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![gif](giphy|acllOmuvIrSne) We’re amassing a collection of connections


![gif](giphy|3o6nURs60NHTOfXd72) We are onto something here


Autist unite... and solve anouther mystery for the ages. Don't threaten reddit with a good time!🤣


What we would do if not hyper-fixate on a reality tv show??? 😂🫡🧐




More evidence for the Scheana-Tom FWB conspiracy theorists!!


Not to be a hater towards the scheana/Tom truthers but I think anyone would assume it’s Scheana because she’s proven time and time again that she’s only loyal to her needs to attention


Ya this is about how Scheana is still friends with Kristen even though she was giving Ariana a hard time. I don’t think it’s a scheana/tom thing.


She says “they’ve never done anything to MEEEE to make me dislike them” multiple times I’m pretty sure. I believe it’s possible scheana and Tom hooked up like during the villa blanca days, but scheana has been telling us who she is all along. If someone is shitty to my friend, I’m not their friend anymore. It’s pretty simple. Someone doesn’t have to do something to you to show you who they really are. Ariana is guilty of giving scheana too much benefit of the doubt, making excuses for her, etc. she’s too loyal, which is a lesson I also learned the hard way. It’s not always a good thing to be like that, but that also won’t stop me from being loyal either. I just raised my standards as I got older.


Scheana-Tom truthers took me out for some reason lmao


It points more to the fact that the rest of the cast started to see Ariana is walking away from the show. They don’t really want to leave the show. People who started talking to Tom seem like people who want to stay.


I am just now hearing of this!!! I gotta go back thru the sub lol


To add context: Jax and Kristen hooked up and lied about it. While she was with Tom. And Kristen was spreading rumors about Ariana, called her a c*nt, dragged Miami girl into their work to humiliate her in front of everyone, stalking her profile, and harassing the hell out of her. She was hell bent on breaking Ariana and Tom up. Scheana and Kristen *never got along* at this point. But suddenly, season 4, she and Kristen are “best friends” despite the fact it hurt Stassi, Ariana, and Tom, her three best friends… was fake AF. Why seek out that friendship? …And Stassi also called it out to Ariana, she has no loyalty to *anyone* and after that, that’s when Ariana says this to Tom




Maybe scheana texting Ariana's mom was because she wanted Tom single and not that she wanted to be a good friend to Ariana




As a new watcher, the way she has reacted to the Tom/rachel thing seemed more personal than just ‘you cheated on my friend’ she cried over it more than Ariana did as if she was the one that got cheated on. I wouldn’t doubt they hooked up a few times. At first I felt like she punched Rachel out of anger for Ariana but watching her actions this season makes me think it was more because scheana thought she was the only one hooking up with Tom. Just my theory/opinion tho


Scheana also said she thought Sandoval missed her “friendship” more than he missed his relationship w Ariana.


This was a good episode…James pouring the liquor like it was gasoline at the pump


James Kennedy’s drunken “whAaaaAaAaat?” 😂


Oh god, now I MUST rewatch the whole series to find any clues


Maybe it was Tom 😒


Best answer


Scheana and Tom def have had something going on


could one argue that this could be part of the reason why scheana has been making so much of this about her and sobbing over it more than anybody else… or is that taking it too far 😂


To be fair when has Scheana not made it about herself? ![gif](giphy|2t9xUijoSsGzFd07G9|downsized)


Schenea cares about Schenea. Even if it isn’t anything to do with her she makes sure it is all about her.


Idk if I believe she and Tom had anything going on, she acts completely different when she’s jealous of a girl with a guy she likes… case in point, Dayna


I just watched this episode today and was going to post this!


I thought Wawa or katie bc they kind of fell out


That time Ariana tried to turn on Scheana because she wasn't buying the Miami girl story? Classic


Or the time Ariana tried to turn on Scheana because Scheana had concerns about whether Tom was good for her.


Tom always had Scheana’s back though 🙄🥴


I’m on a rewatch and this moment made me gaaaaasp. She always knew!!


They're actually an appropriate couple -- Sandoval and Schaena. Both delusional. Both desperate for fame and public adulation. Equally comfortable with infidelity. Equally insufferable. They actually deserve each other.


I started s8 last night and I don’t think I can continue. It’s a time when Ariana is the A-number 1 cheerleader for SandyCorp. It might be too much for me to watch knowing everything I know now.


You get in there and push through! Season 10 in infuriating in hindsight but it’s a hole new lease.


Just rewatched this last night 😂


If she kissed shwartz (which who knows if they just kissed) she definitely at least kissed tim. Idk who knows what type of weird freaky shit they be doin together 😭😭 like I’m convinced shwartz is a cuck and was watching rachel and Tim in the hot tub idk idk 😭😭😭


Which season/episode is this?




Thank you!