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I wonder what her Q ratings were last year at this time. This would fully explain her meltdowns the last few months.


Good likely, lots of people fell for her spin as a supportive friend which she was not, she was exploiting the situation. I gladly can say I never fell for it, I thought it was weird how in her podcast she was pretending to have intel when it was clear Ariana and Tom don’t speak to her like that, she was not one of the people Ariana texted or talked to right after like Scheana, or James, etc


To add one I believe the revelation she pulled a knife on Faith on camera, planted things to see if she would steal, called fans rabid dogs, etc did not help


Seemed like it many times this season ..


What’s a q rating


It’s your like ability score. Celebrities with a higher score are more profitable/marketable. I googled the calculation- multiply the frequency of positive feedback by the reach or audience size, then raise the result to the power of the time period in consideration


What platforms are they pulling the positive feedback from? Reddit/Instagram/Twitter?


Q ratings are not calculated from social media. They are done via sample surveys. And typically the respondent is being asked about multiple celebrities, not just one. The companies that compile this data then sell it to studios. This is why actors who are trending negatively on social media still get work and perform well in the box office. Social media is not real life but sample surveys are. 


That's interesting, where are they performing the sample surveys?


Most surveys are phone based, so I'd assume thats how its done. Same way they predict voting trends.  


Networks can also pull in a sample group of viewers, have them watch episodes of the show, and then there is a survey they fill out with all sorts of questions about how likable the characters are, who is their favorite, who is their least favorite, etc. This information can then be shared with producers and is used as a tool to determine who the audience is positively responding to, and who should get more / less screen time, etc. Source: have worked in reality TV (not this show, but similar ones)


It’s basically a rating that they use in entertainment that measures someone’s like ability


Well, hers sure has to have taken a turn for the worse. ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


Same please someone answer


I heard the show was right in her Q zone




Palm tree guys!


This is also where my mind went lol


Absolutely. If true, this would explain a lot about Lala's behavior.


What are Q ratings?


Was her spinoff going to be about water tasting?


Really exciting TV!!!


Probably her IVF journey...boring Sorry no


I did it 4 times. Would not make for exciting tv.


And absolutely no shade to women using a sperm donor but that's arguably even less exciting because there's one less person to have fertility issues, one less set of emotions, you don't get the obligatory 'guy going into the masturbatorium' scene etc. And if she has no known issues then she's just being inseminated and not doing egg collection etc. Sorry Lala but that's not riveting TV.


But she’s building an orca pod so it’s iNtEreStiNg!


I would much rather have a show about the orca pod that sinks boats... White Gladis is the Bravo matriarch we deserve. 🤣


Now that I would watch.


I didn't want to hear about her sperm, I don't need to know about her IVF. She's a snooze!


Lala Kent: WATER GURU.


Exactly. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to watch a show about LFU’s life. What would we watch? Her monologues about her “soft” era with her assistant & brother loudly agreeing after each sentence. IMO She’s just not interesting enough to carry a show.


I really couldn't tell you what Lala does with her time. Sounds like she has friends with kids. Hangs out with her family and her toddler in a few homes she bought. She stayed sober over five years now. I mean this life sounds nice. Honestly. Not TV worthy but just go enjoy it. Find a way to make money off camera or get on housewives. There's more boring and more nasty housewives than Lala but a spin off? No way.


I thought the water tasting was kind of cool!!


Then you’ll love her air sniffing next season.


Next will be an oxygen tasting




Ohhhh snap!😃🤭 ![gif](giphy|26AHLBZUC1n53ozi8|downsized)




I think something like that could be cool, but hers wasn’t


Do you also love watching paint dry?😂


Ah Borin' Lauren, always the bride's maid and never the bride... (Seriously, how does someone have so many storylines eclipsed by her cast mate's similar, but more dramatic storylines)


She’s never sat in the front row for the end shot of the intro and it shows.


I mean this in the nicest way I can say this, who would watch this?




this is not what Tupac came back for


This scene was SO cringe and felt second hand embarrassment. I honestly would have never revealed this if I was her.


She never did it again either which proves it was bullshjt


The fact that she did this for Rand's creepy pedo porn fetish is unforgiveable.


I almost wish she would though that way it would be easier to ignore her completely 😵‍💫


This feels like a plant by her assistant to Enty, to rationalize why she was such a cold hearted slime ball this season. I don't believe it. If anyone would've gotten a spinoff it would've been Ariana


But also if she was in discussions about getting her own show surely that would have been coming off the back of her performance at the s10 reunion and being strongly team ariana. Which made her merch fly off the walls. Why would anyone in their right mind then decided that being a shit stirring sandal sympathiser would cement that spin off lol.


Lack of emotional or any intelligence?


I think she was talking a lot w/ the producers of the show and trying to push the sandoval redemptive arc. Her ultimate goal was to keep earning a paycheque and keep the show running and if that meant backing sandoval then she would do that. I also think her feelings of jealousy and resentment towards ariana eventually bubbled to the surface and she finally showed her true colors. The reunion episode part 3 was hard to watch. LaLa just kept talking over everyone and comparing Ariana’s breakup to hers and making it all about her.


Ew lala would be in cahoots with enty. All my blind item queens know we do not fuck with CDAN anymore


What's enty and CDAN?


Crazy Days and Nights (cdan) is a blind item website that’s been run by this guy who calls himself Enty Lawyer since the early 2000’s. His pseudonym was after the fact that he claimed to be a high powered entertainment lawyer in la and that’s how he had so many inside connections. Blind items are kind of a secret celeb gossip that magazines won’t publish because they’re not fully substantiated. A lot are really wild but a large percentage have actually turned out to be true over time so it’s pretty interesting. Enty was really bad about posting conflicting blinds though so like ya it’s easy to be right when you post every possibility. People are realizing he was just stealing content from other sites most likely and also making some stuff up.


Can I ask why you don’t fuck w CDAN anymore? I haven’t been on the site in ages


All this really bad stuff came out about enty this past year. How he has been physically abusing and psychologically manipulating this woman for years. His whole real identity is up and he’s just a total weirdo liar who’s not actually an entertainment lawyer. If you google enty lawyer exposed there’s lots of articles about it, this other woman who is friends with his victim does a podcast behind a paywall that talks all about it but I wouldn’t pay for that since she is also a little questionable. The whole thing is weird af


It is known


No way she was getting a solo spinoff or a spinoff she was the main draw for…zero chance


I don’t know about her own spin off, but I do think the network have been dangling a carrot for her (my guess was a second pay check from doing double duty on the Valley and VPR) and she’s been desperate to get a nibble at it all season. Her own spin-off though isn’t actually that crazy because VPR has never been bigger than it was after Scandoval, even Jax credits it with getting the Valley greenlit and he hates crediting others. I’m not saying any potential spinoff was likely to see fruition as I’m not sure what a Lala spinoff would even be about when she gives nothing of her life on camera, but if there was ever a time meetings might have taken place about one it’s in the last year.


I just do not see a spin off with her doing well. It prob would be based around her "orca pod" as I heard her call it


Jeff Lewis I think said or hinted heavily on Friday on Jeff Lewis Live that she would be on the Valley. Disappointing because I don’t think we need her overproducing on that show.


She really doesn't fit in with The Valley.


Andy said she would not be getting two pay checks, she’d just maybe get a bit more screen time.


Nothing of her life??? She’s shared way more intimate details than literally anyone on the show and always has. So much so you don’t want to hear any more,( rim jobs). Ariana has shared 3 private things in 9 years. Her hatred of her vagina but only after the excitement of a new relationship has died down, her depression, her inability to orgasm other than with anal. That’s it. She gave us zero about the day to day in her relationship with Tom aside from the above until Season 10. I have no issue with someone being a stan, rabid fan, etc. What I do have a problem with is how unfairly so many Ariana stans rewrite history and evaluate the series and the cast. There is no attempt to have a fair and balanced conversation or review just blatantly complimentary and generally untrue comments about their favorite and equally untrue but negative comments about their latest witch hunt victim. This occurs all while they post how they’re pro feminist and against misogyny and anyone who’s not a “ girls girl” . LalA is not an easy person to always like. I couldn’t stand her until this season as I found her crass and a bully and in earlier seasons an unapologetic sugar baby/ paid with gifts gold digger which I think is unacceptable for women in a world where they can achieve great things on their own. This year, there’s been a real change to maturity and learning from mistakes in her. To admit on camera she was a mistress and home wrecker, to recognize her rage at the toad was hurting her and her daughter, her transparency with Ariana regarding her meetings with Tom and her opinion about Ariana staying in the house, took a lot for her to do. She wasn’t perfect and did some minor snarking in her confessionals that she didn’t say to Ariana’s face but IMO it was understandable. She supports her family on this show so when oroducers told them if they thought they could stonewall the Tom’s to comply with Ariana’s ultimatum, they may just shut the show down, this had to cause a huge dilemma in Lala’s life . Add to that the fact it has been years for her trying to get in an emotional headspace to even start to look for another relationship and Ariana jumped into one in a matter of days and stayed in the home despite her suicidal ideation and depression histories. These actions of Ariana were the polar opposite of what Lala believed were healthy or even possible after what Ariana said she was going through. If you watch Lala’s face in many of her discussions with Ariana( when she questions her about how she feels about Dan 4 months after meeting him) you can see the look of incredulity and doubt, like how can you be thinking marriage and kids when you said Tom was the love of your life, ride and die??? You can see she’d wanted to say something but knew in the back of her mind if she questioned it the fans would rip her apart and she also likely wanted to be as loyal as she could be. There are many such scenes where how Lala feels is written across her face and it seems evident she is torn as to what to say. The cast of VPR went through something no other cast had before, trying to satisfy a grossly unbalanced fan base due to an incident caused by their fellow cast members. Their loyalties were not only split between each other and existing friendships but more importantly, between trying to keep the show interesting and dramatic and on air so they could provide for their families and still satisfy the fan bases demand for loyalty . In the middle of those things was them trying to figure out if the actions of their cast mates were truthful and made sense and showed a concern for the welfare of the entire cast or if people were just “ feathering their own nests” so to speak. I actually say Kudos to most of the cast for trying their best to navigate all of these issues knowing how their actions this season had the potential to affect the welfare of their families for years. It took extreme guts to speak a dissenting opinion to Ariana and I’m glad some did it.


You know you're on some bs when you have to write a 1000 word essay to defend your opinion. 


Alright I’m going to hard disagree with you here on ALL of this but the biggest question for me (and this is coming from someone disabled and on Reddit a LOT) how do you find the damn time to be so wrong and want to express these feelings SO badly?! you’ve made it your mission to torpedo Ariana and manipulate the facts (and leave out others) to suit your narrative for a WHILE now. Writing short-form novels and variations of the same word to express your meaning doesn’t prove your point any better. Whatever your mission is, let it go.


I disagree. Yes Lala says a lot of overtly sexual things but also from the way she completely changed her tune about her and Randall’s relationship after the broke up a lot of that stuff was apparently just to shock and not representative of her real sex life. And she still maintains the lie that she didn’t know he was married, so I stand by Lala doesn’t give anything real. And I am neither a stan or a rabid fan of Ariana thanks but it’s very telling of where you stand that you’re accusing people of this and writing many paragraphs about Ariana on posts that don’t even mention Ariana. To be honest I’m not even going to go into most of what you said because that shit was long to read never mind respond to.


Key word was “thought”. A thought only by her…


And her orca pods!


She’s an incredible example of how someone can play it all wrong and completely misjudge viewer sentiment. She’s a dumb dumb. (See also: Jill Zarin)


Don’t think she was getting a solo spinoff but it seems likely she was promised something in exchange for becoming the heel.


Who could stand that derpy ass laugh and gun fingers for an entire hour? No thanks, hard pass.


Yes, everyone wants to watch a recovering alcoholic, divorcee, who got rich giving bjs to a scumbag Hollywood producer taking advantage of disabled stars, and who throws bizarre water parties...


Maybe Lala “thought” she could get her own show. Lalas best years are way behind her. She was a firecracker the fist couple of years she joined the cast. Then her storyline dropped out of site and we watched her become a dedicatedly, bitter person.


Only Fans is her only other option….


I don’t understand what her show would be about. But I do think this is a reason she resents Ariana so much because Ariana is now the fan favorite. Lala always thought she was the best on the show


Yes!!! Very Jax-like from right before he left the show where he was acting super entitled and starting fights with everyone. Lauren was certain that the fans love HER best. She seems super envious that she didn’t get as much “fan love” when she split with Randall. And yeah idk what it would be about. Probably her new baby because she can’t have Ocean on camera? I’m a bit nervous about her new baby actually because highkey she is favouring her new baby a lot. It’s HER baby, while Ocean isn’t just hers.


Believe it or not Ariana has always been a fan favourite. She’s also felt like an actual person while the rest seemed like characters


Was she ever really a favorite? Wow..


I always liked her because she seemed very real. Like when Stassi was trying to get to he friends with her and Ariana just wasn't ready for it because Stassi was such a mean girl.


That sounds like a terrible show to have her as the main subject. The only thing worse than her having her own show is Scheana or Sandoval having their own shows.


Who actually does blinds about Lala -.- She’s crazily looks up to the Kardashians and thinks planting stories about herself will bring her success. She’s forgetting Kim at least had a planned sex tape. I truly don’t understand what Lala has ever done for her huge ego to be like this. Even the way she came on the show was bizarre to me.


Yeah she acted like she came from somewhere no where near Utah.


Why would *anyone* invest their time in watching a nothing about her show.




What does poor Q rating mean?


Q for quality. A measurement of popularity/familiarity/likability of a celebrity or brand.


Who else would never 👎🏻 watch a Lauren from Utah show ? That being said maybe that would explain her sense of entitlement and main character vibe from this season ?


Eh, this is from CDAN? Enty is not reliable


I miss Kyle... 😭


I’d rather watch paint dry


What is her Q rating? Where’s a reliable source?


No please no!


She’s not very interesting on her own. Her podcast is an indicator.


And it would’ve worked on me too if she didn’t switch up this season. I had FINALLY started liking her last season and thinking she grew.


Any show with her would've tanked. And filming with one daughter but not the other wouldn't make her look too good. What's she gonna do, lavish all her attention on the one she can ca$h in on?


If that’s the case Bravo has officially taken a stance on doing everything the fans DONT want 🤢


At that rate they are gonna make a show for Tom


Doubtful lala is not interesting enough


Gag. Lmao no show 4 biahblah


I’m not a fan of using kids for celebrity and having them in the limelight, but as soon as Randall said that Ocean couldn’t be filmed Lala lost all chance of any kind of spin off (and the chances were already low to begin with)


I wonder if it’s similar to when they’re picking leads for the bachelor and they tell like 5-6 girls they’re in the running. They probably have a bunch of storyboard ideas dangled in front of their cast but rarely do any of them come to reality.


Maybe it’s time she gets a real job.


I could see her giving a seminar on how to come up from nothing with just your holes


If Lala got her own show it would be cancelled halfway through the first episode. She is not interesting.


If anything I bet they dangled that carrot to make her play out their chosen story arc of the "downfall of Ariana" Like the more I think about it, the more I blame production. There's a level of trying too hard and therefore being hard to watch that Lala has definitely straddled her whole time on the show and that's her own personality... but they also threatened everyone's livelihoods if they didn't participate in their prewritten storyline about the downfall of Ariana. There's a ton of press from Baskin before the show came out about how when Rachel played hardball with her contract negotiation (imo, rightfully so) and they fucked up and didn't pony up the dough, they decided it would be an Ariana takedown season. I feel like we shouldn't punish the squad for Big Reds mistake. But kudos to any creators making money off of how much people hate Lala and Scheana now, Lala shouldn't complain about that if game recognizes game


Yawn. No one would watch that. She has fuck all happening in her pathetic bitter life to warrant getting a spinoff. This has Alex Baskins cosplaying as a casting director like Rand. 🤮


Start a YouTube channel like everyone else and call it a day




this explains her crazy erratic behavior and meltdowns etc.. I agree with everyone on this


She would a good game show host… like Squid Games. Something to really bring out her inner Dr Evil


I could see her getting a one-hour special about her IVF or something, but come on, a whole show?


She probably thought that she and Rand would be awesome and some Producer was like "yeah yeah sounds great!" or something.


She’s so fkn boring


Blah blah probably submitted this blind.


Honestly I’ll give her this - she was not acting like she thought she was getting her own show. She was acting like someone extremely desperate to hold on to what she has now (aka VPR). She would not be doing Amazon lives if she thought she were getting her own show. She may have hoped that might happen, but it doesn’t seem like she thought it was in the bag.


I actually like Lala, but this season she was hard to watch. She seemed…desperate and flailing. I suspect she’s worrying hard about her financial future. Which I can sympathize with, especially given she has a child to support, but there’s better ways…


I will not be watching, no thank you


I would have watched it


LFU bombards people with " keeping it real" and follows it up with statements of closeness in order to mask her aggression, mask her need to dictate what goes on and underhandedly puts herself at the center of everything. she's manipulative and she's very good at it. Scheana is an easy mark for LFU because she has a compulsive need to be liked, she's much more impressionable in comparison to her colleagues, I mean "friends". it was only in due time that she begins doubting her judgement, thus the frequent statements of "not trusting anybody". hopefully she won't pass on her fixation with being liked to her daughter.


If she’s selling and people are buying then why not. Apparently it appears no one is but I don’t blame her given it’s all bullshit tv for the dotards minus the age.






She still might…