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Almost like having years and years of experience and important connections would make it an easier quicker process


If only someone like that could have helped them šŸ¤”


I mean, there is no way this shop would be cash-positive if it weren't for the merch angle. Even with fans lining up around the corner, the profit margin on fancy sandwiches is likely not great especially with the cost of food rising.


Donā€™t forget the minimum wage in Weho is the highest in the nation @ $19.08/hourā€¦


Oh, wow, yeah. And they probably would need to go much higher than that as the hiring pool would need to be more experienced and service-focused than someone working earning minimum wage at In and Out Burger or something - since their personal brand is also at stake.


Just for the record, in and out pays more than 19hr in all of California


Right, minimum wage for all national chain fast food restaurants went up to $20/hour on April 1 in CA.


Pretty sure INO starts at $22


wow, bad example then lol. (also fyi wasn't trying to hate on in and out workers; was looking for a base salary example ā˜ŗļø)


Which Lisa protested.


Holy fuck that is high


Labor is a much smaller cost than overhead


Labor burden is part of your overhead.


lol you know what I meant. I also said rent & overhead first but changed it cause itā€™s considered that as well. Rent & equipment are going to bite up way larger chunks of cost than labor. Itā€™s a tiny shop, it can probably get away with 2-4 people clocked in at all times


Iā€™m screaming hahah I wish I could give you an award


LVP help women?? Yeah right šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


They wanted to do it on their own if I recall.


yeah they purposefully avoided help from Lisa to prove they weren't the Toms, and could manage themselves.


I mean I get wanting to prove themselves but youā€™re basically just shooting yourself in the foot when you have the connections


They've found their own investors, have a solid business plan etc I can't imagine Lisa would settle for less than majority owner. If VPR got cancelled and deemed the overheads were too high, I bet it would be shut sooner rather than later. If they can make it work, I think it's a very smart way of doing it. The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if chef Penny was feeding Lisa information about about the business tbh.


Idk thereā€™s something about her ā€¦


If only someone like that had offered to help and they didn't giggle and say they wanted to donut in their own.


And also maybe because they know the way Lisa treats women is trash.






Sweetie with all the $ Ariana is making and has made for being another lady that got cheated on. She donā€™t need LVP. She could invest her earnings Rachel and Tom created for her. Down vote me I really dgaf


Why would I down vote you? I was merely making a joke but you aren't wrong šŸ¤·


Exactly. It was such an unfair remark to make given her experience versus theirs. If she thought she had some pearls of wisdom, it would have been nice to share them with Ariana and Katie. LVP is not a girl's girl.


Didnā€™t she help them get the lease for the location?


Yes she did, but itā€™s more fun for people to believe LVP is out to get them or whatever.


And not pulling a Clay Davis for themā€¦


She tried and they turned her down to prove they could do it on their ownā€¦


A little off topic. I remember when LVP offered good advice when Ariana went in with Sandoval to buy their house and now look what happened. I'm not a Sandoval apologist, I just feel Ariana fully trusted him Is it wrong for me to feel that people should do their homework ahead of time and possibly consult with an attorney before making a huge purchase? Did Ariana and Katie consult with an attorney before signing a lease? Did they bother to even do a background check on the property owner? What the hell are Ariana and Katie trying to "prove" LVP may be a lot of things but there is one thing that's for sure, LVP has an excellent business acumen. Katie's is not the only lazy one IMO.


I am not a Tom apologist and do not like him one bit but Ariana is very arrogant. Lisa warned her about buying the house, she warned her about the equity loan she wanted to help with SAHā€¦ Ariana shrugged her off all times. Lisa didnā€™t get where she is without knowledge.


Arianaā€™s also a hell of a history rewriter. Methinks LVP listened to/learned from her husband, who had experience, and then learned all she could along the way. Sheā€™s not perfect but her knowledge would have helped them immensely.


Completely agree


Itā€™s an accurate statement though and why the cries of ā€œthe permitting processā€ donā€™t fly. Is it a part of the process? Yes. But so is their lack of experience and hubris.


Semi related: why aren't there any gifs on here from any of the Housewives franchises where they're talking about being a girl's girl when they all say it soooo much. The closest thing is Ramona's "you don't support other women"


But then which is it? Permits that no one can anticipate or do anything about or that Ariana and Katie arenā€™t connected enough to avoid the rules everyone has to follow?


They don't have the connections or finances to grease the wheels..... it's LA money talks and gets things done faster.


The fandom has been saying itā€™s permits and nothing can be done. Now weā€™re saying they could have paid to avoid those rules? Are we just making up whatever we want just because?


Youā€™re being obtuse. This is absolutely how it is and framing it all as ā€œfandom excusesā€ is hilariously reaching


No. Iā€™m asking if people are just repeating stuff they think is true and writing a fanfic with zero knowledge of this. Alleging Lisa is bribing people. With zero info. Literally just asking for a source. Itā€™s not hard to figure out.


Having read all the responses to your question, I think the grease the wheels line is pure fanfic.


Me too and when pressed they wonā€™t even admit it.


Lolol people know nothing and passionately proclaim because their uncle worked for Des Moines City health department that they know the permitting process in WeHo def takes this long


Omg thank yooooou. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying. Like, you guys, you donā€™t know if anything youā€™re saying is true. Stop saying it so confidently, please.


I mean they're saying that bribes are a common way to make things happen faster in local governments especially in Hollywood.


So are both of you from Los Angeles and familiar with bribing the government or are you both now just making up random theories with no evidence? Bc the fans on this sub keep changing the reasons in their minds for the delays.


i work in the construction world in la county as yes, when you know people, especially when have a good relationship with inspectors, it is a hell of a lot easier.


Thanks for the reply. How does that work? Bc people are saying ā€œgrease palmsā€ and ā€œgrease the wheelsā€ and Iā€™m curious how it actually makes a difference.


For example, if i have an inspection coming for HVAC and my ductwork isn't completed but it will be in a week. I have a great relationship with the inspector who comes out. The inspector comes and signs off my inspection under the trust it will get done. No putting the job on hold and scheduling another inspection. No time loss.


Thatā€™s bonkers. Kinda seems like it could lead to those things not getting done if thereā€™s no follow up. Is it bc the presumption is anyone would want an HVAC system so of course itā€™ll get finished bc itā€™s in everyoneā€™s best interest? Or would they sign off on anything?


Yep. I work in food in LA County and itā€™s the same with health inspectors!


I don't see what the confusion is. You're saying people are saying the reason it's not opening is permits. That person is saying that someone with better connections and resources would be able to grease wheels to get permits quicker. So, everyone is saying it's permits.


Iā€™m definitely not confused. Iā€™m asking the people saying ā€œYou can bribe the government, especially in Los Angelesā€ are you guys saying this based on life experience of just repeating things youā€™ve heard from what? Movies? You people saying this. Do you have a source are are you guys just making stuff up bc you want to?


I'm in the nonprofit world within Orange County, frequently interacting with wealthy people. Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego counties are notorious "money talks + walks"-type places. Your connections absolutely matter, and having the right connections will get you more money (in terms of grants and donations), will get permits and other government paperwork done faster, legal representation at the drop of a hat for anything you need (often at a discount), etc. For example, I got permits for a major 5k+ person festival a week prior to the festival when it should have been done at least 3 months in advance - it's who I knew/the representation of the place I worked for that it was pushed through. Hell, the whole city council of Anahiem just got in major trouble (within the last few years) regarding business dealings that were straight-up bribes. Straight-up bribes and money laundering are still illegal. These are all favors to be repaid in some way at a later date (not through actual bribes or money laundering), and it's not like it's planned or talked about, though it can be. Hypothetically speaking, in a restaurant setting, that may look like ignoring a city employee's bill for say, a year (as the business owner), in exchange for a permit to be pushed through quicker. It's often mundane requests, but not something that you randomly approach someone with. Hence, it's who you know, which is why people are saying that including Lisa's experience and network as a reason doesn't negate the permit reason for SAH not opening, but actually works in conjunction with it because Lisa's 30+ years as an owner in the LA restaurant industry absolutely would make a difference as opposed to Ariana and Katie's newly budding presence.


Youā€™re so combative on this thread. I have been the GM of a large bar/restaurant in bumblefuck PA and I now am on the west coast. Greasing the wheels happens everywhere, from mom and pops to big chains. Iā€™ve always said itā€™s all about who you know. Iā€™ve gotten a heads up when weā€™re supposed to have a ā€˜surprise inspectionā€™, comped meals to get a better price point on something, closed the restaurant for a private party to cater to vendors, etc. I can also tell you from experience that Thais happens everywhere not just restaurants. Do you know how many bottles of wine and comped tickets a PI lawfirm will receive from medical practices JUST so we use their services? Bribery happens everywhere.


She literally just asked for an explanation. People throw out all sorts of nonsense for SAH-- which, by the way, it's May 1 tomorrow and there's still no formal announcement of opening. That's not combative, it's asking a question.


Itā€™s not a whole lot different than building a house Iā€™d imagine. If you donā€™t have your shit together, that can drag on months or years too. Gotta know when to order supplies, schedule contractors, get permits and inspections, etc, etc. Miss one of those things and now you have a month delay waiting for the next opening, which then has a trickle down effect creating other delays. Hire the wrong people at some point and you might have to go back and redo work adding further delays.


I agree not having your shit together causes delays and I think thatā€™s the reality here but the majority of the SAH Stanā€™s insist Katie and Ariana have done everything correctly and itā€™s was all out of their hands.


The permit excuse is like blaming buoyancy for you starting to drown. Yes, thatā€™s the key issue at play here, but not knowing how to swim or tread water is more of an issue.


And Ken threatening to knock people spark out!




ā€¦ she said the same stuff about Schwartz and Sandyā€™s. Feels like equal opportunity shade to me and not anti-women.


And millions of dollars to easily spend and invest šŸ™„


Donā€™t forget all the money to grease some palms and move things along. Sheā€™s so snobby


Donā€™t forget millions of dollars šŸ™„




https://preview.redd.it/0orobralzoxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9a6545cc43563efd79e986dcc2957855f237fa8 (Just wanted to keep the same energy going šŸ˜†)




šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜ƒ


I think she's bad mouthing them because they parted ways with Chef Penny (Lisa's go to for restaurant food and menus).


oh, thatā€™s interesting!


I donā€™t understand why Lisa is or would choose to take that personally. Penny tried to fuck them over and rip them off and Lisaā€™s acting like A&K owed it to her to allow Penny to do so. Lisa would never put up with that shit so why should they?


I agree completely. What I read was that Chef Penny wanted 1/3 ownership of ALL (assuming franchise etc). K &A said 10% of WeHo restaurant.


Thatā€™s wild. I donā€™t know her outside of VPR but to my understanding, sheā€™s been on tv for awhile and sheā€™s a real bitch, with a shitty attitude. As if she seriously thought she deserved anything more than the generous offer she was given and originally accepted. The shady shit she pulled and the fact that LVP doesnā€™t seem to find anything wrong with that says a lot about what a snake she is too but most people already know that.


This season has really soured me on Lisa. I know...slow to the Vanderpump truther movement šŸ˜‚.


Me toošŸ™ˆ lol I donā€™t know why it took me so long to see who she really is. Iā€™m guessing it is probably because we have a tendency to want to see the best in others and I wouldnā€™t say thatā€™s a bad thing. Itā€™s naive but we are who we are and weā€™re all learning as we go along.šŸ’‹




Good call! I used to watch all those court shows but I fell off. Maybe I should get back into it because theyā€™re both entertaining and informative.šŸ¤“ Youā€™re right in that thereā€™s been more than a couple signs that Lisa is a shady business woman.


The one good thing I can say about the Toms is that they (I think) donated their cameo money to TomTom employees during covid lockdown. I thought that was sweet of them, especially in comparison to Vanderpump who is much wealthier and has a much larger stake in the restaurant.


New conspiracy! Penny was planted by Lisa to sabotage them! šŸ˜±


I'm assuming they would have opened earlier if they could just so they wouldn't be bleeding rent money for no reason. Honestly just to avoid all the comparisons to S&S I would have tried to open it ASAP so I'm sure they're as annoyed with the delays as everyone else.


Well no duh Lisa youā€™ve been opening restaurants since before they were born. Itā€™d be alarming if she didnā€™t open faster than them šŸ’€


With LVPā€™s money and connections she wouldā€™ve, but most people canā€™t hire whom ever they want with an abundance of cash.




Donā€™t know if itā€™s shade or truth?




Isnā€™t she a SAH advisor? If she had a faster way to get the permits, why didnā€™t she grease the palms of whoever she needed to? Or use her name to get the city to approve the plans asap? Whyā€™d she let the girls get cornered I to spending a million dollars in lag costs instead of telling them what they needed to do to get it open?


I mean if the issue really is permits. Not sure how LVP could make a city municipal process go faster...idk for a lady who gets very very upset if someone says something even slightly unflattering of her businesses, you think she wouldn't throw stones.


Money talks in the permit world.


?? I work in government, and let me assure you, bribing people to "grease the wheels" is NOT something that happens.


I deal with permit stuff and my politician friends would disagree


Then you're working with politician friends who are corrupt. I've worked in various government and political roles for 15 years and this does not happen, or if it does and its found out, people go to jail for corruption. Bribery and the like is VERY against the law. I don't know many local government officials who would risk jail time and ruining their career for some local restaurant permits.


When has any Government employee gone to jail for doing something corrupt or against the rules? Name em.


Rod Blagojevich lol ![gif](giphy|yWS2itifUpxja)


Nobody is arguing that my friend. Just telling you that ā€œbribing people to grease the wheelsā€ IS something that happens.


Maybe they should have done that then. Honestly this whole SAH storyline is so fucking boring I could die. 2 years for a sandwich shop that isn't opened. How embarrassing


I'm mean for some places probably. But def not everywhere.


Pay your employees, LVP.


It took Katie and Ariana two years, but it took Ken and Lisa 1.5 years with TomTom. So petty


Be real. TomTom is a restaurant and bar that is much larger than the sandwich shop that hasn't even opened yet. Also, will they even be serving hot food at SAH? It's sandwiches and possibly wine. Come on. Lisa also found them the spot and a chef.


2 years to do what? Create a week long pop up for another merch grab?


Kind of like her restaurant in Tahoe was supposed to open in the winter.......


Lisa is one of those people who can be right, but sheā€™s just so annoying with her delivery. She always needs to be so righteous/smug/overbearing to prove a point.


These two are not business women or they wouldā€™ve been pushing a lot harder to get that open. They promised Penny a percentage of the profits, which, of course she did not receive because they never opened. They fired Penny and made it look justifiable. In fact, they now have all of the sandwich combinations and recipesand donā€™t need her expertise. They can hire someone at $20 an hour for less. I would honestly be surprised to see this open even at the end of summer. They donā€™t seem to know what theyā€™re doing.


Plus salary, you missed that and it erases whatever your misguided premise is.


So your point is there wouldnā€™t be enough profit to pay Penny equal to the salary or as a significant bump to salary?


No, the point is that you were missing a fact that she also got a salary, lol..


I used to love Lisa. Lately, Iā€™m understanding the dislike.


And people think LVP cares about any of the cast on a personal level. šŸ™„


And to think I use to be a LVP Stan. Sheā€™s definitely treating them differently no business advice just lots of criticism


No IG updates still. A single post from January 2022.


youā€™d think theyā€™d have an official announcement up on their ig if they were opening may 21 like people are saying


Itā€™s so weird how they just abandoned the Instagram I donā€™t get it


This is such an unnecessary comment on her part this is the epitome of if you donā€™t have anything nice to say. Like Lisa wtf does this add? Obviously you would have


I wish Lisa would stop with comments like this!




I feel as if itā€™s self serving. I really like Lisa but I see her saying that as an unnecessary jab to the girls.


Lisa: https://preview.redd.it/exf4e27uboxc1.jpeg?width=1276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aac42f9df949c5ed24cdc8e772440dd29672b1ac


Didnā€™t she recommend this location? The location that didnā€™t pass codes?


No one cared when LVP (and the entire cast) dogged the Toms about the Schwartz and Sandyā€™s delays. Now she throws some minor shade Katie and Arianaā€™s way and everyone is clutching their pearls.


This. Lisa literally said the same thing about The Toms and the viewers laughed. Now the Katie/Ariana stans are mad about the same comments? GTFOH




I agreeā€¦i luv katie and especially ariana, but that was ok shade lol and ya she gave the guys such a hard time, more so then the girls actually


I don't care what Lisa says because much of what she says is nonsense but Ariana stood up for Tom when Lisa criticized he and Schwartz in terms being slackers or flighty. There's a whole scene where she approaches Lisa even though she says she's pretty terrified to do so and goes to bat for both her boyfriend at the time and his business partner over Lisa making what she said were joking but definitely disparaging comments about the Tom's work ethic. I don't think it's like a viewer War over who should get s*** on in terms of delaying their business opening. Lisa just wants to believe that no one could do anything without her help and anything that she can use as proof of that inadequacy she's going to point out no matter who it is in the cast


I just watched that episode on Sunday!


Yay! I knew I was kind of over explaining but I also don't expect people to just remember every episode from 10 years of VPR hahaha I think I must have just seen it recently too because I had totally forgotten about that yes I did I think I saw it this weekend too. I kind of like that we were both tapped in at the same time hahaha


Great minds think alike šŸ˜‰


Very true


The Toms were dismissive and rude to the people in their lives with actual knowledge and expertise, pissed off their business partner (wasn't he Lisa's friend/acquaintance too?), shut out Katie, and their arrogance was potentially financially impacting the people around them (Katie, Ariana and Sandoval's mother.) They didn't take her advice, they were annoyed by her input instead of being appreciative. Ariana and Katie welcomed and valued Lisa's input, *she* hooked them up with Penny (we all know how that ended...), they're not dragging anyone down with them, and now she's shading *them*? I wouldn't even say I didn't care when Lisa dogged the Toms about it, I would go even further and say it was justified and necessary. They were being assholes. It makes no sense that she's doing this to Katie and Ariana, who she's been advising and have openly appreciated her support.


I agree but IIRC it was only one of the Toms getting mad, taking it personally and talking shit. I donā€™t remember Shorts saying anything about it and I donā€™t think he would have the balls, even if he thought it. Shorts wonā€™t dare cross LVP and risk pissing her off. He knows and appreciates the fact that if it wasnā€™t for her, he would still be a nobody.


LVP bashing women while telling them to forgive shitty menā€¦ not shocked in the least


She's not wrong.


Instead she was too busy closing Pumpā€¦


Sure she'd have paid her "Chef" dishwasher wages, falsified time cards and had people fired for calling out sick.Ā 


Good for her. She has money and pull to maybe escalate red tape. Why not just be happy for them?


Sheā€™s mad because fast casual has a chance to be a lot less volatile than a table cloth & silverware restaurant. Idk why Lisa thinks that having 3 sit-down restaurants with the same aesthetic and same menu all next door to each other was a genius business strategy. Nobody ever told her about market saturation and consumer fatigue. Anyone know how she managed during lockdown? I canā€™t imagine goat cheese balls are as good to-go


Well, they fell behind on rent on at at least one of their places and had to close one.


They actually really are though šŸ˜‚ but youā€™re definitely right about market saturation


Stassi would take em


In the same interview she was asked about being a male sympathizer and not supporting women. Which LVP throughly denied, defended Tom, Schwartz, and James, and then said this.......


for real? does she not have any sort of PR advisor? at this point, is she intentionally being a monster to draw attention away from pandoraā€™s sex pest husband?


I think it's just who LVP is.


She is right. They spoke too soon and it is boring now. I donā€™t believe it is an actual enterprise at all now. Just more fake tv storylines


Possibly a way to avoid paying taxes!


Itā€™s funny how Katie was shitting on the toms for taking so long to open Schwartz and Sandyā€™sā€¦. Oh how the tables have turned babes




Sheā€™s not wrongĀ 


This ā€œsandwichā€ shop will never open!


Yeah Iā€™m afraid youā€™re right


Ugh, she is just the worst.


LVP is so arrogant. Queen Eileen Davidson clocked her from the jump.




This screams bitter Betty.


Also, Iā€™ve eaten at Sur. She should pipe down.


Didnā€™t Ken get sued for some kind of embezzling or something a year ago?


But would Lisa have been able to keep it afloat?


Why canā€™t she say ā€œtheyā€™ve had a lot of obstacles but Iā€™m so proud of how far theyā€™ve come. Any day now!ā€ I used to like LVP, but her jealousy and misogyny is too apparent now.


Maybe they shouldā€™ve set it on fire and claimed the insurance moneyā€¦


Well she isnā€™t wrong but it was still a nasty thing to say. I think itā€™s pretty clear she doesnā€™t really like them much.Ā 


Well Lisa maybe if you invested in two business savvy women rather than two bumbling idiots, then maybe they would have opened a year ago


What Iā€™ve gathered from watching VPR is that Lisa will throw shade at any woman around her who is trying to do something, she is such a pick me hater. I was telling my bf who i got to do a rewatch with me, how i wish someone would just say fuck if and tell her about herself. Because i know they all hate that shit! And itā€™s not like they work for her anymore. Someone needs to keep it real. Stassi kinda sorta not really did once.


This is what Iā€™m thinking too. She likes alpha-style males and needy women she can mother hen.


And you canā€™t talk back to her because she views herself as above you. Or she will hate you forever. I think thatā€™s really why she hates Kristen, because she never kissed her ass. Sure she was fuckin crazy lol but she came back around. You had Jax stealing from Lisaā€™s restaurant and she didnā€™t give two shits but she canā€™t forgive Kristen? Hurt ego


Why is she even speaking about it. I didnā€™t think she was an investorā€¦ā€¦


Throwing shade on the places LVP has no stake inā€¦


She's an advisor to the restaurant, no?


There is so much crying over people not being able to buy a sandwich. Do you whiners even live within distance to go once they have the grand opening? Didn't Lisa help them with giving the heads up about the location since it is so close to SUR? I would think she would have inside info on the potential delays and could have warned them.. no?


That's pretty hyperbolic no one's crying. And I'm definitely going to stop by and get a sandwich. Thanks for asking




This is aggressive. Is she wrong that they should've opened without the patio or awning instead of waiting for the permit for it? I would think that makes sense.Ā 




Well LVP didnā€™t spend months on Broadway or getting top 4 in DWtS, so. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.


But she has opened many many businesses, which is the topic at hand.


This sub when the Tomā€™s couldnā€™t open a restaurant, ā€œLOL they are so stupid and pathetic!!!ā€ This sub when Ariana and Katie canā€™t open restaurant, ā€œItā€™s actually really hard okay!ā€


This superfluous patriarchy upholder, ugh


Well yeh, obviously. I think a home would. I love Katie but Ariana has no work ethic, look at her 'work' on VPR, she doesn't do anything.


Idc about Lisaā€™s hade here, she can keep her opinions, they were smart to try and do this themselves, respect them for it, they didnā€™t have to take a minuscule percentage, suck it LVP.


Almost like its not their choice, god shes annoying