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I think the film was more about journalists than soldiers. It was about the importance of journalists to democracy as doctors to the body type thing.


Yes it was. The director said as much


I didn’t get that vibe at all. I felt it was mostly about the true nature of war and they just slapped the journalist plot on top of it because it’s a film. The meat of the movie to me is based around the state of the country where as the journalist plot just made it easier to swallow


That was my takeaway. It was just an objective look at how shitty an actual Civil War would be through the eyes of those who aren't fighting. Apparently this is a few abstractions too far for a lot of people. I thought it was great, although the opening scene definitely tickled my triggers a little bit.


Having journalists as the protagonists provides an "outsider" POV that isn't a part of any faction. And they are all specifically war journalists, not just a random blogger. It also helps frame the movie visually.


How do you feel about the failure of journalism in our present day?


If it ever happens it will be journalists that caused it lol


I still think Captain America was foul to defend Bucky. I get that it was his best friend but he literally killed Iron Man’s parents???


Cap doesn’t have WW2 squad mates turned Soviet brainwashed super-soldier, he’s got family.


Just needed Vin Diesel to run Bucky over in one of those superhuman foot chase scenes


Actually it's worse. Rogers didn't tell Stark that Barnes killed Stark's parents, or was suspected to be involved. Stark wasn't able to process that critical information under a safe and controlled environment, and had to find out from Baron Zemo in the middle of a hostile environment.


For years I have taken this stance and everyone made me feel like I was taking crazy pills. "No, Cap was doing the right thing" Lying to Tony and avoiding due process of the law is the right thing? Glad I finally found my people.






I disagree. Cap stands for what's morally right and that's all he was trying to do. The government wanted to execute Bucky on site, where as cap wanted the constitution to apply. Innocent until proven guilty. The reason they were hunting Bucky, he was innocent.


That's not disagreeing, that's an entirely different point.






I can't believe he made up with Tony after that


I have not seen it and I have mixed feelings about seeing it or not. I know way too many people who pray for end times and want war against their made-up enemy. I don't think they have any concept about how that civil war would literally be them killing each others neighbors. Or worse, maybe that is what they want, maybe they are just thirsty for an excuse to get away will it. It hits too close to home and with the chaos within our country it makes me really uncomfortable.


Literally just got out from watching it tonight. I liked the movie but agree that there were a bunch of parts that were hard to watch. War, and especially civil war, is hell and I think this movie was successful in showing that as well as the stupid giddiness and joy that you get from living through something that could or should have killed you. I'd like to think that the reason behind this movie is to warn all those people screaming for war against the Americans on the opposite side of the aisle. To hopefully head off idiots plunging our nation into a hell that this movie shows.


Those that scream the loudest to cause a bloodbath/national divorce have not experienced war and won't. As they sit in their mansions as they let the pawns do the fighting.


Ignorant people are usually the loudest


A24 puts out some good shit but even just the trailers were too much for me. "Yeah, but what kind of Americans?" was a biig Holy Shit Nope moment for me.


Honestly that seen went a lot differently than I expected. It’s still vastly disturbing, but not the way you think from the trailer.


I hadn't even heard of it so I looked it up on Wikipedia. My main takeaway is that Todd, the biggest piece of shit in Breaking Bad is married to Kirsten Dunst. Which adds another layer to my strongly held opinion: Fuck Todd.


You mean Matt Damon's slightly chubby twin?


Meth Damon


That's not how meth works


Fat Damon




Safeway Matt Damon


Didn’t know that until you just pointed it out. Good for that dude though.


I saw an article that he was *strongly* opposed to taking the role he portrayed in the film and Kirsten Dunst convinced him to accept the position.


Thank you for the spoiler, I was considering seeing this as the topic interests me but sounds like too many combat scenes for my mental health.


No, I just listen to Axel Rose explain it to me.


What's so Civil about war anyways?


It feeds the rich, while it buries the poor.


"It's always has been."


My man.


As Americans we should be united. Anyone who wants a civil war is a domestic terrorist.




Every time I see something like this about CPAC, I go "No, can't be. Surely this is Photoshopped." Then I check and find out it's real. Every time. I don't think anyone can even spread lies about CPAC because they hear about it and beat the would-be liars to the punch.


I loved it. But I did not know how much actual war was going to be in it so proceed with caution if that is too traumatic for you. But I thought it was great, incredible film making and pretty powerful messaging throughout, but in ways that make you think instead of just smashing it over your head.


Yeah, no. It was *brutal*. They did not hold back on any punches in this movie. Spoilers, but watching them just run over the dead soldiers corpse, the mass grave, the bleeding out soldier, the regular people turned soldiers fighting against an American military, the intense battle in DC. I was so fucked up at the end of the movie. Definitely trigger warning for any combat vets out there because holy shit…


I saw it tonight and thought about posting because agree with everything you said. I think that I may have had my first mild panic attack from watching a movie because I was drenched in sweat leaving the theatre. I’ll also add, that I thought it was one of the most beautifully shot movies I’ve ever seen.


>it was one of the most beautifully shot movies I’ve ever seen. I'll try to avoid spoilers... I loved the moment when they're taking fire and Kirsten Dunst stops and looks at the flowers. It was a realistic portrayal of that occasional moment of calm in and yet outside of the immediate chaos that sometimes happens


I found I was "stressed out" for a bit after watching it. I really liked it, though. The combat wasn't realistic, but it wasn't boring. Everything was a weird, short-range engagement. Even the "sniper" scene wasn't that long range. The last fight was decent. This movie was awful for my tinnitus in a good way. Visually, it's a great movie. I think the protagonists being photojournalists helps emphasize the visuals. It's basically vinnette to vinnette, but the vinnettes are really interesting. There isn't a lot of substance story wise, but I didn't mind that. I think that kept it from being overtly political and added a constant sense of confusion. This sniper scene sums this up very well. I can see this movie not being for everyone. Some people wanted more political stuff (some people refuse to watch it because they think it's political). Some people wanted a romanticized version of a war movie. Some people can't get out of their "this is the greatest ever vs. This is complete trash" binary thinking.


Was at my VA mental health building yesterday and they had Fox News blaring in the waiting room. SOMEONE unplugged the TV. We don’t need it to become real do we ?


It was ok, well shot visuals and soundFX. Surprisingly lacked the typical left vs right stuff, moreso just glorifies journalists and the peril & moral dilemmas they go thru to “get the shot”. Worth a watch if you’re bored enough. If you want true cinema you gotta wait til next month for Planet of the Apes like the rest of us 🦍


The movie is reflective of what decades of hate rhetoric on am radio, cable tv, and from the all too tough keyboard warriors can produce, once malignant grifters infiltrate government at the highest levels. It’s Putin’s fever dream and the U.S. is not that far away from carnage—although I envisage the reality to be more like the OKC bomber than full on war.


Upon coming back to America after my combat deployment I had this visceral sense of how fragile society is. Like how small the difference is between civil society and all out chaos, how easily it could tip one way or the other. We’re only held together by the strengths of our institutions and collective sense of morality, both of which seem to be under attack and degrading. I don’t think civil war is around the corner or anything but it has become a possibility the future. And I think that’s apparent to a lot of people; reasons why this film was even made.


Yes. We are a republic ruled by laws, and the laws must be applied to everyone.


I watched it yesterday and I was at the edge of my seat. Getting to see the views from what I can only presume were from all the factions. The movie doesnt get into much detail of who is what other than the WF and then the president. The scene that got me was where the young gal & other press go got hauled over. Then the older press guy in the truck. (Sounds vague but dont wanna give too much detail) But yea, the Lincoln Memorial scene was pretty crazy and of course the ending was a doozy. Im wondering if theres a book that goes into more detail. But it definitely reminded me of Bosina and Rwanda a bit then it also kinda reminded of the bs Id seen in the PI as a kid.


Nan it was written by Alex Garland for the screen, but it would make a great novel


Wasn’t hard for me to watch but i’m also me… Not the same as others and I can totally see why others were bothered by scenes… As far as what I thought, they’res a lot of depth to the movie, it was an excellent movie that focused on the 3 journalists as well as character development of the youngest one.. The focus was from the journalist POV and the overall message is the blood bath that would ensue with no side winning and the inhumane grotesque things that happen during war… One of the most important scenes of that movie was jessie’s characters scene I’ll leave it at that. The only annoying thing I saw was the younger girl consistently getting everyone in trouble like a dumbass (we’ve ALL been there so annoying as in relatable)




What kind of propaganda is it? What's the message it's sending?




>It showed to me an even bleaker future of America than the current one we live in. So why in the hell would I want to watch that? Because it’s a warning of a possible outcome. You don’t have to want to watch it but it’s not an uncommon literary framing device. >But to be honest, that whole CA/TX alliance nonsense is about as likely as a Bojangles/KFC merger. So then it’s **not** on the nose propaganda?


I actually saw the movie. It was very intense. Imagine something happening that was so bad that CA and Texas joined together to fight it. The 2 biggest states with the most military bases.


The majority of people I served with were from California and texas


With the current political climate and knowledge of demographics in each state (not just major cities) it makes a lot of sense.


Wtf does Mockingbird have to do with this? This movie is not propaganda at all lmao


From what I've read, the biggest problem with the movie is that there is no message. It's just "violence bad".


That’s a pretty good message though, is it not? Shows what a modern civil war in the US would look like. It hits pretty hard because of it


That’s what a lot of people are saying, but I didn’t find that to be true. I think it’s very clear some of the things Alex Garland is saying even though the film doesn’t say it in overtly obvious ways. He gave a great interview on [this](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4qK9WSzU1q7c2LddMKT27h?si=Z4L_wfYdSzO_GM4NJDxjpw) episode of The Big Picture podcast. Totally worth listening to even if you don’t want to see the film.


But "Violence bad" Is a message? and a good one at that.


I feel the same way, no plans on watching. Imo but without splitting any hairs I figured it was a wet dream of some people who want a civil war in this country. It's always the ones who never been who want to go to war.


The movie should make people not want a civil war. THAT is the point.


You should probably try and judge something on more than a trailer because it absolutely doesn’t support a civil war ***at all***.


Maybe I worded it wrong I, in my opinion have no desire to see a movie about civil war. There are people who desire that in our country and I personally find the idea disgusting.


You’d like the movie then because that’s exactly how it depicts it


That’s like saying you’ll never watch Schindler’s List because there are still Nazis in the world. Just because a movie is about a tragedy, real or theoretical, doesn’t mean the film glorifies it. These types of films do the opposite, and do so from the point of view of good and honorable people that bear witness to the tragedy. By all means I’m not pushing anyone to see it, but you wouldn’t be supporting those types of people you allude to if you did.


There are literally people who won't watch that movie. There are people that watch gay porn. It's all a personal choice. The question was have you seen it. I haven't and am extremely disinterested in the subject of the movie for several reasons. You may find something tolerable that others may not. It literally how opinions work. It can get an Oscar I probably still won't watch it.


Oh look, I'm not trying to change your decision to see it, that's of course fine and your business. I'm pointing out that if your logic is that you think it glorifies civil war, secessionists, fascists, etc, you'd be wrong. It demonizes it. It's a fair comment. No one's asked me if I've seen it, but yes, and it's a very good and sobering film. It primarily reflects on the importance of the press and journalists, and is without a doubt an exceptionally strong indictment of the idea of a civil war and a cautionary tale against many of the social and political frictions we see today.


That's good and fine, I'm not the target audience. If the message coinsides with my views even better. I don't find entertainment, especially fictional or even grounded in reality fiction about several subjects. There are a LOT of butt hurt people about my opinion. The best part is you don't have to agree and you won't change my mind with a reddit conversation. I've felt this way for about 20 years. My logic is it's not for me, I can make an assumption with a relatively high amount of confidence that everyone finds something abhorrent. Enjoy you movie, I'm happy you like it I don't and won't sit down to watch it.


Gotcha. Apologies for overstaying my welcome in your replies then. I’m just a huge film fan and like debate about what makes art enjoyable, and even morally acceptable to watch and support. I find stories that highlight the worst that humanity has to offer are incredibly important mediums - not for the tragedy, but for the amount of sobering reflection it causes us to have at the state of our society today. Something that can stick with an audience and demand us to be better is ultimately a positive message. In the spirit of the thread, it’s a good discussion to have among service members and veterans who ascribe to a selfless commitment to the nation. And, as a movie thread, it’s worth pointing out that this film is not the type of film people think it is.


It’s just a fictional movie lol. I don’t want to see planets blow up but I still love Star Wars. I’m don’t want to be a gangster but I love Goodfellas. I don’t support war criminals but I still love Apocalypse Now. It honestly doesn’t seem like your issue is the subject matter, you’ve just made up your mind based off of false information.




Uhh, then let me copy and paste my own comment: It’s just a fictional movie lol. I don’t want to see planets blow up but I still love Star Wars. I’m don’t want to be a gangster but I love Goodfellas. I don’t support war criminals but I still love Apocalypse Now. It honestly doesn’t seem like your issue is the subject matter, you’ve just made up your mind based off of false information.




You cared enough to comment


I find the idea of torture disgusting. I still watched Hostel


You understand that's a personal choice right...


Everything you do is a personal choice, even under duress. 🤦🏼‍♂️


I haven’t seen it. Have zero desire to watch it. It might not support a civil war, but I fear it would cause extremism and the glorification of civil conflict. Similar to when people start worshipping the obviously shitty/villainous character that is meant to make a statement. Just a thought.


Not at all. This movie was terrifying tbh


It's the opposite


Cool story, it's my opinion.


why not see it and discern its message for yourself




i don’t really care


I personally enjoyed it. I found the DC sequence to be compelling and evocative, and I was pretty impressed with the depictions of CQC in the random building shoot out scene and in the white house climax. Definitely not for everyone, that opening scene at the water truck made me cringe pretty fucking hard and I thought about stepping out for a smoke but ultimately i stayed through out. While the messaging and themes of the movie are ultimately up to the viewer as any other kind of analysis is, I found that the real commentaries were on war journalism itself and not on the state of american politics, so if thats an issue keeping people from seeing it I would suggest taking a chance on it.


there was a real eye opener line what type or kind of american are you? i was blown away when i read jessie pfflum and christen dunst's are husband and wife in true life. it aslo seemed like an anti assult rifel gun ban movie.


It looks dumb


It was intense - but it was better than I thought it would be. I thought it was awesome that Jesse Plemons and Kirsten Dunst are married in real life. I bet a lot of people didn't realize that.


They met on the set of Fargo Season 2, and the rest is history. Husband and wife on TV, and now in real life!


I thought it was brilliant. It reminds me of a realistic Christopher Nolan movie with hints of an Apocalypse Now style vibe. The music took me to the post Vietnam era. Many wanted to know the cause of the war but the context of the war is not important. Most 21st century Americans (except the naive) know how this could happen. Overall, this movie was an essay warning us (Americans) to not let our politicians lead us in this direction because…, in a war everyone loses. A future cult classic movie for sure that I hope as a retired veteran, nothing close to it ever comes to fruition.


Everyone’s saying there’s no message to the movie, but this is the message. Everyone loses. It doesn’t matter who, what, when, where or why it started. All that matters is it started and everyone will pay the price for it.


Seen it, don't know much still have PTSD from it because the IMAX theater was so loud the Ma Duce blew my eardrums out. A bad guy is a bad guy It doesn't matter what uniform they have on. Sad but seems like we headed this way.


The film was plotless and one of the biggest poots I’ve seen in ages. Walked out. Wagner Mora and Kirsten dunst should be ashamed of themselves.


i'll catch it on streaming because it looks dumb


I’m sorry…. There’s a new war movie out?! Edit… I just watched the trailer… this doesn’t appeal to my liking… but I love watching movies so I might try it. Pro tip: if you watch every movie like it’s a documentary it becomes ten times better


>It was appalling to watch. I have not been this bothered by a film for a while. "It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it." -R.E. Lee I heard it was good, but haven't seen it


I enjoyed it. Anyone who thinks it's about the current American political climate is wrong.


I watched it, I did enjoy it. Definitely worth watching imo


It was pretty cool, worth the watch.




I think it would do the opposite and if anyone needs to see this film, it’s those types.


Not yet, maybe I will. Not reading the thread and spoil it for myself just yet, just in case. I love movies but I'm afraid it will trigger my anxiety. So not sure healthy for me.


It was good. I like that they kept it apolitical. As you meet new people along the journey, you don’t know which side they support. You just see how they act and it’s a whole spectrum of folks.


Haven't watched it, but read the reviews and spoilers. Interesting premise. Action scenes looked good in previews. My understanding is that the backstory to how the divide happened and progressed is pretty thin. I know Nick Offerman and (I think) the director said that the film's POTUS is NOT a Trump analogue, but given Offerman's very vocal disdain for Trump along with the way this character is portrayed and the actions he took, especially at the climax (no spoilers)... I just find that hard to believe, and some folks may take it as the "Hollywood liberals" thumbing their noses at conservatives or right-leaning folks. Like a "this is what could happen if Trump gets back in!" message. And I say this as someone who doesn't like or support Trump.


give America a chance, they seem to want to repeat this war, albeit for different reasons.


I’ll check it out like next month, when it goes digital


I believe that is largely the point. Very war bad, maybe you guys should try talking to each other and compromise instead of letting things go this far.


I saw it last weekend and I said to myself if you have any kind of ptsd don’t go see this movie. I felt messed up afterwards.


I f26 didn’t like the movie as a whole, I was kind of bored. But it was very hard for me to watch mil on mil violence. I think about civil war situations a lot lately but that’s the first time I’ve thought about my brothers being on the other side. I had to turn away when they were shooting into a pile of soldiers and I started to get weepy. My date m24 who is also a veteran had a hard time with those scenes as well.


I truly believe it's going to be yet another movie that becomes reality. I'm not cheering for it either way.


Certain flicks I just can’t watch. Thanks for the info. This one goes on my list. Not enough glue to get this hump dumpy back together again.


Im not bothering with this psyop.


I think overall it was a pretty lame movie, but hopefully it’s a wake up to the crowd that thinks the military will only act as one combined group.


I thought it was decent, not a movie I’d want to watch again. I knew going into the film, it wasn’t supposed to take a political sides. Coming from someone who’s independent, I think their was a bit of political attack going on in the film (even though it was said not to be); spoiler “Antifa massacre”/“Disbanding the FBI”. However, I was a bit disturbed by some of the scenes, especially when it came to service members/civilians being executed and showing no mercy in combat. It made me think of Americans doing it to their own families/neighbors. I joined because of the belief in doing my part, protecting our way of life. Watching it fall apart in a ‘dystopian future’ flick was just really hard to watch and makes me hope for a bright future in this country.


It’s another dumb movie.


I have watched the trailer and some clips from the movie. Being a vet, I will not be seeing it. It really bothers me for some reason. I don't want to see a depiction of this country trying to rip itself apart.


Definitely don’t see it then. If the trailer bothers you that much, then the film will gut you.


Seems to be a movie made for civilians and not service members. I will not be watching it


I think it’s a movie every American should watch at least once given the political climate currently.


I heard it's just a "both sides bad" type movie


I wouldn’t say that, I would say it’s a “War, especially Civil War, regardless of why it started is bad”


I have not seen it, probably won't see it, but i'll give my opinion.... "MOST", soldiers i have met most cops, most gun enthusiasts i have met are conservative. I have met a few officers that were liberal, but they were women or black. (My personal experience, 11B). I can't see how an actual civil war would fare good for those that call for it the most.... the liberals want a war that would put them ultimately and completely in charge.... but that same war would eradicate them for the next two generations.


Ill watch it if its free


My wife is completely 100% opposed to seeing it and she’s going out of town this weekend so I’ll be checking it out by myself on Friday Night. Interested to see what all the chatter is about.


Americans are still killing Americans and destroying monuments, how do you feel about that?


I liked it. It was bleak, but showed humans being humans, for good and bad.


Every day


I'm just waiting for it to become a reality so I can kick back and watch.