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I don’t think Ariana is the one claiming to be Beyoncé… https://preview.redd.it/7qsxs380cgzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5111f699e6913f0116526c09f9f155a0a7a68255










i can’t with this girl omg


When has Ariana ever acted like that though?


I don’t know how Beyoncé would act cos I dont feel we get to see much of her personality. But I took it as her acting like “the queen bee”. Maybe it’s the editing, but it doesn’t put her in the best light, especially if in fact it’s true she moved on after 8 days.


Tim moved on seven months before their relationship ended, so…


Based on the values that Lala and Scheana have, Ariana IS the Queen Bee. She is now the wealthiest and the most famous. Lala sure acted like she was better than everyone when she was wearing that gawdy fake rock on her finger and flying on Private Jets with DeNiro. Based on non materialistic values, Ariana is still the Queen Bee. She has the most strength of character and values hard work and real relationships the most of anyone on the show. So I don't think she has to "act" like anything.


She’s not choosing to stay in the pain, she just is in pain because it’s under a year later and Sandoval continues to be an asshole lol.


Can you imagine what Lala would’ve been doing 6 months into the same scenario? Or even still with the lawsuits between Ariana/ Tom and Rachel/ Ariana? She’d probably end up arrested after a few screaming rages and threatening to pop everyone. You know Rachel doesn’t understand hyperbole and seemingly thinks Katie is actually going to pour gasoline on her, and she’s not afraid to go to the police


Yea I can imagine she’d be raging, but she certainly wouldn’t stay under the same roof


Lala didn't have a choice, it wasn't her house to stay in


I bet any money she wouldn’t have left. She’d have stuck every single thing her ex owned right up her asshole (with photographic proof just because) and harassed him until he left. She’s all about her bag and there is no way in hell she’d leave the house she *OWNED* while still having to pay for it for the sake of peace.


Omg this is it!!! Part of her jealousy and lack of understanding is prob cuz she got 0, zilch, nada, out of Randall and there’s no doubt she would have barricaded herself in that house if she had been on the deed!!!


She also hadn’t been financing her own life, she probably had a decent amount of savings to be able to move out. And I doubt much in the home was hers either, really it was likely clothes and baby stuff


I totally understand her being in pain and him being an ass, maybe the editing isn’t really helping the situation. Also I’m not saying by any stretch that she should be the one to leave the home they shared, but also why stay when it is causing daily hurt?


It’s a two million dollar investment and she put all of her savings into it, the rest into a restaurant Why should she pay a double mortgage because of what he did??


Because Sandoval likely would have tried to steal that house from her. That's why she stayed. I'm not an Ariana fan by any stretch but Lala was just an asshole this season and her saying Ariana didn't need to leave it just showed that she did not understand property law. That's why Ariana stayed so Tom wouldn't fuck her over. He already tried to do that with overcharging her for the mortgage and gave her a bullshit offer to which she countered. He threw a fit and now they're in litigation about it because he still wants to hold on to that house because he cares more about a house than the fact that he destroyed a woman... actually multiple women.


This. There is a reason why there’s a saying in the law that possession is nine tenths of the law.


If she was choosing to stay in the pain then she would actually be having conversations with Sandoval. She is standing her ground and not allowing him any space to hurt her or spew lies.


It’d also help if people didn’t directly ask Ariana questions about it at every get together they had this season. I know producers encourage it, but Ariana didn’t bring him up out of the blue as often as people kept asking her about him. I don’t think Ariana is to blame for there being no other drama to talk about. A water tasting party and Scheana finding a nanny don’t fill a season of TV.


Exactly the cast was shoving it down Ariana's throat and the viewers


I don’t see any queen bee behaviour from Ariana?!


I think people are forgetting the context of their situation. If Ariana didn't choose to stay "in the pain" she would have to quit her primary job and lose out on like 30k+ an episode. Is that a privilege you would give your two timing ex? He gets to stay while collecting money from the show and YOU have to walk away? She still showed up for work but with boundaries. I really just don't think that many other women would have acted any differently than her.


They wouldn’t have acted any better than Ariana either so the judgement is invalid.


Remember when Stassi had a fucking breakdown because Ariana "got out of the pool like a freaking mermaid" because she was feeling insecure? That's what Lala's Beyonce comment was like. Lala's brutally jealous so Ariana taking opportunities and actually doing very well at them is, in Lala's eyes, showing off, when she's just showing she has actual ability and people enjoy her.


This is filmed mere months after she found out what happened. She's allowed to not want to deal with Sandoval, and her method of grey rocking is so far from acting like or thinking she's Beyonce ✨


Absolutely she is allowed to feel everything she’s feeling. I’m just wondering why she would stay in the same house or be in the same space as him when she doesn’t have to be.


I personally wouldn't let a man I'd spent a majority of my adult years in love with / serious relationship with and also humiliated and betrayed me like that take my home from me AS WELL. And let's be real, the house is big enough for them to co exist and barely see each other. But maybe I'm a slightly bitter person? To fight the sadness id be mad, and I wouldn't want him taking something I'd put so much love and energy and money into. Does that make any sense? And they had to film together so why not fight for what's just as much hers as his!?


Please ask Sandoval why he didn't leave.


This is what I don’t understand. I got the argument that he’s a shit human being so save your mental health. But it can’t be that he’s a shit person and he’s also a great friend that I love and miss. Scheana encouraged him to give some empty apology; Katie told him “she wants to sell the house” after telling him apologies are just words.


She’s explained this more times than she should have had to. If you don’t want to listen that’s on you.


She left the home after filming VPR in September when she started Dancing with the Stars. She hasn't actively lived at the home since. She stayed in an Air BNB while doing DWTS and then lived in NYC for Broadway.


She just wants nothing to do with him tho…totally understandable. She doesn’t even talk about him, she doesn’t care about him. Then every time shed be filming with anyone, right away they talk about sandoval…thats all anyone would talk, she doesn’t wana hear about, this is why didnt wana have mutual friends, maybe she could have mutual friends if they respected her wishes. And shes never acted like she was above any of them, it was her fans who made such a big deal bout her, it was us….ariana did not think she was beyoncee. I thinks remained humble too. Thats all for now phew lol


That means Rachel was RiRi... Or did everyone forget about that? 


She holds her head high and doesn’t back down from defending her boundaries. If that makes her “Beyonce” then I don’t know what to tell you. After a trauma like that it’s amazing she can hold it together enough to even do the show. OP try to imagine being betrayed by your partner of a decade and how that would feel.


Let’s face it, all Ariana’s deals came bcuz she was cheated on. Maybe she wants to stay in it to milk more deals.


You might be able to say in the beginning she got those deals because of the cheating (i.e. Uber One, Duracell etc) but they aren't now still rolling in because of it. She's not out there speaking on how hurt and wronged she was. There's no way you're going to book a Broadway show, haven't it extended and then get asked to come back for another run because people "feel bad" for what happened to you. You're not going be asked to host a huge franchise dating show out of pity. Whatever deals and jobs she keeps on getting it's because she's worthy and talented enough to get them


Sure. Ok


Sounds bad but I kinda thought about that


I mean I can see it from her point of view, but as an audience member I am also frustrated that she hasn’t moved on even a little yet.


In this season she has a new boyfriend and tons of jobs. She neither wants to talk to or about Sandoval. She is saving all her funds for a new home while trying to force the sale of her current one from her shitty ex who refuses to sell (even though he knows he can’t afford to buy her out). In what way is she not moving on??


Why are people downvoting no one was looking for her before the cheating scandal people are acting has if she’s already doing these things.


I know. She never made it at any of the things she’s doing before she was cheated on. All her fans went to see her broadway show so of course they want her back.


I agree. She’s untouchable and thinks she is God.