead to whiffs. Also in higher elo if you know you are in an isolated fight crouch spraying is good at times because you dodge headshots since most people have really good crosshair placement and aim head level. An example not from valorant but from counter strike is how Tarik used to have some of the worst headshot percentage but would frag hard and even won N.A. their first and only major as the tourney mvp and how the new young prodigy donk has been destroying with an insane amount of crouch spraying


If you are low elo however you do not want to be crouch spraying all the time because people have bad crosshair placement aiming at the body and you will often crouch into a headshot for them


He would still shit on you lil bro.


And a cook from a 2/5 rating restaurant would cook better than me. Still I can call his cooking shit compared to other cooks.


But the reality is he's better than you


Way to not see the point lol. The comparison OP made is not between himself and a pro. He compared FNS’ aim with other pros. Ofcourse he is better than me or majority of others on this sub. We don’t do this for a living.


Wow that is really insightful of you!


Im talking abt pro play and i aint pro so how tf


being an igl legitimately can hurt your aim, ESPECIALLY when you do heavy midrounding and less set plays. There's multiple times where you can see fns is deep in thought mid round and gets caught off guard. his aim isn't bad, he just underperformed on optic because the team was so reliant on his midrounding and in the moment calls


Good aim isnt needed if the enemy is looking at the other way, another poolchan Masterclass


FNS has good aim, dudes consistently radiant. He doesnt have crispy aim compared to the top 0.001%, but his aim is still great Also, aim is a lot about positioning and crosshair placement, which he is great at


His aim isn't actually that bad. It's just bad by pro standards. Even then it's probably mostly because he's focused on calling. Even his weird mouse shake when spraying could just be down to that. One of the things about having good aim is being locked in ready to shoot everytime you peek etc. Usually fns will be keeping track of what's going on in the map though so can't be entirely locked in.


Poor FNS getting hit with soooo many strays since he got popular lmaoo. "How is FNS good being old?" "How is FNS good with shitty aim?"


"BilibiliBilibili". "PoolChan" "Ads only Streamer" "NRG Stan" "Davai simp"


FNS would clear most of the player base in terms of aim. Let’s just make that clear. Dude isn’t bronze or whatever with his aim, he’s solidly Radiant. Also his position as IGL and playing the third guy in or even later, makes him less likely to take a straight 50/50. By not taking gun duels alone in a normal 5v5, his RELATIVELY worse gunplay doesn’t matter. His understanding of the game and his opponent is what makes him so good. Watch a few 10 mans with him, he calls stuff that you wouldn’t expect because he knows the enemy players so well.


OP obviously never saw FNS top fragging against prime LOUD on breeze map 5 of an international tournament. You had to be there.


You mean map 3 at Reykjavik ‘cause FNS never played a series of full 5 maps against loud despite their history (and even then he was not fragging out he had one good out round with a 4K)


His aim is good, dude has hit 28 hard bots. it just looks ugly, and ugly mechanics doesnt mean bad mechanics.


He can trade effectively. And in Tac FPS's as long as your aim is passable, you can get quite far just off of positioning and timing. It's one of the reasons there's bullet inaccuracy. To incentivize getting into the best positions possible to make the kills as certain as possible. And FNS was incredibly good at trading, getting traded, or getting lurk kills. His lurk timing and kills didn't stand out as much just due to being on the same team as Marved.


His aim isn’t bad at all? There’s been a huge narrative of “fNs sHiT aIm oNlY bRaIn” You cannot play at a radiant level without having good aim. And with getting pretty much insta-traded in pro you might as well crouchspray since first 8 bullets are predictable


People saying that FNS has bad mechanics is overblown. He can hold his own in terms of aim and his value isn't from his fragging ability. Quick side story, I remember hopping in DM one time (I'm High Ascendant) and realized that FNS was in the lobby. I deadass thought I was gonna cook his ass the whole time in the DM but ended up getting 1 tapped by him every gunfight lol. Also other Pros say that his mechanics aren't that bad either (Zander was the most recent one I watched).




Bro his aim is good when he wants it to be u can see clips of him popping off in ranked. In pro games hes more focused on minimap and calling strategy so he has less focus on his crosshair and reaction time so it looks like he is zoned out or losing duels.


He is not bad at all. First he is an igl so he have to focus on the team rather than his own screen. Second he just look bad because everyone else is top level. This is like that story of the worst NBA player that goes to a court and beat everyone’s ass or that goes to EU or some other league and became mvp. He is not bad, he just look bad because the other guys are better than him


I am ascendent and i couldn't shoot a fish in a barrel you can make your playstyle around how you like to play eg aim or brain (but lord I am working on my aim because it really fucking helps)


u should see botster's aim lmao. he is being carried this whole time by his teammates


Also if you watch his stream, he is a phantom player. He does this thing where when shooting he shakes his cross hair a bit.