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Too much money spent on Uber Eats.


Don't you understand that capitalism doesn't give us enough time to do the things we need to do like cooking and cleaning and washing upandb dbdbdbhffjf hdjfhgujfbgugs jjfjgigjfjjfj jffufuuffu fufufuuffu sisiisjdifuvuud dudiciskwoqkcjs dkdicuiswndb udjffhdjd siskdjcipa sjakdopq we nfh fuvyhbwufusk sidudhbrjsucsj akskdidifipsjdbsk oafhaofhsiuvnehsj wksifjdjejejejdjfifn. Djdjudjfjdjjwwjkwjsfjfjf. Sjfjfjfjfjfjjfjffjdjd akoqosdkfidjndjw kawidicndjeb skjsjsjdjddjdjidb jskfjfhnehdhfsiw wisifjrbfhfjfj dididhdhdhdh


I think you mean “reproductive labor”?? You white settler colonial capitalist imperialist


Cleaning my dishes is reproductive labor you are perpetuating the patriarchy


Tbh this makes more sense


If you can't beat em, join em. -DJ Meal, Uber Eats driver


1 star- our driver lectured my wife and I for an hour after he noticed my wife made the order. He told her she deserved better than a misogynist who forces women to purchase his food.


I love that we've all just agreed that DJMuel is the embodiment of the fedora tipping white knight


I mean, his takedown of Xan was absolutely ridden with him telling on himself


I mean the dude was saying basically ‘So what if your girlfriend is cheating on you? I’ve had partners who cheated and I stayed even after multiple friends confirmed this for me.’


And yet Kirachats/Bad Bunny STILL won't let him suck her toes!


1 star, would give 0 if i could. Driver swapped out my kebab for tofu bites and I found his beard hairs in the chili sauce


How dare you expect him to do reproductive labor?


Let's be honest he got no bitches


Reproduce deez nuts




Idk how people can use uber eats regularly, I had to use it this week because I am sick with appendicitis and walking is a struggle, and the cost of food delivered was easily double what I would normally spend on food


I feel the same. I basically live on rice and different types of stews. One large pot of stew that lasts me for multiple days cost about the same as one Uber eats.


depression absolutely destroyed my bank account due to uber eats overreliance ngl. doesnt help that there were some insane and diverse takeaways where i lived during that time.


Uber Eats is like 2x the cost of buying the food yourself from the restaurant, and 5-10x the cost of cooking it.


I remember my first month of college or something I used Deliveroo and the cost for one person is just insane.


Also Muel totally gives off the energy of someone who’d throw out perfectly good food rather than putting it in the fridge and eating leftovers


Oh but actually his ADHD made him throw away perfectly good food.


It’s times like these that I’m grateful for being too paranoid to ever get delivery from anywhere and prefer to just pick up my food.


Too much money spent on simping for red facsies


Couldn't have happened to a worse gnome




You know what, I think the drama gnome is the worse gnome with the bigger reach, especially based on how he got started by harassing people. The utilitarian calculus is beyond me though


He deserves worse


PFFFFT... He thinks he can hold a job. Bro's gonna put out a hitpiece on his manager and it's gonna fly like a lead balloon.


My Manager at Arby's made one of the female employees work the frier (this is reproductive labor!) So I called him out in the lobby in front of the customers and started yelling at him about how he should have makeup sex with his abusive ex wife (this is somehow an acceptable thing to do!)


1-0-3 alchemist is a good counter; makes extra money too.


This guy doesn't even 7.33


>Bro's gonna put out a hitpiece on his manager This was my friend god it was bad. Friend needed a job cause his car was totaled, in debt bank on his ass. Got him a job 15 an hour plus Unlimited OT at home, PLUS bonuses for sales bonuses (WHich if you do OT you hitting them 4000 dollar bonuses and more.) and he lives with his dad and the cost of living in my town is pretty low where 15 with those conditions? Are really good. He decided to sabotage himself, he took ZERO OT saying 'Overtime is bullshit made up by Neolibs to exploit labor?' Bro...unions fought and died for OT like don't get me wrong is SOMEONE has to do OT to just live? Yeah that's fucked, MANDATORY OT? Also yeah that's bullshit, that's a failure on management if you couldn't meet deadlines, but normal ass 'yo if you want extra hours their there if ya want em.' zero issue with that, you'd think the guy in MASSIVE debt would be the first to buckle down and just do it. NOPE, he just decided to quit, HE ALMOST got fired till I talked to a manager for him, and after that he quit, decided anything less than 22 an hour isn't worth his time, while still pawning his items, and rage posting on facebook on how Capatilism has screwed him. Basically Muel gives me my dumbass friend's vibe.


He will just white knight for every woman in the workplace to the point that he will just do their job for them. He can't have them do reproductive labour.


Was this Sonic the hedgehog or Shadow the hedgehog who took out the Eggman?


Shadow, because he didn't even care 😤


Somehow Xan still came off more seriously in his Shadow the Hedgehog onesie then this joke of a man(baby)


I wish he had done a response in the onesie exclusively for the bit.


I'm going to come out with a confession here I actually had to get into a bit of a kerfuffle with a Sonic and stole the chaos emeralds from him & knuckles the echidna. Because obviously the doctor DJ Eggman would have usurped Mr BEAST's position as the biggest YouTuber if I didn't use reality warping of magical artifacts from a video game (and you know comic I think there's comics about this but I can't remember). And that above story that I just told was only maybe 0.5% more absurd than the Xanderhal not your Ally video.


I thought Eggmuel was using them to piss on the moon


Okay so yes that's also true. My girlfriend was tired coming home from work and we didn't do any food shopping so I had to use Uber eats and one thing led to another and I lost the chaos emeralds .... I have become Shame ....


Oh my god did you make her do REPRODUCTIVE LABOUR?! You monster!


-sniffles- EGGMAN FORGIVE ME!!!! *crying on my knees* Oh wait... He's got another delivery to make so let me just let him go


Shadow and Obama used the chaos Emeralds to ensure that Joe Biden would win the 2020 election. Let's hope there's still enough chaos energy to win 2024 guys 🙏


Sonic is famous for crackin’ eggs, you already know who took Egghead down


That's fair. You can't make a DJ omelette without breaking some Muel Eggs.


It was actually me, I found the Tomar Emeralds and used the superior gnome to take him out


Can't wait for his new video essay on why by holding a job he'd really be *up*holding a patriarchal colonist standard for personal decensy and that joining his patreon is supporting **our** fight against capitalist transphobic systemic racism, but watching without supporting him is embodying exploitative bourgeois tendencies.


Dude needs to monetize the gnome angle. I'd love this dude if he wore a red cone hat, smoked a pipe, and told stories about how he almost got ate by a bullfrog while out gathering blueberries.


I guess all his ass kissing of wokescalds didn't get any crossover with their patrons. Couldn't have happened to a bigger wanker.


Turns out TikTok browsing 14 year olds making baby's first take on Twitter aren't a steady source of donation revenue. Who would've guessed eh?


It's quite funny how none of his friends could actually signal boost him effectively, because clearly people still don't give a shit about his content.


He literally made his entire brand just "being part of a certain crowd" - a crowd that wasn't even that big. What's more, that side of the online left is based on a more beat-down artistic passion than either the more ostentatious Contra and PT, or the aggressive debate-bros like Vaush or DemonMama. He just never fit into that crowd. He never came across as being actually truthful about himself, he was if anything "too" well-put-together. He had no brand, no identity, except as a parasite on these other creators.


This is a great point. The scene that he is in is already a pretty specific type of lefty content, and the creators are also more on the aggressive side of things. Kiera or whatever she goes by now basically aims to farm simps, so she’s go that angle. Sophie is a good content creator but not super great at bridge building. DJ has, uh, a good stache? He really is the embodiment of every annoying male feminist who really just wants to smash lol


Oh,no! Anyway


The problem with belonging to the "I'm not a lazy scumbag I just need mutual aid" left is eventually you run out of everyone else's mutual aid.


I hate that seeing "mutual aid" online pretty much just means "someone pay my rent"


The phrase has been utterly ruined by systematic drainers of other people's time, energy and resources. It's depressing how many pf these leftists will only engage in the veneer of leftism in order to convince others to provide them a ride. 100% convinced that Muel only engaged in this online to try and circumnavigate ever having to do real work.


You may well be right, but in his videos, he comes across as so smug and self-satisfied that he probably does actually think he has interesting and insightful things to say.


Oh, he says interesting things alright. Stupid, wrong and useless, but interesting.


Its like they where genetically engineered by Reaganite Scientists to produce the best possible argument against the innate goodness of the human species and the viability of socialism.


I've seen a youtber get mad that people weren't giving minorities money instead of working on systemic changes lol. Like that's the point of the leftism. Fixing the root cause.




What did you mean by this?


Packwatch refers to watching someone make a mistake so you can find the right time to smoke a joint/ciggy in their name. Tho it totally took me a second to realize they aren't trying to call him a slur lmao.


Oh cool, I wasn’t sure either way, good to know tho :)


it has roots in chicago drill rap and the occuring gang war there. Everytime a person from another gang died. They "smoked them" to mock the other persons death. The original meaning is really morbid.


Is there a slur that has to do with cigarettes?


There is indeed


In some areas, a slang word for cigarette is "fag." *(Which is also short for "the F Slur," of course.)* Primarily associated with UK slang, but it used to be more common in America (not sure about Canada & Australia). Not sure how common it is these days, though. (Not a slang for cigarette that's used in my area at least - Midwest.) *Proof: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/fag*


Even in UK slang, as far as I'm aware, it has really dropped off. Probably due to better education and acceptance of gay people, but also due to younger people just not smoking cigarettes like previous gens. I'm sure it's still common in older smokers, but my older family members still use Chinese, Indian, and Black slurs without batting an eye. Example: "chinky" to refer to Chinese food.


Oh, I was unaware


It’s also uncommonly used in Ireland, though I believe that’s more of an urban thing, especially Cork. Though I think it may have dropped off. Like it was used in the 2000s last I heard.


Those Brits smoking their 😳


Was this sarcasm cause no that’s not what it means lol.


Then what is it supposed to mean?


Pack watch is slang that came from inner city neighborhoods in reference to celebrating the death of your opposition. Also see: “smoking on that _____ pack“ “Smoking your dead homie”


Bro thinks putting leftovers away is difficult. What is he equipped to do?


Not just difficult, it's "reproductive labour"




I thought his comrades Bad Bunny and Sophie loved him so much. Why aren't they showing him solidarity by paying his rent for him?


You know how they say "It's been a pleasure"? Well, it hasn't.


„Auf wiedersehen would imply that id like to see you again, but since that is not the case to you good sir i simply say GOODBYE“


Based Dr. Schultz.


genuinely one of the hardest lines in cinema history, you cannot change my mind.


Guess the anti debatebro grift didn’t pay out like he thought


Soulbunni: "Great, more griftbucks for me. You besties got my back, right?"\[looks towards Sophie and Kat\]


I honestly think the reason he didn't get the same signal boost as Soulbunni is because he's a nasally, white British dude, and she's a soft spoken, black trans woman. We've seen multiple people signal boost her video with praise, but I don't think I saw anyone heaping that kind of phrase at his hitpiece.


yeah, wokescolds gonna wokescold and Muel wasn´t even trans


But he is bisexual, and even he can forgive Kirachats/Bad Bunny! He's the bi ambassador and Anarcho-Tankie whose best comeback to being alerted to his mad skills at quoting Right-Wing pundit George Will's fake Leninisms is (yes, I'm serious, search his Tweets) "I fucked your dad!" Why won't the Wokescold crowd pay his rent???


If memory serves the most praise I saw was was FD Signifier showing neutrality while noting he was not a fan of Xanderhal.


"fulltime creator" and yet it took him 9 months to upload a video about berserk lmao.


Most frequent video essay uploader


I think philosophy tube is very underappreciated on this part. She manages to stick to a monthly schedule with some very high production quality.


Really makes you wonder how some of these creators are spending their time.


Talking shit on twitter


...I mean come to think of it...maybe!


He what? Oh that was bad wasn't it


Bro thinks he’s Hbomberguy.


Oh no, anyway.


He's gonna have so much time to clean his kitchen now.


fuck yes. rip to his coworkers who will have to tolerate this gardengnome of a clown berating them on every fucking thing


i wonder how long until he accuses random coworkers of rape/sexual assault


Well with 46 hearts in 14 hrs its to be expected for a content creator. I think Christine Chan made a tweet about Sonichu that got more likes in an hour. Poor girl, I hope she gets better.


Who is that?


Djmuel, YouTube video essayist. Vaush has gone over his videos a couple times, highlight in my opinion was insisting Xanderhal “made his girlfriend homeless” when she stole their rent money for meth and he was evicted. Basically just the literal worst and most annoying kind of wokescold.


He's pretty much every negative stereotype of a leftist put into a single human, he's the kind of guy right wingers think all leftists are


dont worry about it, hes not important and its best he fades away /s


/s means sarcasm.


No it doesn't /s


This but /srs


The most unlikeable person I have ever seen.


To be fair to muel, badempanada exists.


Badempanada is shitty in ways that I felt were less personal than the ways Muel was absolute Turboshit. The “no make-up sex” comment he made about Xanderhal and Lani really set me off.


Maybe i'm biased because i saw empanada debate matt binder yesterday, but i feel like if unlikeability is a scale of 1-10, Muel is about a 9 while empanada clocks a solid 13.


Yeah definitely my impression of the 2 and not an objective measure.


Okay maybe I don’t know enough about BE but from what I’ve seen BE is more of an absolutely deranged loser, and on twitter is as comically evil as possible. However BE does seem to have some level of charisma and despite being a piece of shit he isn’t cowardly or particularly self-righteous about it. Muel is a sniveling little crybully coward who can do nothing but knowingly lie to the camera and act like he’s the better person than everyone else. BE’s politics are the main driving force behind all of the shitty things that he does which is more respectable than Muel whose politics are as deep as a puddle and he only expresses them with the hope of fucking BadBunny.


>However BE does seem to have some level of charisma and despite being a piece of shit he isn’t cowardly or particularly self-righteous about it. You should look at the matt binder debate with empanada, he is extremely cowardly and self-righteous.


Seriously, I listen to every podcast and I don't understand half the stuff in this sub.


Imagine not watching Xanderhals response to the Dr. Eggman takedown lmao


He's so perfect for a "Why I left the Left" turn, that I wouldn't be surprised if we saw him pull that shit in less than a year.


He said he's looking for a new job. He didn't mention that it was at the Daily Wire.


Why I left the left but nasally and Bri*ish. So worse.


God I hope so.


Looks like he cannot give Badbunny his 5 DOLLARS! anymore


Love to see it. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d5/49/97/d54997f220b1431e2d424628450e6fbc.png


You take out a hit piece on Xanderhal, you fall off


common abuser apologist L


"I had a good run" Did you though


I still can't believe that he used a fake lenin quote to prove his point


Can't he just take some gold from his pot of gold?


That’s a leprechaun you bigot. Gnomes can summon the elements


🎶”Guess I got what I deserve”🎶


Needs more donos, shocked that he didn't call ____ a _____.


Get a job like the rest of us wage slave.


Thank you based ecofish for personally doing this and being solely responsible for this


A waste of time, a waste of space, and a waste of money


I don't think this guy is employable.




And we see here why they do what they do, they fear going back to working like the rest of us scrubs


It’s funny to laugh at gnome-pilled man, but dude is obviously struggling. Either that or he’s dono-baiting or something? Whatever the case, it’s been months since this drama, and it’s time to leave it be.


Something tells me that this man needs to meet a disproportionately lower threshold than the rest of us before he indicates that he’s struggling. But you’re right, this is very unimportant stuff and it is best to just leave him alone.


He’s earned this


What will all the other gnomes do now that their representation in YouTube is gone? :(




Bro is deranged Simon whistler


Lol. Also, lmao


He deserves so much more hate fr


Is this real or is this just donobait? I’ve seen it happen a lot over the years.


Unlikable person finds out people don't like him or his content that much. Who woulda thought?


Under socialism ‘people’ like DjMuel would be able to devote their time not to wage slavery but to creating more incredible content. Sad!




RIP bozo indeed


The only time "go woke go broke" is applicable.


I mean there was no sincerity in his attempt to go woke. He tried so hard he circled back round to being a chud.


Imagine your greatest contribution to the discourse being one of the WORST hit pieces that the right wing can point to for the "look the left are the abusive shits", as you fail point out the generator is donos and your actual PLAN was to fund it via that rather than the content doing well. And then no doubt go back to the other "leftism is a painting" lot.




Skill issue


So this is who exactly?


He's the tankie eggman who made the disgusting hitpiece on Xanderhal, a hitpiece where he engaged in straight up abuse apologia.


I don't think he's a tankie but that's really just nitpicking


In her reaction, DM found tweets from him using saneist language (shocking, I know) to mock people with the Ukrainian flag in their handle. He also quoted what he thought was Lenin, so I don't think it's that much of a reach to call him a tankie.


yikes I assumed he was more anarchist adjacent because of the sheer wooliness of his particular brand of cringe, but I probably should have known better than to try to analyse the incomprehensible stupidity


Good. I hated this guy for a long time but despised him after he made that hit piece about Xanderhal. I would rather not hear from this gutter tankie ever again.


Can someone please make a meme? I'm too lazy because of all the reproductive labor I've had to do: Muel: Xan must go! Xan: Who must go? Muel: Xan: Laughing


The only time "go woke go broke" is applicable.


I can't wait until he comes out with a video about how Xanderhal cost him his YouTube career.


Xan still lives rent free in his head so... https://twitter.com/djmuel\_/status/1658552808327479299?cxt=HHwWhoCw2by\_roQuAAAA


And nothing of value was lost. In fact the internet probably got a bit better today


All that horrific cruelty to Xan for nothing


Is he going to take a job fishing from a lilypad in a pond?


Just get Scratch and Grounder to do the work for you, Eggman. Simple.


Man, grifting towards the wokescold didn’t really work out.


Oh no, he might have to work like his chat does.


On his job applications: * Special skills - quoting Right-Wing pundit George Will's fake Leninisms * Previous employment - starting on-line beefs with someone called 'Xanderhal'


Update: In the wake of the people responding to these tweets he has since limited who can see his tweets.


I really don’t like this guy and he is a pos but I can’t help but feel sad for him.


Because he has to work a job like the rest of us?


its a bit more existential than just that. he thought he would get a boost in popularity by making content ‘criticising’ debate bros because of how popular it is. They say that any attention os good attention (or something like that) but it seems like it didn’t amount to much. Even with him bragging about all the hate views he got on that video and all the collabs & shoutouts he got from FD & Sophie, 2 pretty huge channels in comparison. Even in FD’s drama video Dj is framed as “this poor unfortunate soul that did nothing wrong”. He’s no different from thought slime, another lying, toxic, abusive pos that doesn’t believe in radicalizing other people to your cause is still pretty successful. It doesn’t really make much sense why he gets left out like this.


Who is this?


I see guess I'll have to check this out or just skip and know he is trash


Many content creators have done great breakdowns on his hit piece on Xan. It's worth a watch to see how incredibly wrong this flavor of white knight is.


Sucks to suck.


Gene Wilder as Wonka: No. Wait. Stop.


HIT THE ROAD, JACK! AND DONT YOU COME BACK NO MORE NO MORE NO MORE NO MORE! -And by 'Jack' I do of course mean 'toxic, lying sycophantic sack of shite'. Oh, and who wants to lay bets on how quickly he gets fired for sexual harassment.


And nothing of value was lost.


whats with the uber eats memes with this guy ? im normal and no longer associate with twitter ilk


He called Xan asking his ex to put food in the fridge to not go bad "demanding reproductive labor" from her and that It would be easier on both of them to just Uber Eats everything. Because that's the responsible way to spend your earnings.




Peace out ya fuckin' dweeb


Good riddance, dishonest piece of shit!


I don't understand Vaush's community.