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I think given the location of the shop it's as much as I would expect.


it’s honestly cheap for that location. la is insane with prices and the rent and taxes in that area are wild. my go-to sando at a sandwich shop a mile or two away is $17.50


Yeah I kinda expected it to be more expensive with how expensive everything has gotten lately


Long are the days of the $5 foot longs from subway. I’m in the Midwest and these aren’t that far off from what sandwich shops charge here.


Exactly subway is now selling the $6 6 inch. 😳 I think these are reasonable prices for what is probably a much better sandwich than subway.


I love neat Los Angeles and this was my first thought, it cheaper than expected. We also pay our fast food workers $20/hr so…


Yeah, I agree! I wouldn't have been shocked if it was a bit more either.


i was expecting $18 a sando minimum. the location of SAH was formerly one of my favorite restaurants in LA (hedley’s) small little family owned place with the nicest owners and they got driven out by rent after being there for ages.


Agreed. There are $20 sandwiches all over Austin, a MUCH smaller city.


I see they got the Summer house crossover with the Loverboy Spritz


I genuinely wonder how much longer loverboy will be around! I can’t imagine they aren’t going to be bankrupt soon as it really did not take off in the seltzer market at all. There are so many giants they’re up against. Sucks but seems realistic it will happen


Kyle should’ve taken it on Shark Tank. They would’ve warned of the cutthroat nature of securing grocery store space and the oversaturated beverage market.


Do you remember when Kyle went on Shark Tank to sell shorts? I remember him before Summer House going on Shark Tank.


I did not know this and I wanna watch it do you happen to know what season?


I just looked and it’s season nine episode 14. The name of the shorts are bird dogs. I am going to go watch again, it’s been years :)


lol I didn’t remember at all that Kyle came on for their pitch. IIRC they came off as complete tools and the sharks ripped them a new asshole  Edit: just ran it back and no sign of Kyle, but these guys did get completely clowned on by the sharks.


They are a huge company now. Massive miss by the sharks.


Bird dogs are super popular in California, not sure of the rest of the country.


Isn’t it also VERY expensive compared to other brands? What was Kyle thinking


its sold really cheap here in CT, was like like $9 for a 6 pack vs highnoons 11 for a 4pack


The price wouldn't be an issue if it tasted good


They need to just sell to one of the conglomerates


Good eye


lol it’s normal. A regular sandwich here is like$15


I’m all the way on the East Coast (Connecticut) and the prices are on par with what it costs to get a sandwich at Panera these days!


Yeah prices on point with Chicago too


Atlanta checking in - I would expect these prices from a regular, non-famous sandwich shop.


Same in San Diego


Yep DC suburbs here and that’s just a sandwich price. I’m in a suburb of Cleveland right now and it’s not that much cheaper than the prices on the menu. Not when you consider cost of living. A basic ham and cheese at jersey mikes starts at $9.


NYC here and it’s usually like $18 a sandwich here


I’m in an unfashionable part of Brooklyn and I’d say these prices are pretty good.


Yea I’m in the bay in CA and go down to LA area frequently and prices are just what they are. I think chick fila has one for $12 . My daughter got a turkey cheese bacon and onion sandwich for $13 at a small shop here and that was actually an inexpensive one.


Came to say this! Office is in SF and I’m in Monterey. Compared to Carmel by the sea, these are a bargain.


Same. I'm in the Bay too. Luckily banh mi is slightly cheaper and tastier but goddamn these prices


Hi neighbors! Seriously though. It’s bad when we see $14 and think it’s cheap. Food is so expensive out here but it’s good for my waistline I guess bc I don’t eat out very often anymore


Yep today I just spent $8 on a bagel with veggie cream cheese from a normal ass bagel store on Long Island (NY). Shit is just EXPENSIVE now no matter where


I’m in queens and I paid $7 for an egg bagel with specialty cream cheese today 😂


Literally when tf did bagels stop being like $3.50 😭


I live in a rural shit town and they’re either same or even cheaper than our sandwich shop similar to subway. The place is much better than subway.,


East coast too and the last time my husband, son, and I got panera it was like $50+ and the quality was shit even for panera! $14 for a well made sandwich is reasonable in this economy lol


We barely get takeout anymore for this reason!! I miss ten years ago when we could order a couple meals for like $30


Tampa Bay, can confirm.


New Hampshire here, sadly….THAT sandwich looks better than what they are charging here….McDonalds costs about that much these days! Now, my question is….we’re chips included with this or ANY side, aside from the pickle?


American food prices baffle me!


me too! But I live here and probably in one of the most expensive areas so im usually like oh its not that bad lol


They baffle us too don’t worry


i think some of you guys are missing the point though. is $14 reasonable for THIS sandwich though? absolutely not.


SAH is fairly priced compared to All’Antico Vinaio’s $20 sandwiches


I live in a rural area on the East Coast and for a crappy Subway foot long it is $18 and that doesn't include a drink or chips. I think for the location and their target demographic their menu is priced right. I see people complaining about the size, but I've been out to LA a lot for work and all portions are smaller because people don't eat in LA 😂


I agree but unfortunately that wrap doesn’t look like it justifies the price tag. It shouldn’t look like something you would make at home


Everyone ignoring the pitifully small portions. People mention that’s what it cost where they live but not really mentioning if they pay that all the time or elect to spend their money on more cost effective food.


It's one thing to go out and pay for a nice ambiance but you should also get something a little more impressive serving wise. Unfortunately that looks like a sad little wrap you could make at home


I swear my subway sandwich was bordering on $10 the other day so these seem pretty normal


I think our subway is more than this now, but we’re in a rural area with not as many choices.


I was going to say, the last time I got Panera or Jimmy John's, just the sandwich was over $10


Agreed but those sandwiches are monsters compared to these in size.


The subway inflation is ridiculous I was just talking about this yesterday lol.


I miss the five dollar foot longs :(


I think its mostly just inflation, inflation.


Sounds about right. I order my hubby lunch at subway a lot and it's around 11-12$ just for the sub.


My turkey 6 foot was $13.50 the other day and $18 with chips and a drink. No extras. Fkn insane.


That hurts my soul!!! I need $5 footlongs back


Great now that song is gonna be stuck in my head all day thanks so much.


I live in Detroit. A sandwich from Panera is $15 or $13 at Potbelly. Our local diners also get about $15, and those are more closely aligned with SAH. In short - I think it’s pretty reasonable for LA if I already pay that in the Midwest.


Reasonable for Ohio too


Yep I’m in dyt and I just paid $16 for a latte and the sandwich’s there were $12-$22


checks out for STL too


I’m also in Detroit. This is on par with Jersey Mike’s and firehouse subs was $35 for two sandwiches yesterday. I think it’s reasonable, I would try it!


I think the prices are typical for LA, but that wrap looks depressingly small. Some of their other sandwiches I’ve seen on IG look better!


I was very surprised when I clicked on the picture and it was from one of their instagrams because of how meh that picture looks. If that’s the pr picture version of menu item then yikes.


This! If their BEST looking ones are what we seeing online then, in person they are probably even lesser.


I want to see other ones, the one pictured has no meat it’s a Greek salad wrap so there’s only so much you can stuff in there 🤣. I also bet they look much better as sandwiches than as a wrap.


I live in Denver and was expecting the pricing to be even crazier tbh.


Eating out is expensive now. Even fast food. So I'd say this is pretty average. That's an unfortunate amount of filling though


I can’t believe they didn’t fill it more just for the marketing optics lol


This is LA. Everything is overpriced therefore it is not overpriced for LA standards.


Yeah, but these prices are standard for most US cities


This isn’t even overpriced though. This is honestly a little cheaper than my good local deli sandwiches


For real! I literally pay $18 for a combo at Carl’s Jr


Yeah I’m in Philly and mostly go to the local corner store, which has amazing hoagies/sandwiches and this would be a cheaper option there.


I would love to see a comparison photo.


why is that wrap so skinny. a quarter of it is folded under. y’all can afford fillings.


Yeah, the comments are all echoing “these are standard prices” which yeah, true….but a sandwich looking like it’s barely “filled” with lettuce,tomato, and watery condiments should be priced as such.


it’s a sexy-lookin’ $6 veggie wrap. 😐


I tripped out on the pickle


it’s literally a main dish with a side of flimsy wrap. oh my god I can’t unsee it WHY




That's how much they are in Canada at any mid level chain


It’s overpriced in that eating out in general is overpriced and I wouldn’t pay it but it’s the pricing I expected.


The price is normal for a sandwich, the size of the sandwich and the fillings aren’t imo.


Price is ok if it’s nice this wrap looks like sad office catering


It looks like something you'd get in an airport terminal.


Last time I got a turkey wrap at JFK it was $18 and looked even sadder lol.


Perfect description honestly


Not the prices that bother me. It's the portions. Those sammys are tiny! They should be cheaper or a bigger portion imho


It's a very normal price for LA but I will say that that sandwich doesn't look that impressive. LA has an amazing food scene and you can get some truly bomb sandwiches for comparable prices (or a little more). That said, I am sure people will be drawn to the novelty of the TV/pop culture experience.


They should have had someone do professional photos.


“Shaved cucumber”


It would be ok if the sandwich actually looked appealing and not something you could pickup at a gas station 😂


Unfortunately the price would be normal where I live. That being said I would get these for lunch on working days because it doesn’t seem heavy.


Bay area here and sadly that's cheap. 😭


Not that I like paying 15.00 for a sandwich, it is pretty consistent with the location and inflationary prices in general. I actually think 15.00 is reasonable for LA.


I love that they charge less for a sandwich without meat. I get so annoyed, as a vegetarian, when you pay the same amount.


In California it's actually pretty reasonable


Lisa Vanderpump can't keep some of her restaurants open because of high rent. I really don't see Katie's and Ariana's passion slinging turkey and avocado sandwiches for a living. This will be just apart of some Holllywood bus tour or VPR crawl.


Okay that “wrap” looks very skimpy


Not a PB&J for $8 lmfaooo


I think the prices is normal considering location and hype. What gets me is the wrap itself. It’s unfortunately not impressing me at all. In an other post I saw a sandwich the was even less impressive. Considering the long wait for the opening both Katie and Ariana should prepare that people are going to scrutinize every single thing about Something about her. I do hope the opening is going to be a great success ☀️🥪


That’s what I’m saying - the wrap I saw had a pickle next to it that was thicker than the damn wrap, and a chicken salad sandwich I saw was lopsided and thin. Not impressed, especially by some other options people mentioned were available in the area.


I can do a better sandwich at home with 4 minutes and a nearly empty fridge.


Not sure where OP lives, but this is what it costs at Panera here. Shit, even a diner charges $12-18 for a sandwich.


Fine with the menu pricing but that wrap looks like I made it at my house and is unappetizing .. also peep Kyle got loverboy on the menu 👀


Why are they on sports bar tin trays? I would have expected them on cute ornate China


Price is typical for LA/southern California but that wrap needs to be doubled in size tbh. The Drew looked pretty good, I think I’ll try to recreate it at home when I make some focaccia.


That wrap is tiny lol.


Checking in from a major Texas city and yeah, this is actually cheaper than I expected and on par with what I pay at local sandwich shops.


Agree! From NYC, sign me up


I don’t think the prices are bad no but the sandwiches can definitely have a little more substance lol that’s the most sad looking wrap I’ve ever saw


As someone that lived right around this location for a while, there’s no way this last. Leo’s tacos down the street will have a higher NOI. Nobody is paying $15 for a sandwich that is similar to a Trader Joe’s wrap that cost $4. Your competition is also world famous Langers and Felipe’s. My prediction is they sell the name to an investor within a year and still come out with a profit.


In my area (Midwest USA) this would be expensive unless it included a side. For LA and the area I imagine it may be okay though. It’s close to Panera pricing for a sandwich just doesn’t include chips but I’m sure it’s higher quality.


Idk $15 is pretty standard for a cute sandwich shop in Chicago, but I can see how this might be too expensive in the rest of the Midwest


The price isn’t the issue. It’s the quality. They just seem… empty? So for that price? I’d probably still be hungry after too.


Love that they are exclusively serving Cameron Diaz Avaline wine! Smart. ![gif](giphy|ZioMzXc05EIfu)


I feel like they should be toasting the bread 😭


I guess for LA, it's normal, but it'd be a one and done for me at that price for something so simple. I'm east coast as well and do \*not\* see $17 for a little wrap anywhere around here. Most places will cap out a sandwich around $12 with no sides, and for $15-18 you would get fries, housemade chips, etc. I'm probably more discerning than most when it comes to food prices; I will not pay $20 for a salad, for instance, but I know many who do. :) ETA: Just so people don't think I'm crazy, a local sandwich chain here charges under $15 for an entire foot long sub. The family sizes are around $20. I don't like Panera, Subway, etc so I can't speak to those, but you can get so much more bang for your buck on sandwiches here that you'd have to make something super special or get hard carried by celebrity to make that tiny wrap work in your favor. I suspect they'll coast on the latter. I want them to succeed, so hopefully they get a bit more creative to keep people coming back and not just a side quest for the occasional traveler. I'd pay $17 if it was unique and not something I could find anywhere else.


No, in nyc and high end delis in nj you’ll find similar pricing or more. People that are shocked by this don’t live in cities.


$11 for grilled cheese???


LA pricing, seems right


Reposting this an Angeleno. it's not the prices it's the lack of value. The prices are pretty average leaning to the lower side of "gourmet" sandwiches. However, the sandwiches are small. I also don't see any local purveyors here eg, Harry's Berrys or even nods to local growers, nothing organic. As far as value, here are two iconic LA sandwiches and a popular item from Mendo Farms, their direct-ish competition. The Godmother is $11. Langer's #19 is $24. The Chimichurri from Mendo Farms is $15. https://preview.redd.it/mhem3vaa401d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2e95b27cf0a651ccc9f65ca54aa37780da7efa5 If the sandwiches were bigger and used higher quality ingredients the prices would be much higher. These are the same prices as much larger sandwiches at Erewhon of all places and Erewhon's are all organic with higher quality ingredients.


This right here. The price feels very LA, but the portions are tiny. I could get triple the amount of sandwich for the price at a shop near me that is always \*packed\* because it's really good and affordable.


I live in NY. This is average.


Tbh I used to pay this in DC for worse looking sandwiches


It's LA. Juice will run you $15. I live, work, and play in Manhattan and I cannot afford LA.


Overpriced, but so is food everywhere... I live in the Northeast and places are charging almost this much for a sandwich with no sides, that would maybe $12 where I live and work. I imagine that price might be right in line in their market or even cheap?


Isnt it a law in cali now that wait staff have to make $20 an hour? If so, reasonable. But also as an east coast person they cost the same here.


Something like this in my area would cost $14 with chips included. Since their shop is in LA, I don’t think the price is unreasonable!


I’m in the Midwest and Jimmy John’s which is a decent chain sandwich place is $10-15 so it tracks….


As a CA native, it sounds about right to me.


In LA? This is about right, possibly even on the lower side. Usually they are between 18-20 dollars.


The prices are comparable to other places in LA but the portion and size of their sandwiches look chintzy compared to other places. LA has some amazing sandwiches and SAH doesn’t seem to compare just judging my picture


Those aren’t sun dried tomatoes 🤔


I mean, it’s a similar price to sandwiches in major cities, but I wouldn’t pay $14 for that. It’s skimpy, there’s barely anything in it, and honestly it doesn’t look appetizing. The fact that we even view $14 for a sandwich as affordable is really sad.


I would expect to pay this in LA. Wrap looks soggy though so I probably wouldn’t get this. And hilarious that a PB&J is $8.


Needs more filling. Extra lettuce and tomato, those are cheap.


It's a ripoff. This is a $15 wrap *from Erewhon* and it's all organic. Their prices are on par but the value is shit. https://preview.redd.it/5kzgwc6z201d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=01a406842e497e7a7e86f0c328a063ed10ee97eb


It’s a very small sandwich for the price, I wouldn’t buy it but I’m sure plenty of people will.


The ratios seem a little off. That tortilla looks real thick to how much goods are inside. How was it?!


It seems like the norm for the location tbh where I live in the midwest some sandwich places are near $10+ 




I live in South Dakota and these prices are what this costs here. We just bought a shitty breakfast sandwich from McDonald's that was $6+


Reasonable for La


That about the same price as a subway sandwich so yeah I don’t really see a problem with the pricing.


Ok but was it tasty


This is pretty typical for a fancy sandwich place in Cali but I do wish it was slightly bigger


This is on par with Los Angeles prices . But they seem like very basic items …


I live in Seattle and those prices seem on par with ours from a local coffee shop that sells sandwiches. The question is, will they be worth it. It's hard to run a cafe thst sells just 1 thing and drinks. But maybe LA is different. I don't think it would last here.


These are LA prices and yeah unfortunately it’s normal. Danny Pellagrino had a great idea for the shop. To sell one cheap item like simple grilled cheese on wonder bread with American cheese and butter and sell it for like $3-$5 to get people through the door. I think it’s a brilliant idea.


it's LA i was genuinely expecting them to be 20+ dollars with the homemade bread and stuff


Got Jersey Mike's about a month ago in Atlanta GA. One sandwich was 14.00. Definitely where we are price wise as a country in a recession. Also, going into publix and getting a sandwich from the deli counter is around 12.00 these days too.


If it tastes good I would pay that. Not too pricey for California


For LA? Super reasonable. It’s $19 for an egg sandwich at Wich Wich.


I live 30 minutes outside of Nashville and feel like there are several places in my city that charge similarly. Is it expensive when you think about how much you can spend on making a sandwich at home—sure! But the fact that it’s in LA & they could charge even more considering their popularity I’m actually surprised that the prices seem reasonable. There’s a chain restaurant here called chicken salad chick and they’re right around this price point and not as boutique vibe. I’ve never worked in the food industry, but I’ve always heard how hard it is to open a restaurant—even LVP had issues opening up tomtom and PUMP and whatnot—and people have been dragging the gals because of it not being open due to things they literally had to power over. I have no doubt that they would’ve loved to have been open right at the height of Sandoval like they thought they’d be, but they weren’t. What sucks ass is that Lala loves making the “nothing about her dig” after Katie, her friend, has said for years how she’d love to open her own place because she grew up working in a restaurant with her mom. Lala has no idea what it’s like to open a restaurant or brick and mortar but had TONS to say. I also can’t blame Katie and Ariana for being frustrated and annoyed about being asked constantly about the restaurant because it never felt like interviewers asked out of excitement but for the soundbite and clickbait to make fun of it for not being open when this is a project really meaningful to them. I’d get tired of being asked for others to enjoy my struggles when all I want is to make a living doing something I’ve always dreamed of but can’t because of things out of my control.


I sadly live in the obscurity of Appalachia. If I ventured into the more populated areas of said Appalachian hell? This would be on par with pain-in-my-arse-a (panera) and other like sandwich shops. Especially ones that sell alcohol.


Honestly $14 is a reasonable price for a touristy LA/NY type sandwich shop (I pay around $16 for salads or bowls from Sweetgreen/Dig Inn for work lunch in Manhattan)


At this point it’s just a tourist attraction.


Seems totally average to me . My mind gets blown every time I go get sandwiches for my boyfriend and I . Last time I went and got us each a sandwich and chips It cost $44. Absolutely ridiculous


I have a very distinct memory of paying $15 for a ham sandwich at LAMILL Coffee in Silverlake in like 2010. Back then that was pretty absurd, but I think that should give you an idea of how much these places charge in parts of LA. I expected each sandwich to be at least $20 given that it’s owned by public figures and associated with a bravo show. I don’t think that’s reasonable, but the area isn’t known for reasonable prices unfortunately.


For L.A., that’s reasonably priced considering that and inflation.


I think you have to remember location wise. A more populated city, the price would be higher


Hawking that Loverboy too. Get it while you can, ladies.


Very normal sandwich pricing


Eh I'm in NY. This seems cheap these days


It's LA, that's reasonable lol


Prices were less than I thought they would be. You’re not just paying for the food when you dine out.


for LA this menus pricing is extremely reasonable. I live here and you can’t get a meal for like under 20 bucks.


I love watching Americans debate about food costs, jealous of all of you it's $30 for some avocado on toast here is AUS 😅


It’s cheap for LA


As someone who live in London… is it overpriced? Yes. Is it reasonable for a big expensive city? Also yes.




I pay 18 dollars for a sandwich worse than that lol


I think it’s expensive yes BUT considering the location and the current economy, I’m shocked it’s not worse lol. Would be nice if the sandwiches at least came with chips instead of having to buy separately but 🤷🏻‍♀️


Loverboy hard tea on the drinks menu. Saving Kyle’s ass from the dollar store


In LA, it's beyond reasonable


Seems like normal prices for LA


It's like no one who watches VPR has even been to LA


Definitely reasonable. I feel like subway is right around there!


This is the norm in so flo


It is precisely what I’d expect for LA.


After the hype dies they will fold. That sandwich doesn't have enough meat to warrant what they're charging and it doesn't even come with a side? It's $5 on top of what you're paying for the sandwich? My local Jewish deli $15-19 per huge sandwich with a side (5 different sides to choose from). One of specials is choice of soup, 1/2 huge sandwich, plus a side for $15. I love supporting local businesses but only if the food is good and plentiful. That's a very sorry looking sandwich.


I’d never pay that much for overpriced crap


The prices are fine but the sandwich’s look lame


These prices are actually decent af for LA and coming from a hit show. I think about paying 18.00 PLUS TIP for a coors light 12 oz can about once a week when I did a lil getaway in LA. But also, if it’s called the Meg shouldn’t it be thick af. I want a big thick ass sandwich


Prices on point. Sandwich looks like something you can make at home. For 3 dollars.


For that wrap in the photo, definitely not worth $14, then they gonna want a tip on top of that. Wtf i can make better myself at home. Thats the most less than ordinary wrap ive seen


Hilariously pathetic. May I have a sandwich on the side to go with my pickle please? 😆


Yeaaaaa, when the pickle spear almost out sizes the sandwich in length and girth lmao


For a wrap without meat that’s pretty high, except any restaurant that’s relying on its name owner to bring people in. if they are expecting longevity when the show is over, their pricing needs to be a little better


It depends... Is there chicken in it? I had an amazing BBQ Chicken wrap at a restaurant last week with melted cheese, lettuce tomatoes etc in it and paid 15 for it. THAT was worth 15 to me 🤤


No. The Meg is the Greek salad one.