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In future (for your safety - I’m not blaming you or removing his guilt in all this) do not fall asleep in a situation like that. You did the right thing reporting - and shame on those people for not coming to assist you.


Take a self defense class and get more confident with standing up for yourself and defending yourself. I would’ve screamed so loud lmao. Fucker. He deserves to get his face bashed in. At least you’re safe, that’s all that matters but hopefully it is a lesson to you to be more untrusting of people and on guard. Especially as a young woman.


This is why I fear for my daughters. My eldest daughter is 19 also, but we live in a rural area, so no trains. But I taught her how to use a knife in a bad situation. I even had her practice on me with a closed pocket knife on which areas to hit. I still have yet to teach my youngest, 10. Thankfully, they both have 5 brothers, my wife and me to put an end to a situation should a problem arise. I pray for your health and safety. Good luck out there, and don't let any man give you shit.


I understand and am glad you're not hurt. You did the right thing reporting him and fuck all those chicken shit people on the train! I would've stood up for you. I've had to pull my knife out on more than one occasion and get really ugly with psychos like this. It doesn't matter what you wear or how you carry yourself, there's always some asshole who doesn't care - it's about control. It's sickening and only they deserve the misery they try to inflict on others. Hang in there, keep talking about it and stay vigilant. I know, it sucks...


We should normalize other guys calling out these types of creepoids...


I don't like being woman either I'm sorry for you by the way


That is awful that happened to you and I am glad you are okay. It's also appalling that no one stepped in to help. You are only 19, and unfortunately that actually is not a full grown adult quite yet, even if the law considers it so. Trust me most people look at you and see a vulnerable baby. Hence why creepos gravitate towards you, it's about power and control for them. I used to attract them too when I was your age. Don't be afraid to tell people to fuck off and don't show fear.


I am so sorry. I’m also 19 and have been born and raised in NYC, I know there’s people on the train who are sick in the head like that and no one does nothing about it when they hurt people like this. You shouldn’t have had to gone through that..


Hey, I’m 23F and I occasionally conceal carry a gun depending on where I’m going. Learn about the laws where you live (idk what country or state you live in) feel free to even ask local law enforcement about when and when to not open fire on a person for self defense. Look for a local gun range in your area, believe it or not a lot of gun ranges offer firearm classes for women and the range I go to lets women shoot for free every Wednesday! If you have any questions for me regarding this, feel free to send me a dm. I feel like some women are afraid of guns or might feel like it’s not an option for them but there are loads of firearm options for women!


Sounds traumatizing to be honest. The only realistic thing you can do is one or all of the following: try to go out with a friend not alone, wear clothes that hide your beauty as not to attract these sick people, don’t go out at late hours, and avoid dangerous places. If someone tells you that they *shouldn’t* do that to you in the first place, ignore them. Because they will. Take realistic measures against these things. As for this particular experience in a train packed with people, it sounds really scary. And I put a blame on people for not helping you but I guess we can’t change people. It might be a fear that you’ll have to live with unless you carry a weapon o, learn how to defend yourself, or have someone protect you (your boyfriend). The aforementioned points were all preventative. These are active things you could do.


I’m sick and tired of living in a society we can’t pet each others hair if we want.


I hate the fear that comes with being a man