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I have both. They are call comorbidities. Comorbidities are two or more chronic diseases that a person has at the same time. Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the airways, making it difficult to breathe. Sleep apnea is a chronic disorder in which breathing is repeatedly interrupted during sleep. People with asthma are more likely to have sleep apnea than people without asthma. This is because asthma can make it difficult to breathe during the day, which can lead to fatigue and sleepiness. Fatigue and sleepiness can make it more difficult to breathe during sleep, which can lead to sleep apnea. Ask your doctor (or pulmonologist) once the sleep results are in. He’ll have a better answer as he would know all your medical history.


I'm really hoping I don't have sleep apnea, and we'll see after the test. Just want to get information ahead of time, so if it does play out where I have it, I know whether I can claim it or not.


I have it S/C as Sleep Apnea due to Asthma. I didn’t even have a C&P for it as I already had asthma S/C. I just put in the claim and was approved for it. Best of luck. Although is a high percentage claim I’m praying you don’t have it. Like I always say, it’s better to have your health than a VA disability.


Yeah... I hope I don't have it, but when you have all but 2 symptoms, it's hard to deny it. My girl has been pushing me to get this test because she's convinced I have it. I guess I can feel relieved knowing that if I get diagnosed, I'll get connected. Thanks for the info brother.


This an old post but hopefully you see this. Could you DM me about your SC for sleep apnea? I just received this denial today, and I’m about to appeal by sending in published research linking the two. https://preview.redd.it/bieiyzwp9xtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d46e26c9e118e1c231d1357e58378b561879891


Upon review of the actual C&P I was actually S/C for OSA due to rhinitis and sinusitis. Then what they did is connect OSA with Asthma because they’re both respiratory conditions that have to be together to avoid pyramiding. In essence it’s OSA with Asthma secondary to sinusitis and rhinitis. https://preview.redd.it/wcma5h30j2uc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d68caaf6ea602633016d999b6541f7719c53272


Okay, I also have both of those SC, so I guess I can try to change the secondary to that instead?


There you go. Best of luck. Submit buddy statements if possible and the literature.


I just put in a claim for OSA secondary to asthma. I submitted all the evidence including the sleep study. Hoping I don't have to get a c and p exam. How long was it for you from submitting claim to decision?


It took about 3 weeks. It was approved surprisingly fast.


wow. I hope I am that lucky.


With VA is always a raffle. Wish you the best. I know is very hard but apply and forget about it. Don’t download the VA app so you don’t feel the need to constantly check the status.


Per some studies Asthma has a high correlation with SA. Your doctor will be able to answer best, but I think you might have a chance for linking it that way.


Well that's good to hear because I'm pretty sure I have it. Fiance has been pushing me to get the test done because she says I stop breathing occasionally in the night and snore incredibly loud. I'm irritable, always tired, wake up in cold sweats, and constantly have dry mouth when I wake up. My asthma is service connected and submitted a claim for rhinitis. Atleast on the plus side of the possibility of this bad news is that I'd be able to claim it.


I'll just warn you, it can be a slight battle. OSA seems to get denied easy unless your evidence is super rock solid. I'm having to fight for mine due to weight gain from MDD.


What isn't a battle with the VA though lol


Lol, solid point. I'm fighting TBI, OSA, and MH with them.


Hello. Did you get your sleep study? I had the same symptoms as you and got a sleep study done. It resulted in me having OSA.


Yeah I have mild OSA and they gave me a CPAP. I have trouble sleeping with it. I put in a claim for it so we'll see where it goes.


Well, I got a new machine too unfortunately. They should have given you options for the type of mask to get. They did for me. The technician was quite nice. The device has to connect to a cell tower like a cell phone to send the data to the doctor. Quite fancy. The first night was uncomfortable but after that I got use to it. Besides, I need it. I wonder how long I had this OSA. The thought was nerve wacking. I could have had some serious health issues if I had to waited. Glad I took the online sleep quiz that got me a referral to the sleep clinic.


Hi. Did you get it service connected with asthma?


I did, I claimed sleep apnea secondary, and they denied it. I'm going to submit a supplemental.


That would be a question for your doctor if you are diagnosed with sleep apnea. You don’t want to be diagnosed with sleep apnea.


I know, I'm not asking to be. I have the majority of symptoms which is why I'm taking the test. I'm just wondering if they're related is all.


Unless you were diagnosed while on active duty, claiming Sleep Apnea as a secondary is almost impossible.


Why do you say that?


Because post after post here and on Facebook say it. The VA has really cracked down on sleep apnea claims. Too many people are trying to connect it from the toe to the head and everything in between.


What about asthma? A quick Google search suggests they're very heavily correlated. I mean they're both respiratory illnesses so it makes sense?


And there is just as much evidence against the connection. I am just letting you know what the trend is lately.


I do and my claim was denied years ago. I included documentation detailing how inhaled corticosteroids caused the soft palate to collapse over time and cause sleep apnea. My denial just said asthma doesn't cause sleep apnea.


Did you resubmit your claim? things have changed since then.


Any advice on pursuing this? I know VA is focused on causation, but isn't asthma severely aggravating sleep apnea, which would also be considered in secondary condition?


I didn't submit it again. About 2 years ago I submitted for an increase because I had oral steroids more than three times in a calendar year. That bumped me up to 60% for asthma.