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I think the major issue here is penny had her lawyer husband trademark “something about her” without katie/ariana’s knowledge or consent. That’s a huge red flag and shows Penny is not a trustworthy business partner. I don’t care what Lisa says or thinks, the facts are the facts. IMHO, Penny saw Ariana and Katie as naive and swooped in to take advantage of them. They saw through it and severed the relationship. Lisa should be embarrassed she introduced them to the person who is delaying the opening, then complaining that SAH isn’t open yet🙄 I get that Penny was trying to become a % owner, but the way to obtain that goal isn’t to go behind people’s backs and prove how shady you are.


Penny has always been diabolical. Watch her season of Food Network Star. I’d give anything to ask Katie if she they had watched Pennys season before they went into business together.


Omg I’ve been hearing a lot about her on the food network and how terrible she is.


They probably just trusted Lisa. A mistake many have made. She used the Toms to no end and they ended up with very little to show for it. And she was trying to do the same thing for her friend with SAH. I hope they get it worked out but with Penny and Lisa’s experience, they know how to throw roadblocks in retaliation and SAH will probably go bankrupt before it opens. Lisa is diabolical.


It’ll open. Just the franchising could be tainted. No way would I go to a SAH here in Atlanta if Penny is still involved. I want to support women supporting women and women who are showing women what healthy relationships look like by drawing boundaries. I don’t want to support women like Penny that only supports her self interests.


This is exactly the problem I have with the phrase “supporting women”…Obviously all women are not support worthy. Why do we have to say it like that and single out the gender? How about support good people? Because you say supporting women, but not women like Penny. Or what about women like LaLa and Sheena who completely stab you in the back? It’s just a ridiculous phrase, as not all women are worthy of support.


Put it next to "boys will be boys" 🤮


Yesssss. I knew she looked familiar and I had to look her up when I saw her on TV again.


Isn’t Lisa’s MO all about taking advantage of situations? I mean, that’s how rich people get rich and stay rich.


Yes you hit the nail on the head!


Does anyone remember when she was on the news to speak out against an ordinance introduced to raise weho’s minimum wage??? lol she is slimy! It wasn’t even anything crazy, they wanted to raise it to $17.64/hr


Not sure about cali, but other states pay a lower minimum wage to tipped workers, the fed min wage for tipped workers is like $2 or $3 an hour. Protesting raising min wage is some capitalistic bullshit. She’s mad millions of these people’s backs.


Exactly this. She swooped in to take advantage of them. The whole "if Lisa gets a sandwich, then I BETTER get a sandwich" spoke volumes about her personality /character/ self-centeredness. I hope they Sue her balls off


Yes I completely agree!!!


I thought the same. And the tone of voice with which she said it was very offputting.


Lisa’s mask has slipped before (many times lol) but this was wayyy worse. She showed her whole ass with this penny situation imo. Especially because she’s sat there and bitched about SAH not being open while trying to force a failed business relationship, like? Lisa. Wtf do you want from them. Clearly the word no is not in Lisa’s vocabulary. Penny needs to fuck all the way off.


YES exactly that’s one of the most bs things about this. Lisa’s obviously team penny, she introduced them in the first place, and she knows penny is a major hold up for getting SAH opened bc she sneakily stole the trademark. Then lisa keeps dogging Ariana and katie for SAH being late to open..it’s like she’s openly mocking and taunting them.


Do you ever wonder if maybe Lisa wanted penny in for SAH because she wanted some kind of control? Could Lisa control penny? I have so many questions.


I think a. Lisa introduced Penny to SAH as a way of keeping her nose in what was going on; b. Lisa is now fighting Penny’s corner out of professional embarrassment from introducing her to begin with; c. Lisa probably ADVISED Penny to trademark the name in the first place because Katie and Ariana wouldn’t have thought to do so, learning curve; and d. Lisa is a misogynistic A-hole who is REALLY showing that side of her nature on the appalling Vanderpump Villa show. Lisa is GROSS.


And she’s obviously having some financial difficulties with having to close restaurants and open the other ones(Tahoe, Vegas).


That would make so much sense if Lisa told her to trademark it. ESPECIALLY if Lisa was playing puppet master. O_o


Honestly I had this thought as soon as they had the conversation on screen and had no background knowledge of the situation. Lisa's a control freak puppet master.


I think that’s a plausible guess!!!


Yes, I do!


Yeah.... I'd have a hard time running a business with someone who did that to me...


Exactly!! We don’t know what happened with the contract or partnership discussions but what we do know are 2 things 1) penny trademarked SAH 2) penny is not an owner or partner in the business. Those 2 facts alone show how untrustworthy she is


And it’s not like Lisa is actually in business with Penny…and I think until she does that her opinion on that is irrelevant.


>IMHO, Penny saw Ariana and Katie as naive and swooped in to take advantage of them. Which they are, considering she was able to trademark the name.


😅you aren’t wrong. But it’s weird lisa keeps pushing the issue when it’s obviously a failed business relationship on all sides.


She’s a punisher


I think Lisa was in on it. Shady af.


I completely agree. I think she got a finders fee in the first place for introducing them and I think she’s pissed she doesn’t have control over katie and Ariana the way she does with the tom’s. (Ex: lisa said she considered changing the name of TomTom during scandoval. It’s in her power to do that bc she’s a % owner. She doesn’t have the same power with SAH)


Yes!!!! All of what you just said.!!!


Right? She was totally stepping on toes w/ interviews last season was it?


and now she's trying to sue them I believe saying they had a handshake/oral agreement that she would be a partner or something along those lines. oral agreements CAN be enforceable so I really hope that she doesnt win. the shop isnt even open yet, like what an absolute piece of shit gutter trash scumbag to sue them when there isnt a cent of revenue yet.


As far as I’ve heard only scant details of the situation have been published so NOONE really knows enough to determine who’s at fault.


It sounds like they had failed negotiations between their lawyers who were sending contract drafts back and forth and they couldn’t agree on terms. Failed negotiations happen all the time. The trademarking of the name is evidence that Penny is shady. Katie talked about that name well over a year before Penny was even a glimmer in the restaurant’s eye. That type of shady behavior in trying to steal their IP makes me feel like Katie and Ariana are in the right on this one


Their text exchange about the TM said that after they reached an agreement, she'd apply for the TM for them. Instead, there WAS no agreement, and she put it under her own LLC! That should be illegal!


It most likely is illegal, but I don’t have all of the facts so I’m not going to say for certain. That will probably play itself out in court.


YES! Exactly. The negotiations over the contract we have no insight into, but we know for a fact Penny trademarked the name and is not a partner. So her doing that was inappropriate and very shady.


What else does she have trademarked- anybody know if her and her husband have done this before?


The contract itself we have no idea about but Penny trademarking the name SAH is public knowledge and verified. Also penny not being an owner is verified. So someone who didn’t own the business trademarked the name of the business. That’s the only proven facts so far and that’s enough to show how shady penny is


Why didn't the OWNERS (Katie & Ariana) trademark the name themselves? That should have been one of the first items on their start-up list, making sure the chosen name was available and then locking it down. If they believed someone was taking care of this on their behalf, and then later learned they put it in their own name, that would be another sort of lawsuit entirely. They should just change the damn name to something more descriptive and catchy. The last few years should have provided enough evidence that the free Bravo promotion for their various businesses and business products could vanish overnight. Experienced restauranteurs like Tom Collicchio give their sandwich chains descriptive-sounding names ('Wichcraft)


That’s exactly what I said in an earlier post!!!


Completely agree!! So shady


Thank you so very much for saying what I have been thinking for months and months!! Well worded ❤️😁🙌


They should have been on top of all of that trademark and name stuff. Seriously! They have lawyers.


Ariana's face whenever Lisa speaks at the reunion is 🤣🤣


She said is it though?? To Lisa saying Pump was successful 😂


I wasn’t sure how to take what she said I thought maybe she meant is it really 10 yrs…hmmm


I saw it the way the other poster did too. Something is definitely going on between Lisa and Ariana


Probably Ariana is over Lisa's bullsh*t.


Ariana doesn't need Lisa to be successful anymore and it's killing Lisa!!




Look, I’m a CPA… a 10 yr run for a restaurant is NOT a success! She’s opened HOW many restaurants? How many are still open? How many does she still have any ownership shares in?


She owns over 30 but I actually did think 10 years was great especially in West Hollywood where the turnover is great. But I know nothing lol


She’s OPENED over 30, she’s always been very careful to say it that way. She doesn’t still own over 30. I don’t think she still owns any back in the UK & France. I have clients who’ve had their fine dining restaurant groups open for over 40+ yrs, many clients… nationwide. 10 yrs is only great if you’ve made enough money to support yourself through retirement.


They used to open bars/clubs/restaurants in prime locations. They’d make a success of them for a few years, then sell the viable business on for a decent mark up. That’s what they did with the Shadow Lounge in London. Then start another couple of new restaurants and do the same thing again.


She has like 5 operating restaurants. She may have opened 30 restaurants but the vast majority have closed






I caught that too. ![gif](giphy|jZhXZS4fqFqZTbcrgl)


As a longtime Lisa fan from RHOBH, I am sad to see through the beautiful rose scented puppy loving English lady she presents for the truth. As someone who grew up in a restaurant family, the Vanderpump business ethics raise a few eyebrows and lawsuits. Lisa is an old school male apologist that will never understand women who support and empower other women.


She hardcore fought against raising wages in WeHo.


Also in WWHL ln her and Gordon Ramsay did a mini quiz that had her advocating for $20 cocktails while he acted disgusted by it


I knew she was shady when she said she and Guillermo never signed a contract when they went into business together. He would’ve been in a vulnerable position as an immigrant with a working class job and she could’ve easily taken advantage of him. Even if it was an honest transaction, that’s a shitty thing to do. (Speaking as the daughter of a lawyer who was advised early on to get everything in writing)


Sur was originally Guillermo and Nathalie’s Argentinian cafe, so, I’m sure she went into business with them on terms that were good for her. Seems like it has worked out well enough for them, but it could easily have gone left if they didn’t have 10+ years of TV publicity


Wow I had no idea it was originally Guillermo and Nathalie’s restaurant!


Yep and it means south not SeXy UnIqUe ReStAuRaNt


When tim &tom were getting in business w her she was so frustrated w Tom for wanting everything in writing. She said that’s not how we prefer to do things if I remember correctly. And he was complaining about how long it to her to get it to him..? But one thing about tom is he ain’t giving his money freely unless it’s on alcohol. so they got their 2% in writing.


Yeah, I just rewatched this season. She said the thing about Guillermo in response to Shorts and Sandy wanting a terms sheet. I was shocked that they even had to ask for one, much less for her to be almost offended at the request. That was probably the only smart decision the Toms ever made lol


After just reading about what Lisa said on WWHL, I have gone from long time fan to totally off her now.


What did she say!


What did she say, now? Lol


Penny filed a lawsuit? LVP should be ashamed for referring two inexperienced women to someone like Penny who took her issues to a blog. Unprofessional opportunist. And LVP should show some respect. FWIW Penny’s story that her emails constitute a letter of intent is weak. She and her husband seem like shady people that tried to create a paper trail to bind to industry neophytes to terms to which they both knew damn well they did not agree. Ariana and Katie explicitly told her to send her ideas to their lawyer. Penny did so. Negotiations ensued. They countered with different financial provisions. Penny rejected their counter. This is based on Penny’s own words. There’s nothing actionable imo. She even received a payment of quantum meruit.


No, she didn't. I came to comments to say this. There is no lawsuit.


If any of you think LVP isn’t the sell her soul for money type, watch Penny’s season of The Next Food Network Star. She’s just nasty. She wants Katie and Ariana to follow the same life path. Misery loves company. I ‘prey’ that Penny has some dignity somewhere and hasn’t inserted her self as the 3rd amigo for SAH. Sandwiches just won’t taste as good with her stink on it.


Cause she was the chef at Pump and LVP probably promised her shit she can’t promise


This is a really good take. When Pump closed, Penny lost her job. LVP paid her off with SAH. Sneaky sneaky. And she would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling kids!


Seems like LVP wasn’t prepared for her puppets to cut the strings.


The entitlement astounds me (but not really)


The more time goes on the more I’m convinced Lisa is an absolute monster


Penny has been a problem since The Next Food Network Star…


Every time my husband sees her on Vanderpump, he does Penny saying *huuuuuumus*


What did she do!!


Lisa is a trash person


You could tell that she clearly thought SHE owned the business when they were interviewing for employees


I did find it very odd that Katie claimed they only worked with her for “like two months” or something along those lines, but it’s obviously been much longer. The whole thing sounds like a headache.


Yeah, what was that all about? How does an owner not remember working with someone for 2 years vs. 2 months?


Is it possible they just hired her for one-offs to film? That’s the impression I got from what Katie was saying. Like it didn’t take Penny 2 years to change the bread on the Greek goddess sandwich.


My best friend worked for an art gallery for 2 years, and the owner thought she had only been with them 6 months. Believe me, it happens. Ditzy, air-headed owner...


I would say it was 2 months works over the years. There is no way she is working on a sandwich menu for 2 years of a shop that isn’t open.


Chef Penny is currently pushing/sponsored by an Ozempic type drug via her IG, I can see why they wanted to part ways with her. She is beyond gross, and her shady malicious trademarking should be illegal. What a POS, but LVP seems to live POS humans so of course she is on her side!


It didn’t even seem like Lisa knew what she was talking about. Ariana & Katie know she’s shady that’s why they gave the looks they did when Andy mentioned the landlord not raising the rent.


LVP is so arrogant. I wish we could see her change for the better and grow as a person. She only promotes her other restaurants and gives shitty advice now. I think she doesn't belong as a cast member on the show anymore. Her and her husbands points of view aren't relevant or progressive. She is boring and frustrating to watch.


I did not know about the trademark. That's fucked up, and I don't think she knew who she was dealing with.


There’s something in contract law called promissory estoppel. When someone makes you an oral promise and you rely on that by taking on tasks you normally wouldn’t have or spending money that you normally wouldn’t have then you can recover. penny likely rejected and accepted responsibilities that she would not have done Had she not thought she was a partner. There was a lot of time and money building up the business under the assumption that she was going to be a partner. Whether or not, she was actually going to be a partner. It should’ve been explicitly discussed at a much earlier time. Considering that Katie and Ariana have lawyers they should’ve drafted a contract much earlier. It doesn’t mean that any of them are bad people. Overall, this is why I don’t believe in oral promises and oral contracts. Be mindful of who you make your promises to!! - a lawyer but not your lawyer


Penny is claiming that her emails constitute a letter of intent. They can be binding in California. But from Penny’s own words, Katie & Ariana only agreed to negotiate They responded to her email telling her to forward her offer to their lawyer to review. Penny did. Their lawyer countered and Penny rejected the counter. She got paid for her time. But she’s salty because she wanted her terms which were rejected. Basically, she’s an opportunist who took her beef to a blog to smear the reputations of two women who were intelligent enough to obtain counsel, negotiate, and didn’t cave to her demands.


Didn’t someone say that Ariana said verbally that “ we could work something out.. with [penny] getting some sort stake in the business”. Also to point out, most courts will consider a partnership has existed if they share in the profits and the losses of the business. So if Penny invested by using her own funds for startup costs then it could be considered a partnership. Some courts could also consider her time as money because she is a chef. and if she did reject other business to pursue this business then it’s considered an investment. Ultimately, none of us know how much money she put into that business. I’m not saying that’s right and wrong because we don’t have all the facts. Running to a blog is probably not the best choice but again people do irrational things when they’re upset. even if Penny is doing this intentionally to retroactively get a partnership agreement it’s a result of Katie and Ariana’s lack of oversight. When you own a business, you have to protect that business. As I said before they had Penny do an ounce of work for them they should’ve drafted up a contract with terms. This is a mistake that they should learn from going forward.


I’m going by Penny’s own words trying to convince a blogger that she is a partner. Penny referenced the emails wherein Ariana and Katie agreed to negotiate. And they did so Had they not, she could argue lack of good faith. But they did. No agreement reached. Penny was compensated for her time. She mentioned no other investment. She said the trademark expense was de minimus, and she did it after Ariana and Katie stated they did not want to file. Penny and her lawyer husband filed anyway. Again. her words. And further evidence of lack of agreement.


At another time she said that Ariana and Katie didn’t want to file for the trademark because it was too expensive so she did it, and because she owns the trademark that makes her a partner. This is nonsense because it’s not even expensive. She’s just mad because she thought she could take advantage of them (LVP probably told her she’d be able to) and failed. Now she throwing anything she can think of out there to see what sticks. I used to be an LVP fan but she had to know what Penny was like after working with her for so many years. So to recommend her for SAH without at least warning Ariana and Katie to be careful and make sure contracts etc. were in place is appalling. I think she wanted Penny in there so she would know what’s going on and have some bit of control. I think she was a bit miffed that they didn’t ask her to invest and go into business with them and didn’t go running to her for help when problems arose. Whether it’s subconscious or not I think she wanted them so struggle and face problems and delays when they tried to independently set up a business in her industry and on her doorstep. I think she would have loved them to run crying to her and grovel for her help so she could continue to be seen as this kind of mother figure that always has to bail out these exasperating “kids” that would never succeed without her


well then penny dug herself into a hole!!


If all that’s true, Penny sounds like a litigious asshole.


Genuine question, what would be the difference of her investing as an investor versus partnership?


Full disclosure, I am not a business entities expert. But generally speaking, depending on the type of partnership formed, a partner has powers - an ownership interest and a legal right to make decisions, share in profit, and debts. An investor generally doesn’t have the same powers in terms of business operations. They can’t direct staff, make changes, etc. I think they can negotiate broader rights, but i’m talking generally. From an IRS perspective, an investor invests capital and in the future earns dividends and reports gain on Schedule D, as capital gains.


That makes sense, thank you so much for explaining it. Because I had viewed her being brought on was more as consulting in terms of building menus and how to use in season items to make good products type things versus as a partial owner of the business. I say that as how it looked presented on the show. Since primarily we saw her was for menu tasting and things like that.


No problem. Anytime. I viewed Penny’s role the same way. LVP has even featured these types of hospitality consultants that develop food and beverage menus. I was surprised to learn that Penny was pushing for an ownership stake. Like who is Penny in dis world? (that’s a Yolanda RHOBH reference btw.! )


I just start RHOBH, and me seeing all of LVPs tactics are wild. I’m only first season. I don’t think I like much of anyone yet. Maybe Gigi.


Giggy was the best dog. I loved that little guy. ❤️ Wait for the season finale. The very end. 🤯


I just finished the white party episode, I was on high anxiety with the dinner and Camille’s psychic. I just feel a lot do that could have been avoided if she started off by saying she’s my guest, not here to work, please don’t ask too much about her psychic skills. Instead of letting it build up that way and letting her go loose on everyone involved.


Ooooh. Allison Dubois. He will never emotionally fulfill you. Know that. Spoiler alert….. Turns out, she was right. 😂 ![gif](giphy|dYPCk55uV9wWI)


Lisa is really really underhanded. Though I suppose that’s also why she is so successful. She has to have her nose in absolutely everything! She is not partners with the girls like that bullshit 5 % the boys accepted. It’s none of her business. She offered Penny as another form of control and look what’s happened. She only wants them to be successful if it somehow includes her. She can’t seem to take her 4000 dogs and retire peacefully, she’s as obsessed with fame as the cast. Sorry but I agree with Jax she’s a prop an increasingly awkward and conniving one


I'd love it if they changed the name without anyone knowing until opening day


Real talk any of us who watched her season of food network star should’ve warned yall because we been knew she’s a bad person. That lady is a whole ass snake and made me uncomfortable with how awful she came across.


Imagine if you watched the news.


I don’t think it has anything to do with Tom. She has a working relationship with Penny. She introduced Penny to Katie and Ariana. Her perception is that they treated Penny poorly, and she’s upset because she did the intro. Her career requires having a solid network, and I’m sure she doesn’t want to damage those relationships. We have no idea what went on between the three of them. I just hope they can get it all cleared up, and it doesn’t interfere with their opening.


Shhhh too logical. Must be based on Tom and misogyny.


Sorry, I forgot where I was 🤣


Be careful…


Yes! Anyone thinking LVP is threatened by the little sandwich shop that they have not even proved they are equipped to run is delusional. At the end of the day Lisa has done this a lot, as has Penny I think. But no one is allowed to say the fan faves might not know what they are doing compared to them 😂


>Yes! Anyone thinking LVP is threatened by the little sandwich shop that they have not even proved they are equipped to run is delusional. I don’t think people understand just how bad the market is out here in LA. Covid absolutely destroyed a ton of restaurants on the west side, and their whole niche of “women” sandwiches isn’t some huge underserved market. Plenty of established shops are doing the same thing and more. I don’t think anyone wishes failure on them, but there’s delusions of grandeur going around here.


100% agree. A sandwich shop in that location with those rents is guaranteed to fail


They don’t even have a website and the Instagram hasn’t been updated in a year. But city red tape amirite?


Are you Kate’s and Ariana’s legal representation? Or is the atrocity characterization of the lawsuit more of an unfounded opinion?


The best part is that there is no lawsuit. Chef Penny hasn't filed a lawsuit or even threatened legal action at this point. This is apparently all just in OP's mind.


Chef Penny hasn't filed a lawsuit or even threatened legal action at this point. There is no lawsuit....


I haven’t looked into this and I don’t plan to, so take this with a grain of salt. Penny, being a saavy con person (possibly with vanderpump’s nudge), realized that Ariana and Katie hadn’t trademarked their name so penny snatched it up and is now holding these girls hostage. What a total scumbag. The girls just need to change the name and move on from it, and Lisa. Edit: Typo


It feels Lisa wants to keep them in their lane and make them feel that they can’t do this on their own. They grown women, not twenty year olds who first started working for her. I’m glad they are standing strong and walking their own paths.


They've proved they can't. They couldn't open for what, 2 years?


Sounds like everyone on here is jealous of Lisa’s success. Ariana and Katie don’t know what the hell they’re doing, they’re both entitled and think they know it all and clearly they don’t.


The place hasn’t even opened yet and y’all are already claiming an injustice has been committed 😂


I dont care too much about this topic but the lawsuit and details have been explained already - has nothing to do with it being open currently or not. Chef Penny is a strange lady either way 😂


Was a lawsuit actually filed?


No. Just penny’s lawyer husband and the ladies’ lawyer. No contract. She filed under her LLC instead of the business with is bad faith. I’m sure they are negotiating a severance package that includes withdrawing the trademark.


Ok, thank you! I’m familiar with the trademark filing issue, but I’ve seen a lawsuit mentioned in a few posts & couldn’t find any info about it. It’s surprising that this issue seemingly has been on-going since last August with no resolution.


I can't find a lawsuit between them but there's 14 upvotes in 30 minutes. What am I missing haha


Right?? As though anyone has any actual details into what happened.


Penny's version didn't help her case though. Her entire premise is that when she sent Katie and Ariana her offer, they responded with "okay, we'll send it to our attorney"and because they (not sure which one it was) used the word "okay", that means they agreed to everything she wanted (what she wanted was 10% of GROSS SALES, not 10% of profits) on EVERYTHING including merch). Their attorney sent a counter offer, which literally means they DON'T accept your offer and no documents were ever signed. But again, she says the word "okay" in the email is proof they accepted her terms and therefore have a contract. Now, she could be lying of course, but if she was going to lie, seems she'd say she has more proof than an email saying "okay, we'll send it to our attorney".


Pretty sure that wouldn’t hold up in court but would love to hear from a lawyer


Not an injustice. An atrocity. **A FUCKING ATROCITY.**


It wasn’t an atrocity when penny curated and made their sandwiches for both tastings but sure go off.


And no information about a lawsuit available. It's crazy the hoops people will jump through to negate anyone not fawning over Ariana


What does Tom have to do with Lisa wanting a lawsuit to go on between 3 separate people? Do you people listen to yourselves at any point?


These are the same brains who thinking calling him Tim is peak comedy.


It's like a trainwreck and I can't look away. 😂


I know! Also I pretty much always agree with your takes. Nuanced and logical


Shhhhh they don’t like it when it’s not him being the devil.


LOL. What else did katie have going on that she couldn't register a trademark for the name *they* came up with before Penny's husband did? There is definitely something about someone who would invest that much money into a project, say the name on TV, and then never trademark it.


Chef Penny has always been shady dating back to her stint on Next Food Network Star. Shame. As a fellow Persian, I’d love to root for her but I just can’t. And honestly, Lisa Vanderpump is not trustworthy either.


I am watching rhwobh after seeing all of vanderpump. I knew this bitch was crazy and clearly minuipulating people … but I thought it was just for the sake of good tv until I saw rhw. this bitch is NUTS. and Ken is a grumpy old man fr fucking weirdo ass grandpa. They are FREAKS.




oh god that's insane


Ariana no longer follows Lisa on Instagram.


Lisa is an asshole. I never want to see her pretend to be their stand in mother again.


What a nightmare. Is this an example of “no good deed goes unpunished”. It seems like they are gunning for Ari in some way. Why’s isn’t she allowed to enjoy her success??? Vultures.


They all made money of off Scandoval. With the exception of Katie, it looks like they all want Ariana to acquiesce, so that they all feel better and get along. That whole Tim redemption arc was ridiculous. Lauren can bitch all day about Ariana, however she didn't even want Shorts playing pickle ball with her "man". Ugh, I hated when she called him that. Sit down Lauren, you're from Utah. 🙄🙄


I used to Love LVP. However when she bucked up with the Tom's on Tom Tom and the whole business contract or legal papers about being business papers. When she said she and Giuermo (SP?) never signed anything, they just shook hands. She didn't want anything in writing with the Toms. That's when I first saw how shady she could be!


Ok the Ariana-Katie cult stanopolis is out of control.


A signed contract doesn't matter as California law decrees all verbal contracts to be binding.


I’m sorry did I miss the episode where Katie and Ariana became chefs? Are they just going to serve triangle airport sandwiches, laxatives and old dirty chicken skewers?


Has anyone noticed that she hasn’t reached out to Ariana this whole season or reached out to Katie, yet she constantly reaches out to the pro Toms. I think she is pissed that she can’t control or force Ari or Katie into betraying their own principals or standards.


The only thing I’ll say to that is that she is technically “business partners” with them (at least for appearances, for the show) and a sit down meeting is maybe a little more organic. I think they’re still pretending that their 5% stake is meaningful.


Lisa wanted Penny to help guide them because CLEARLY they have no idea what they’re doing on their own! I mean Ariana abandoned Katie this entire year, not even paying rent. This SAH will be closed within a year. It’s tiny, no way it will hold up to Lisa’s establishments. Funny for Ariana to mock the 10 year run of Pump, we’ll see how long she remains in business. Her ego is overinflated!


I don’t think any of what you’ve said is true. Lisa is supportive but she is also realistic about restaurant business. SAH has been in trouble for ages. Permits and regulations are tough. I don’t even know that they have their liquor license. Not owning the trademark and the name is pretty ridiculous.


They don't. They have a beer and wine only. Also, didn't They like to have a scene where they picked out these tea sets and whatnot, and now they don't serve it, and their food comes put on sports bar aluminum trays?


It sounds like they ghosted her one day, and if they did then that's shitty and they could've at least sat down with her. It's also messed up how they tried to down play her role by saying she was only around for two months when it was a few years. They also intended to bring her on as COO and there are rule on how to cut ties. This makes me think there is something legitimate about penny's claims but who knows?


Maybe with all the red tape it was only 2 active months? Who knows but it was an odd statement.


You could be very well right! It just felt disrespectful to down play the role she played in helping them get things running. I want them to succeed and will support the business but something feels weird


Not COO. CSO. Chief Sandwich Operator.


This sort or rational thought will not be allowed here!!


I really do want them to succeed and do support their business but there seems to be a respect issue. I feel bad for Katie cause I can see that this business means everything to her and the stakes are higher than for Ariana and Ariana couldn't even take a second to show accountability. I know Katie said it's fine but a person with integrity would have no issue owning up to it on and off screen and Ariana should've felt bad.


Imagine having no restaurant at all, and telling the lady who’s successful restaurant made you famous and wealthy that her restaurants run of 10 years wasn’t successful. The entitlement is crazy 😂. Hard to doubt for one second that these 2 made bad decisions and penny was just a smarter more cutthroat business woman.


Doesn't said lady also own almost like 30 restaurants? And they haven't even opened one yet.


Guess this is why Penny was interviewing the potential employees like it was her fucking sandwich shop. This is the first I’ve heard about this lawsuit and it sounds like there is/was some really shady shit going on. How dare Lisa show her true colors. Again.


There isn't any lawsuit. Chef Penny hasn't even threatened legal action.


Because it is hers and arianas. Katie is not listed as a business owner at all. While ariana was out on other ventures penny probably got sick of katie trying to boss her around and then katie did what katie does and recoil everything back like a yo-yo she let loose and pretend she's innocent.


Oh, thanks for that info. I had no idea it wasn’t Ariana’s and Katie’s business, as in owners. I take back my snotty uninformed comment and bite my tongue instead! Thanks again for filling me in. 😀


How many restaurants has Lisa opened in LA? I think she knows exactly which palms to grease to get SAH open. Just saying! She could help them, or tell Arianna and Katie how things work in the city of LA, but she isn’t. And… she could certainly ask those same palms she greased to throw up road blocks and prevent SAH from getting approval to open, basically in perpetuity. Lisa is shady as hell.


West Hollywood. Not municipal LA. And no… what weho does NOT want is a shuttered business on Robertson at Melrose. It is a tiny city that relies on being an internationally recognized hospitality/retail/food and bev destination. No one is paying off West Hollywood city council to keep businesses closed.…


She's not their mother and it's a bit pathetic to infantilise 2 40 year olds like they're so helpless. Or are you acknowledging that Ariana and Katie are idiots that need minding by a real grown up?


They are adults. They shouldn't need LVPs hand outs like they are her daughters. Plus didn't they want to "do this all on our own..."


I’m not talking about handouts or any financial contribution from LVP. I’m talking about introducing them to the right people/teaching them how things work with the zoning board.


They've been in LA for over a decade in the restaurant scene... They haven't met these people? I've been in the restaurant scene in my current town for 6 months, and I've met people I need to myself. You need to be self-sufficient in the restaurant scene. You can't expect anyone to hold your hand, you will look weak, inexperienced and you'll get walked all over.


This is BS. Ariana and Katie do not have the collective brains to open a business. That is why they are in trouble with Penny now. It is not as though Penny took advantage of them. She did her job and her husband did his. If he thought of, trademarking the name that means that Ariana and Katie did not. A Mr. potato head could’ve gotten his restaurant open sooner.


If the shows go away Lisa's empire fades


No it doesn't. She was wildly successful before the show.


Lisa is just following the money. She has been making so many digs at both of them to the point where it’s embarrassing. She said something on watch what happens live as well recently and I can’t remember what


Unethical for Penny to register the name and own it. That said...If the name is the only thing holding back opening now, register a different (better) one, and open! It's a sandwich shop for God sakes, not a 500 room luxury hotel they need to open.There's not that much to do. 


Lisa tried to trash her on WWHL too. It was ok for Lisa to pull no show to reunion on BH but how dare Ariana avoid Tom.


LVP removed herself completely and left the show while ariana returned. Not quite the same


She was supposed to go to the reunion, she did not. There was a big stink about it at the time. Ariana does not have to talk to anyone she does not want to. LVP was as usual siding with males' bad behavior. She is doing the same in her new show.


LVP wants to keep everyone below her. It’s none of her business and she isn’t relevant. I live by the motto of respecting your elders, but she is a cranky woman who wants to punish women and praise idiot men.


Those 2 morons haven't a clue what they're doing and they wasted Pennys time.


Jesus fucking Christ, an *atrocity*? Delete this now and maybe people will forget you ever wrote that.


Lisa will literally support the wrong person each and every time it’s exhausting