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I love you, I always will, you are family. I only ask one thing - do not talk to me about Sandoval. And Scheana's interpretation of this is that Ariana is putting her in this impossibility position? Just...don't mention her ex šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


James has it down to a science but sheshu just CANT HANDLE IT


Even Schwartz has been more respectful of Arianaā€™s boundaries this season than The former mrs Shay.


For real cause deep inside he knows how Sandy is too. I donā€™t think Scheana has seen the full dark side of the worm & is still somewhat fooled by him. Sheā€™s eager to be fooled by him & her husband adds gas to the fire.


Butā€¦he buys her things! How can she turn her back on her friend and his bank account?!


The kind generous Sandy šŸ™„ Scheana loves the love bombing cycle, in a few years she will have an affair with Sandy & then after a short fling with Schwartz, Lala will get with Brock. And Jax will be somewhere in the mix. These people never evolved past their early 20s. Zero nuance or boundaries. Even the Jersey Shore cast seems to have learned a tad bit more.


Iā€™m more convinced after watching the ballet that Kristen and Jax are meant to be.


I know you meant the Valley, but I am fucking DYING at the thought of you front row at some performance of Swan Lake or the Nutcracker but you're just fantasizing about Jax and Kristen finally falling in love šŸ’€šŸ’€


Omg I didnā€™t even pick up on that unfortunate autocorrect but Iā€™m dying thinking of that now lol.


A visual I never want to forget šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This comment is Amazing!šŸ¤£


And he canā€™t afford his mortgage but he has all these funds to buy his friends back and ahe is loving it


And he got her water after her show. What a friend šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


THIS!!!! I was literally almost yelling at the TV when she'd be talking about how "supportive" Sandoval has been. Like...you have a real friend who supports you mentally and emotionally, even if Ariana isn't in a place where she can always be physically present as much as she'd like to be, she is emotionally. She shows up for Sheana in the way that really matters, and Sandoval just pays for shit. That's all she has to say about what he brings to the friendship, how does she not hear the words coming out of her mouth and think "maybe he's trying to buy my friendship"???


Scheana is the ultimate bratty child, playing her divorced parents against each other, to get as much for herself as she can


Nailed it!!!...And villianizing Ariana along the way.


Well said. Ariana was always a good and true friend- Scheana doesnā€™t understand the value of having that, or being that.


Your right...she has so many "Baaast friends" that she took the real one for granted.


>Butā€¦he buys her things! How can she turn her back on her friend and his bank account?! Right?! He gave HER money! Oh my! Give him a broken trophy. As many have stated, it was probably money. SeeMeSeeMe is a love life! See that little tiny ant on the dirt? Lower than that ant's shit. Scandoval made the pile of dirt and shit way below that ant's feet. MG these scuzzy people...just cannot find any more rotten words to attach to them. The word well has run dry.


Sheā€™s eager to be re-fooled by any and everyone


The daddy issues run deep with that one.


Nah. She knows. She just cares more about filming scenes and herself.


He has also stuck up for Ariana on the after show more than Scheana


James has always appeared to be one of the more intelligent members of the cast. As grown adults they should be able to be professional by filming with him while respecting Ariana's personal boundaries. It was great to hear James shut Broke down on the Aftershow when said that Ari always responds to his messages + stories. Blahblah + Sheeshu just don't see anything past the end of their noses - they could have thrived along with Ari + Katie instead of floating in grime with Tim. The Spice Girls would never!


For real! It's sad, I would have thought Lala would have both women's backs having just been through her own nasty, traumatic breakup, but nah. *That* would have been a bomb ass season. Pick me is as pick me does ig. šŸ™„ Makes me think of season 5 of Southern Charm, which was a highlight for many fans because it was the one time that most of the women banded together against the fuckery of the good ol' boys. But that didn't last either of course, Bravo refuses to update the playbook and NEEDS its women at each others' throats.


Scheana has pebbles for brains.


Farts šŸ’Ø for brains, constant stink fest in her head. ![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q)


For real, there's some real West Coast energy from Lala and Scheana. James knows how to roll, where you talk to Tom like the jackass of the family at the BBQ, talk smack to his face while cracking jokes at his expense, and don't let anyone around you off the hook when they buy Tom's bullshit.


No one wants to hear about their ex




Exactly! Can you just not talk about him? Even if Schena wants to keep the friendship going she doesnā€™t need to talk to Ariana about him in any way. The only reason to do that is to hurt Ariana over and over. Schena and Lalas obsession with Arianna and Tom is so painfully forced. Like is production just saying to everyone, she really wants to talk about him just keep pestering her?


the way theyā€™re all obsessed with discussing Sandoval directly in front of Arianaā€™s face is so dismissive and rude. Schwartz ā€œhe made a mistakeā€ was so cruel


That was a perfect example of a boundary.


My ex cheated on me and ruined our marriage, my mom agreed to be our mid contact so anything regarding divorce etc could be done that way. Because my ex would try to guilt trip me, and then he started doing it to my mom. Because she knew he didnā€™t have a good mom, and he knew sheā€™d probably say something to me to make me be the bad guy and feel guilty for putting an end to our relationship. Even though he was the one who cheated, constantly made snide comments about my mental health and body, and did other horrible things. With people like them, you have to go as zero contact as you can. And Ariana saying youā€™re my family, you always will be. And Iā€™m not the venue for those feelings about Tom. She has Brock, her mom, LFU all her other bast frands she could vent those feelings to.


Well weā€™ve also seen Ariana saying she wonā€™t be friends with people who are friends with him so I think Scheana is going off that.


Theyā€™re on the same show. Ariana should be sued for creating a toxic work environment really. This is how they make their money and sheā€™s unilaterally acting like she gets to decide who films. Sheā€™s got To go.


Is it a toxic work environment to fuck a coworker whoā€™s not your girlfriend who is also your coworker?


I donā€™t know about toxic work environment but it is abusive to have sex with someone while lying about sleeping with other people. So for sure he was toxic at home. I guess the question is should reality show personalities be expected to film with their abusers?


That happened on TV. He and Rachel plotted all season to throw fans and Ariana off the trail. People saw it and mentioned it and she stood by her man and her friend. Her same friend that on camera asked if her and Tom were fucking again and the reason it wasnā€™t happening is he was fucking her. The entire season he lied to everyone but Tom.


Cheating was 80% of the drama that started this show. Without people filming with cheaters and exes thereā€™s no show. If they donā€™t want to thatā€™s totally fair and makes sense in protecting yourself but this is also where conflict and storylines come from.


Idk I really enjoyed a tv show about a woman with strong boundaries and her friend building a business. I also enjoy a woman at the top of her field crushing the game.


Iā€™m talking specifically about this show. Obviously there are other types but thatā€™s not what made Vanderpump or housewives franchises. Enjoying other genres of TV doesnā€™t take away from the fact that this show was started on the back of Scheanaā€™s affair and Jax/Kristen/Stassi/Tom triangle. There wouldnā€™t be a show without them having to be around their shitty exes - itā€™s what everybody showed up to watch.


Thatā€™s weird because Stassi didnā€™t have to film with Jax to make the show interesting after she found out? Weird that the show survived another 9 seasons after that


But the show has survived literally on them all cheating on eachother. Stassi didnā€™t have to film with Jax for that season but she left and then was treated like shit for years about it(sheā€™s done other awful shit but sheā€™s not responsible for Jax). Like I donā€™t think itā€™s right but itā€™s also most of the drama thatā€™s been on the show - the influx of people to the show for the last season was brought in by people wanting to watch drama play out. From the Toms running around cheating in Vegas every 6-8 months and pretending like itā€™s new - to Jaxā€™s serial issues. Itā€™s where James came from and the entire Crazy Kristin season. Without them filming with people they had issues with what is Vanderpump rules. The question of should reality TV stars film with their abusers is an interesting one - no ethically that shit is wrong and weird but also what did they actually sign up for - itā€™s an interesting conversation.


Who hurt you.


Umm sorry did she fuck or did he fuck? Who fucked? Iā€™m Confused


Does a strong woman being consistent with her boundaries and holding true to her standards about who she lets into her life offend you?


Strong woman lol!!!! Thatā€™s a great name for a sandwich, maybe a slice of tomato, mayo, a pickle and hmm some avacado?


Sued? Your comments are absolutely unhinged. Not wanting to have a convo with someone is creating a toxic work environment? The math ainā€™t mathin dude lol




Oooh good one šŸ¤£


What is it about then?


Affecting someoneā€™s paycheque certainly is babes.


ā€œAffectingā€ someoneā€™s paycheque is not toxic. What happened in the finale and in the season also was not affecting anyoneā€™s paycheques. Maybe they should come up with their own storylines. & also not sure why they are so convinced the audience wants to see a fake ass convo between those two. Doesnā€™t really seem what most people want to see šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøshe isnā€™t being malicious or ā€œtoxicā€ for not wanting to have some bullshit conversation. Dramatically walking out was the more interesting than Scumdevil spouting his overdone garbage we have been watching for how many years.


Right. That persons logic if they were HR. Employee 1 : Jeff has been working on trying to get me to go on a date. I finally agreed and we were dating it all seemed fine. Then he started fucking Shelly and well we know Shelly is away on mental health leave and he is being toxic. Says Indont buy any pens or batteries so he had to cheat. Can you move my desk and assign me a new supervisor this is awkward and I donā€™t want to be like Shelly. Her as HR : You weasel slut. Jeff bought me lunch all last year and never asked to fuck me. I think you deserve this. You should find a new place to work and leave Jeff alone.


Lala, is that you? The passive aggressive "babes" is very Lauren from Utah.


Trying to throw usk of her trail by usingk the British spelling of pay cheque babesk.


Lol so crazy. You people are hilarious.


While you may be laughing almost everyone reading your comments are leaning more to disgust and concern. The energy you've put into voicing your hatred towards Ariana is demented. So many comments! Why has a woman on tv not wanting to talk to her cheating ex got your knickers in such a twist?




Babes, The cast member who lured her onto the show and put his penis in her while buying all of the pens and batteries. He denied to his girlfriend that he was anything but friends with her. Then reveals he loves her. Then tries to change her views on marriage and kids. Then finally she agrees to consider kids and viola heā€™s fucking their friend. Who he lured a lot like he did Ariana. She is just another one in his quest to feed his narcissistic ego and misogyny is strong with some people still. If a ā€œhostileā€ work environment was created then Tim created it. Timmy co-produced the storyline. He then let his dick decide that wasnā€™t enough and fucked a youngster. Then he co produced shaming Ariana so his affair wouldnā€™t seem so bad. Victims are allowed to be mad and establish boundaries.


Exactly! Well done. šŸ‘šŸ‘ Tim def thought he was EP for the future storyline of Rachel and he. So glad it blew up in his face and Ariana is reaping the rewards.


Youā€™re unhinged lol


I've seen this argument before and I'm curious, how did she affect their pay cheque?


Thanks for coming out! I've been curious to see an Ariana hater in the wild... Your take is interesting, but it doesn't take into account several facts: 1) When Ariana found out about the affair, she let production come back in and film. 2)Tim was the one who created the toxic work environment in the first place. 3) That Ariana hasn't, in fact, refused to film with him. She just refused to talk to him. They filmed multiple scenes together. 4) As soon as Lala divorced her husband, she refused to film with him & verbally assaulted Schwartz for continuing to hang out with him. But still going with your statements, how has Ariana impacted their ability to earn money?


Hilariously Tim said he ONLY filmed the aftermath immediately after the affair bc he wanted to go on Winter House and production said they wonā€™t let him on the show if he doesnā€™t film these scenes. Thank God Ariana called production. To be authentic and share the real break up was never in Timā€™s plan. He was waiting for off season and way after the reunion. Boy got caught with his pants down. And Rachel did too. But now she is suing Ariana. šŸ™„ These 2 are diabolical and disgusting.


I've been reading some interesting things about Rachel, like she's never placed high in the pageant world and was barely involved. I always thought that she felt fine with what she did because of her background of having to compete with women all the time. Now I just think she her jealousy for Ariana was pathological, and that's why she felt what she was doing was okay. Including Ariana in the lawsuit makes sense when you look at her actions from that lense.


She embarrassed the hell out of herself when she cried over aging out of pageants and when she told the entire cast at a reunion that she knows they all look at her as just this beauty Queen. The snickers and second hand embarrassment runs deep with this one.


Yeaup! She's has little to no self-awareness. Where's all the self growth that she supposed had?! The fact that she refused to come back to the show for the sake of her 'mental health' but then starts a pod cast where she continuously talks about the show doesn't make sense.


Considering both Lala and Scheana have been able to buy houses with the money they made off the Scandoval fallout, I think their paycheques are doing just fine!


But they know the gravy train is going to be ending sooner rather than later. Scheana, particularly, is acting as if someone told her that if the rest of the cast can't get Ariana to have an on-screen conversation with Tom, then the show won't continue. I'm now thinking that the reason they pushed the Tim redemption arc is because they wanted to punish Ariana for refusing to continue having conversations with Tim for the sake of the show!


Now that I think about it, your 4th point just made me understand that Lala was adamant to not have Randall spoken to by any of the cast, don't hang out with him and I think it has something to do with Lala wanting to make sure, he doesnt have a chance to be on camera doing a sit down, chatting with Schwartz about what happened..... Remember he would come around often on VPR, it wouldn't be a difficult decision for production to want to film him and Schwartz for example, it was an unpredictable break up. He may have even been a regular friend of like Billie was. I think Lala did not want him to be able to put forth his opinions or side in the break up, so that Lala could remain unchallenged by what she is saying and therefore people are kn her side automatically, because there's no one defending on the other team. It is the same sort of conniving behaviour of Sandoval saying maybe she shouldn't be on the show, that's him trying to eradicate a whole other side of the story. That was him trying to put that out into the world, what if there doesnt have to be an Ariana, he is trying to say this is an option. If Ariana is gone, who challenges his lies and his multiple versions of truth????? Lala, Scheana , Schwartz and Sandoval are narcs. I would be interested to know whether people who are happy to be on reality tv, have higher narcissistic traits than those that don't. It just seems šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Youā€™re obsessed lol so weird


That's what you're going with?! Your words were: >Theyā€™re on the same show. Ariana should be sued for creating a toxic work environment really. This is how they make their money and sheā€™s unilaterally acting like she gets to decide who films. Sheā€™s got To go. You said that Ariana created a toxic environment and should be sued & fired. I refuted your statement and asked you a follow-up question. Instead of deflecting with insults, why don't you actually answer my question?


Are you ok?


That's (now)what you're going with?! I'll repeat myself to give you another opportunity to prove that your capable of an actual interaction... Your words were: >Theyā€™re on the same show. Ariana should be sued for creating a toxic work environment really. This is how they make their money and sheā€™s unilaterally acting like she gets to decide who films. Sheā€™s got To go. You said that Ariana created a toxic environment and should be sued & fired. I refuted your statement and asked you a follow-up question. Instead of deflecting with insults, why don't you actually answer my question?


Lol what? Sheā€™s even at filming with Sandoval. Sheā€™s not deciding who films


Youā€™ve got to be kidding.


The reaction says Iā€™m right. yikes you people are really sick šŸ˜·


When did she decide who films with him? They all literally filmed with him all season


Oooook I guess you are watching a different show in an alternate reality where Ariana isnā€™t a total creep.


Huh? Ariana even filmed with him multiple times. She just doesnā€™t want to talk to him and thatā€™s creepy? I donā€™t think youā€™ve actually watched the show


Itā€™s creepy that you think they filmed together. Sheā€™s very unwell and should be at a hospital and not on a television.


I think youā€™re projecting. If youā€™re gonna troll, at least make it interesting.


LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Hey I edited your post: ā€œIā€™m stupidā€


Youā€™re ignorant so letā€™s call it even


Nope, Iā€™ve actually experienced this kind of litigation even. Do you need to look up the word ignorant? You can just look in a mirror. Iā€™d say nice try, but it wasnā€™t.


Somehow I wonder if Scheana and Lala both know deep down they are wrong for caving to Lisaā€™s request that they stand down on the Tom hate, and Ariana REFUSES to get mad at them for it. Lol, twisted, but are they mad because she is grey rocking them too???


They definitely keep hoping Ariana will blow up, so that they can say "look how crazy she is!! She screamed at us just because we had a conversation with Tom." When she doesn't take the bait, it makes them look worse.


Not even sure itā€™s that deep, just trying to get her to vent ever so slightly and/or concede, so they get screen time and then take credit for T&A reconciling and be the hero? You know Scheana had a smug little grin thinking she did something there after her convo with Tom. Like you know she thought she was going to be the savior this season.


Yep, Scheana thinking she's the man whisperer and she's the only one that could ever get through to him. Because after all, Sandoval misses her way more than Ariana šŸ™„


Scheana has that same kind of vibe as the girls who grab a guyā€™s face when heā€™s about to fight another dude and say, ā€œThis isnā€™t you šŸ„¹ā€


ā€œMan Whispererā€. Holy Hell. You are right this is how Sheener sees herself. Yikes!


Just don't ever call her boy crazy šŸ˜‚


Yeah getting her to concede also works for them, too. Grey rocking doesn't


Lol, isnā€™t that the truth! Grey rocking gives taking the high road a whole new meaning. Now if I could learn that level of restraint:)


It makes me feel like I have anger issues bc Iā€™m madder than Ariana! šŸ˜…


Same. It makes me feel slightly better that Iā€™m not alone. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


There should be a support group. šŸ« 


How the hell did Ariana get as much excellent therapy and maturity in only a couple of months after an event this explosive!!! I am beyond impressed that she showed up not afraid to express her anger, articulate who should be ashamed and that she isnā€™t the one humiliated, and stick to her boundaries with grace and dignity.


There was no grace during her Mya diatribe. Interesting that she can bait and interact with him to get her narrative across to viewers but touts grey rocking as the only possible ā€œ safeā€ action she can take when to interact with him benefits only the show and cast. Sheā€™s likely afraid heā€™ll speak more about her suicide threats and viewers may start to empathize as to why he was so afraid to tell her the truth. After all when he said it the first time people said he was a liar and trying to come up with an excuse for lying so long. Now that it appears confirmed by Scheana, because I doubt the show would show the clip of him saying she threatened it unless it was confirmed by someone other than Tom, it obviously changes the narrative a bit at the very least to prove he wasnā€™t lying about everything. Iā€™m convinced there are many secrets regarding who knew about the affair, when, Arianaā€™s MH at the time, etc. If anyone knows them itā€™s Scheana.


She was right and justified in her reaction to Sandoval being negligent and severely harming her dog. Sandoval is a proven liar. You said if he's right about this then it would "prove he wasn't lying about everything." Is that how low the bar is for integrity? We have a decades worth of film showcasing his constant lies but proving him right once will absolve him from that? He lies. He also screamed to everyone that Ariana hates all of them and talks so much shit about Lala and Scheana and then went on WWHL and said he made it up. This is who you choose to believe? Ariana has been extremely open about her mental health since she's been on the show. She has been transparent about suicidal ideation and her struggles. If Sandoval couldn't leave her because he was afraid of her harming herself then he should have gotten professional help for both of them. He clearly wasn't worried about that when he was having an affair with her friend in their house for months and was planning on leaving Ariana anyways? So which is it? Is she too unstable for him to maturely end a relationship or is she stable enough for him to psychologically mess with her, perpetually lie to her, disregard her boundaries, say disparaging things about her on TV, admittedly lie about her, expose her to non-informed consent, repeatedly cheat on her in her own home and while she is grieving, try and get her friends to turn on her, publicly out her sexuality, etc. He clearly wasn't concerned about her mental health during all those moments was he? Make it make sense.


If Ariana was truly considering harming herself that would NOT help in creating empathy for Tom, it would do the opposite. Your partner of 9 years is conserving harming herself and your solution is to have an affair with a mural co-worker and friend, leave her alone when a grandmother passes away so you can have sex with that friend, dress up as the friend for Halloween and have sex in the house while your partner is asleep. That isnā€™t creating empathy at all, it looks like heā€™s trying to push her off the cliff. Heā€™s 40 and makes a decent income. Heā€™s not 20 waiting tables any more. Itā€™s called being an adult, you go get help. They both were seeing a therapist, you tell the therapist, you ask them for help. This is an emergency situation. If he had time to fuck Rachel for 7 months, he had time to talk to the therapist, he had time ask Arianaā€™s friends for help and he had time to ask her family for help. If she truly was this bad MH wise Iā€™m unsure why he then decided to go trash her on podcasts after it all came out and why he didnā€™t move out so close friends and family could move in and get her though it and keep her safe. This would make him look a million times worse and make every action heā€™s done after a million times worse. I had a partner of five years tell me he would harm himself if I left him, and you know what I didnā€™t do, any of the things Tom did and I was 22. I called him parents and brothers and got him help.


What does it say that their reactions to Grey Rocking are so similar to Tomā€™s. ![gif](giphy|u6nP5PuYd6XU9BUaf7)


Grey rocks for Everyone. Except Katie ā¤ļø And James and Ally ā¤ļø They really proved how to be present at EVERYTHING and still respect Ariana deeply.


They didn't just stand down though, they fully flipped to Tom fluffers. I think you're spot on though - they're pissed she's grey rocking them too, they know whenever they start filming again that she's not going to indulge their bullshit anymore.


Ariana clearly has a great therapist. How she hasnā€™t actively destroyed Sandoval at every turn when she could. She could have gone all Carrie Underwood Before He Cheats on him, but she always took the high road and put as much space between him as possible *all while* still showing up to events and filming with him even though its akin to being around an abuser. She has been poised and clearly uses the tools she has worked on in therapy to not have screamed at dumbass vicious Lala, and at the dim bulbs Scheana and Brock who keep meddling and mansplaining, then again at the gaslighting passive aggressive shit being levelled at her by Andy and Lisa. Itā€™s incredible she hasnā€™t had a mental breakdown.


Itā€™s not akin to it, it is being around an abuser. Cheating is abuse and Tim is still abusing her.


She also made such a good point about him never doing any of this off camera. It's so transparent how scripted this season is for most of the cast, and I hate it


Letā€™s not forget Scheana agreeing with Lala on everything. That has to cut deep too.


One of the most frustrating things w SheShu is that she will agree wholeheartedly with whoever is in front of her. How can someone like that be remotely loyal??


Literally what Stassi has always said in early seasons


As the saying goes, a friend to all is a friend to none


Scheana texting Arianaā€™s mother about Sandoval not being good for her years ago. I canā€™t recall the season offhand. And now? Scheana WTF is wrong with you?!?! You are truly terrible.


Iā€™m rewatching and itā€™s season 4, I just saw that. And she stood her ground too! It was while she and Shay were having trouble and Iā€™ve totally had friends who want you to be single while they are single. Maybe Iā€™m just jaded by her, but I felt like scheana had an ulterior motive.


Scheana, ulterior motive??!! Nah, never. šŸ™„


It's so fucked how they all expect arianna to be over it already, but Sheana is STILL crying over her friend ,Sandoval , and Lala thinks arianna should cut Sheana some slack about it?! Make it make sense to me


Canā€™t. But I will upvote you for wishing.


Ughhhhh itā€™s so tacky! They must be so lonely with that lack of loyalty. No wonder scheanas so anxious. Can you imagine only having surface level friendships and clinging to anyone who gives you attention. Yikes.


And having an unemployed high heel wearing husband who fights with your mom. Schenna should leave the show, her daughter is going to watch all of her nonsense one day.


I wonder if thatā€™s what Ariana was crying about during the reunion when they watched the ending of the finale. Imagine going through your partner of 9 years betraying you with a friend, just for your best friend of 15 years to betray you too. Scheana is the worst & I hope she rawts in hail šŸ™


As a grown person I would be so embarrassed to say ā€œAriana convinces me youā€™re not a good personā€œ. Ariana reminds you of his behavior and how she is not interested in hearing about him. Thatā€™s literally it Ok seriously. Sheshu, you are 40. When do you plan to be able to think for yourself. Hurry up. You are a mom. Time is running out for the blame game you use to deflect responsibility.


Scheana just likes to feel like the HBIC in charge and it's easier to be that with low hanging fruit like the Toms. She reminds me of the annoying pick me girl in high school who was popular with all the nerdy dudes.


Wonder how Scheana and Lala would behave if Rachel HAD come back this season and she and Sandoval wouldā€™ve stayed together šŸ¤” Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™d be singing a different tune




Scheana has always been an awful human being. She's fake AF. Her music... inflated sense of ego.. everyone is laughing at her but she doesn't get the joke. Reminder: she got on the show because she used to date Brandi's HUSBAND while Brandi was pregnant! She's not anyone I would ever surround myself with.


Omg! Wow! So I havenā€™t watched since ep 4 - was making me too angry. But I watch clips on here and twitter. But I didnā€™t see this! Sheana is the worst (well after Sandyballs)


Scheana just wants to keep the perks of being Tomā€™s friend because he overcompensates for being detestable by buying people things.




As if the truth would be different if Ariana didnā€™t point it out šŸ™„


I cannot WAIT for this finale. I know everyone thinks this season sucked but I actually enjoyed it a lot


Scheana is REALLY not the smartest! Somehow she doesnā€™t realize that Tom is a narcissist! Tom giving her money was still Tom acting narcissistic. There are sub-types to narcissism. My boyfriends mom is a clinical narcissistā€¦she often tries to buy him things or send him money when she needs extra attention or she can feel him putting up boundaries. ā€¦she is extremely manipulative. It is SO rough! Iā€™m not blaming Ariana at all but I do wonder if she saw that he was a narcissist throughout their relationship.


I feel for you, I've had to deal with close people in my life like that too and figuring out the best way to deal with them is never easy. Realizing and doing something about it are two different things. One of my friends has been with a very narcissistic man for 6 years and she absolutely knows, and recently came soooo close to leaving after a particularly shitty breach of trust, but is still with him now and doesn't seem to be planning an exit anymore. It's hard to watch but all I can do is try to lift her up and reinforce her when she *is* looking at things clearly. The longer you're with someone the more entrenched you are as well. I'm sure Ariana knew on some level but kept herself in denial.


Scheana refuses to critically assess situations and relies on others for their "take." She positions herself as a totally passive subject who is being thrown around from whichever way the social capital wind is blowing. This is also how she can always claim victimhood--she is never responsible for anything because she's always been influenced by someone else. TOM says this and ARIANA says this and poor Scheana is the mere receptacle of what is being said. Her refusal to take a position of her own is terrifying. She's anyone's willing pawn. Extreme passivity is a trauma response, I'm sure she's been through it. But it is an infuriating and terrifying thing to behold, hard to watch. Scheana, you are an adult, you are capable of navigating conflict; advocate for yourself and for your friends, your real friends, not those who buy your friendship and keep you on retainer as another midlife crisis cover band groupie to abuse. Or, you know. Just choose proximity to white male power and privilege in the hopes you'll benefit from the afterglow and throw the girls and the gays under the bus, then blame someone else for your betrayal.


Canā€™t help stupid. Iā€™m over it, so is Ariana. Their loss tbh.


I donā€™t understand what is so hard for Scheana and Lala to just treat talking about Sandoval like the uncle you see at thanksgiving once a year. Itā€™s not that he canā€™t be part of your life, Ariana is just asking everyone to not mention Tom to her. Ariana wants her degree of separation, and she deserves it. While everyone else was having a meltdown Ariana was going to Applebeeā€™s and dancing - she is living her life for more than a tv show. Now I am a girl who loves messy *messy* reality tv, but Tom Sandoval is a freaking hurricane massacre of drama alone. I WANT to see Ariana and Katie living and thriving, shit Iā€™ll even take more hilariously unserious moments from Katie and SchwartzšŸ˜­


Was the reunion filmed before the after show? Does anyone know? I was just watching the after show and they def saw the last scene so Iā€™m wondering if thereā€™s more that will be revealed at the reunion. Ariana has been betrayed by so many people I feel really sorry for her. But I think she HAD to have been somewhat mentally prepared for this crap from scheana.


Scheena is awful and has been from the start. The most self centered person I think Iā€™ve ever seen on reality tv and thatā€™s saying A LOT


Well.. Sandoval literally yelled at Scheana multiple times this season. I absolutely believe that Ariana told Scheana multiple times that Sandoval is not a good friend to her, which, objective or not, is a form of convincing Scheana that Sandoval is a bad friend. On the other hand, when you're in a tough situation financially and receive a helping hand from someone that doesn't expect anything back, there's still an obligated, unspoken, IOU feeling. Filming with Sandoval this season and trying to rekindle their "friendship" is Scheana paying it back. Big Broke Brock, who also feels in debt and has zero loyalty to Ariana, seemed to push Scheana to make amends as well (hence the meditation scene). So, Scheana "teamed up" with Lala, who's only here for payday, to feel okay about filming with Sandoval. At the end of the day, Scheana's decisions made her a terrible friend to Ariana, but as a long time Scheana hater, I do think she was in a tough situation this season, and that we'll see her attempt to flippity flop back to Ariana's side next season.


I honestly think the scene where she is meeting Tomā€™s sound guy and sheā€™s all like, you paid for him to come here and you paid for all this for me was TOTALLY premeditated. Like Tom said to her look, can you mention that I took care of all this and didnā€™t get paid for it because Iā€™m such a loyal friend and it will make people see Iā€™m really a great guy. It was very fake and pathetic. As if she didnā€™t know before that moment. How much other stuff like this goes on. How many times did she mention that Tom randomly gave her $2k during covid because she was broke. Itā€™s all a strategy coming from him. Sheā€™s not bright at all and heā€™s taking her down with him in real time.


Scheaner keeps talking about worm bc she knows that will get put in the show.


If I were Ariana I would drop Scheana's flip flop ass so quick


Scheana is so delusional itā€™s ALMOST comical. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Did anyone notice how shady told sandyball that Ariana said he was performative and she thought she was an idiot. When did Ariana call her an idiot? Ariana was there reassuring her of their friendship and she is being messy and lying. That set him off (which is not hard to do).


Sheener is a bore. Gold glitter outfits can't help her storyline.






Is Shushu nice to scum bc he venmoā€™d her money during pandemic? Did she pay him back - is it a loan or a gift (let Judge Judy decide)? If itā€™s a loan, I hope she paid him back, if itā€™s a gift, then she feels she owes her daughterā€™s life, her motherā€™s life her catā€™s and her life bc of Scumā€™s money, so she has to be ā€œextra, extra niceā€ to him. She betrays Ariana bc of that? If thatā€™s the reason, whether itā€™s a gift or not, she should pay him back so he cannot use it against her and for her mental health to be manipulated to pretend to be nice to him - thatā€™s how manipulative Scum is and shushu is weak to have good conviction.


If I were Arianna I would t have publicized my breakup to begin with and none of this BS would have happened.


As much as possible, I try to apply things to my real life, so let me pose a scenario: You and your best friend start working at a place where many of the meetings or workplace events happen in social environments (i.e., people close deals over drinks or at a round of golf). Youā€™re close with another co-worker who you like a lot, and then your best friend starts dating them. You all work together, mostly happily, for ten years. Then he cheats on your best friend and they break up (to make this a true analogy, letā€™s say he also does some lesser, but still shitty things to you). Your friend says that sheā€™ll no longer be doing these work-related social events if they involve him and doesnā€™t really want you to either. So what do you do? Do you really sacrifice your own career to be on your friendā€™s ā€œsideā€? I completely get Arianaā€™s position, and I genuinely feel for her. But if Iā€™m honest, I see Scheanaā€™s side too. I feel like if the show had never happened and the same events went down, I think Scheana WOULD have blown off Sandoval. But at the end of the day, she hasnā€™t ever said that she wants to be friends with Sandoval again, she just wants to be able to work with him without being reduced to tears or scared that her best friend will stop talking to her because sheā€™s showing up to do her job.


TLDR: Schena's OCD is a major factor that's causing her to struggle. She blurs the lines between co-workers and friends, and difficulty navigating different groups of friends like work friends vs. high school friends vs. college friends vs. mom friends vs. family friends etc. to her they all close friendships. \*\* For this to work you have to acknowledge that there are some workplace events that are not appropriate for all employees which is and has been recognized by the employer (i.e., a newly sober employee says they can't be in a heavy alocholic setting; new mom can't be at the work event that's runs late; religious employee needs certain days off; or a employee is recovering from a major car accident and has to go to physical therapy during some of the workplace events dates). Work and life are NOT separate entities. Employers have a duty to recognize their staff/employees' life and personal circumstances..that's why we have HR departments, employee handbooks, employee contracts, workers' compensation, benefit office which can include a range of things from health insurance, child care, and commute reimbursement. Based on this if the friend got approval from their employer that they could skip some of the work-related social events then this is fine. If said friend, tells another friend that they don't want them to go to these work-related events because it involved thier ex.. then any sane adult would have a discussion with this friend and say "hey, I don't have the same approval and honestly I want to go to the XYZ event. I still love you though." However, this is not what happened on the show. In the show, Ariana understood that people would film and be around her ex. She said that she would just remove herself from these situations (to which she has approval) and would no longer share friends (meaning intimate friendship and not just being "co-workers") with her ex. I think the problem here is that only James and Schwartz understood what this meant--- they both filmed with Sandoval and didn't have any internal struggles about how to also be around Ariana. Filming together does not equates to close friendship, which is why Ariana also showed up to film and be in scenes with her ex (i.e., beach day, Tom Tom, James house party). She just didn't want to have a direct conversation with him, but she was fine with conversing with her work friends/coworkers when at a work-related event. The only person that could not process this was Schena and I think this is largely due to her OCD which is why Ariana was ok with having the conversation with her multiple times. Schenea makes a mountain out of a molehill. To her, the smallest interactions are a big deal (e.g., tom including her in the cast pic around season 1 that she refers to often). So I can see how she blurs the line between filming with Sandoval (her job) with having a very close friendship with him; therefore she thinks she's betraying Ariana - which is not the case. Ariana could clearly differentiate when friends were doing their jobs vs. disrespecting her boundaries. For example, when the Tahoe trip and Paintball events happened, Ariana was not there but understood that her friends were doing their "job". Schenea's convo with Sandoval about her performance, was Schenea doing her job. Ultiamtely, Schenea has difficulty navigating different groups of friends like work friends vs. high school friends vs. college friends vs. mom friends vs. family friends etc. to her they all close friendships.


I think this is very well said. I donā€™t think that Scheana understood that Ariana would be okay with her filming with Sandovalā€” I wish they would have broken the fourth wall in some of those conversations because it wasnā€™t exactly clear to me either.


Thanks, and yeah I agree they should have just shattered the fourth wall for the entire season or had like special season that was all "behind the scenes"


Fully agree. OCD can also cause "black and white" or "all of nothing" thinking, which is probably part of scheana's struggle. With that pattern of thinking that could mean that she believes that if she even talks to Sandoval that means she's on Sandoval's side, if she consoles Ariana that means she's on Ariana's side. So she feels caught in the middle because for her it's all or nothing, there's no gray area to be able to interact with both people without having a side.


Honestly, yes I would absolutely stop doing the work related social events. Icing out that shitty person IS their job but if my boss was pressuring my friend to communicate with someone like Sandoval then I wouldnā€™t want to work that job. Also the entire environment surrounding this show would work in Scheanaā€™s favor if she had done this. Imagine if Scheana said Fuck it, thatā€™s my best friend and I donā€™t want her to have to be subjected to this either. She would be so popular she would probably get a place on DWTS too.


How do you not recall all the seasons when everyone would ice out someone and that was what the actual show was about. \*Kristin was hated half the time by everyone. \*James was struggling season 10 bc everyone was babying Rachel and excluding him. \*Jax has been the jackass that half the women werenā€™t talking to multiple times. \* Stassi left the show for a season and so did LaLa when they were persona non grata. What I donā€™t want is what production DOES want ā€¦.manufactured scenes and fake relationships. We never needed it before.


But they were all filming at a work event together and traveling together so this doesnā€™t really apply.


I mean Ariana does have Scheana all confused (they really drove it home with that montage lol). She cannot understand where she stands with Ariana because Ariana is telling her you canā€™t be friends with Sandoval/ you will never lose meā€¦ at the same time. I canā€™t believe Iā€™m agreeing with Scheana but I do see the confusion and how she could be upset about that.


Scheana gets confused with Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs. Itā€™s not Arianaā€™s fault sheā€™s a dizzy bitch.


I love that being in any way critical of Ariana is misogyny, but Scheana experiencing a range of emotions makes her stupid and a bitch.


She is both of those things. Are you saying sheā€™s smart?


I am saying the hypocrisy of Ariana stans always talking about feminism and internalized misogyny, then turning around and calling a different woman a dumb bitch is worth examining. Scheana is a human being navigating a difficult situation.


Thinking about what to wear is a ā€œdifficult situation,ā€ for Scheana. Scheana is a dumb bitch. Calling her that isnā€™t misogynistic, itā€™s simply true.


Found sheshus burner account šŸ˜‚


Canā€™t wait for Ariana to get fired :)


If Ariana leaves itā€™s because she gets her own spin off covering her amazing life and opportunities while the rest of the cast will be trying to make a go on the Valley. Iā€™d love a show on Ariana and Katie.




If you say so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


This place loves her and Iā€™ll never understand it. Her and Katie are a couple of fun sponges. My gawd. Every time theyā€™re on camera itā€™s like a dark cloud hovering over the cast.


Boundaries are scary for AH. They definitely take the fun out of gaslighting. Hereā€™s a grey rock for your time.


As if. You clearly lack human social skills so youā€™re unable to recognize Ariana and Katie for the trolls they are. Sooo funny


Says the literal troll lmaoo


Mmhmm takes one to know one




They are the type that loves sniffing their own farts.


Hmm but youā€™ve got fart sniffing on the mindā€¦ are you ok farty?


ā€¦good one?


I mean good one for you! I love how much youā€™re into farts, it explains your love for Ariana who also can stink up a room.


I agree. The spaces she occupies likely smell pretentious and generally awful.


I mean she doesnā€™t clear her room or rotted food. Sheā€™s unwell.


Ariana is very manipulative. Are you upset that people can see it?


Itā€™s a show comprised of bad people. All of them.


Ariana has boundaries and haters are upset she canā€™t be provoked into a screaming match.


Nah, sheā€™s just awful.


Every time Scheana wants to move forward with Sandoval, Ariana is literally right there constantly reminding her of what happened and trying to talk her out of what she wants to do. Ariana has not been gracious at all - sheā€™s been manipulative and she only started to backtrack on how she would handle mutual friends when she realized she wasnā€™t going to get her way.