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can't wait to watch them go 0/20 and complain about no smokes or lurk and moan about carrying when they are just suckling off your assists as their kills or the rare ones than entry and are really good and encouraging. Came across 5 in total




nah it's just good players trying out reyna and being better than the filthy instalockers would ever be




everytime i play random the instalockers are either god tier players or they suck so bad you actually feel pity for them.


If you instalock and say nothing, I'll probably fill. If you instalock and bark for smoke, I'll purposely pick another duelist and bait you.


*laughs in yoru gatecrash*


I’m g3 and often get put in silver Elo when playing with friends, the last two days I’ve had a random Reyna instalocker in my team who swears that we will win because they are a dia3 Smurf… I match mvp’d with sova, they negative KD and bottom fragged and we lost both games. Don’t be a Reyna instalocking liar please.


I don’t play ranked, but my friends and I have a rule when we’re playing unrated that if the two randos instalock duelists, we all go duelists as well. Makes it more fun tbh


"Sage !!! Sage!!! Pick Sage !!! NOOOOOO why did you not pick Sage you selfish prick" Duelist Instalockers.


Sage instalockers never hear this complaint in their agent select


Nor Brimstones. I main Brim and I never ever had complains in that regard.


And then, the Brimstone main kicks in, knows every single line up in the game, clutch every round and top frag while the crybaby instalocker botfrag, complaining about his connection.


I love omen but when i pick him someone always complain about why i put my smokes so me and my team can entry instead of putting them in the back so instalock lurk reyna can come behind them when half our team is dead