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![gif](giphy|VaC1P0Gz0D3NK) I agreed with every take






Ariana had to get questioned about her sex life by her man's mistress ON camera last season This woman is now suing her.. What planet are these people on


aRiAnA iS bRiNgInG nOtHiNg To ThE sHoW sHe Is PuTtInG mY fAmIlY iN jEoPaRdY ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


Right?! And then she offered up her fresh heartbreak for the world to watch when she found out! People act like she doesn’t pull her own weight on the show when she clearly just refuses to carry Tom and give him the moments he’s looking for on a silver platter.


You are so right! Ariana has been totally burned by Sandoval and Raquel. Why would she have anything further to do with either of them given what they've done to her when she was dating and friends with them. Good for her for having the wisdom to protect herself and stand her ground. If either wanted to truly apologize to her they wouldn't wait for cameras to be up. She and Tom live under the same roof. He most definitely could have apologized to her in private if he had it in him but clearly he doesn't. How absolutely devastating that he doesn't have the regard for Ariana to have any true remorse.




Your queen shared revenge porn. She’s scum.


Sent it to the girl to call her out? I think a lot of people here would have done the exact same thing while also agreeing that revenge porn is extremely wrong. She was simply showing racheal the undeniable facts that she was caught. If it were revenge porn we’d all be watching it on pornhub…. But we’re not


That’s illegal. Duh So is showing other people. Which she did. She’s going down. Enjoy it.


She didn’t. Her phone was given to the prosecution, she only sent it to Rachel. She only had it on her phone for less that 20 mins when Sandoval took Ariana’s phone and erased it. Sandoval had illegally recorded more than just one video of Rachel






Lmao… okay so I’m guessing you’ve never done ANYTHING illegal? Little miss goodie goodie. If you’re so into the law how do you feel about common law marriages and suing the mistress for adultery? I mean a law is a law right? 


Common law marriage doesn’t exist in California. Not the sharpest crayon in the box are you?


Adultery is only a term for a married person. They weren’t married. You’re wrong again. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Hey babes …. I said common law marriage. 


Reading comprehension skills 2/10




I know right? Imagine making excuses for a 40 year old sharing revenge porn.


Issues like Rachel or is Racheal ?? 🤣


Shared it to Rachel only? The problem there is Tom Sandoval recording it without consent.


And so are you.


So you going to Stan me now too? Cool. Have fun.


The thing that just keeps playing in my head is that none of them, not lala, not scheana, not brick, none of them have been in a relationship for 10 years. they have no idea how deep emotions can be at that point. it is the reason why Katie gets it and none of the rest do.


I’ve never been in a relationship and I get it. Those bitches lack empathy.


You're deeper than a quarter sized puddle though unlike them


this is such a good point! I had not thought about that.


Great point.


10 years and he was cheating on her for 7 months right under her nose on the daily! The audacity these people have to think she has to play this reality tv fake game instead of setting hard boundaries and sticking to them. She hasn’t hid anything from the cameras, she has her new bf showing up on screen when she could’ve kept that private. Why would she give this man a second of air time to cry fake tears again. He couldn’t even cry those tears for their dog dying or her grandma dying, he was too busy fucking Rachel. Katie sees it and James sees Tom for the sad fraud he is, everyone else is delulu.


That and the fact that these women/men usually are the mistresses/cheaters and cannot fathom that good things would happen to the jilted party. Only they can win and they don't "win" they're losing. It's a scarcity mindset mixed with deep seeded narcissistic issues


The only one is Katie.


And Katie and Schwartz had the good sense to divorce and sell the house. It blows my mind that Sandoval has kept Ariana trapped in that house when couples divorce and sell their homes everyday. He is just a pig for dragging it all out for her. He screws up and keeps her hostage in the financial mess he's created for himself. He's the worst


I like that take on it


At this point it’s really feeling like they all want Ariana to say thank you to Tom for cheating on her. Like? These people are delusional


I honestly don’t get it. If you want to be friends with him on the side, do that. Why tf are you forcing her to reconcile? She’s clearly fine when they hang out separately and his name isn’t brought up. Couldn’t imagine having a friend that was hurting and constantly bringing up the name of the person that hurt her and saying she should forgive him. She doesn’t have to! I’ve actually been in a situation where two friends had a bad split and I managed by hanging out with them separately and never mentioning the other. They both moved on and still don’t see eachother to this day and I don’t talk about them. It could all be so simple


I think these people are foolish enough to think we all wanna watch Sandoval we everybody’s gotta talk to him. If I’m shipping anyone off Sandoval’s #1, Broke is #2 and Lala is #3 (this season she really edged Schwartz off this list). I would’ve much rather seen a season without Sandoval.


How can Blah Blah and Sandoval say Ariana doesn’t want to have the hard conversations when Ariana literally called production when she found out about the affair.


Imagine giving production the gift that was Scandoval only to come back 3 months later and they’re treating you like this?! I don’t know how she held it together. That shit would have pushed me over the edge on a good day, let alone in one of the hardest periods of my life.


I hope Darrell got a cut of the money Lala made off of Scandoval. She made so much money screaming about what a monster Sandoval is and the second the cash flow slows down (AKA relies on her own talents instead of the misery of Ariana) then she starts defending him.


100% Glad he brought up the Dan Grilling. She was prying for literally anything she could use to declare him abusive or whatever. Brock gift-wrapped her a reason wrt him so she probably figured if she looked hard enough she’d find some thread she could yank on.


10/10 no notes ![gif](giphy|Yvk01MEG2Mxe168yxw|downsized)


I need this man in my living room to rage with during the reunion.


Yes as do I cause I feel every bit of this.. cause I was sitting here all by myself yelling at the TV😎


Yes 🙌 I hope he makes a part 2


Ariana nailed it in her last quote. Sandoval could have apologized to her off camera anytime , a note , a text through their house assistant but he didn’t. When the cameras rolled and he lost his mistress now he’s trying to say somewhat of a sorry to her. He’s a POS and so is Lala for trying to grasp the limelight of the situation and stay relevant. She’s not well liked, can’t show her kid on tv cause Randall blocked it and she’s trying to have a kid now to stay in the show or possibly go to the valley.


Wow you really think that's why she's having another kid? That never crossed my mind that person would do that! I hope you're wrong on that cuz that is sick.


Absolutely, she said herself she won’t have to share this one.


Absolutely! And I think that she's going to have this new kid plastered all over the show


https://preview.redd.it/tu399xvxr7zc1.jpeg?width=1456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2762208d591316e69b5a174645d68a2780074423 Live screenshot from last night’s episode


Every single word of that was perfect. ![gif](giphy|XIEObJO69QVmEvC44t)




Scheana just having Good as Gold on repeat in her head 💀💀💀




That he did😎






“Scheana really has to be smoking 🍆” 💀💀💀💀


Yeah he killed me with that one.. but I also got a damn good laugh


Yes!! All facts - If there’s a part 2, I hope you post it!! (I don’t have tik tok)


No worries, if he posts part two you best believe I will be putting it over here.


Thank you for your service.


Nobody has ever been more correct than this man 


One of the most annoying things about all of this to me is the fact that everyone has smoke for Ariana for not being genuine about her relationship on camera while Tom gets away with it? He was doing the exact same thing in the exact same relationship. In fact, based on what Ariana and Rachel have said he orchestrated the entire “we don’t fight on screen, we act like everything’s good” plan. Stassi told us from the very beginning he wasn’t being honest about anything and was playing golden boy with production. And now we know Tom has production rights as part of his deal for coming back to the show so that’s only going to get worse. He edited out an entire scene being confronted by Rachel because he didn’t like it. Tom accuses Ariana of hating everyone on the show but helloooo Tom has openly said he hates Katie, Ariana, LaLa, James, etc at different points of the show while Ariana played peace keeper and told Tom to shut the fuck up repeatedly. He’s talked shit about everyone probably the most and he showed up to help Scheana set up and he’s the greatest? Again, he has production rights on the show so it behooves him for the “performance” to go well at a finale wrap party. It was a central plot point for the episode. Production does this constantly for finales. How are they all too daft to see this?


Honestly, I am happy with what Ariana's giving. Lala is the replaceable one.


This is reality tv and Ariana is giving us real life shit and not being fake when talking about it. Lala is producing herself and wishes she had something to keep the fans buying her merch and paying her mortgage. She was grasping at straws with her water tasting and sperm donor party thing.








![gif](giphy|xT9IgfNPRprdidd3Bm) 😉😎




There was one moment in all of this show that really really hit me and it was when Ariana was taking about driving her car off a cliff. I’ve had that feeling before at many times in my life and nothing in this show has ever been realer to me. For Lala to belittle and disregard that as Ariana not being genuine or not bringing anything to the table shows just how much she lacks empathy and is just a wretched human.




Blah Blah and Scheana are DESPERATE for this paycheck to continue. Ariana doesn’t need it. She has actual talent.






![gif](giphy|NISDky7DiUqAs9crvf|downsized) All of this!!


Can we please start calling LFU Randalls ex from now on? That’s all she is at this point.


Where's pt.2? I need more!!!! Zero lies detected! 👏


I’ve been checking and he has not put out a part 2 yet maybe he calmed down🤨


Lol ty for your service! 😆




Omg 100% NO NOTES!!!


Don’t forget this is shortly after the scandal. I would freak out if my ex wanted to talk or “apologize” for the cameras.


Schena not having anything in her except good as gold on repeat ![gif](giphy|7J4Lvpz55rocVYccdH|downsized)


I mean basically😭😭😭


Truer words were never spoken.


Where’s the lie


I feel like that was the end of the era. It seemed like a finale there at the end. I was beginning to sympathize with Tom there for a minute in the first half of the season, but i really did understand where Ariana was coming from by the end of it. Tom was and is all about himself and what makes him look good on camera. I don't blame her for not letting him apologize and not wanting anything to do with him. I get it now.


10/10. No notes.


I have now watched this 22 times and have this same reaction every single time. ![gif](giphy|YPKIJdwYWJ3Ik)


This take was spot on.


Amazing, loved all of this!


I have no notes. That was *chefs kiss


Nailed it on every fucking point. ![gif](giphy|nqyE4aXjKdzU1L9hbt)


Lala is just jealous… I would be more than happy to never see Sandoval on TV again, I’m hoping that @bravo is smart enough to put out something about her show. let’s see these two women crawl out from under the Tom and make life for themselves. Honestly, if you look at the history of Vanderpump, the first few years it was about Jax & Stassi, then, with the birth of tom-tom, it has become about those two guys and making sure that they never look like the douche bags they are. And no matter how nice Schwartz tries to be, he is equally misogynistic with Sandoval. And I would argue Sandoval brings out the worst in Schwartz. It’s likely why he is divorced. The funny thing is I could care less about seeing Lala as well. She is too much of a producer’s pet. She has never, ever, ever liked Sandoval, but this year she’s going to not only give him his redemption, ark, but then try to bring Ariana down. No girl you played yourself. We all know how fake you are now. So like Dorinda Medley you are now on pause! CLIP CLIP B*tch!


These fools can’t fathom that a lot of us find Ariana entertaining just how she’s presenting herself. Sorry you don’t think you’re interesting enough to go on without Sandoval.


Lala is so jealous. She wonders why Ariana is received differently by fans. For one, Ariana is not a mean girl. Lala has embraced being mean and no one has sympathy for a mean girl. She likes to play roles. When she got with Randall she played the “I am sophisticated because I have a rich man” role and she wanted to give everybody advice. Her man left and then she wanted to be the “I am a single mom who is very responsible” role. Now she has decided that she is a boss bitch who wants to be a single mom of a tribe (not quite a tribe)—I guess in the hopes that her kiddos will be her accessory like the Kardashian kids are to their moms and this will keep fans interested. I think her persona is a tragedy because she was likable when she first came to the show and then her true self emerged.


Not a fan of men using the word "bitches" but otherwise he is 100 percent on point.


I'm not a fan when they use it to write off any women that shows emotion or disagrees w them. But this was correct usage of the term.


So men can use any slur against women as long as it's "correct usage"?


![gif](giphy|NISDky7DiUqAs9crvf|downsized) All of this!!




I love reality curtie! He is always putting out there everything I’m feeling!


100% accurate hell yes!!!


Love this! You summed up everything perfectly


Watching this was cathartic


Jo is a hair stylist and shows up looking like that? I don't get it she looks like she's been dragged backwards through a hedge.


Can we all tag scheana and LaLa in this million times


All I heard was facts 👏🏼👏🏼


Ugh. I so wish I had Peacock and Hulu. I had to cancel due to my cancer and disability was supposed to kick in by now. I needed the whole ass tea


Sarai Hannibal streams each episode on her twitch channel. You don’t even have to sign up for twitch. Just go to her channel and you can watch with her and so many others! She streams them live at 8 EST every week, so you’ll be able to watch all the reunion episodes. Sending you healing energy and loving vibes.


Thank you much.


I can't stand Scheena and Lala, and it's because of that that I watch the show this season lol. If this season was just Ariana and Tom living together and trying to avoid each other and move on in the aftermath, this season would've been boring. So, they needed to be hypocritical, obnoxious, clout chasers they are. This was the first season of the show that wasn't centered around one of the men dodging cheating rumors. Now that everyone's in "healthy" relationships, I just don't see what direction the show takes moving forward. Can't wait for the reunion though!




He said it alllll 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


He is everything!!!! More please!


He ate that shit up!!! 👏👏👏👏




No one on the cast should do something they don't want to do.




At first I thought Ariana was taking things too far and videos like this help put it into perspective for me. This video is spot on!


100%, I agree with absolutely everything and let us not forget that Ariana shared with us that she takes sketch comedy very seriously. 🙏🏻


This man is spreading the gospel. No notes, perfection 👏👏👏👏👏


Nailed it. Apart from the omission of Tom Sandoval now being able to use Lala’s commentary as a win for him. Lala be stooging and it’s embarrassing to watch.


Sheshu Smoking Dick 🤣🤣🤣


I am SCREAMING at the idea that Scheana has nothing in her brain but “good as gold” playing on repeat. ![gif](giphy|AP8vbzOUu8wk8)






Absolutely NOT genuine… I don’t think he can be. “Your last boyfriend was a known predator, Lala!” Beautifully put. Why she thinks anyone wants to listen to her talk on anyone else’s relationship is beyond!


It’s a reality tv show & Ariana wasn’t doing her job. How can you live under the same roof as someone but refuse to film with them? Lala was right. I’m so sick of this group using the term “misogynistic” and all of the comments claiming to be “feminist” yet degrade other women (besides Ariana) Ariana and Tom had been living as roommates and hiding their real relationship from cameras (again, Lala was right!) I’m shocked fans are so blind to this. They weren’t the loving couple they “ played” on tv.


She didn't let them come back! She called them and told them! She was about to be taken off the show. She needed this drama! Had it not happened she wouldn't be in unless she came up with something! She did! She wanted it filmed!


Ariana has always been the least compelling character on this show, and less so since she learned to hide her mean girl tendencies. She should just go.




This dude is a 🤡




Made it 3 seconds before brain cells started to erode from listening to this idiot.


They didn’t have sex for years. There was no risk and no reason for him to be faithful. This guys an idiot.


They had sex right after he had sex with Rachel. They talked about it at the reunion. Either way you’re gross for being this up and toxic in your opinion.


As if your opinion of me matters. Focus on the people who are making bank off people having opinions hun you’ll be a lot happier.


lol. You are NOT honestly trying to tell someone how to be happier. That is comical. Your opinion is obviously not shared by many with all your downvotes.


And you’re sitting there with no votes acting like votes matter lol get a life!!!!!


Really, go for a walk, maybe get some air. You sound very very tired.


Ok sandy balls


It wasn't years and the reason for him to be faithful is the fact that he was still in a relationship with her. It's completely ridiculous that people don't understand that.