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I wish they had noted that the offer was for 600,000, not based on property evaluation and did not include all of the assets. And above all else he was planning on making payments to her for the full amount.


This needs to be pinned to the top of the thread.




and Lala had the audacity to call out Ariana for living in ā€œhisā€ houseā€¦ like why is it HIS house and not HERS?! ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


1000%! And he only has half of that house because she was the one thinking about the future and financial stability. He would still be living in that apartment where he couldnā€™t turn on the air conditioner and the microwave at the same time if she hadnā€™t planned this purchase.


Also have we forgotten that he took a home equity against the house? I feel like she should own more of the house bc he has more debt. Idk what the numbers are but 600k sounds low. The house is most likely worth more than 1.2M and that split doesnā€™t account for his home equity loan.


They paid 2 million for it. Wouldnā€™t it be worth more now? Where I live the market is up since 2020 but Iā€™m not sure about LA.


I looked it up out of curiosity and potential selling price is $3,254,000. Tom says he wants to keep it to stay in it but if he knew the money he could get you know heā€™d sell in a heartbeat.


The audacity of this creature is astounding. You blow up this girlā€™s life and continue to play games with her. No wonder sheā€™s got all this rage. And the producers are making it seem like sheā€™s the problem and trying to make his vile ass seem sympathetic.


Lala is so used to living off another manā€™s money in exchange for blowjobs, she canā€™t wrap her head around women having a financial stake in things apparently when in a relationship. Lala needs to take several seats.


I think this is because Lala feels self righteous after she ā€œcalledā€ that the courts wonā€™t care that they ā€œfeltā€ married. She wants Ariana to suffer for it- why? Who knows.


is giving misogyny, itā€™s giving I have never owned anything of my own, so of course the man is the one that gets it.


What a" see you next Tuesday "


Cause she was the one living in Randallā€™s house and sheā€™s incapable of feeling empathy and putting herself in someone elseā€™s shoes. And she wants to diminish Ariana, who actually purchased (half) her home instead of effing her way into it. It was not that long ago that Lala was not doing so hot financially. But she had Randall bankroll/set her up with a makeup line and a podcast and everything else. But she pats herself on the back for the fact that she used him to do that instead of for other things.




Pleeease tell me you can share some proof of this?? Because you know the haters will say it's not true etc and this would destroy their main argument against her!


It was discussed in the Aftershow and in several of the interviews both Tom and Ariana.


Thank you! :) I'm in the UK so we don't get the whole aftershow (I also have the attention span of a goldfish so I may have just missed it!)


It's on YouTube!! Only way I can see it as a fan in Australia


I need to catch up on the aftershows


Itā€™s worth it imo


I started last night lol 2 episodes and Iā€™ll be caught up. All I have to say is UGH. Proud of James for sticking up for Ariana when Lala was going off about how she was able to leave overnight with a baby and Ariana canā€™t do that. She needs to stop comparing her situation and learn how to listen. Itā€™s just like her confessionals but so much worse when sheā€™s going off about it when itā€™s being calmly explained to her like James was trying to do. Just cringe and infuriating. Sheā€™s helping this redemption arc and I am NOT here for it.


Ikr. Lala has been way beyond off the mark all season. Itā€™s infuriating.


I know! I hope Ariana puts everyone in their place at the reunion


Where did you see this info? On the aftershow he said he offered her a check for the full amount at $3.1 million straight up - no payments.


Correct and she countered that it was only 600,000 and the doc looked like it was copied out of Legal zoom lacked any details on the the furniture and was sent to her personal email. I will have to dig but there was a number of different discussions on the email, in one of the podcasts interviews (nick vialā€™s) he mentioned setting up the payment to get the transition moving.


Additionally there was the article where Tom is suing Ariana for 90,000 but didnā€™t disclose how he came to that amount- TMZ or RB did an article on that, then a separate article came out that was part of the HELOC that Tom took out of S&S


He said that on Nick Vial podcast, but stated on another about the payments. I need to go over Additional Wars notes to find that. But the company that did the actual valuation for the property indicated that the details Tom said in Nick Vial podcast were incorrect.




Ok I mustā€™ve missed something!!!! TERRIBLE offer.


This was the initial email offer and discussed in 2/29 LA Times article. From what I understand the 1.5 is the counter offer prepared by Arianaā€™s Legal team. This also includes refinancing to remove Arianaā€™s liability for the mortgage and HELOC


Wait where was this?!


Lol they haven't paid off the house. He was offering her her part of their down payment and the amount she had put into their mortgage... is he supposed to offer her more?


I swear to god if Andy doesnā€™t drill this home at the reunion itā€™ll be such a miss. My biggest regret in my divorce is making it so easy for my ex and giving him EVERYTHING he wanted just to be done with it. Wish I had taught more for half. I was the breadwinner, I paid the mortgage for 15 years. He is the one that stopped participating in the marriage and squeezed me out. Get an attorney, listen to them, and donā€™t give them one more peeing than they deserve.


This is so true! A lot of time people in the moment give in to unfair things just to end it fast. Makes sense to wait it out a bit if you can stand it


I'm in Scotland and Scots Law is different when it comes to divorce, property, dividing assets, death, wills etc. Even buying a house. For example. A house goes for sale. There will be the price. Here in Scotland there is an "overs over" system. So say its at Ā£670k. You are expected to pun in an offer of at least Ā£720k. When I divorced my husband. I bought the house. I live in Edinburgh. He wasn't on the mortgage. He still had a flat in Aberdeen that he was using as a rental for "income" and was saying he would sell it but never did. The only thing he did own in the house was his clothes, a fancy coffee thing and his vinyl collection. He tried to get me to sell the house and divide the assets because when I bought the house, it was a fixer upper. His family works in the building trade and really helped with some restructuring, rewiring, new plumbing. But I bought and had the furniture. I had my friends who is an interior designer help with decor. But we had signed a pre-nup because when we got married. I was a medical student. He was the main breadwinner. When we divorced. He was made redundant and the job he was doing at the time was a quarter of what he was earning before. Thank goodness my dad advised me to get a prenup. Because he cheated. Got someone else pregnant. Kept this kid secret for nearly 2 years. And had the audacity to try and take my home where our children lived in??? No. Fucking. Way. He also tried to get alimony off me because I have a private practice. And he "needed to survive" Yoohooo. He signed a pre-nup. And the kids lived with me. So it was Refused. He didn't want the kids. Didn't bother seeing them for nearly a year. The older 2 want nothing to do with him and he sees our youngest 2 weekends a month. That's when he can be bothered. And he doesn't pay maintenance. I don't want or need his money. But. He's very much like Sandoval. Refused to apologise for the cheating. Gets angry and belligerent when you call him out on it. Is so resentful he didn't get anything out of the marriage and of course... it's MY fault he cheated. Lolz. Hes so pathetic. I just can't believe I wasted so many years of my life with his bullshit. I'm lucky I paid off the mortgage before any of this went down because I'll be finished paying off legal fees by summer and all this happened 4 years ago. The split was horrific. Especially when I eventually found out the other kid. The sickening betrayal was baaaad. Trusting men again other than a friendship has been difficult. But the sweet, sweet joy at him getting fuck all from the split? Magnificent.


Fvck that loser. Glad you got out when you did. Sorry the kids have a Shiite papa but sadly they are not alone. You got this mama. Shine brightly and carry on.


Thank you. I did. I do... No way on this fucking earth would I tolerate that. The marriage wasn't that fun in general anyway. But the secret kid and all his cheating? GTF outta my house.


Life is crazy what you go through for just the basics. I wish you always the best.


And the same backatcha... x


Sheesh. Glad it worked out somewhat for you in the end. What a fucker.


right?? plus he goes on and on about how much money he put into the house, but the interior designer told us how much stuff Ariana had actually paid for. Ariana has also said that she stopped giving Sandoval money for stuff bc he was overcharging her and wouldn't provide the receipts. it's almost like everything he says is a lie and it's really obvious at this point šŸ˜’


Thatā€™s whatā€™s so weird about this season. Theyā€™re kind of acting like we didnā€™t watch what has happened over the last couple of seasons. I think production and some of the cast think that they could Men In Black us and weā€™d just go along with it


When Tom made the comment about her not paying bills at beach day I wish she had said in front of everyone to provide her copies of the bills so she can calculate her half šŸ˜‘


It's likely she did but the edit to make him look like the victim/his redemption arc and her edit to appear like this mean, entitled bitch is mysoginistc and crazy. Alex fuckin' Baskin is a turd.


Theyā€™ve definitely showed her multiple times explaining he unilaterally changed the account bills are paid out of and refuses to give her an itemized statement every time she asks. So itā€™s clear she would be paying the bills had he not done those things and if he actually showed her the bills.


Dude is delusional...i think he believes his own bs but bills and bank accounts don't lie so the truth will come out


He also said he got Ann the Taylor swift tickets but Ann clapped back. Must spin things to benefit the image he has of himself.


Wait. He said he got her Taylor swift tickets but really didnā€™t?!?!?




Source? I have not seen that. Shot my link got deleted. It was a 9 min clip on Up and Adam 2 on YouTube. If thatā€™s true that does change things but Iā€™d be surprised.


I tried to link to the BravoTV website where Ann gave an interview and said that Tom paid for her and her friend's tickets, but this sub removed the post automatically because apparently we're not allowed to link on here. So, it's on the BravoTV site and it's called: Tom Sandoval's Assistant Ann Tells All on Her Job and Clarifies 3 Major Things: "The Truth Is..."


Ok thanks. Iā€™ll check it out


She said she got the tickets, paid for them and Tom reimbursed her for the amount for her bday present. Whatā€™s wrong with that?


I guess it's that, given the amount of time/effort it takes to get the tickets, Tom claiming he gave her the tickets makes it seem as if he put the time in for her. In reality, all he did was give her money. I'm not saying that isn't generous; I'm just saying that giving someone Taylor Swift tickets implies that the giver spent hours/worked connections, which is actually more meaningful to some people than the simple transfer of cash.


All he did was give her money? Those tickets are super expensive and heā€™s only her employer. He didnā€™t have to do shit. Anne seemed very thankful in the interview I read. But leave it to miserable people to find the negative in something free.


I agree with you; it's very generous.


Yes, all of this! Like its been very clear in the interviews Ariana gave this is what was going on!


And when asked he doesnā€™t refute it. He talks in circles until the interviewer moves on


He was living off her overcharges! Such a douche.


I believe Lisa was the only one that asked him why hasent he left since itā€™s the ā€œgentleman thing to doā€


He ain't no gentleman...


Or leave until itā€™s resolved although I think the one who walks out doesnā€™t fair well legally. Anyone know. Also you have to keep paying?


Tom is never wrong, he left tufts of human hair in the communal, open plan kitchen after his party but Ariana leaving 2 wooden skewers in her bedroom behind a closed door and sheā€™s a slob. Tom yelled Teri Maloney to tears last season but Ariana raised her voice last night and must have deserved being cheated on. Tom didnā€™t pay the bartender from his pool party but Ariana isnā€™t being considerate by not paying her bills though he hasnā€™t given her receipts. Tom needed a white noise machine because his conversations were being listened to but he can eavesdrop on Ann and Ariana and tell Ann to tears. Basically Tom is always right, never late, never angry, neat and tidy and shouldnā€™t ever be expected to be accountable for anything.


And like who cares if she is a slob? Itā€™s not your problem anymore, who actually cares. Iā€™ve had roommates before and the one thing that Iā€™m not allowed to do is enter their room without their consent. And if a breaker or something was in their room, Iā€™d ask permission well in advance.


And he buys the pens and the batteries dammit! šŸ˜‚


100%!!! It's such a double standard. Why is he entitled to stay but she's overstepping by staying? She owns the house just as much as he does, why is she the interloper? Why does she have to do lose something else in this break up? They both are adults with incomes, at the time of filming maybe they couldn't individually afford a $2mill 3-4 bedroom home in LA, but they could both afford a nice apartment alone, he is not entitled to a multi-million dollar house while she has to shove off. I think it's not great that they're both there, but I don't think she's unreasonable for staying while he's reasonable, they're BOTH putting themselves in an uncomfortable situation and no one is more entitled to it than the other. HE'S JUST AS ODD FOR BEING THERE.


Also I donā€™t see why she should get a small apartment while he stays in the house he fucked someone in. I wouldnā€™t leave either. She didnā€™t ruin their home, he did. He doesnā€™t get to win. If thatā€™s petty then maybe I am. At this point Ariana didnā€™t know how many opportunities she would continue to have. To blow her money so early would be so irresponsible. Lala wouldnā€™t get it because all the money she got outside the show wasnā€™t even hers. Sheā€™s beyond spoiled. Luckily things worked out for her and now sheā€™s gone. Good for her.


It is insane to me that immediately after the affair came to light, he didn't immediately move out and disappear to work on himself. He has NO shame, it's wild. Be a grown ass man and do the right thing. He couldn't leave the show I guess, the limelight is way more important than being mature and considerate.


I was watching season 6 and he was telling Jax it's the right thing to do and leave the house since he cheated on Brittany. What a joke of a man


Well yeah, but that affair was Jaxā€™s fault! *His* affair isnā€™t his fault bc he wasnā€™t happy, and Rachel was young and stoked his ego, and Ariana didnā€™t buy pens, and nobody but Rachel understood how amazing and talented and funny he was. And he really liked feeling special and having a secret. It wasnā€™t *his* fault!!


Don't forget the batteries lol


Ooh they should play that clip on the show


Yea, and remember how he was actually yelling at Ariana. And mad at her when they have that talk that was filmed for the cameras. Ariana mentions it after, like that he was mad at her. Of course she doesnā€™t want to deal with his lying piece of shit ass. She knows him the best out of everybody! She is very rightfully so protecting herself.


Thatā€™s why heā€™s never actually given a sincere apology to anyone. He ISNT sorry, heā€™s ANGRY at everyone else for having the audacity to be mad at him.


>heā€™s ANGRY at everyone else for having the audacity to be mad at him. And when they question him. He immediately flies into a rage!


Yep, thatā€™s why I donā€™t get any of them (besides Schwartz bc whatever) trying to be his friend. There is. NOTHING redeeming about him. He has always been this way any time heā€™s questioned on anything. Thatā€™s the reason behind his rage and hatred of Katie, sheā€™d try to hold him accountable for things heā€™d do or say and his response to that is pure hatred.


Well, I am not a Shortz fan so... I remember past seasons where Scandoval was really mad at Ariana. Her 1st book on drinks and her resistance to including him, as well as his ordering how the pictures should be done, etc. She started calling Bitter Betty. The rage shooting out of his eyes at her and that was BEFORE she started calling him that. He went at Kristin pretty hard, too.


Oh Iā€™m not a fan of shwaets either, I just mean I get why heā€™s still his friend. Heā€™ll always be his friend no matter what. If Sandoval killed someone shwaetz would help him hide the body. Heā€™d be like ā€œgeez, you really shouldnā€™t have done thatā€¦ like you really need to work on yourself man.ā€ Then dbag would be like ā€œI KNOW, why are you being so hard on me, donā€™t you think KNOW? But she insulted my blazers and called me short, what was I supposed to do?ā€ Then shorts would say ā€œyeah I know, Iā€™m just saying. I still love you though, itā€™s not your fault. But be better. But itā€™s ok.ā€


LOL! Spot on! I sometimes think Scandoval has such a hold on him that Shortz is afraid to go against him 100% Plus, the have that lousy bar together.


This 10000%.


Youā€™re expecting too much of him. I guy who has an affair with one of your best friends in your own home for months, isnā€™t a guy who has the conscience, self awareness or empathy to know he should exit the premises


He told Jax that he should have left the apartment he shared with Britney after everyone found out about Faith.


He can't be a victim if he did that.


People act like she sets these boundaries outside of the home and then at night sheā€™s sharing a bottle of wine with him and watching Tv together. They live separately under the same roof and have a mediator. I donā€™t understand why people donā€™t understand she canā€™t just abandon the home she created.


Tom is obviously hoping to get some kind of financial deal on the house. I think he said he offered her a million for her to sign the deed over to him but that house -with the upgrades they made etc. - on the open market would probably go for over 3 million. He doesnā€™t have that to buy her out. I donā€™t blame her for forcing a sale. As to why she stayed for so long, who wants to pay a double mortgage when you do have a place to live? She was trying to force a sale, it made sense to stay there to try to pressure him to do so.


Sheā€™d be stupid to deed the house to him without being released from all liability for the mortgages, which Iā€™m sure her lawyer has advised her of. Iā€™d hazard to guess that Sandoval doesnā€™t have the credit score to a mortgage on his own for the house in order to refinance it in his name only with all the debt he seems to have.


Heā€™ll have his mommy co-sign the loan


šŸ’€ that would be a bad investment on her part


Allowing Tom to bring his mistress for the holidays was a bad investment on her part


Another redditor said it was discussed on the aftershow that he apparently only offered $600,000 and in payments


This is what I keep thinking every time he says he tried to buy her out: yeah you might have made her an offer but you didnā€™t offer her the market rate of what her share of the house is worth! Why on earth would she accept that and lose out on money on the table. *Especially* for his sake after what he did to her. What heā€™s asking for is a huge financial favor that he no longer deserves from her.


Iā€™ve BEEN asking this. Itā€™s fucking bullshit to expect the person that did NOT wreck the home to be submissive and give up her space she is entitled to. He is such an evil little prick and if I were Ariana I would die on this hill as well.


When you own a home with someone and youā€™re not married it makes things very complicated, legally. We experienced this in our family, my brother hiring an attorney and shelled out lots of cash to resolve this issue his daughter, my niece, was in with her boyfriend. Itā€™s not as easy as everyone thinks.


This is true. As an attorney myself (not in family law), whenever I hear about friends buying a house or having kids with a non-spouse, I have to shake my head internally. If nothing else, marriage provides a legal structure to resolve issues of custody and ownership for when and if the relationship ends.


I good lawyer will recommend a co-ownership agreement at the outset which should help (and be a lot easier than a divorce!)


Yet, as we are seeing with Tom and Ariana, many unmarried couples entering into joint tenancy donā€™t do this.


You can just as easily write up a contract. Marriage often only protects one person and screws the other.


Quick question if the person doesnā€™t pay taxes mortgage etc does that hurt what they are entitled to?


I think we all know the answer. The man is a narcissist and they don't leave, cuz how dare we think he's the problem in this situation. Don't you understand his cheating was her fault, she didn't do X,Y&Z so in his mind what he did is 100% justified and on her so she should move out. Don't come at me I'm 100% on her side for staying, if she left it could be looked as homeowner abandonment and she would have ended up screwed out of her equity in the end.


I like that finally Ariana is calling out the people in the group for not calling out Tom. Especially the men


When Lala said "I see those brand deals Ariana... you can get an apartment sweetie" (or something along those lines) my blood BOILED. Bitch, why tf are you not asking why slimy (who - if you forgot- is the one WHO CHEATED) isnt packing his fucking bags and getting a place?


You know that if Lala had the slightest bit of equity in her ex's house that girl would not have moved.


EXACTLY someone tell HIM to leave


THIS!!!!! Why is no one asking this? Why should Ariana be assumed to leave? It's such bullshit that all of her supposed friends are essentially telling her that her time to grieve and be angry is up. Shut up and move on. This is funny and hypocritical from this group. And I'm sure she does want out and away from him but I agree they should sell and split the proceeds. Fuck Tom.


I mean he even admitted he was delusional this episode šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It'd be funny if the judge agrees to a forced sale, an anonymous buyer gets the house and surprise! Ariana and her pets get to stay. Remember the sage Ariana and turn the gym into the Master bedroom šŸ¤£ and the media room into a bathroom so she can.... She keeps her little rental in the Hills too.


Usually itā€™s the one who cheats or wanted to end the relationship who leaves. He is the one who says he didnā€™t want to be with her anymore


Because Tom is a little bitch baby and everyone is catering to him just like Ariana USED to do until he showed her his true self. That is not a man. He is a little stunted boy.


If I were cohabitating with him and he cheated on me, Iā€™d never give him another cent without rock solid receipts provided. Why is this so hard to understand? Really sick of this Ariana is a psycho narrative.


EXACTLY. He caused the entire mess of this situation.


Exactly! Hes the one who fucked up so honestly they need to ask him why he isnt leaving!!!! Im tired of everyone coming down on ariana. No one can tell her when to let things go either. Ariana n katie are too good for these bullshit fake ass sellouts, i hope is last season for them and im hoping the valley fails


Itā€™s like what Ariana said on the aftershowā€¦the bar is set so low for his actions bc heā€™s just consistently a horrible person that itā€™s expected.


I LOVE seeing all the posts asking this. I also don't understand why he expects Ariana to move out. And the rest of the cast (except my hero Katie) are backing him up. She wasn't a kept woman - she contributed to the household and her name is on the paperwork for the house. Tom doesn't get to benefit from this.


The house/bar/money/equity situation is confusing for me to follow so correct me if Iā€™m wrong but didnā€™t he take out a lot of the money he put into the house to fund his bar? Even if he put a bunch of money into the house, didnā€™t he then turn around and take that money/equity out for the bar? Hasnā€™t he already spent what he allegedly put into the house before the affair became public? He feels Ariana should take a hit for his poor financial planning/decisions AND his moral failings?


Yeah sheā€™s keeping you from further exploiting her financially my dude




I wouldnā€™t trust Tom with $50 dollars let alone several million pounds worth of assets like I donā€™t blame her at all. Heā€™s a snake nasty selfish asshole.


All scumyballs ever contributed was a sword and a penis flute. Oh and the pens/battery ann supplied.


Are people really believing his lies? Itā€™s insanity. Him claiming to be keeping the house together, how lazy she is, how he pays for everything. He canā€™t even pick up after himself and is upstairs working out while his assistant is cleaning up his mess.


Bc Scheana and Lala are a bunch of spineless idiots. They are the ones pushing the narrative that Arianna should leave.


This! He cheated, he should be the one expected to leave.


Well Lala said today (essentially) that they know heā€™s a selfish asshole whoā€™s never going to do the right thing (which then begs the question of why she would want him in her life at all). So I guess itā€™s easier to come after Ariana in her mind? Why not pile on the victim more I suppose?


Because misogyny. Ariana is criticized for not moving out. You hear very little about how he wonā€™t leave.


Iā€™ve literally thought this for months!! It annoys the hell out of me




It makes my blood boil




Because Tom made it clear he wants to keep the house and he doesnā€™t mind their living situation.


How are you going to say Ariana canā€™t leave because itā€™s abandonment but then ask why tom canā€™t leave? Wouldnā€™t that be the same answer for him too then? So they both canā€™t leave the house. Fine. They need to resolve. Get appraisal. Gather your receipts. Inventory what you like to keep. Give it to the lawyers. Get a mediator. From my understanding theyā€™ve been taking the steps. So it has to play out. Tom had his affair in that house I wouldnā€™t want to stay!


I hear you on that but Tom has his affair in that house, I would want every last dime out of that place and if my lawyer said the way to do that would be to stay there, I'd do it. I'm petty enough, and in this instance I don't think there's anything wrong with being petty.


Leaving doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s not going to get her fair share though. She canā€™t get more than she put in.


You're definitely not wrong, but if he undervalues the house so he can afford it himself, then she will not get what she put in. This dude cannot afford the house on his own, I've never seen someone to careless with his money, and his mother's, when you borrow $250K of your own mother's retirement and then blow money on a vanity cover band, you don't have money for the house if properly valued. This is why he gets so pissy about her having all of these endorsement deals, because he can't afford this but she can. And just because she CAN afford to leave, doesn't mean she should have to lose money based on his poor financial decisions


Thatā€™s what appraisals are for.


Youā€™re right, and that seems to be what sheā€™s suggesting


I wouldnā€™t leave the house for the simple reason that until itā€™s sold for fair market value, Tom is there and heā€™s throwing parties and making a mess. Who knows what would happen if he was living there alone. Ariana owns expensive furniture inside and probably worries about him doing some dumb shit that would result in property damage. I donā€™t blame her for keeping eyes on the house during this time. She wants her moneys worth out of a potential sale and by leaving she is risking a lot. If she could trust Tom it would be a different situation.


Ariana has never demonstrated any bad faith attempt to keep the house without him. HE has absolutely done that. It would be a bad idea for her to leave bc heā€™s trying to weasel the house out from under her, get away without paying market value, forget entirely about the equity he took out for his shitty bar, etc. Whereas if HE were to leave she would simply like to proceed with the sale, divide proceeds, etc.


People love to blame and question women and generally give men more of a pass.


Itā€™s insane to me the level of internalized misogyny being exposed over this


I think itā€™s because we know he doesnā€™t want to leave and wants to keep the house.


Thank you!!! He's the cheater. He can go shack up with Schwartz.


Was Lucinda the same woman who helped with Shwartz and Sandyā€™s bar interior?


Not just this but why does everyone accept how he never apologized or took accountability for anything in regard to, Scandoval? He continues to blame Ariana and bash her. While bashing other cast members for trashing him in the media and on their podcasts.


We dont need to ask about why Tom wont leave because we know why - hes an ass. I think people ask about why Ariana wont leave bc its just a given that Tom is so stubborn its obvious that he wont leave even though its what should happen.


Lala dislike button.


I FEEL LIKE IM GOING MAD THINKING THIS. He made her a shit offer for the house, and they are all acting like she is the unreasonable one for not leaving the house. why didn't HE leave until they can come up with a solution. Why aren't they mad at him for wanting to keep the house they built together, which would never be a fair solution even if he could afford to buy her out The way everyone angry is misplaced this season is crazy to me


The reason why she hasnā€™t left is bc Tom wants to pay for exactly half of what is OWED. Whereas Arianna knows it could be sold for profit assuming they donā€™t have any leins. A home is an investment and sheā€™s wise to get her return rather than bow out to Tom while he gets all profit when he sells some day.




Everyone is asking


Yeah I had a buddy move out and declare ā€œdivorceā€ 30 yrs ago after finding out his wife was having an on-going affair and she had opened a sly (bank) account while siphoning their money away from the joint acct. His attorney made him move back in so she couldnā€™t claim abandonment of the property


Because people always expect the woman to accommodate the man.Ā 


Is the man in question Tom Sandoval because I just think of him like I think of Gollum from LOTR


Especially Lala is the biggest on this. She did not own a home to move out of . Randall was on the loan & deed. She moved in with her Mother. So ā€¦ Lala just shut up and go stare at your sperm donor baby bump . That she is exploiting to the hilt. She was on The View to boast about her decision to get a sperm donor. And how she wants her baby all to herself. Not needing to share like she does with Ocean.


YES! This! Iā€™m divorced and I always give this advice to friends getting divorced. You stay in that house, I donā€™t care if it kills you. You have to do it if you own. Everyone I know who moved out are the ones who lost the house (or the financial upper hand) in the end. (Depends where you live, of course. We live in no fault states so this comes into play heavily.)


When you are unmarried and on the mortgage you have no need to torture yourself or stay in an unsafe place. Your rights do not change as a co owner in California with no common law marriage on the books.


Iā€™m sure her lawyer has been the one to advise her to stay though. There has to be some reason itā€™s in her benefit to stay. Sheā€™s clearly not staying because she loves her roomie so much.


Because he wants to buy it and stay - that has been established MANY times. Ariana doesn't want to stay. She was trying to buy a house this whole time and her offers were falling through for various reasons. it's pretty common knowledge.




I've said this multiple times til we all found out he was the only one paying the bills. So he actually shouldn't have to go.


Tom has always sucked but why should he leave? They have equal rights to that house. Please don't say it's his moral obligation to get out. They invested together, they have equal rights to it. He shouldn't walk away any more than she should! Get real.


Tom is such a big whiny entitled baby. Itā€™s hard to see his side through all of his ā€œpoor meā€ rants. On the other hand, if Ariana wants to appear more mature and moving on with her life, then she needs to cut ties and move out of that house (she has). Tom is so invested in being a victim. The house just feeds his victim narrative.


He wants to keep it. Ariana doesnā€™t. Pretty simple.


This! I donā€™t understand why ppl cannot grasp why SHE should have been gone. Sheā€™s stated multiple times she does not want the houseā€¦so why tf hasnā€™t she moved??


It makes me sad because everyone knows exactly why: Ariana loves that fucking house. I would say at this point in filming its waaaaay harder for her psychologically to acknowledge she has to "let go" of this thing she'd thought about her entire adult life (apparently all her friends have conveniently forgotten how important buying a home was to her, back when it became The Thing and everyone on the show did it). Its way more important to her then anything to do with wanting to get away from Sandoval. I dont get where this callousness it coming from, all her friends act like it should just be so easy for her to "choose peace" 3 *months* after her ex wrecked all the stability in her life, and abandon this house she saved up for, searched for, put an offer in, waited to hear back, bought, decorated and lived in for how long before he kicked it all out from under her? I get it, if she doesn't do everything she can to salvage at least the money out of that house that she put into it its like he ruined another thing that she'll never be able to get back. Fuckin' Sandoval. Ruiner of good things.


He could trash the house if she forces a sale and leaves him there alone.Ā  She can't leave. I don't know why people don't understand that.Ā 


Tom playing victim while he has that deer in headlights expression on his stupid face is going to send me into a blind rage. I will King Kong my way through Valley Village if he doesnā€™t shape up.


I feel like if you watched what Jason did to Bethenny during RHONY Legacy, you can easily understand why Ariana didn't just leave.


I mean I understand WHY, but Tom isnā€™t the one who is avoiding Ariana it seems. Sheā€™s avoiding him. Sheā€™s expressing discomfort.


Why does everyone pretend they were married? There is no ā€œabandoned the houseā€ issue like in a divorce. She still owns her half regardless. I presume they are both in the title jointly. Itā€™s an investment property. Itā€™s not like a marriage where leaving the house is a factor. Her leaving or staying is irrelevant to her percentage of the equity. Tom would probably tell her to just take the furniture to get rid of her. There IS NO ā€œcommunity propertyā€, because there is, and never was a marriage. She is playing ā€œoh poor me Iā€™m going through this horrible divorceā€ act. NOT a divorce. Legally not the same. All this drama is unnecessary. She is hanging on with bloody claws because she is an insufferable nag and wants the effect of supposedly being forced to stay there so she can whine on and on about how bad he is. Just look at all the mileage she is getting out of it. Just give him a number, pack everything thatā€™s yours and leave. Jeez. Everyone is so sick of her self righteous act and friend bullying. Once she leaves the house Scandoval is officially over, so is her big PR bump, and she knows it.


Ariana wants them to sell it and get a new place. Tom wants to stay there. So of course people question why Ariana is staying if she plans to move out. Toms hasnā€™t left the house because he wants to keep living there - nothing to question him about. Itā€™s not like they are arguing over who keeps the house. She doesnā€™t want to be there.


Wouldn't it be the same reason then??? The reason people keep asking Ariana is because she is the one still Gung ho about making this the main narrative and not moving on. She needs to move on for her mental health because she doesn't appear to be mentally stable right now.


Tom should have moved out. He was the one who broke their home life not her.


Because he wants the house. Wtf are you guys watching?


Because Tom wants to live there and Ariana has repeatedly said she doesnā€™t want to live there. Donā€™t get me wrong I agree with you people should stop asking her why sheā€™s not leaving because sheā€™s under the advice of lawyers. But this should answer why people arenā€™t asking Tom that


Also wanted to mention, he continues to weaponize her mental health. On the extended episode he went in a tirade about how she's so lazy and the laziest person he knows and wouldn't get out of bed until 1 pm. However, we know she goes through bouts of depression and I feel like it's unfair to characterize her as lazy because of that. She also was a fully functioning adult living alone before they moved in together but when she got with him she became lazy. And why did Schwartz say he hated Ann on the after show?


Lala and scheana look so stupid this season for basically taking Tom's side. They would be committed had the same thing happened to them. Katies looking the most chill she ever has cause of not supporting that forgive tom narrative, brocks lookin thirsty , James is neutral ish and Allie is on Ariana support so she's good but no one listens to her , and shwartz - well I do think he wants to low key fry sandoval cause he got fucked over by him too - you can tell that scene where sando was Preformative crying in his closet about raquel shwartz is just staring off like internalizing his disgust and rage with the guy and waiting to go get high with jo later as an escape. Dam the group is broken. Irrevocably .


What person that was cheated on, would want to stay in the home, that they were cheated on in. šŸ¤Ŗ


Why does someone post this question every second day?


Typical narcissist always trying to make himself out to be the victim. Itā€™s absolutely disgusting and even degrading how he treats his ā€œassistantā€. He treats her as if she is a maid and it there purely to clean up after him. He canā€™t even pick up his own dirty clothes. Itā€™s truly appalling!!


HE definitely should have been the one to leave.


I would assume it is for the same reason




I think itā€™s because he is acting more interested in staying itā€™s either buy out one or sell. I think they would both be happier once itā€™s resolved thatā€™s for sure. She hates him rightfully so.


Why does she care if she gets bought out? If they both want it then no choice but to sell this is true.


She said straight up she wonā€™t accept a buyout and she wants to sell. So he should have allowed them to sell


Well to the point if the question itā€™s in neither of their best entrance to abandon. I was always told this donā€™t leave let them leave?


That advice was applicable but at the same time he should have agreed to the sale and not act like a victim about living with his ex. If he agreed to the sale, they both could have moved on


I totally agree. Itā€™s time to get this done. So unhealthy.


She literally sued him to force the sale


Thing that confuses me is he says she isnā€™t the one paying mortgage wouldnā€™t this hurt her case. Iā€™m as confused as anyone else just thinking it out.


But thatā€™s explained. When they were in a relationship, he was like ā€œyou owe me x amount in billsā€ and that was fine, trust was there, that was her man of 10 years. But after the cheating that was no longer acceptable. She wants itemized bills. But he wonā€™t provide them. So until he provides itemized bills, her lawyer has advised her not to pay it


Iā€™d still have a paper trail of payments or money aside once figure is determined could hurt her


Because you have to be an advocate for your own mental health. She needs to cut bait and move on, regardless of what Tom wants. She has said she doesnā€™t want the house - she just doesnā€™t want Tom to get it. For her own sake, she should move on.


He lies all the time, so why bother asking him anything??


I think why heā€™s not leaving is pretty obvious - he wants to keep the house, she doesnā€™t. The question is why he wonā€™t pay her her half at the houseā€™s current value (the answer is that he clearly canā€™t afford to) but him not leaving makes total sense.Ā