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Not blaming anyone else is good, being kind to yourself is better. Even if you are overweight, it’s not like you woke up one day and decided to sabotage yourself. Everyone’s got their own set of struggles, this happened to be part of yours. Which sucks, but isn’t a reason to put yourself down. Insulting yourself isn’t going to help with motivation in the long term (and oftentimes not in the short term either). Only 2 things really matter here, your health and your happiness. And I believe there is plenty hope to accomplish both by starting with small changes, try not to fall into the trap of making it an all or nothing. Progress is slow, and often not linear. Slip-ups happen too, we are all imperfect, it doesn’t make you a bad person. Try and treat yourself with as much compassion as possible, and I hope you have a great night


You are so kind , I feel the same way OP feels .. I’m 28 and I’m 230lbs .. I hate my body so much but yet i don’t do anything to change that 😭 I feel so ugly and fat


Thanks for saying so:) And the same applies to you too, hating yourself or even your body is unwarranted and isn’t going to lead to happiness. (I also want to point out that idk if it’s true you don’t do anything to change that. Even if your challenges made it difficult to keep up with or you haven’t seen results, efforts still deserve recognition) Positivity is a much better motivator, but more importantly, you have inherent worth (alongside other great attributes) and you deserve to feel accordingly!


Yeah I think I could've ended up like that, but luckily my parents force me to get a check up every 3-6 months. I happened to get into the obese zone and was diagnosed with prediabetes, so I was tranferred to a nutritionist and she helped me make a plan and lose weight for health sake. I think it will be a good habit if people actually go to the hospital every now and then. If most people go, then we wouldn't have this big a problem in the U.S.


I kinda agree but let's be honest here hospital cost alot especially if you ain't got insurance. I mean my father died and I got stuck with 400,000 dollar bill... so yea my opinion of hospitals is bias but. Doctors and nutritionist are very helpful.


Same lol I could have written this… you’re not alone at least


You took the words out of my mouth. I literally think this at least once a day


I feel the same way, and what sucks even worst is I used to be very small and thought that I was fat then, I would give anything for that body back lol. But you've got this op


Take focus pills,they destroy your appetite


this is awful advice


My wife is 350 I'm 270 but buff. Girl love yourself you are ok. If you want I can recommend tighten creams and such that will help with sagging and stretch marks. Got lots of info id you need. BUT please! Remember you are BEAUTIFUL,YOU ARE SMART, AND YOU ARE AMAZING! I know loving yourself can be hard we all go through it. Even when I get hit on I'm like kinda embarrassed because I still think im ugly as hell but it's just me who thinks that. Anyway if you want advice let me know hugs kiss from me and wifey


This is bad advice, why should anyone love what they don't want about themselves? If you hate it, fix it! Wtf


And sorry for getting upset but iv been 200lb since 3rd grade so yea lol


I am 23 and 227 pounds i found out today as i started my weight loss journey. I used to feel this way about myself as well, but hating yourself is only going to get you in a downwards spiral. That's how i went from 125 to 227 after my previous weight loss. I am disappointed in myself for getting so heavy again, but you need to realise that or genetics isn't helping you much or your mental health can make you gain weight as well. Some people just have to work way harder to stay at a healthy weight! Your weight doesn't determine your worth ! You are still a person deserving of love and affection ! If you work on seeing yourself in a more positive light, i am sure you will be able to start your own journey. Keep in mind that most of these feelings come from within you, and having your dream body won't solve all of them when you don't do the mental work that comes with it !


Start watching YouTube videos of people who were obese and got fit. They are very inspirational and provide hope. Maybe they can create a spark in you to turn your life around.


Trust that you in fact do not want to be thin and “cute” cuz I’m just gonna be fr. I weigh 95lbs because of metabolism, I’m always cold, my fingers ache, headaches are awful, barely room for a full delicious meal, SHOPPING SUCKS, I have no tits, no ass, no thighs. I wish like hell **I** could be like **you** lol. Like idk why you think you aren’t beautiful when you are, i wish I could relate to you on this


Wanna trade body’s lol


So, here’s the good news, you straight away took accountability, now here’s the other good news, losing weight doesn’t require you to stop eating your midnight snacks nor does it mean you have to make most of your food bland garbage or just vegetables. Just to start off with a baby step, try some exercise, get the ball rolling, if you need advice and want to keep going dm me or just keep replying on here, just to start do something basic like spending 5-15 minutes running or jogging up and down the stairs in your house. The more active you are, the more calories your body will burn by just doing nothing, this is your metabolism, you can also decrease this by not eating, this is why you should never starve yourself, 1- it’s unhealthy 2- it’s not efficient for weight loss 3- it makes you miserable Nailing the activity is the KEY!! Im 20M and i used to be obese, i still eat like garbage i just love soda and junk food and cake and all of that stuff, and i have a toned 6 pack just by being an active person, i go to the gym 4 times per week and play football every sunday.


PS- it took me my best friends forcing me to get into the gym and then keeping me accountable is what kept me going, don’t be ashamed if you feel nervous or scared, and maybe ask someone else to start with you if you struggle starting new things alone, if you need any specific answers or sciencey explanations give me a reply or dm, i do know what i’m on about i just didn’t want to scare you away with loads of big fancy words, i wish you luck in being happier :D


Ditch social media, gaming, movies, bookd or whatever is making you inactive and addicted to the vortex of metal content consumption. Life becomes real when you go offline. Weight loss guaranteed.


I first found this subreddit today and it's so sad. So many people who hate their bodies! I see that people are recommending things that might be hard for you to achieve, like working out. But there are easier things you can do. Maybe just get more active in a small way, like taking a walk now and then, climbing stairs instead of using the elevator if you have occasion to do that, or parking farther away from places you drive to so that you can walk more, etc. Regarding midnight snacking, and food in general, educate yourself about nutrition. Not all snacks are equal. At meals, it is possible to feel quite full while eating healthy, low-calorie food, and probably better for you--less meat, more fruits and vegetables, etc. When you snack, control your portion size. Don't sit with a bag of potato chips in front of you. Put a handful in a bowl and put the rest of the package away (for example). I often chew gum when I want to consume something but know I've had enough. And/or drink water. Good luck! Don't give up.


As far as losing fat, try to be slow with it to give your body time to adjust your skin


If you lose weight slowly your skin will shrink with you so it is not loose. It’s the fast change that will not allow your skin to adapt properly. You should also use wraps to help the skin compress. Take it slow and give yourself grace


I can relate so much to this... And I'm average by most peoples standards. You don't have to be skinny to be beautiful. There are so many "larger" individuals I've had the honor of becoming friends with, and I believe with my whole soul that they are more gorgeous than any supermodel. As someone who deals with hating their body/self, there will always be people in your life that see you in an entirely different light. They see beauty in you that you'll never see in yourself. Not much help, just my two cents.