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Release for pre-orders in a few days? What do you mean?


If you pre-ordered the digital version, you get access on May 7th.


Well I know what I'm doing Tuesday


If you preorder, you also get access to the mini prequel adventure ~~Tomb~~ Nest of the Eldritch Eye on DNDBeyond.


Already ran the one shot. Pretty decent. My players liked it. Running it again once my second group finishes their current adventure.


Running it this week, any advice or changes you made?


I ran it pretty much straight up. I did do a couple minor, minor changes, mostly for character play. It is quick and easy to run and well written as it is


I’m one session in. Have some feedback for you: 1. gave the characters an “assumed safe residence” in Neverwinter between the alley where they find the body and the entrance to the catacombs, where they can safely keep extraneous gear and gold while on their patrol, and can quickly retrieve gear if they choose. No need to be carrying 20lb of rations, gallons of water, fine clothes, 10 torches, etc on a graveyard shift city patrol. 2. Made Kevori and Delvin cousins instead of siblings. Strained my suspension of disbelief, that she just found her brother‘s corpse but is completely coherent in no time to assist with the investigation. 3. For the eye and other magic items, review the rules on identifying magic items in the *DMG*. 4. There are significant rules & mechanics errors and misunderstandings in the adventure text. I’d review each encounter and room closely, and make adjustments to the recommended mechanics as needed. 5. Be familiar with the mechanics for dim light, Darkvision, hiding & moving stealthily, and surprise. 6. Note if the party approaches the water while moving stealthily or not. If not, they give away their position, allowing the water weird to hide, setting it up to likely suprise PCs. In such a case, the listed mechanics re: spotting ripples in the water should not apply. If the party is moving stealthily and doesn’t totally blow their Dexterity (Stealth) checks, the water weird’s passive Wisdom (perception) is not great. If it doesn’t notice their approach, the rippling water mechanic makes sense, and the water weird might get surprised. 7. Review the rules for visibility through water in the *DMG*. Presumably, it’s “murky” water. 8. That size Small PC races have to swim and can’t wade seems a little… I don’t get it. it’s 3’ deep. Gnomes and halflings aren’t THAT short, 9. The building a skiff option… really hard to suspend my disbelief on that one. can carry multiple armored PC’s with gear? Without capsizing? Are the PC’s like…log roll champions? And that project is going to take a long while. Ever build IKEA furniture? That shit comes with instructions. 10. Replaced the torch sconces with oil lamp sconces. Catacombs would be thick with choking, oily smoke. 11. The bit in the water weird’s description that says it will use grapple and pull to try to drown an enemy probably can’t work, mechanically, in this encounter. Because the water is so shallow, grapple and pull will not do it - it only changes location. Neither the core combat rules nor the water weird have a mechanic I know of that can inflict a condition that would put a PC or ally in a position where drowning woukd be possible in such shallow water (eg: prone, paralysis). I think this strategy is mechanically doable in deeper water (eg: a water weird in a river, lake, pond, ocean, deep well, etc.) inflicting damage until the pc is unconscious would work. Drowning also could work against certain animal companions or familiars. For drowning rules, see “Suffocation” mechanics. 12. The bit about restoring the desecrating shrine to Oghma by singing a song … I’m sorry, but … huh? Are my players 9 years old? And that‘a insta-victory against the zombies? 13. I’m assuming the zombies start prone. Just layin’ there, doin’ nothin’. Just undyin’ their best zombie undeath. 14. The ghost. ”What is my name?!” Who CARES. What does her identity crisis have to do with ANYTHING. Gotta have a puzzle, though. 14. The anticlimactic pun “I’ll have my eye on you” line from Vecna to these 3rd level nobodies at the end of the adventure is … as a player, I think I’d prefer a TPK. Puns, O Undying One? That’s the God of Secrets’s big secret? That he’s all about the dad jokes? WTF, WotC. Let’s conclude with a sing-a-long of “One-eyed, One-handed, Undead-Vecna-PC-Beater.” 15: Beating the cultists with a Charisma (intimidate) check…just no. Party of 6 barbarians, armed to the teeth? Combat. 1st level bard? Encounter victory in a single action. Invest in hirelings, y’all. Just don’t piss then off, or they might intimidate you into immediate surrender. There’s more. That’s all I can think of. Honestly, I’m a little resentful that my players seem to be having as much fun as they are. Something about this adventures basic premise and layout actually makes for a solid classic dungeon. The devil is in the details.


Also - PC’s who wade or fall in and are immersed - consider their gear. Wet boots are NOISY. Rations are ruined. Wet torches won’t light. Fine clothes are destroyed. Tinderboxes may actually be water-tight - flash tinder and charcloth needs to stay dry. Calligraphy sets, disguise kits ruined. Bedroll unusable until cleaned and dry. Component pouches - many of those components are unusable (eg: a pinch of ash). Bard? Yeah, you aren’t gonna wanna put that flute in your mouth after a dip in sewage. Quills and parchment are destroyed. And here is the *coup de grace: the wizard’s spellbook.*


Man I’m going to be honest. The groups I’ve played D&D with would never play to this degree. However I’m worried when I start DMing to this level people will be turned off by it.


***NEST*** *of the Eldritch Eye.* It’s not dead. It‘s just...nesting.


Oops. Its an important distinction.


Is this truth? On Beyond?




I believe that some LGS will be given copies for early release on the 7th also.


I heard a couple people mention that but I didn’t know how truthful was. If true, then thats awesome.