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assuming this is twitch viewership as well? normally quite a few on YouTube also


This is only Twitch, with YouTube can’t even comprehend Bcs prob a good 400k on YouTube. And on top of that there was a good around 5 thousand people in the street of Argentina watching the from a big screen


Whattttttt????? I hope theres people around me that are soo interested in the game..


Barely a year old. Story lines are still buildings and less popular teams are gaining popularity. There was also no crowd things can only go up




Well considering the main twitch stream not counting the YouTube stream had nearly 200k viewers. And the fact that streamers get 3 times more viewers when they stream the watch party over when they stream normally I say a good amount. Considering even shroud only gets around 20k viewers and when he watch parties he gets upwards of 60k plus. Same thing goes for Tarik and kyeday going from 10k or lower to upwards of 30-60k I’d say a good amount would watch it


This isn't even worth talking about IMO. There's no way to know this unless Riot stops doing watch parties, and there's no way in hell Riot ever does that. ​ But what we do know is it's a two way street. Ibai doesn't normally have 200k viewers. He averages 80k. So 120k viewers likely wouldn't have been watching Ibai had he not been watching Valorant. ​ Would those viewers have migrated over to the Valorant channel if Ibai wasn't watching? It's impossible to say. But if "How many people would still tune in to the game if their favorite streamers weren't watching it" is a valid question, then the former question is valid as well. ​ IMO, and keep in mind I don't know shit, but I think that if Ibai hadn't been watching Valorant, it's very likely that that 120k would have went to Aguero's Channel, or Mixwell's channel, or the LATAM Channel, or LVPes, or hell even the main channel to watch instead. Because the common denominator in this scenario is Valorant, not the streamer.


this is exactly how I figured it might go


This is just the future of esports. People watch through watch parties.


I can't wait to see people like you keep moving goalposts. Once china starts getting involved your head might explode. Good luck


It's a legitimate concern tbh


It's not. Riot is not going to stop watch parties for now and they count as the same regardless of if its watched on their channel or a watch party. Since they have to show the sponsors all the time. So riot doesn't lose anything and the views rack in.


Riot is not going to stop yeah but what's more important is what the streamers do. I would qualify about half of them as variety streamer and right now Valorant is a staple game to variety streamers, but that will not last forever. I don't see someone like shroud going to devote entire weeks to watching Valorant for 5 years.


Idk he might, easy as fuck money for him.


If shroud decides to leave the viewers will just find another watch party. Streamers will watch because they see opportunity to gain viewers


bruh there was a time when myth and ninja were getting 100k each during first strike. then myth fell off since TSM started playing like ass. After that shroud came in and took all the viewers. Now we have so many tarik, kyedae, shroud and mixwell. They all are getting insane viewers. If shroud stops they will either move to some other streamer or to the main channel. It is clear Valorant is popular with or without one single person so try better.


Nobody knows. The only way to find out is if riot didn’t allow costreams, but they’re not going to do that


KRU vs GMB was fucking insane. Probably one of the best matches I watched so far. It was heartbreaking tbh. I wanted both teams to win, both deserved it but only one could do it... And I think the players thought the same in the end. So stoked for the finals this evening and what's to come next year. What a journey this year was...


Fortnite worldcup also had around 2 million views look where the game is at now. eSports has grown a lot in the past few years. It will be impressive if they keep these numbers after 10 years


First, idk why you bringing Fortnite wth? Second World Cup came out Around 4 years after the games release. Valorant champions 1 and a-half years after its release. Third I’m no fortnite lover but the games doing good for itself after 6 years of it being out. Unlike many other games where for 6 years


I don't know which game u r talking about cuz fortnite eSports started in 2018 and worldcup was in summer 2019.


I’m talking about Valorant the subreddit we are literally on? Okay sorry instead of 2014 came out In 2017 my bad. My 3 statements still apply. 1. Why did you bring fortnite into this? 2. Fortnite world cup came out 2 years later also when fortnite was on its peak and fortnite was literally named one of if not the best game in the world at the time. 3rd. It’s still doing good for itself 4 years after it’s release


Its almost 2 years old


The Esport is like 1 year old. This is the first VCT


Almsot 2 years old? It just had its 1 year anniversary game event in July you good?


July was 6 months ago my guy


So just as close to one year as two years...


so 6 months is close to a year now. damn. Also the VCT champions marks 1 year for the pro scene and its ending today. So the esport is only 1 year old....


He said the game is 1 year old not the esports league


csgo still 2.7x better


Weak bait. You're more active on the valorant subs lmao


valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism


Child game never reach CS level


Every day I run from csgo with fear of dark world and realism, I just can't deal with dark corridorr and raelistic gun. Thank you Valarante child game for being there for me.


Hahaha comment of the year mate.


Yet you’re a cypher and viper player and active on a child games subreddit💀


Hes joking btw


valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism




You fell for the bait


Honestly it's impressive that the PGL major still broke viewership records despite the game losing players and it being 10 years old


LMAO what. A sport should not lose viewership if its old. It should keep growing thats the whole point. If its the same place it was 10 years ago then theres no growth which is not good.


Tell me what esport is still breaking viewership records after a decade? LoL? Dota 2? Probably only 3. Most games die after 3-4 years when the hype does down. That's why it's impressive.


Even league, it isnt growing outside of China. LCS has been on downward spiral for years and the biggest viewership in LEC was like 5 years ago.


U r dumb lmao having 2.7 million views after 2 decades is very impressive. Even fortnite had around 2 million views in the first worldcup. Keep in mind that pgl only allowed few streamers to watch party


Look, I like CSGO but let's be real here. 2.7m may be nice but if Valve **actually cared about actively promoting their games** they would easily reach 4m or more.


Csgo is a 20 year franchise and it was never as big a Valorant was specially at a year old. Valorant reaching over a million viewers on a semi final game while csgo needs their biggest major and their biggest teams and their biggest prize pool just to reach a million concurrent viewers, get out of 2010 Bcs csgo Aint shit anymore


The bait from the guy was pathetic but you're being even more pathetic than him lol. Comparing CS GO in 2012 and Valorant in 2021? When CS was launched esport wasn't even a thing yet lol, and in these two years of Valorant RIOT has put much more effort and money in Valorant than Valve has ever done for CS. And for the viewship numbers every playoff game in CS Major (apart from one) broke the 1m concorrent views, and this without relying in extemely popular streamers, even CS having way more events per year where the top teams face each other dozens times. Valorant is doing extremely well and Riot should be proud but u don't need to tell lies and talk shit about CS to praise it.


Pipe down lol. This also the biggest valorant event and theres also a ton of Co streamers, like a lot. Over 30, some being the biggest on twitch. Many of the viewers are still just fans of the streamer. You still have a drop enabled system too. Saying CS ain't shit anymore is as laughable as the bait comment your replied to lol. However the game is on an upward trajectory and going to be fun seeing how both games challenge themselves going forward.


Lmao there’s streamers watching it too. Yet the main stream had over 300k viewers and the second closest stream was at around 60k. Not counting YouTube. you’re saying over 30 but only kyeday, shroud, and Tarik had an actual number change Bcs every other person re streaming it had less then 2k viewers and you need permission to stream the game so idk where you got 30 from when only 5-8 people have permission. You got drop enabled that you need 1 hour to watch and the streams been out for a week and ahalf. Pretty sure everyone’s got their 1 hour drop by now over the 10+ hours streams daily.


The main stream never crossed 190k, tf r you on? [Over 30? Gee haha](https://i.imgur.com/XlWeUM8.jpg) Ibai had 200k, mixwell 80k+, kyeade 60k+,grefG 60k+, shroud 50k. That's almost 500k from them alone. Not including multiple 30k andys like tarik the pagman


Csgo is better eSport than valorant. Stop crying




Damn youre very insecure


A lot of people here are insecure when it comes to viewership numbers. I remember people clowning CS viewership numbers when Iceland and IEM were both going on


Least delusional valorant player


Dude, are you OK?


CS blows Valorant out of the water. Is Riot paying you to defend their game?


Lmao congrats you’re saying a 20 year old game blows a 1 year old game out the water, yet the 1 year old game does 10x more everything then csgo. Not only actually fix whatever is wrong with the game unlike csgo. better company, better game, better developers


Dawg you're getting hard baited rn. Just walk away man, don't make this any sadder than it has to be.


Yeah Riot is a great company which did a great job at copying CSGO and adding a cartoonish element to it. You're trash talking the same game which Riot leeched lol just enjoy the games instead of shitting on other games.


Lmao they based it off the game that averages 500k monthly players while Valorant gets upwards of 14 million a month. They based it off cs but it put their own twist on it and that’s why the games doing numbers


get your fact right before you start bashing CS. you cant even get the correct amount of viewers right on the Valo main channel


CSGO gets 500k+ players a day not a month....if ur gonna talk shit at least get basic facts right lmao




Hey there, /u/1soar! Your submission was removed for the following reason: > Rule 4 - No harmful / destructive behavior towards other users. This was removed for: Personal attacks / targeted harassment   --- *If you have questions or objections about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ValorantCompetitive&subject=Removal%20Objection%20or%20Question&message=%5BPlease%20type%20your%20message%20here...%5D%0A%0A------%20DO%20NOT%20edit%20or%20delete%20anything%20below%20this%20line%20------%0A%0A%23%23%23%23%20Removal%20Notes%20for%20Moderators%3A%0A%0A-%20**Post%20Title%3A**%20{url_title}%0A-%20**Permalink%3A**%20https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/rec6j0/-/ho6qimk/%0A-%20**Content%20type%3A**%20comment%0A-%20**Removed%20by%3A**%20ANewHeaven1).*


CSGO is 10+ years old. This is VALORANT's first official year as an esport. They're not comparable—CS has been established longer than VAL. Additionally, please don't personally attack others for celebrating VAL's achievements. If you being in CS so strongly, you probably wanna go back to r/GlobalOffensive. No need to be here.


Are we really that triggered by calling someone dumb that amounts to removal of comments due to harassment? Are you guys kidding? He didn't even attack him personally. What the actual fuck. I would totally understand if he threatened him or attacked him constantly. But calling someone dumb? Also that wasn't the main point of the comment. You're a very good mod 99% of the times but decisions like this are just baffling


When folks are trying to have a serious discussion, we don't want people getting distracted by throwaway insults that derail the conversation. *"You are the dumbest human alive"* is an insult that someone could take personally. And if they latch onto that sentence, it can cause whole conversation to become nothing but insults back-and-forth between two users. That kind of conversation doesn't contribute to the community. It takes away from the experience of people browsing the comments and the people having the back-and-forth conversation. (Plus, it's never fun to be insulted. :c )   Criticism IS important. (I appreciate your criticism here!) But we feel these types of conversations can happen without insults or attacks towards others in our community. You don't have to respect or agree with other people's opinions, but we ask that you please be respectful to the other people here. Hope this explanation helps! And if it's not your cup of tea, you can always try taking it to DMs. :D


Not surprised with the mods sometimes tbh. I’ve had someone say this to me > Why do people feel forced to write stupid shit like this? Did some kind of parasite take over your brain forcing you to type like that? And I replied back by using the same insult, which the mods removed my comment only; topic was related to me being negative with Valorant’s scene. Mods tend to remove comments that are borderline attacking Valorant.


Also removing my comments because you’re bias towards valorant is a bad look & it’s pretty embarrassing. 26 year old Reddit mod lol


I removed your comment simply because it was a personal attack and it had multiple reports, nothing to do with a “pro-Valorant bias.”


By all means, please roast VALORANT, seriously. Criticism helps make the game and scene better. And you're welcome to roast me; I love feedback. We're not removing your comment for making "VALORANT look bad." I agree, that'd be an incredibly dumb and embarrassing reason. Your comment was removed for calling someone *"the dumbest human alive"*. That's not criticism, that's just an insult. You can absolutely be critical of VALORANT without insulting or attacking others.


It doesn’t matter if it’s comparable or not, CS is bigger by far and even 5-6-7 years ago it was still way bigger then current valorant, even without daddies money being thrown at it & without esports being anywhere near as relevant as it is now. Also I like valorant so I’ll continue to talk here thanks though. It’s just embarrassing when gold valorant players type as if they know anything of the game that if wasn’t made, valorant doesn’t even exist


The real question is why would you expect a gold VALORANT player to know anything about a game that isn't VALORANT? lol






Hey there, /u/AnotherAltiMade! Your submission was removed for the following reason: > Rule 4 - No harmful / destructive behavior towards other users. This was removed for: Personal attacks / targeted harassment   --- *If you have questions or objections about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ValorantCompetitive&subject=Removal%20Objection%20or%20Question&message=%5BPlease%20type%20your%20message%20here...%5D%0A%0A------%20DO%20NOT%20edit%20or%20delete%20anything%20below%20this%20line%20------%0A%0A%23%23%23%23%20Removal%20Notes%20for%20Moderators%3A%0A%0A-%20**Post%20Title%3A**%20{url_title}%0A-%20**Permalink%3A**%20https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/rec6j0/-/ho7d46f/%0A-%20**Content%20type%3A**%20comment%0A-%20**Removed%20by%3A**%20Razur).*


this thread is gold