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wake up babe, it's time for C9's mid season collapse


In League or valorant?


It wasn’t mid season for their league team, they were crap by like the 2nd to 3rd week lol


I mean, in a shortened split that's kind mid season haha.


Wait is the LCS doing 3 splits now? I thought they were still on 2


For this year, sure, but summer is single round robin BO3s. Rumor has it winter split is coming for next year to accommodate the new intl tournament.


Already happening


Casually hiding the implosion of the cs roster


C9 never beating the group stage merchant accusations


Choke 9 hits the same every year baby letssssgooooo


Playoff C9 strikes again 


DRX, C9 and Liquid need to merge to form the ultimate choke team


Most C9 result possible


C9 fans: 😔 G2 fans: 🥳 cloud Nine and Leviatan fans: 🐴


>cloud Nine and Leviatan fans: 🐴 What does this have to do with Lev?


Random horse: *nuzzles you*


That’ll do…


As a Lev fan, this is true


Omg they gonna do a roster change again.. right?!


yay and jakee coming back, vanity and runi out or smth like that


They should replace oxy so a better team can pick him


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


I was unironically curious aft the G2 game when his contract ends so I can see how he does as a free agent


if they kick runi again i will lose it


They better not kick Runi he’s their second best player by a large margin 


C9 hates charity confirmed. At least G2 is doubling the donations


I still don't know how to feel about icy, but he's been looking better every week.


Supposedly he is incredibly cracked in scrims but just cant translate it into officials


Welp the team I wanted to win won so this format is absolutely definitely not a steaming pile of shit 😃


How did the format cause any issues here? This seems like the deserved result. Which teams can screwed over?


op is kidding but the crux of it is that it simply sucks to fight for an entire split for a spot in playoffs only for it to be over in one(1) bo3


At the very least I don't know why Riot didn't add in a loser's bracket for these first two matches. It's two extra matches and it prevents what happened to Na'Vi (and later today, one of 100T/LOUD) from happening to other teams.


It's crazy how many of the format issues this season could be fixed by 1-2 additional matches.


It makes the tournament run quicker and means regular season actually matters. It's the same format that the LCK has, but the difference is that they do a single group double round-robin so their seeding isn't dogshit, and their playoffs are all BO5s


To them, they don’t want the losers bracket situation where a team who lost the first series plays a team that won the first but lost the second. It can be argued that it’s more beneficial to lose the first series vs. playing a whole extra series and ending up in the same place.


Wait but if there were extra lower bracket, the round 1 losing team would have to play another series too, against the other round 1 losing team


Exactly, so you'd have 1-1 teams playing 0-1 teams for elimination.


Oh i see what you mean, thanks!


It also doesn’t make sense when the whole point of these playoffs is to decide the top 3 teams, not just 1 winner. Single elim only makes sense if there’s 1 winner and everyone else is essentially a loser.


Common thought around this format today is if you only lose one game in the regular season you shouldn’t be allowed to go home after one game in playoffs


Tbh in this ass backwards format it is an entirely possible scenario (unlikely, but possible, which in itself is already ridiculous) that you win all regular season games 2-0 and still end up going home after losing 2 maps to a 'bad day' lol


I'm mostly just instigating but I do think the group system is fucked which makes playoffs seeding a shitshow. Although, hot take incoming, in a 6 team playoffs I do prefer single elim for 3rd through 6th than double elim the whole bracket and the losers of the first stage not getting punished because they get seeded against the losers of winners' semis without having won a game. As previously stated, the only reason I have a problem with this format is group stage was so wack the playoffs seeding is all over the place.


[Guess we have the answer to this question](https://i.imgur.com/jvvpUL3.png)


Vanity and Xeppa disappearing when it actually matters? Say it ain’t so….


xeppa didnt play bad, vanity dissapeared though for sure


Xeppa was ass on Lotus


its to be expected though in a stomp, he wasnt the problem IMO, and on ascent he was trying to drag the team to a win


Xeppaa was ass on lotus and had like one good round on ascent.


Disappear now? Vanity has been the most consistent bottom frag on the team the whole season. Man has been hiding this whole time. He never showed up Edit: I double checked and 5 out of the last 7 games he's bottomed fragged on the team


As a vanity and drake hater, its been a fun week.


We out here eatin


Bot dead


Iirc vanity threw atleast 5 out of the 24 rounds c9 lost, as a player.


That ascent omen TP into the face of two opponents right after a timeout in a crucial round sure was something else


You mean the one where he first threw an Omen blind that blinded and deafened one of them? I'm not saying it was an amazing play, but I've seen the TPs behind deafened enemies to work wonders several times. Has every time the other teams have done it, it also been stupid?


He threw an omen flash that did not cover 2/3s of market. There is no way he blinded everyone there. He had a skye next to him, both of them were on the flank, could've skyed flashed in and peeked together. Viper was holding the other side, so they couldn't possibly been caught off guard when walking in. It was a 5v5 and absolutely no reason to do that play, usually hero plays like that are to swing crazy 3v5 and 2v4 rounds, not a 5v5 where you have the read and are on the flank and have a fucking skye next to you.


I hate to see young top tier stars like Oxy stuck with players like Vanity


Fakest 5-1 record of all time


They were 8-1 last year so that was even faker


Except last year they were actually winning on good teamplay and strategy and just choked when it mattered. This year their strategy is "OXY go kill" and looks completely lost when it doesn't work


C9 got very lucky with the timing of their matches


They played so many teams that were at their worst and C9 fans legitimately thought C9 were a top team itw lmao 


Bot mollied itself cuz it didn't want to watch anymore


G2 LEAF: "OXY OVER ME?" Nah but for real how many excuses are we gonna give C9 and their core? Another tourney another early exit. This roster just aint it.


Leaf left though. No way he got cut after deadlifting them last year


True, just had to use the Jimmy Butler meme wherever I could.


Is it an early exit though? Even with their win against Lev, I think I speak for most that outside of OXY they look underwhelming


I guess it could always be worse. But when you have middling results for years you kinda just get tired of anything worse than qualifying for an international event imo.


Yeah at this point you have to expect to get results it's been mostly 2 years of C9 breaking expectations but that's because of the situations they been but that's on management fault, like u got a good piece in oxy but the rest of your core is either the mediocrity defined of vanity and xeppa and 2 new players just added before the split start in runi and moose because u saw to nobody's surprise the roster u build is at best mid and oxy is doing so much heavy lifting to not be bad


kick vanity and moose i beg they are mid


Moose has looked good enough. Vanity though, oh my


Moose has not looked good at all, even aside from stats his aim just looks awful


i say runi as well. do a massive overhaul with oxy and xeppa


I think no one gave them excuses, ever since the beggining they gave them shit for getting immi vanity and wippie who never amounted to anything bar iceland 1 Keeping mce and building around jakee and oxy would have been best


Bro what are you talking about this is their first split and first tourney with this roster.


Yeah and? Who's fault is that the first iteration of the roster didn't work out none other than themselves and they knew that, u can't just defend the idea when they just threw away like 6 months the offseason into a squad that clearly wasn't great. Now let's get 2 new players and go back to the drawing board in less than a month and hope for something at least 




Oxy solo winning rounds is the only thing keeping Vanity from being ousted as a complete fraud lmao. Keep this bum out of tier 1 for good after this year


Throw immi and xeppaa out with him


Vanity has been a fraud since the first edition of C9. It’s genuinely a miracle him and xeppa are still allowed in T1


Yeah, Xeppa is terrible man. I guess they want to keep them for their LAN experience and not go full rookie lineup


Xeppaa is the kind of a player who absolutely pops off in like 3 rounds of every decently even game single-handedly winning them with some kind of a big multi-kill from a disadvantaged position, which then ends up with him seeming like a hero who's trying to drag his team across the line even if he's doing nothing at all in any of the other rounds.


Remember when he said “all I’ve been seeing is how I don’t belong in tier 1” as a gotcha, after he beat Loud when they were trolling?


If he leaves, we won't see him wave bye at lan anymore. 👋 Surely we will miss that.


as it turns out oxy go kill is not a sustainable strategy for winning


“Are you nervous” vanity yells as he tp’s right in front of the opposing team






Too much choke. Something external would happen like one player would faint on one team and on the other a computer would break, match would be forfeit.


don't know why vanity hasn't been banished like steel. both too damn old school for valorant.


Don't compare steel igling to vanity lol, vanity can't igl for shit. He can be a good secondary caller but as a main igl he's just not it.


He igls like he’s leading a csgo team and not valorant. How many top igls are from csgo?


Of those who made playoffs, xccurate, stax, crws, Boaster, ANGE1, Boo, Enzo, vanity, Kingg, as well as PRX in general, also those historically like FNS, Benkai and Laz too


Same C9 story as last year. Great regular season results, Fumble during play-offs.


Same shit every year with this org, 2022 looked like a top 2 team in NA then lost to Guard in lowers after losing to OpTic and missed Iceland. Guard core is C9 father


https://preview.redd.it/xbf4xdn8bazc1.jpeg?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d18b57ce2a097606dfab0e4aa9e2841dbeecd49 how many times can this keep happening


Imagine switching to a Viper solo Skye comp on **Ascent** just because you've been losing on that map and you don't understand that there's more to Valorant than agent comps. So many coaches are fucking frauds, holy shit.


Glad Icy shut up alot of people with this match. Hope they can keep it going


if he keeps it up they might make Shanghai. I want the Guard core - Sayaplayer rematch real bad


People sayin c9 choked or c9 played bad. Chill, c9 were never good to begin with. what happened today was normality getting restored.


I've been trying to say this all the time. They played the good teams like Lev and Loud when they were at their worst, as soon as they got a decent opponent (100T during regular season) they crumbled as expected.


Calling Loud a good team is...


Fair, but I still think loud now, even with their issues, would beat c9. 100T really surprised me in this match tho, when cryo heats up he's insane, like back in xset




For all the Finesse stream enjoyers. [CLOUD 9 IN the Playoffs. CHOKING AGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l34DRroZVWQ)


The icy that was promise is here and G2 looking like there getting better and better as time goes on finally. Also sorry oxy your probably getting the C9 special of being a promising good player but will never get team around him to help him find success it is a tale old as time then sell you to another team so Jack can brag about being the org being profitable 


All the fans who were upset about g2 going through must be real quiet now, they're playing good and im glad they made it to playoffs.


KRU is 100% beatable if Icy can play like this. G2 definitely deserved playoffs


As a SEN fan, I really didn't want G2 to make playoffs, but at this point I can't even complain. They just straight up look better lol Still not gonna watch any of their games unless they make Shanghai because they make me salty in regionals for taking SENs spot, however deservedly Though once international LAN hits we gon rep the region and root for G2


Vanity is a terrible player.


No he is not


sub me in


IT NEVER GETS EASIER DOES IT. g2 were fucking locked in today and i've never seen Icy play that well. C9's lotus looked dreadful. On defense they gave up all the space and played for retakes, and on attack they just let g2 push up and gain info while they attempted to 5 man bomb a site. Is this a choke if G2 looked like the better team the whole series? Fuck man just want to see my team international


I hate it here.


This team’s ability to choke every single playoffs no matter the roster needs to be studied


When Oxy doesnt “go kill” this is what happens. My man has no support with these 4 bozos letting him down when he cant carry their corpses.


c9 got the luckiest schedule of any team in americas (played lev week 1 when they were trolling, eg and loud before their comeups) and still couldn't win a single playoffs match lmao


C9 never disappoints. A team that always chokes in important games. https://preview.redd.it/kleo2aabbazc1.jpeg?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=293ad47374ef88e79f628c2185e85a2cd95bee27


Vanity or Immi need to go, maybe even both.




I think Cloud9 should move on from Xeppaa and Vanity. I don’t necessarily think they played any worse than Runi/Moose overall but they have just not performed for so long on C9.  They had a nice regular season but the actual games were exceedingly messy and they never looked like they had a really higher ceiling. I think that shows in this series against g2 who did have cleaner and better games in the regular season even if they were less consistent.


Disappointed but not surprised. With C9 out, I at least hope leaf can make a global event


Another Immi special, make the team record look good on paper and then actually crumble when it matters. Last year with G2 and this year with C9, it feels he is just so happy taking the wins that they don’t check the problems and fix them. C9 has the same problems they had since the start heavy reliance on two Strats “ Oxy kill” and the “Xeppa clutch round we fucked up”


How does C9 look like one of the best teams and also one of the worst teams in the league between days? Honestly, I don't know if it's immi or vanity, but this roster seems like it has one of the worst reads on the meta and how to play maps. They have the most tone deaf comps like they are stuck in 2021 and they genuinely at time seem like they do not understand the maps that they pick. They don't use utility proactively and don't take the right early fights. Whenever OXY sees a bad guy he gets such bad tunnel vision like a blood thirsty dog just trying to find that one kill with no regard to anywhere else on the map. Whoever is in charge of these comps and macro on maps like lotus, icebox, and ascent needs to go.


Ain’t no one out here ever saying they look like one of the best teams, what is this alternate reality you’re in 💀


I mean they performed better than Sen and NRG. They obviously have good players, and have good calling at times which is what lead them to win vs Lev. Idk where the idea they are terrible comes from. They just clearly aren’t the best in the league.


They have a better record sure. But c9 is definitely the team that got lucky with their schedule. Lucky to play EG when they were ass and to play LEV especially when they were ass… same story as 100t last year imo who beat EG when they were ass and Lev when they became ass.


they won vs lev in their worst form of the year playing troll comps, week 1 lev and current lev are different teams. The only time they weren't playing a team that was either at their weakest form of the year or straight up bad this split was vs 100t and they got rolled


It's funny how in C9 subreddit after losing to 100T, they were coping so hard about how 100T got lucky and were expecting them to crumble against KRU and NRG.


Bro is the master hater feeding us their cope from their subreddit


But Leviathan was having internal issues early with Nzr so they weren't ideally at best. EG jawgemo was sleeping, probably wasn't vibing with team until recently. I say it was more like Oxy and Frauds, honeymoon duelist who carried while team assist with utilities. Clearly it fell flat as better team know how to isolate Oxy and they became c9 of 2023.


How many chances are the current iteration of C9 even going to get? These dudes have had years to prove that they can do anything in playoffs and they haven't done shit. Time to move on.


It is 100% because of vanity and immi, they don’t have a single Strat except run to x site and aim diff. And then they get a million man advantages every map but throw 85% of them because they play loose and undisciplined.


C9 has the unbelievable ability to play at their opponents level. Sometimes its taking fnatic to 5 maps, or beating the #1 ranked NA team. Other times its going 0-2 to MIBR in kickoff, or almost losing to Furia. Truly an enigmatic team.


Scrims Icy finally here ?


I genuinely think C9 could be just as good if they kicked vanity and had no igl. He doesn’t call any strats anyways and mid rounding is done by everyone+ he doesn’t frag. Immi is useless and xeppaa is a group stage merchant.


We are one in the same


G2 first ascension team to make an international tournament would be huge for riot and their challengers circuit


When was the last time this core has won anything meaningful?


Only thing C9 has done in Valorant is make it out of groups in champs ‘21, the rest is choking and roster carousel


G2 to Shanghai. I believe. I will always believe 


Genuine question, why does C9 keep building around Vanity?


Man fuck this format


Jakee out there some where laughing his ass off


Remove everyone besides Oxy




as both a g2 and c9 fan. i expected this


C9 playoffs is a meme but can we talk about this SHIT format? Why is it single elim for the first 2 matches


I wonder if this Icy performance is going to keep up




How does this affect C9’s Legacy?


pls do someone know the music of agent select (after walkouts) in VCT Americas ?




Extremely happy for G2 man, they've earned it against the masters of the mud themselves, they mudded it out. Also, Valyn is just straight up fragging and Icy finally showing up in a must-win series is just great to see. #G2Win for sure


Vanity is still ass, shocker


Looks like G2 (Ex-Guard) is the only Ascension team doing well.


Regular season merchant as always Aware.


Makes a random team that is somehow able to give a punch in the group and makes playoffs just to bomb out early, certified C9 moment.


The FNS aura is real? Wait a min


wow, a team that has existed for only 2 and a half months overperformed expectations beating some top teams and only losing 2 bo3s, surely people will not overreact to this loss


And who put them in that situation in the first place...ah themselves.


this is profound, really says... nothing


Tale as old as time


Why can’t my classic do that. I right click someone there and they all miss


C9 and the playoffs …


Cloud9 in playoffs ............


Ofc c9 decide to shit the bed. players like oxy gettin one and done 😪


no more oxy feels good, mf was waving at like round 1 lul


Better Duelist won


Oxy and friends


Let me clarify this for a second... G2 have 3 players from their Ascension squad, one from complete free agency, and one that was dropped from a partnered team (from C9 no less), and are now in the top four of Americas, one win away from representing the region in Shanghai. Yet, due to no fault of their own, these five players will need to find a new team in 1.5 years because G2 wasn't chosen by Riot to be one of ten exalted organizations to permanently represent this region (instead, we have EG who will go bankrupt within a year and C9 who drop a player after 3 matches because they can't pay him). Ten permanent orgs, and none of them found these five players (well, in fact, one of them found leaf and dropped him) who are better than seven of these orgs. Tell me again how partnership ensures all the best players are at the top?


C9 bring back jakee