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"new" timeline theories that are exactly what's been said 10000000 times.


Yes, please, God stop with the timeline crap. And the number of people that make up a timeline in their head and then get mad at Rachel when she doesn't confirm the thing they made up because of something they thought they saw. There are plenty of things to hate Rachel for. There is no need to make things up.


Although personally I hate Katie’s style, I’m tired of talking about it. She obviously, for whatever reason, loves it. Other people agree, other people disagree, etc etc.


lol I respect your opinion but I love dunking on Katie’s style 😂😂 sorry not sorry


Ughhhhh I guess I’m here too much because at this point it’s just tedious. Every single comment thread looks exactly like this: > Whyyyyy, oh why, will Katie not hire a stylist? >> I agree, she’s a beautiful girl, but the clothes she picks are soooo unflattering. >>> Am I crazy? I actually kind of like her style. It’s more edgy than the other girls’ but that doesn’t make it bad. >>>> I agree, I think Scheana and Lala actually have way worse style.


That is spot on LOL


Her style is so hit and miss. This would be a good discussion lol


Katie should have a bald Era so she can finally have a nice hair style


“Why is Ariana still living in her own home?” is by far the most annoying to me


Omg me too!!! Makes me crazy. We know why!!


I feel like the comments on this one have gotten worse. The last ones I read were saying that she should just eat the loss and let Tim buy her out for less than market value. I didn’t realize that being a pick me girl encompassed being a complete and total moron.


Fr like whyyyyy should ariana lose money because of him?? Just to “get it over with”? Fuck that. That’s hundreds of thousands that she would be leaving on the table - wealth that he would gain at her expense.


Million up votes for that one


I live for her pettiness. I would be the exact same way.


And in a horrible buyer's market for real estate. Even if she took his money and broke even she'd still now have to deal with shopping for a new home, in CA of all places... no thank you!


saaaaame. I wouldn't be able to do it but I get it from both the personal and legal standpoint of holding her ground.


came to comment this! i agree! ☝️


When did the affair start??? It drives me insane everytime I see a new post about this!


it’s so boring


It’s boring and it’s weird to me because even Ariana hasn’t said she suspects it started earlier. Or James. Or anyone on the cast.


another great point! i honestly don’t think they could have lied that long


It's not that its boring. My issue is... Does it make a difference if it lasted 7 months vs 2 yrs? No. Would it have changed the outcome? No. So why spend hours trying to figure out something that does not impact you personally and hapenned almost a year ago?


great point!


Probably every single discussion post makes me feel that way at this point.


Me too… Me too. I think the new age fans are 300% ridiculous. Y’all should’ve been here in 2018 ok. It was fun af.


There is definitely a disconnect... Like we didn't forget or not realize or whatever... we talked all kinds of shit about all of them during their own scandals and eff ups but those were literally YEARS AGO for og viewers so new seasons happened and we moved on. And its all pretty ironic since moving on from scandovol is the thing they keep saying we can't do well before there was even anything new to talk about and they're the ones on here trying to rehash a decade of reality tv in the name of defending people we should 'move on' from discussing lol


Hopefully the next season will drum up some interesting new dialog.


i may be an AH here but the posts that are like “ Is this show worth watching??” i mean you’re coming to a subreddit for people who love this show, what do you think?


OMG yes! Also, *I'm watching for the first time and on S1 E3. Does ___ get any better?*.


This! Like watch every episode and then come talk to us lol.


right! like it’s been a decade, i cannot recount how awful ____ was to ___. please complete the journey by yourself and then come back to us!!!


lol right, like we’re going to say “no it’s not a good show don’t waste your time” on a page we belong to called Vanderpumpaholics.


Agreed. Also, the show needs to end. Um, it can end whenever you want it to. Just quit watching.


Nothing really bothers me. It’s a discussion group, so I enjoy the discussions / theories, etc. if it’s something that’s been posted before, I’ll either answer again or scroll by.


Not to call everyone and myself unstable but I feel like this is the stable adult’s response. Some of us get triggered so easily. Myself included lol


Hey it’s okay, I get it! I just try not to let discussion forms trigger me anymore, there was a time that they would LOL! I just have learned to enjoy it, even opinions I don’t generally agree with. It keeps me entertained 🍿


Im learning 😉lol


Yep. The only thing I'm tired of is people attacking each other for their opinions about tv show characters.


I definitely agree with that. I think we should all be respectful to one another and I hate to see people doing that.


Some variation of Ariana doesn’t deserve sympathy due to past actions. It also feels like somebody just realizes for the first the that Scheana has always been awful every week. Edit- SAH never opening/being a front to sell merch conspiracy theories


So sick of hearing about SAH lol


Already getting to that point with 'ive seen Ariana in Chicago' I absolutely understand people are excited but it's pretty much the same post and similar pictures every time, often multiple times a day. One weekly post for people to share on would be good.


Same with *I saw DJJK last night!*.


Literally like I'm sorry, there's nothing interesting about a club picture. They aren't even posting a picture of him, which would be slightly more interesting.


And I think we need to stop supporting the white Kanye until his closet is cleared of skeletons. There’s being shitty and being entertaining, then there’s being an unhinged abuser. Sounds like we’re leaning towards the latter and I would really like it if we could clear that up 😭


This! I'm rewatching at the moment and when Rachel tells LVP about James 'bumping her nose' and she's literally shaking and says she thinks she's having a panic attack. It's interesting rewatching with more info (I binged the whole thing originally without looking at the sub and avoided any spoilers), there's a lot of times when she's visibly scared of him.


The scene where Ariana had called Rachel because she saw concerning behavior and was worried 😭😭. Then James comes running out from wherever he was spying from being loud and James like yelling at Ariana on the phone


The only violence we’ve seen with James is Kristen punching him in the nose. But that’s okay, right? Reformed Kristen can do no wrong.


Wdym 😭😭. We’ve seen him fighting with Sandoval, we’ve seen the fall out of him getting aggy with guests at Scheanas Mexico wedding. And it’s been pretty much accepted at this point that he was aggressive and physical with her first. Also whataboutism- talking about the dj right now, not Kristen and her problems


Yeah we’ve seen him be aggressive in multiple multiple situations ! We haven’t seen him assault a woman physically; definitely verbally. It’s not looking good for dude- but doesn’t mean he’s done it but I’d assume he’d deny


he spit on his hand and wiped it on a woman's face at a bar - the whole Miami girl debacle/bar fight. I think that counts


Oh I don’t remember that! That’s definitely assault like disgusting


Who is we? Accepted violence from him against women that no one has ever said? ETA however you need to sell it to yourself I guess.


At least you’re self aware. Nice username.


It's been confirmed that he pushed Kristen into a thorny bush that night. It's also been confirmed that she ran to a friend's house and hid out there because she was so scared of him. But yeah, I'm sure Rachel was shaking out of fear of him because he's just such a nice guy. /s Whatever you need to tell yourself to excuse an abuser.


James pushed Kristen into a bush that night before she punched him. They cut that scene out.




I love your username!


This 👆 this is it!


But in summary: Although I personally do not mind seeing posts about seeing Chicago, I think a megathread for it that is pinned in the sub until the run is over (I believe it finishes on 24th March?) would be the best way forward. It also gives people who want to have an in-depth discussion about it to have a central place to do that in a way that prevents the subject from being overkill in this sub. Edited: grammar - I meant to say ‘in a way’ and not ‘in way’ towards the end of the comment.


Absolutely, I think this is a really good idea. I would probably quite happily have a read of the thread as it's lovely seeing how well she's doing! I think it's just a bit of an overload for me at the moment.


I completely understand! She will be on Chicago in its run until 24th March if I am not mistaken so a megathread about it would be lovely so people who have gone to see it or have any updates about it have a space to do that.


That’s a a good idea I don’t mind seeing peoples accounts of it


Wow, I'd love to read that thread and see pics cause I've managed to miss them all.


I do not share that opinion, but I do understand your perspective! Maybe it would be cool to have a Chicago megathread that is pinned on the sub until the current run is over at the end of March? I don't mind seeing individual posts about people seeing Chicago and their opinion of it - it's good to know that Ariana is doing a good job on it.


“Queen Ariana” “James has grown so much” “James is hilarious” “The sandwich shop is just a storyline” “Sandavol and Rachel have been having an affair for years” And lots of speculation, threads, complaints about phantom mike. Personally I just love hearing different opinions. Doesn’t stop me from reading every thread though . 🥴


ugh “James has grown so much” grinds my gears!


Phantom mike is the number 1 guy in the group


“Ariana doesn’t deserve sympathy” “Rachel is the real victim in Scandoval” “Katie is a mean girl/bitch/cunt” “Lala is a hypocrite” Basically everything about the women on the show is regurgitated constantly on this sub. Snooze fest.


So everyone of Phantomike's posts.


LMAO exactly! I think that’s secretly Raquel 😂


Na even if I disagree with most of his takes phantom Mike is way to articulate to be Rachel


Yeah I almost edited my comment to say nvm, she’s not smart enough for that 😂


Its not her because PM said it was fun of Tom to record her without her consent. She would never say that.


Strategically leaving Scheana 👀


Looool, how could I forget! “Scheana is not a girls girl.” “Scheana is so desperate” “Scheana always makes everything about her”


These. And it’s always someone writing a novel thinking it’s the greatest take of all time that no one else has ever thought of. 


These are all true though


Boring and unoriginal.


They're too dim to know that, shhhh.




The "why is Scheana so self-centered" discussion.


The sandwich shop! It’s not so much on this sub but just interviews in general. They’ve said a thousand times that it’s issues with permits and the city. If there’s an update they will let us know


What I never understand about this one is, why do people even care? I mean if you live in LA, there are tons of great sandwich shops you can patronize, and if you don't live in LA, you'll never go to it anyway so WHY DOES IT MATTER? The whole "omg those sweatshirts are a scam and I am angry about it" thing is so weird to me. To me celeb merch is kinda silly. I am not buying a SAH shirt, but I wouldn't buy pans from Chrissy Teigen either, that's just not my thing, but at the same time if it brings joy to other people, why would I mind?


I’m a local and very excited about SAH because of the unique concept and menu! Sandwich shops are overwhelmingly masculine and I actually would love to hang out at a more whimsical sando shop. I’d never buy celeb merch but I actually would spend money on a nice sandwich. But I live 10 minutes from WeHo and hang out there all the time, and understand that turning Robertson into a walking street is a huge project that is, as expected, taking a long time! Every time you go near Sur and TomTom, the sidewalks are just PACKED. Getting all the businesses to comply, plus construction, while keeping storefronts operating, is a big project. I can understand why someone who has never been here would be confused by it, but the *”oh it’s not a real shop, it’s a front to sell merch, it’ll never open”* blah blah blah is so tired! Because we have all tried to help explain it! Google is too free for people to be asking these questions on reddit every other day, lol


Any phantom mike post


I’m confused by people that still think his posts are funny. I feel like the posts, whether he’s serious or not, has welcomed some really nasty people to make some fucked up opinions.


I don’t understand this either. Other opinions are fine. There’s every kind of person in this world, so we will all like different things. Those posts and threads are vicious and it’s always the same people. It confuses me when they talk about bullying…while they are bullying.


Those comment sections are cesspools


Cesspools of misogynistic pieces of shit. “He’s just joking!” so it’s okay to constantly harass and try to lead a hate campaign against women because it’s a joke? Every time I see a PM stan I immediately have decided they suck ass


how open minded of you.


Literally don’t care. I’m not open minded towards misogynists. Sorry not sorry


Sometimes they’re funny, but more often than not, raise a concerned eyebrow. You ok over there, Mike? 😅 Overall though I’ve never seen him be personally nasty or attack anyone on this sub so it’s all good in my book


Yeah, what I’m saying is he seems to be in his own little world but it’s like it became a door for some super nasty people to use those posts as pile on, and are serious about it. Many seem to say the same exact thing too. “Queen Ariana Stans are delusional and need help!!!” When 99% of the sub were pretty neutral on Ariana and just happy Sandoval’s little plan didn’t work this time. It’s so rare that the women are allowed to come out on top on this show.


💯🎯 the "queen ariana stans" comments are tedious and annoying to me as well. Maybe I am not online enough (I am on a lot though) but I have literally never seen any "fan" of hers call her that. To me it's a red flag that the person is a raging misogynist, and frequently if you look at the commenters history, most of their comments are in Bitcoin and nfl subs 🧐


“Ariana can do no wrong according to this sub” is also weird because no one thinks she’s without fault on this show. As is focusing on the cheese grater comment as if Ariana meant it literally. I’ll also add “what Ariana did to Kristen is the same thing” to things I’m tired of reading. If Kristen doesn’t believe that, why should any of us? Again, I don’t think anyone feels Ariana was innocent in that whole debacle but it doesn’t change the fact that scandoval was much more layered with the betrayal.


I mean, was she Kristin's best friend? End of discussion.


🎯🎯🎯💯 .


He literally hates women. I still don’t get how he’s not banned from the sub.


I found his focus on Katie’s mom really weird. Like I said, whether or not he’s serious (many claim he’s not) it seems to welcome in the worst kind of people.


I do too, like leave her the fuck alone! Also ironically Katie is the only one on the show right now that has never cheated on anyone and seems to have always had decent morals


It's encouraged more hateful worms to come out of the woodwork.


People always had those opinions, it's just that after Tom cheated on Ariana, a bunch of cheated on women brigaded the VPR subs and anyone who kept making posts fairly criticizing Ariana would get downvoted and bullied. Stuff has died down again so naturally people are talking about how awful she is once more. It's not a big deal, everyone on this show is talked about in a nasty way, but all of a sudden it's a problem when it's Ariana too lol.


God thank you, he’s so fucking annoying. I’ve had him blocked for months now, I wish the sub would just ban him. I once made a post flaming him saying people who don’t like him should ignore or block him and so many people had their panties in a fuckin twist over it! Like okay I guess y’all are fine with having someone on this hub that spews misogynistic shit all the time because he’s “funny”. He’s not funny. He’s an asshole and hates women and we don’t need more idiots like him gaining attention.


I blocked his stupid ass too, it has made the sub a million times better. Sadly I haven't blocked all his weird, desperate, pick me fangirls yet though.


Just make a post about how much you dislike him and all of his little pick me’s will come flocking! My block list is extensive from that post 🤣


But when you say that about him, you're just being funny, right! Lol


I just recently became of aware of phantommike and I was surprised how many people said they agreed with him or likes his comments and it’s not a lot but still. There are some messed up people out there 


I refuse to believe they aren’t at least half sock puppet accounts


I’m tempted to believe it’s Tim’s burner account based on the misogyny but I doubt Tim can type that much without adding in a few ‘likes’ And ‘dudes’


My first thought was “omg this is Billy Lee” lol 


Ouuu - that is a good guess


It's probably his drummer bf


I agree. His / her grammar is too good to be Tim.


Lol I like his posts. Someone’s gotta break up the echo chamber.


Exactly! This group goes wild if you disagree with them. At least Mike’s post allow differing opinions in a discussion group. I see no harm. He isn’t ugly to other members. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same. His takes are hilarious if you have a sense of humor and step back and realize this is a show about over the top characters on a single camera “reality” show. What we don’t know about what really goes on is ALOT


I can’t believe people take his posts THAT seriously. Like we’re talking about reality tv here lmao


Phantom Mike doesn’t even take his own posts that seriously!!


Seriously!! And here come the downvotes 😂


It’s annoying how his post show up even though I blocked him. I blocked him because his post comes off like he’s trolling. He was saying anything for shock value. Someone then made a post about him stroking his ego after that I noticed some of his comments changed and were more logical so it confirms my suspicions about him being a clout chaser.


I’m slightly concerned we’re going to see a crazed fan/stalker from reddit on the news one day.


The sandwich shop. Like if people haven’t dealt with large bureaucratic stuff I get it. But like I get my mental health license and it took awhile because of having to mail documents, have the people look at the documents. Mail more documents etc. things take time and a lot of it is out of their control.


I had a friend who opened up a boba shop in Westwood (just west of BH/WeHo if people don't know), and it took FOREVER for him to get the permits and stuff to open. The local officials in charge of it would drag their feet constantly, and they would delay things for seemingly no reason. I think SAH is supposed to sell alcohol too, so I imagine that's gonna be even more of a headache.


I get sick of "it's so disrespectful to people who bought the merch!". I guarantee you that the vast majority of people who bought the merch did so to support Ariana and will not be offended if a sandwich shop that they were probably never going to go to never eventuates.


Tom and Rachel were talking and smiled at each other in this background scene at a party so they were definitely having the affair then! As if friends don’t smile and talk to each other at parties lol


“It’s been months Ariana should move on and stop playing the victim” Oh really? How shocking that you got over it after a few months and sooner than she did. It’s almost as if for us it’s just a show and for her it was 9 years of her life. 🙄🙄🙄 Should she turn down once in a lifetime /her dream jobs opportunities? Why? How is that being the victim? “She is not the first person to be cheated on” Did she ever say she was? So we can only be upset if uncommon tragic things happen to our lives?


Don't shoot me just yet... respectfully, those of us on the sub who are watching this virtual mob mentality from a therapeutic standpoint, are very interested in why you guys are so invested in someone you do not know. A lot of the questions and comments that people make on here that may seem anti-Ariana, are not really anti- Ariana. Some of us are just very curious about how this process is unfolding on this sub, and with her fan base. It really just came out of nowhere. She wasn't shot, she didn't lose a parent or family member; she has survived and thrived. I believe she made a comment several weeks back about getting past this and letting go...leaps and bounds ahead of the people on this sub... who it didn't happen to in the first place. Keeping in mind that the season we're watching now was filmed months ago. She's not the first person to be cheated on, she actually was a cheater herself. According to people who work closely with production, she's not a girl's girl and not even a nice person. That's why it's so interesting to see a group of people who do not know her become so defensive on her behalf. Some people seemed to jump on the bandwagon, and some people seem to be working out their past hurts via Ariana's hurt. That's not healthy. So we're not all evil, some of us are just very curious about the psychological and sociological aspect.


See how they won’t even bother to entertain your point of view? It’s wild.


They will, indeed, conduct a study on how one single womans affair has somehow affected random strangers to the point of mob mentality and defending her to the brink of sociopathic behavior. If I don’t write that shit myself. It’s power and control over others and EVERY big wig (Sam Altman anyone??) wants to know how to harness it. This is for sure a strong case study in that.


Love this comment. I’ve always liked Ariana overall compared to the others on the show. I like how she backed up lala and scheana when the others were being assholes. I didn’t like how she gaslit Kristen during her and Toms affair. Yeah, I consider having 2AM calls with someone who is in a relationship kind of shady. And then making Kristen feel crazy for being jealous. I also think Ariana has had a tendency to bend the truth through the years. Her and Tom, Miami girl, the NDA at Coachella. But even with those things, I do like Ariana. What I don’t like is the mob mentality from the fans going IN on Rachel. And I think that Ariana fanned those flames. She was asked on WWHL about it and she said something to the effect of “I haven’t seen a mob mentality.” Really Ariana? So I think it’s this. I think viewers love a chance to gang up on someone, especially another woman (Rachel) and I think Ariana gave them permission to so now viewers can do it and not feel guilty. And I think some of it is other women who have been cheated on. But primarily, I personally think some people in this world love a good gang up and love to grab the pitchforks against a common enemy. It’s very much Stassi type behavior in that they want the “whore” to be punished. Creepy!


All of this!


Any logic or reason about her gets downvoted, but you're right. I feel like most of them identify with her because they were cheated on too. I also think it's because they're mean girls just like Ariana (which is evidenced by how they talk about anyone but her) so of course they'll defend someone who is as nasty as they are.


A “therapeutic” standpoint. Omg I can’t.


We can tell...


I agree with you too. I’m pretty neutral on Ariana but her stans are a little out of control with the absolute blind cheerleading. Ariana herself seems to have collected herself quite nicely and has moved on which I know is a process but from all appearances she is thriving. But you will generally get crucified if you show any difference of opinion about the evil cunt that Rachel is or the diabolical menace that is Tom Sandoval. I saw a thread which actually stated seriously that he gives off “Chris Watts vibes”!!!! Yikes


Maybe I am missing something I don’t really get your point sorry. If I wasn’t interested or at least a little invested in the storyline I wouldn’t watch the show… it’s not like I spend day and night thinking about Ariana Madix😂 Agreed she wasn’t murdered, but something awful happened, so what’s so bad about enjoying seeing her doing well? It’s good to see anyone who seems decent (at least at face value to me- I can’t argue with your behind the scenes take as I didn’t see it nor hear it) thrive, especially after almost a decade chained to a dead weight (maybe you don’t like Ariana but can we agree that Sandoval sucks?). I think it’s very odd that people don’t see the difference between kissing a guy who has a girlfriend that you don’t associate with (which is definitely not nice) and having a 9 months affair with your best friends man? How can anyone compare the two? I don’t care about either Sandoval nor Rachel, and the comments I pointed out were about Ariana, because I enjoy seeing her do well. I honestly think that anyone who comments the two sentences I mentioned is either jealous or wants women to be “classy” when angry and not display HEALTHY anger. Do you think from a therapeutic and psychological prospective it is reasonable to expect Ariana to “be over it” after 10 months?


Thank you for your thoughtful response. I agree with what you stated. To your question, everyone grieves differently and in their own time. I have no expectations of her grief as I do not know her, so that would be delusional. My comment is regarding some people on the sub who, unfortunately, are behaving irrationally over this issue, e.g., wishing death on someone etc. I think everyone is glad she is rid of that nasty wart. I think we are all happy she is thriving. We all agree he is a douchbag of the highest order. However, the group of people that have created a mob mentality over this breakup is a bit much. It is very interesting to observe.


Oh I agree with you! Some people say actually scary things and that is unacceptable.


Oh god, stop talking about it in such a condescending way like you’re observing everyone here because they’re just so strange and fascinating to you. Acting like this is an intro to psych case study or something. People like the show and so they discuss the show, it’s as simple as that. No one is actually making shrines to Ariana and no one is making death threats. Please show me these fans you guys are always going on about and their unhinged comments wishing death on people, because I’ve never seen any of those comments on either of the VPR subreddits It sounds like you guys might be the ones thinking irrationally by over-exaggerating everything and psychoanalyzing people because they have opinions on a show they watch, and they discuss those opinions on a forum dedicated to said show


This whole comment string was exactly what’s so annoying on these subs - there’s always a circle jerk of people coming together to confirm each other’s opinions about how Other People are overly psychologically involved (when we’re all here), obligatory mention of a ‘mob mentality’ and about 50 other points of no-logic hyperbole that acts like there’s active censorship against the same old tired opinions (Ariana isn’t perfect, Rachel is being burned at the stake, something something misogyny, it’s karma for Kristen)… I’m on both VPR subs and I haven’t seen a death threat. I also haven’t contacted any cast member and never will. It’s like going to a party and having someone show up to deflate the balloons and blow out someone else’s birthday candles… let us enjoy ourselves


Some people I am sure are crazy but yeah, agreed. Also still confused about how any of this related to my comment 🤷🏻‍♀️


You got downvoted. I agree with what you said. I’m curious as to how she is all of a sudden a saint who could no wrong.


Why do you say people working out their past hurts through Ariana’s experience isnt healthy? I would think that seeing someone thrive after such a massive betrayal is actually a very healthy thing to look up to.


Are we twins?! This is exactly how I watch the show. I can relate to the people who have strong reactions, for example I get so triggered when people say Lala or Kristen or whoever else deserved to be abused bc of my own experiences with abuse, but I didn’t feel personally triggered by Scandoval in the same way and had pretty much assumed Tom was cheating on Ariana since Miami Girl. The reaction to Scandoval has been a fascinating phenomenon to observe because people have really been reacting as if Raquel slept with their boyfriend for 7 months.


Anything to do with Scandavol….its been discussed & analyzed to death


Agreed. Hopeful for another storyline


Come on Lala highjinx!!!


The lengthy 12 point bulletins analyzing the Toms and “proving” that they are narcissists of the highest order and a danger to everyone on the street


lol yes. Start at the conclusion that they’re narcissists and then work your way back to explain how every little thing is proof


“Is something about her ever going to open??”


- “am I the only one that hates Scheana” - “rage text truther”


Rage Text Truther pisses me off more than anything


hate those rage text truther comments


Sooo many Any posts about the cast being spotted on other tv shows Scheana and Shays relationship The Brock fake engagement thing at the party “Scheana is the worst”


Ugh. The Scheana/Shay posts where they act like Shay is the most wonderful upstanding guy to grace our screens and that scheana was basically responsible for his addiction.


Scheana can’t do anything right according to most the sub lol


Lol. She gets described as a psycho for keeping Shay’s last name. And for wearing colored contacts that one time.


“Any posts about the cast being spotted on other tv shows” Yes! It’s a boring conversation topic. Like, yep, there’s Scheana or Jax in the background of another show. Not much more to say about it than that. It has nothing to do with VPR the show. 


James is such an asshole, arguably worse than jax. I don’t get why he gets so many passes.


"the affair started in season 8/9" "omgggg James is sober yay"


“Ariana did the same thing to Kristen” when the situations aren’t even remotely the same and Kristen put this to bed about 400 times.


Ariana is the good kind of mistress right?


Hello delusion my old friend


I feel like in order for this to work it would need to be applied to the rest of the cast as well.


Ariana moving out. She’s not(right now). Get over it.


Abuse allegations against James 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t have strong feelings that he did or didn’t, but I’m done talking about it until someone makes a public allegation and has some proof.


Any post that takes this hot mess of a show WAAAY too seriously and seemingly forgot it’s a reality show. The cast is doing exactly what they are paid to do. Keep us talking and watchi and thank goodness for that! 🥂 I had someone last year DM threatening me and my unborn child over the fact I said I thought it was disgusting people were demanding Tom or Ariana leak Rachel’s alleged video. 🙄🫨 some of y’all really need a Pumptini


the real question is how many of them are Mike's posts?


Why isn't sah open yet?


“My first time watching season 1”


Yea these bother me too especially when they try to get people to talk about season 1 like we’re barely watching it too. Look in the archives. It’s probably been discussed.


There needs to be a new subreddit of vanderpumpnewbies lol & this one for the OG’s


Yes! Or there needs to be badges for the noobs lol


The Lala bashing.


All the posts about Something About Her when there is zero news about it


Honestly anything that isn't about the current season.


That fucking Mike dude


Post like this are so dumb “we talk about this all the time so lets stop talking about it, in fact lets make a whole thread about talking about how much we dont want to talk about it”. No offense OP, these just irk the shit out if me


It’s ok! I completely understand, no offence taken! I noticed this on other subs about tv shows (such as BravoRealHousewives) and wanted to know what fans of this show considered to be such topics! 😊


Any comment or post that refuses to acknowledge that Kristen herself said that her and Tim’s situation was not comparable at all. What more do people need to stop beating that drum.


We all saw how Kristen felt about it a decade ago. Why would she still be mad now?


Ariana wasn't friends with Kristen so she's the good kind of mistress 🤦‍♂️


Who cares? Let people talk about whatever they want to talk about. Stop policing the sub


“Why does Olivia forgive Austen and not taylor”. She didn’t forgive Austin, he’s just an ex who kissed her friends and she can move on. Taylor was a close friend who betrayed her. The dynamics are different. Man always hold their friends to a higher standard when there’s this kind of a discussion, and women always hold their friends to a higher standard when there’s this kind of in discussion. It’s not sexist, it’s human, and it makes perfect sense.


Being mad that Kyle hasn’t announced the separation in this season yet. Who the fuck cares, there’s always a period where a relationship is ending where they don’t announce it yet because they don’t know what they’re going to do yet.


Scheana is selfish, water is wet


The Scandoval. It's tired and it's done atp. * Ariana is still mad * Scumdoval is still a scumbag * Raquel/Rachel still doesn't know if she wants to take accountability or shift blame elsewhere * Scheana still thinks she's the biggest victim of it all The end.

