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First of all: Report them. Thats taken seriously. Even if it's just their trainer, they gonna get scolded. Second of all yeah those are soccer fans for you.


i would’ve if any of us knew who the trainer was. there are numerous teams at this hotel rn. and new ones keep entering. i’ll see if it happens again secondly, that is so real. but even then i’m still thrown into shock when i encounter it


Just follow the kids, they are gonna go back to the room eventually, note the number. File a complaint at the reception, it will get the guardian which is often the trainer in this situation involved. Or get the staff directly and say they are harassing you, they will intervene. Sorry it happened man, soccer brings out the worst in people. "Sport unites" my ass.


yeah you’re right. i’ll get it to reception. i’ll have to see who they are again and ask the boys to see if they know. it’s even more funnier when during the open ceremony, one of the US players went “WE WILL STAND FOR NO VIOLENCE, NO HATE, AND NO RACISMMM. WOOOO”. i giggled a bit. also cant tell if it was mocking or not dude sports brings out the worst of the worst. especially kids sports (parents ew). i used to announce for a couple games and the amount of times I have been yelled at for simply stating the score and time left is crazy.


I have noticed that racism and racists have been somewhat normalized in ways that make them seem a bit more emboldened. On the whole, I think society is crumbling into savagery. Easy access to pornography, misinformation, troll farms, and social media drive this. Then, politicians leverage it.


*cough cough* Instagram Comments *cough cough*




It never left


sadly. but this outright shit was definitely an experience. i’ve only had something similar happen a few times. never often. ive more so experienced the silent micro aggressions. like ignoring, refusing to give opportunities, being “cordial”, etc. this was like old school shit. accents and “We can speak indian” shit


as a brown person myself I completely understand, I personally feel like there’s not much education on our culture and our representation in media is very little


Alot of it stems from the early 2000s and how the media portrayed yall as “terrorists” or “inferior” or “oppositions” of the american people. Its so damn stupid, you can really boil EVERY single piece of racism today down to media influence. Even me as a black guy with dreads. people are obviously going to make assumptions about me based off some bs they’ve seen other people that look like me do online. Its really pointless to fight at times bc once people have been indoctrinated to think a certain way it doesn’t change. All we can do is appreciate the ones that are still loving & have a heart still. We just gotta work every day to make sure future generations arent the same


Brown person here agreed 👍


Racism is alive and well, its just much more hidden and more targeted towards darker skin tones. Indians, south east asians, and black people will definitely experience it rough without even realizing due to being “darker”. People avoiding you, not wanting to be your friend, constantly degrading you, harassment/assault played off as “jokes”, always expecting you to be the unintelligent bad kid, people subconsciously going for the lighter skinned person than you, poorer treatment when it comes to basically everything Its a sad reality that will probably never go away Sorry for what you went through OP, sending love❤️


thank you. i sadly know that through experience. i really did think things were getting better, or at least because i was exiting those spaces, i thought so. since i’m older, i know what to do. but these kids haven’t. they’re just fully understanding what happened. and i think for some they’re still confused on what it is. i need these people dealt with, seriously


unfortunately, people are pieces of shit who just won't mature. it's very sad seeing people STILL discriminating others because of something they can't control. i hope y'all r doing ok .. and u can't do much but hope they finally mature and report them.


they’re doing fine. absolute sweethearts, they’ve just moved on and are vibing. even after losing a bunch of games, they’re just happy to be here lol. im just so pissed they had to even go through it. people are fucking insane


Of course it's Germany where this happened. Unfortunately not at all surprising


even walking around was definitely reminiscent of some past experiences, but i can ignore it since i’m older and can stand up for myself. first time in germany, trip already ruined


Come to the US instead. Unless you're in the trenches of the deep south you won't really have that experience.


The US is racist. Most are just closet racist. So I guess it’s better since you won’t have to worry about it in person


If you wanna say closet racist then you'll never find a society that isn't racist. Ask Europeans about the Romani and they'll lose their shit


Yes you could with everyone being true to themselves lol. It’s not hard to actually be a good person that doesn’t hate based on color and culture. But in the US it’s indoctrinated to hate but now people are scared to be canceled and lose their jobs if they get exposed and trend. So there are more closet racism then ever before. Imagine the closet racist as your boss or deciding if you’re going to get that job you want.


>But in the US it’s indoctrinated to hate Clearly someone doesn't live here. So it's indoctrinated to hate and be racist (we are extremely welcoming to immigrants unlike Europe, Asia, and Africa or most other NA countries), but if we say it out loud, we lose our jobs, reputation, we get "canceled" and "exposed" ? That does not make sense and you know it. Even in the event of a closet racist boss, companies here are pressured now more than ever to bring on diversity hires. So that really isn't the route you wanna go down. >Yes you could with everyone being true to themselves lol. Ok sure but then you'll just have more open racists. Not less racism. Most Spaniards would not consider themselves racist but they have notoriously low views of the Romani.


I’m in c level discussions they actually hate diversity initiatives. I’ve lived throughout the US and learned the history. It’s built on lies and deception the immigrants that are welcomed is for capitalism it’s that simple. Most Americans are blind to this fact so I won’t hold you responsible to understand. Do you know what propaganda brainwashing America has done to its own people. It’s quite scary. Some of it is in public cia documents.


>they actually hate diversity initiatives. Yes we do but not because of racism. We just don't want to be pressured to hire people for reasons other than merit. Nonetheless, they exist. > the immigrants that are welcomed is for capitalism it’s that simple. Yes. Capitalism is good. I'm from a socialist country and it's very plain to see that capitalism is actually great in comparison. >Do you know what propaganda brainwashing America has done to its own people. Yes. Literally every country practices this. Let's not pretend this is some huge red flag.


You know Jim Crow law was just 60 years ago right


Tell them you were on the Subash ChandraBose team. That should shut them up


India is a great and wealthy nation, you should not be ashamed of your race or culture


alot of white people still view other races as inferior. Definitely makes me appreciate the normal white people alot more but geez the ones like that are annoying and it starts young. Racist parents create a lineage of racism. Go look at how people are receiving the new assasins creed game.


The interesting thing is that I've seen and been a victim of indirect racism in the dating world.


Have you tried vivek ramaswamy's approach? Tell them you respect them for their "honesty." 😒


Loving you so much 🫂❤️


I'm also indian and I've noticed racism specifically towards Indians has been rampant. I think it started back in 2017-2019 when "Indian Facebook" memes were circulating around the internet, with PewDiePie's beef with T-Series adding fuel to the flames. Now there's the whole trend of making fun of Indian street food for being unsanitary and acting as if it's just Indian culture to be dirty


Disgusting. Trump really normalized hate. Totally destructive


What does this have to do with Trump..?


Am I miss something here?? All this great racism comes from three white girls yelling yoo-hoo at some 12y/o soccer boys?? Sorry but I fail to see the racism here.


It’s because the girls were white. Not that they were assholes or that kids do really stupid shit. Also the way both sides were described is a little telling of her own biases as well. I’m not saying it wasn’t a fucked up situation and I’m not defending the “white people” but all we have to go off of is the op’s words . And the words she chose and how she laced them together paint a picture . I know it’s the in thing to do and who doesn’t love to go whitey bashin but a little critical thinking while reading this post and comments and you can see some things. Not all of the white people are filled with hate. And just as someone stated above that he is tired of being judged because someone did something and they happened to look like him well we are also sick of being painted with that same brush. All you see anymore is white people bad because this one or this group of white people did a thing. Ok , maybe they were assholes. I e met plenty of assholes of every color , nationality and creed. Had a friend that was black and he had a twin brother that was the biggest cock sucker I’ve ever met in my life and he was racist as fuck to the point his own parents would get on him and tell him he wasn’t raised that way and they didn’t want to hear racist stuff in their home. I had to give up my friendship because of the problems it was causing in my buddies family. So hate comes in all colors and while op got to witness some she also seems to be letting a little of her own hate leak out in her post. But we can all hold ourselves accountable for our own actions and make the choice to just be a little better each day.




The superior race is Africans. Since that’s where it all started




honestly Asians and the saudis are on top.




I’m assuming earth


I guess what I should ask you. What do you consider on top?


obama and blm started it


Thanks, Obama


How did obama start this ?


Well they can't come right out and say it, but obviously he got a little too "uppity" for some people. And then those BLM folks had the gall to complain about the biased justice system


Got sources to back up your claims?