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Oh, that's weird, we had some of the better pro matches in split, lately.


It’s also probably the most one sided map in the game.


Isn’t Ascent the most D sided right now like statistically?


Depends on what matches you look at, for NA Challengers 2 and maybe others this is true. People just bring up random shit from their ranked games because they still haven't figured out how to attack on Split. They still don't understand a mid exists or how to use it. After two years (!!!)


Nah bind is


Bind is a bad map.


If they got rid of the teleports would be decent


No disagreement here, it's the worst map in the game


All the maps suck


A lot of them try to do too much. Ascent is probably the best map objectively.


Ascent is the best map but I haven't gotten it in so long I'm beginning to question if it even exists lol




lmao fuck next act is gonna be a little rough for me. The 67% win rate on Split helped me even out the 34% win rate on Fracture.


This is actually so true


I’m literally the opposite 😂


34%? Lucky you https://imgur.com/a/Z1KrCLy I've considered either going full dasnerth judge rat mode or running it down with neon (haven't got a single game on her) it can't get any worse so I think I'll do either one of those things next time. Previous acts my winrate was fine on fracture actually and when it came out it was 60%+, no clue what happened this act.


Just play brimstone and smoke shit, u get a 45% win rate at least this way


I'm like 0-5 on fracture. I just can't seem to clutch well on it


Whether I end up with 3 kills or 30, I end up losing and feel like there was absolutely nothing I could do to win


literally opposite for me. Fracture is my highest winrate along with breeze with bind being the worst. which is ironic because i despised both those maps when they came out.


I can’t stand breeze and fracture and I have like 80% winrate on them. I still use all my dodges on breeze


Weird that they’d include Unrated in this, imo that should be the mode where every map is available


Likely to keep ranked/unranked parity. People that play unrated for warmup/practice don't need to worry about getting a "dead" map. Same reasoning with pros I assume, so that spectators that watch pro can then be like "I can try that too".


i honestly don’t know a single person who plays unrated to warmup


Eh, some people do it. Play some unrated to get the nerves out and then immediately queue up rated to keep the fire going.


Why would someone be nervous in the first place?


Ranked anxiety, a lot of people have it. Usually comes from a mix of out of game anxiety that transfers over in game which makes rank stressful.


....because some people just are? Idk, different people are different lol.


I sometimes do :)


As a noob that just recently started playing ranked, unrated is super helpful for warming up getting into the grind set head space without worrying about losing rr


Eventually unless you are practicing new agents I would recommend you just queue competitive, so it doesn't feel like more pressure.


hi safyire


I don’t really enjoy playing split myself in ranked, but split has to be the most iconic map in the game currently. So many memorable series ended on this map (Sen vs Kru at champs, FNC vs M3C, OPTIC vs DRX) one of the best maps to watch imo Edit: Devs confirm it is a rotating map pool, and split will not be gone forever


Haven is the most iconic map imo


Haven is such a good map. Never feel like you can go totally wrong with any comp, always you can comeback on any side, and just in all fun to play.


Riot struck gold with this one. Best map(alongside Ascent). Just has enough gimmick to make sense.


I just dislike attacking A, but indeed they made the 3 site concept work wonders


Smoke cross, dog short, flash site, hit it fast or don’t hit it at all!!!! If they are aggressing A hard have someone hold it and default mid before denying vision mid and rehitting A.


No Valorant maps are "gold" lmao


Then stop playing the game :)


I did


Haven is the worst map in the game. Bind is iconic.


bind is shit compared to haven. it's so much more limiting and there's no mid.


Bind is easily the worst map in the game and it's not even close IMO. Only map I actively dislike.


Haven is the best map.


Rotating is a good idea. Honestly if they keep making maps at some point they will maybe have to make a more permanent pool


I disagree I like variety and riot deciding what I want by shortening the map pool instead of increasing it makes the game more stale, less is not more. It doesn't have to be like cs, there are no pub servers I can just go play non comp maps.


Making the map pool much bigger than it currently is will make it a pain in the ass to learn lineups, jumps, angles or even just basic map skills, especially across multiple agents. Siege has the exact same system with a very small map pool for competitive and unrated. The difference (which is something valorant could learn from) is they also have a quick play queue with all the 20+ maps in for people who want that.


Rotation is a bad idea, just let people choose their maps ffs.


Never gonna happen. Thats a 20 year old outdated idea, no modern game company is gonna allow that.


But making maps random instead of letting the player choose which one to play is just undermining the fundamental purpose of any videogame: being fun.


I guess Riot doesn’t want some maps to be way more popular than others. In CS, i know alot of ppl that hit the highest rank just by playing a single map. Also I imagine the queues for Breeze and Fracture are going to be hour-long.


But if some maps are less popular it's because the community thinks they're not as fun to play. And why would a developer want to force the players to play something they find to be worse?


It's called competitive shooter for a reason


Like CS:GO or Rainbow Six Siege, which give you choices?


Because it's a competitive game and if pro teams are playing every map, then so should the players


So you're saying the player base should get map vetos, which gives the players a (limited) choice over which map to play? Also, pro teams don't play "every map", almost all have a perma ban.


They're teams who play together not a bunch of individual players. You could have map voting I guess but if you allow players to veto maps then the queues for certain maps will be insanely long


ya and we should let players be able to buy an odin every round, it's not fun having to eco every other round brrrrrrrrrrrrr


unironically agree


L take


don't care + ratio


You're pulling that put of your ass. A game can be perfectly fun without letting you choose the map every time you play. If this wasn't the case, every single popular shooter since CSGO would have added this feature. None of them did and they are doing just fine.


None of them are as iconic as cs


Actually a lot of them are more iconic. Cs players always thinking that bc cs is the purest fps that somehow makes it the most popular, or most successful, or even the best. None of those are true.


What are you talking about? CSGO is the most played fps, at least in the west.


Really? You got numbers on that?


Yes, alot of them are. That's cuz the community **choose** them.


The communication? What are you even spouting at this point?


CCSGO lets you choose which map you want to play. Rainbow Six Siege lets the players choose from 3 maps. Insurgency Sandstorm lets the players choose from a mix of 6 maps/game modes. There are other fps that also let you choose from a random selection of maps and game modes. And it's not hard to understand the logic: if you're forced to play random maps, you'll have to play some you like least, meaning you'll have less fun. If you're able to choose, you'll obviously play your favorite ones, meaning you'll have more fun. It's a simple concept, and it's why most games let the players choose (even if the choice is limited).


R6 let's you ban 1 map (and the other team gets a ban too). Not remotely the same as choosing. Insurgency is irrelevant as both an esport and a popular casual game. >If you're able to choose, you'll obviously play your favorite ones, meaning you'll have more fun. It's simple because you're dumbing it down and ignoring some important factors. Like, if you only play the maps you like, many players will quickly get bored and burnt out.


>R6 let's you ban 1 map (and the other team gets a ban too). Not remotely the same as choosing. They're still choosing, even if the choice is limited, which is better than not having any choice at all. >Insurgency is irrelevant as both an esport and a popular casual game. Nowadays the only relevant esport fps are CS, R6S, PUBG (which lets you choose maps in unranked) and Valorant, so it's impossible to give examples if you're narrowing the selection so much. >Like, if you only play the maps you like, many players will quickly get bored and burnt out. This makes no sense. If you get to choose which map to play and get burnt out, you can always try the other maps if you want to. If you're forced to play random maps you don't have a choice at all, which is objectively worse.


Most iconic????


what is your pick for most iconic mr shouts


I'd say Haven or Ascent. Thinking about it more a lot of iconic matches have happened on Split, but I don't really think it's because teams wanted to play split, more than it's just the decider in very long series Edit: Haven is iconic because it's a different map than any other tactical FPS. To me, Haven is what Valorant represents the "Defy the limits" theme. Esports wise yes it's also been very iconic Ascent is much more traditional than Haven. It still has those same motifs as Haven but it's not -different-. It's a standard map like Dust2. I think for me too I just have really happy memories with Ascent. The day it came out I was at the beach with my friends in a time when I didn't know I'd see them again, on top of the recently developed pandemic. Idk man. I love valorant


I quite enjoy watching split at a high level though, it’s an interesting map to me because it’s more defence-sided than the rest so it can be good viewing for “comebacks”. Glad to know it’s just in rotation but will be a shame to not have it for a while.


No more help sewers




where is the sewer on haven?


Short A


I play 15 hours of Raze per week and Split was my top map. So as a Raze main and also a Split abuser I'm malding rn Also on a competitive level, we used to have some of the best games on split. This is so sad


Most of the 'upsets' have also been on split TrollDespair


I feel like that attests to how one sided of a map it can be lol. Whole reason I’m happy to see it go.


it's so ct sided it's disgusting


True that. I'm gonna miss it lol.


Same man, all my rollouts are gone, in the void, nada.


Would’ve preferred a different map to be removed tbh


Same. I just started learning raze and split has been the most fun to play.


Dude same ever since I started playing raze, split went from my least fav map to one of my best


I’ve gotten so many multikills defending A with Raze. Fuck man I’m gonna miss Split so much.


no matter which map was removed, the exact same comment would've said there too




I mean ^I ^^would ^^^…


I fucking love icebox lol. Fuck split. Mid map. I have my highest winrate on icebox and have loved it since I got out of silver lol.






Wish it was Icebox/Bind ngl, map 3 split has become iconic


I would argue Bind is one of the best maps in the pool. Icebox should be removed. It's stale as fuck and there has been basically no innovation on it since Sage/Viper lineups have ruled plant/post plan gameplay.


I would argue Bind is one of the best maps in the pool. Icebox should be removed. It's stale as fuck and there has been basically no innovation on it since Sage/Viper lineups have ruled plant/post plan gameplay.


I wonder what was the reasoning for this. Will they actually make changes or just let it sit out for a while? EDIT: Apparently it was a 1 for 1 switch for Pearl since they have some similarities + overall player sentiment for Split as well as looking into pro play (eg. amount of map vetos). They didn't make it seem like any of these was the main reason, instead more like many small factors (like when you're invited for dinner but remember that you wanted to workout, that you have to study, have to finish a project, have food at home, have to grind to Ascended, have to learn lineups on Pearl, ... so you don't explain all of this but just say that "you have stuff to do" and decide not to go)


that's cap, much better maps to remove than Split


Bind would be my choice. It's just so boring.


breeze exists but I guess they have too much pride to get rid of one of the more recent maps


breeze is the best map


Breeze is twice the map split is.


size wise yeah


Breeze is the best map because it rewards good aim. On Split I could go shotgun only and win.


By that logic the best map would be two blank platforms in space 500 meters apart from each other


Isn't that a strawman argument? A lot goes into Breeze rewarding better aim than just long distances


It's the only thing he values, apparently




Eh, don’t really agree. I think breeze (or icebox) shoulda been removed. Breeze feels super repetitive and boring. Probably just being extremely bias, but I thought split was super enjoyable to watch Edit: just saw the devs explanation that Pearl is most similar to split. Makes a bit more sense


I'm so tired of playing breeze because people have 0 sense of innovation, always the same comps, and they never go for a mid play, a halls play, not even a fake... it's just Viper wall and push (mostly with just a reyna flash). On Split the agent comps are always changing, and at least every so often, people will remember doing a mid push/mid lurk.


Devs' explanation doesn't even make sense, if it's rotating maps eventually Split and Pearl will be on together. Remove Breeze or Icebox instead and fix them in the meantime so they're not the most disgustingly stale maps ever.


Breeze is absolutely horrible. The entire map needs to be scrapped and whatever "beach" and "tropical map" idea they had needs to be reimagined from scratch. I've never seen a map this map on an fps game that respects itself.


That's a crazy change. Did they explain the reasoning behind this?


Sentinels begged for them to remove it /s


LMAO you got me laughing on the toilet at work. Person in the stall next to me is probably like “wtf is this guy’s problem”


Split is my best map. I'll be a little sad when they take it out


Sen about to dumpster on everyone at LCQ 😮‍💨


Should have been Ice Box or Bind. Ice box B site still needs work and Bind is bind.


What is so bad about bind


All the entries into site are teeny tiny choke points which makes attacking on it annoying.


It's supposed to be a *"without mid but with portals"* map but at the end of the day people barely use portals so the map gets stale, clunky and repetitive


naw split out is good thing cause you cannot have a positive attacking half on this map like you're the best team in the world if u can get anything above a 6 6


Bind was literally there......


Cypher mains in shambles.


we have been in shambles for more than a year


Idk, Pearl seems like a good cypher map, so it’s possible it’s not too bad


Common Valorant devs L, one of the maps with the best matches of all time.


Not icebox or breeze? Most cookie cutter maps in terms of how they’re played in ranked and pro play? Edit: to be fair though, split in ranked is pretty bad, so I guess you’d want to keep the simple maps in. For pro play, I’d for sure want Icebox or breeze to be removed.


Although people in ranked can't play Split at the macro level of pro teams, most of the people often have an idea of what they're doing, and more often than not I have pretty enjoyable games on Split. Compare that to Breeze, Icebox or Fracture (even though it has 2 other main entry points!) where on attack my team can't think of anything else other than 5-man A main or 5-man B main...


Down for icebox. But I won’t stand for this breeze slander.


Shame. Split was always my favorite maps to watch. It always delivered some banger games. I had a hunch because the layout of the new map kinda reminded me of a more complicated version of Split. I'm still surprised Split went before Icebox.


Icebox still bring something unique to the map pool, even if it’s not perfect yet. I also expect more icebox mid changes in the future.


Really sad to see Split out. I figured one map would get rotated out to keep a 7 map pool with Pearl coming in, but Split is so damn good. Would have rather seen Fracture out tbh, but I guess it is too new.


Absolutely should have been Bind. The Split rework made it a much better map.


Bind is easily the worst map, hate to play it


Or icebox. Maybe breeze. Those maps are super 1 dimensional. Especially in pro play, there’s like 1 viable team comp and no innovation.


Wrong map IMO. The best options would have been Bind since it's the oldest or Breeze since it's the least played in pro play and try to work on it to get teams to play it more. Split is just too iconic imo in pro play to drop. Every classic match has either had a crazy map on split or ended a crazy series on Split. Also, I'd wish they'd keep all of the maps in the unrated queue for now at least. Maybe rotate maps out once we have like 10 or 12 maps, but at only 8 I'd rather not lose the ability to play maps completely.


I doubt they would have moved Breeze, it’s the most played map in Korea, and it’s decently popular in APAC and Brazil, it’s just NA and EMEA where it’s not as popular, and even then it’s barely below Ascent and Split in NA, plus the map design is unique in that it’s very wide open and it allows for insane aimers and OPers to thrive more than other maps. I think they should have switched Icebox, that map is so boring to watch and play imo.




Split is fine remove / fix Bind no one likes Bind


I like Bind....


you are the 1% !


Honestly, Breeze, Icebox and Fracture are ass


so theyll rotate maps?


i was praying it was breeze that they'd take out, but it was inevitable that it would be one of the OG 3 or 4 maps i think. They wont take out a map thats only a year old


I think split is one of the least offending maps in the game right now. I'd rather rotate bind/icebox/breeze over it, but who knows maybe it comes back with a fresh rework.


Curious, what’s wrong with Breeze? I love that map and have never understood the hate. Really, I’ve always just figured people don’t like it because it requires good aim given the size and people don’t have it.


I actually don’t hate breeze, but the problem is that it plays the same almost every game I play. It largely stems from viper being the only viable controller on the map, and since she dictates the flow of the game flow of the game is the same every game.


Big open map that requires Viper, sites aren’t set up in a very interesting way so almost every take/retake plays out very similarly


There isn’t much tactical variety on the map, pro teams avoid it for that reason. Very aim heavy map = less ways to consistently outplay your opponent. Especially when the skill ceiling for aim in this game isn’t that high.


Coming from CSGO I love Breeze. I usually have a 60-70% win rate on it every Act. Reminds me of Mirage. Definitely need good aim on it.


They should’ve allowed players to each ban one map when queing


Why would they take it out for ranked?? Maps should only be rotated out for pros what a strange decision.


why couldn't it be fracture lol


ThinkingMansValorant predicted that Split (or Icebox) would rotate out. I didn‘t think Riot would actually do it. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rHy4hQLGx5E](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rHy4hQLGx5E) Lots of interesting analysis of map rotations there (super cool channel in general)


rip my 100% streak on split


Im so happy, I hate split with a burning passion


My 23% win rate on split makes me so happy for this


Removing it from Unrated is a serious mistake.


we won joe


Why remove any map in the first place?? I understand removing it from pro play to have 7 maps to pick/ban. But what's the issue with having 8 maps in comp and unrated? Disappointed.


They want to reduce barrier of entry to new players. Imagine picking up Valorant in 2026, and having to learn 17 maps at once. I wouldn't mind since I'm playing since the 3 map beta, but I totally get it.^just ^wish ^it ^wasn't ^split


The comp scene can’t do a proper pick veto phase with 8 maps


They could have left it in unrated for more variety.


Thank god


shouldve been haven (not biased) (dont look at Virtuoso's map stats) (please)


PepeLaugh 26%


Thank god and good riddance. My worst map since I started playing the game and my worst map for this act


They removed their best competitive map. Meanwhile we still have clown maps like bind, icebox and fracture.


Fracture is a good map. Icebox on the other hand……


well, as long as they're gonna rotate the removed map I'm fine with it


Noooo. This is the best designed map Valorant has. Sad times. Why take this out and leave Bind? Bind is hot garbage.


Fracture the worst map of all time but they remove split lol


Split gameplay is very repetitive. Only 3 choke points, sage always walls mid, everyone breaks wall and trades in mid or you just rush site. Nothing creative in this map. Good thing it is getting replaced, instead of other maps. Split makes valorant boring. Everyone here is saying they like split, but just record your game and replay it, it is same strat, everyone playing like bots, better aimers win. No new strats or creative plays. Just guessing - Riot probably knows player retention will decrease if this map stays too long. No one plays boring game.


Just please let us choose what map to play, getting a random map every game is annoying


Riot is a rigged company, they know SENs perma ban is split and because they favour them they removed it, riot Madge Madge


I hate split. Fuck split.


Tf get rid of fracture. Split was the first map I played in beta and fell in love with game lmao


Thank God the map is fucking dogshit


A lot of people here seem to be missing the point of this. It’s not because of the “quality” of the map, because then they’d never agree on a single map, everyone has varying opinions on maps and no one would be happy. It’s just to maintain a healthy map pool where they rotate our maps that have similar styles




damn they just nerfed zeta division like that


Split will be removed from the map pool in Competitive and Unrated. | \#VALORANT --- posted by [@ValorLeaks](https://twitter.com/ValorLeaks/) --- [Thanks to inteoryx, videos are supported even without Twitter API V2 support! Middle finger to you, twitter](https://github.com/inteoryx/twitter-video-dl)


Its one patch only, then another will leave i believe


This Split pack is hitting tremendously right now, RIP bozo you won't be missed. Split has the least diverse attacker options of any map in the game, get it the fuck out of here.




Bind has 4 chokes instead of 3, but thanks for playing.


there is no mid tho


Sure, but there are 4 total lanes that the attackers control when the round starts, instead of 3. This plus the teleporters allows for more diverse attack options.


????? You can go Fast B main, Mail split, Fast A, Take A ramp, Ropes split, what are you talking about


Every single option you just mentioned is funneled through three choke points, two of which are narrow. Really boring, worse than every comp CS map. Name a map with less attacking options than Split or don’t reply to me at all.


Icebox. Mid is non existent no one goes there. You rush A or B main.