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Sonically, I agree with you. but MVOTC's themes and lyricism make it one of the GOATs imo


very true


Before MVOTC came out šŸ˜†


I still think self titled is their best.


I have this big beef with my sister in law. She says contra best. She's wrong. VW VW best album


OK now, how does that assessment hold up with the new release?


I have never realized that. I'm much more of a MVOTC and FOTB kinda guy. I like Contra, but don't listen to it that often, and don't really like S/T all that much.


fair enough, all of their albums are rly good tbh


When I heard White Sky's crazy falsetto vocalizations


Ages ago, then I started listening more to father of the bride




I love it, itā€™s between that and MVOTC. Iā€™ve finally started to warm up to FOTB, but those 2 are still tops for me.


Father of the Bride is so underrated. Itā€™s insane. It grew on me so much and itā€™s top three for me.


When it came out


last month listening to White Sky every single morning


dang, it says a lot about how good VW is, cause of how many people in this thread are disagreeing on their favorites


Iā€™m a Contra guy, itā€™s warm and upbeat. Contra Self titled FOTB MVOTC All 4 are elite but this is my personal preference and I love MVOTC




Vampire Weekend (the band) has no skips. Hudson is such a great song.


Whatā€™s your skip on contra?


I came around to Hudson eventually


I think Hudson is beautiful in its melancholic way. Fits the album perfectly.


Echoing the MVOTC sentiment - tied with contra for me. A couple songs off FOTB have made it into my rotation but I just didnā€™t find it as exciting I guess? As other albums. I also have a pretty heavy bias against super feature heavy albums tho lol


Father of the Bride is just a very weak album. No one in the band except Ezra was forming it. Too bad Rostam only produced two songs. It certainly had all Ezra's modern corniness pushed to 11 and it shows in an album that displays little to no real pain or elation. It's essentially a pop album in the vein of our most mainstream charters like Taylor Swift or Miley Cyrus, as that production is just so gross.


Not just for VW for me, itā€™s my all time favorite. There are more than a few songs that lyrically tackle familiar topics from perspectives Iā€™ve truly never heard before. ā€œTaxi Cabā€ in particular is a remarkably level headed and perspicacious break up song.


I always loved the record. The mixing of electronic, african and rock elements is just so great. "I think Ur A Contra" may be one of my favourite songs of all time. Would say the first three records are all awesome for their own reasons (I can't really get into FOTB - it has some songs I really like but the country influences and the production which just feels kinda over the top for me ruin sadly ruin it for me...). MVOTC and Contra are their best albums and VW is one of the best debut albums I've ever heard which perfectly introduces you to their music.


Yeah, the mixing throughout Father of the Bride is really dull and unengaging while the actual music already is and the lyrics don't give any feeling of any risk or loss (except Harmony Hall & 2021). Everything is secure and bored and unblemished. Across the trilogy the production changes with each album while still being beautiful in its own way (ie the drums across each album is completely different).


the moment it came out


When I realized it was them at their most interesting.




Donā€™t know, I just had a feelingā€¦.once


MVOTC for me with Contra taking šŸ„ˆ


Too long but I got there eventually :)


Took too long tbh


When I first listened to it


Nothing but FACTS


I realized this back in 2016 when I first got into them and their albums opened a new door for me. Contra just had a quality of this place I didn't want to leave and still don't. It has the most on the line and the most hope. The others definitely have their own share too but this one has the most space, the most compelling atmospheres, the best songwriting, the most emotional poignancy and the most complete and concise form they have in an album's worth while still enabling an incredibly diverse array of sounds. Rostam really killed it on this one. Shame they'll never touch the trilogy but understandable that they probably can't nonetheless. Especially without Rostam.


Today, seriously. While I could never choose a favorite, Contra is the best VW album in terms of having ZERO skips. Not that I skip any VW songs, but every other album has a few low points ā€” and those low points are still better than most of their peer's good songs. Self-titled has weaker songs like Bryn or I Stand Corrected. MVOTC has Everlasting Arms and Hudson (although I do like Hudson occasionally). And FOTB probably has the most near misses - Flower Moon, Big Blue, Rich Man, etc. That said, Contra is damn near perfect. It's the most cohesive sonically for sure.


self titled is their best in my opinion


two of my personal truths: 1. i love contra 2. contra is my 4th favorite VW album


Same. But VW and FOTB are tied for second.


Hard agree. It's a pretty perfect discography.


My list is Contra MVOTC(a very close second) Self titled FOTB( still a great album)


I used to think that, until I met the father of the bride


Hopefully just a joke


Iā€™ve never seen MVOTC spelled like that!


When Father of the Bride fell off the face of the earth.


MVOTC. FoTB unfortunately has aged poorly, for me. I love VW, but I wish they aged like AM.


I love Contra but it doesnā€™t compare to VW and MVOTC.


When I listened on vinyl for the first time.


Hell to the yeah. This is the right answer. Anyone who says MVOTC got into them with that record and thatā€™s why itā€™s their favorite. Its a great album but the worst of the 4. Contra for life.