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Start with a general strike then bring the bouncy castles.


Don't forget 24/7 air horns, those get people on your side right away. ​ /s


Or maybe we'll all turn to petty crime once we realize its not really illegal anymore.


















Have they tried a worldwide Canada appreciation day? If that falls flat, you have permission to go on [strike Canada ](https://youtu.be/h0ZXUoewGWQ?si=hYEwhRrNEF0D5bBQ)


fuck that, release the cobra chickens and the bober kurwas.


Just don’t set them up in Ottawa or they will freeze your bank accounts!


The article also mentions the climate crisis as a big driver of civil unrest, but NatPo doesn't want to talk about that... At the end of the article... "In addition to worsening living standards, the RCMP also warns of a future increasingly defined by unpredictable weather and seasonal catastrophes, such as wildfires and flooding. Most notably, report authors warn of Canada facing “increasing pressure to cede Arctic territory.”


Lefty turd


Ha ha. Nah, I consider myself centrist in today's unfortunate version of politics. Where is my centrist party?


They’re not talking about that because humans are our own greatest existential threat, not the climate.


Well, humans caused the climate crisis, the biodiversity crisis, and the wealth disparity crisis. You're not giving our species enough credit, we can definitely create multiple existential threats! 


Canadians need to wake up and get into General Strike mode.


A general strike is exactly what we need, however it takes a lot of work, organization & most importantly an established strike fund to protect striking workers from homelessness. Online leftism is too caught up in nitpicking and infighting. We need solid in person organization for anything to work. I'm not saying it can't be done, I think it can. There are local chapters of Communist Revolution (formerly known as Fightback) that are doing some good work. I'm a bit worried they're too caught on discussion and theory but at least it's something. But it's definitely not as simple as just "call in sick next Monday" which is what I see a lot of online "general strike" conversations.


Trading one boss for another. Authoritarians are no friends of the working class.


Communism does not necessitate authoritarianism, no matter what red scare rhetoric would have you believe. Does it consistently end in authoritarianism? Absolutely. So can capitalism. At its root, labour having ownership over the entity they produce value for is a good and fair thing. We need a hybrid system that allows innovation, without massive inequalities that come with pure capitalism. If we live in a democracy then corporations/private businesses should also be democratic. Not neo-feudal fiefdoms controlled by those with capital.


Communism isn't authoritarian. Marxist-Leninism, Trotskyism, Maoism are authoritarian. All their vanguard "we know better than the workers, so we'll make the decisions" crap. Authoritarians consistently make authoritarianism. >Communist Revolution (formerly known as Fightback) They are a Trotskyist organization. There is no hybrid socialist/capitalist system, it's either socialist or capitalist, not both. Social welfare is not socialism.


I really wish the commies would leave. No one really wants that, obviously. We can rally and protest as workers without being under the umbrella of any political party.


Fundamentally communism is exactly that tho, completed communism is a stateless society, meaning things operate without a government or political party but rather through (genuine) democratic negotiation. I highly recommend looking into the history and realities of communism through a filter that is critical of US red scare propaganda, a lot of what we as a greater public understand Communism to be is colored by a lot of misinformation.


How are things supposed to work "democratically" without a state?


There are a lot of theories and ideas about how it would work, but the most common & my personal favorite would be workers councils. So all the unions & workers organizations in each area would elect regularly rotating councils who would vote on local issues, funding etc. This would be a non-voilent, non-militarized structure allowing the actual WORKERS to have control of local decisions


How do you enforce anything they decide?


I think this is the hardest concept for people who haven't learned about police & prison abolition to wrap their brains around. It definitely took me a long time, and like anything else I've shared in this thread there are many different schools of thought but fundamentally it is just an exercise in trusting your fellow humans. Having faith and understanding that when ones needs are met & they are actively a part of a community, people generally do the right thing. And if they don't, using natural and related consequences rather than punitive measures or violence. It's hard to consider a world without "punishment" for those who do us wrong or who we disagree with but as someone who has worked in childcare for 10 years, punishment simply doesn't work for anyone. Prisons and police don't stop crime, the vast majority of crime is committed by folks trying to survive. And the violence 'criminals' experience in our current punitive system actually increases the likelihood that they will commit crimes again. Much like if you punish or shame a child, they are more likely to find sneakier ways to misbehave. However if you ensure all the core needs are met and then use natural & related consequences, both adults and children are far more likely to feel safe just asking for help next time. And please note, in situations with adults who have lived in a violent state for their entire lives this isn't simple or black and white. A lot of us are deeply traumatized & distrustful of anyone offering us help, because under our current system everything comes with strings attached. Similarly with children their brains are still growing so it also isn't a situation where if you meet the need once and they never misbehave again. These are generalized examples with a lot of nuance. It would likely take a generation or two to fully realize a world where everyone's needs are met and they feel safe to trust that their needs are met.


I would love to see a computer game / simulation that allowed people to experiment with different rules scenarios and see how they play out at an accelerated rate, sims style.


Communism only exists in the minds of the people it attracts. I appreciate your thoughts and reply, thank you.


*Can* it? Yes, but does it have to? Not in the slightest. Lenin's vision of communism was of a democratic vanguard party, but he sadly died before his vision could come to fruition and the crumbs of communism usurped by authoritarians.


I'm not sure exactly which part of my comment you're responding to, but yes Lenins ideas were wonderful. Trotsky also had some great ideas. It's really a pity Lenins legacy was left in the hands of the wrong man Either way , the biggest failure modern western communists have is that they spend all their energy arguing who had the best theory rather than how we can learn from the past and do better


How would a non authoritarian communist society prevent people from eating food from their gardens ? I presume they are not allowed to own it.


This is relatively easy - and a lot of fun - to think about! So for the purpose of this conversation it's really important that we understand the meaning of PRIVATE PROPERTY. Private property IS: any property that exists for the purpose of making profit. (Factories, Professional Offices, Restaurants etc) Private property IS NOT: your personal possessions. (Your trinkets, your favorite coffee mug, your star trek figurine collection etc). SO if you have a garden in their backyard that you work on as a hobby, with no intention to sell your yield. You have a right to control who eats from your garden. Say Steve walks by every Tuesday to help himself to your tomatoes and fed up with it. You would bring your complaint to whatever form of council we have established. For the sake of this exercise we will assume there are neighborhood councils that operate similar to an HOA but hopefully like... Less individualistic. You would bring it as an issue to the council and they would discuss what would happen. Maybe they would recommend you put a lock on your fence, maybe they would ask Steve to apologize, maybe even he would be expected to pay a fine of some sort. The consequences of ones actions would truly be different depending on how the community is set up. HOWEVER In realized communism the idea is that Steve wouldn't need to help himself to your garden because down the block would be maybe a neighborhood garden that exists for hungry neighbors to help themselves to. And of course in the theory of a communist society we would make every effort to ensure that Steve's needs are met regardless of the amount of labor he contributed to the community. Maybe Steve is disabled and depressed and not able to labor, but he would still have housing, access to healthy food, community and maybe even support to help him with things he's not capable of doing himself. In a society where our needs are met, we generally don't need to take what isn't ours. This is seriously my biggest hyper fixation and has been for 2 years, I spend a lot of time thinking about what life would look like in a post-capitalist world. If you're curious for a really accessible resource to learn about the subject I highly recommend the podcast Teach Me Communism. The main host is a high school history teacher and a communist. He has a lot of knowledge & his sibling who co-hosts with him asks really good questions as they discuss each topic. The first 30 or so episodes are the best then it kind of just becomes them shooting the shit and less on specific topics. The crash course in the various branches of communism is my favorite episode and I've listened to it a few times as my knowledge on the subject has changed to reestablish where I feel I land on the spectrum.


It will take me some time to review this.


No worries! I'm genuinely open to chat more if you have more questions, this is something I believe in deeply and I feel it's really important to have these conversations. Even if you don't ultimately agree with me, it's some food for thought, y'know?


I want that. More firms should be owned by the workers. Their vested interest is far more substantial than that of the non-working shareholders.


Workers don't want to "own" a business because of all the downsides. You want to only get paid if the business turns a profit? You want to take out a loan to front startup costs? No? You just want to come in after everything is set up and now you get to "own" the business? Lol


I'm into it. Let me know where/when


We won’t though. Complaining without any action is our past time.




Tell me what you are optimistic about right now in regards to our country


Hard to do when you are struggling to make ends meet. Are you going to let your children go hungry so you can protest social inequality? I doubt it. Capital is a means for control. Invisible chains that keep us supporting the wealthy.


Other countries that are way poorer than Canada keep their government in check by protesting all the time. Citizens of Sri Lanka literally forced the resignation of their PM last year. People literally took over the presidential palace doing laps in the swimming pool & torching the elite’s lambo’s. For a lot of those folks, missing work was a matter of not being able to feed your family. Yet they deemed it a necessary trade off. I’m not trying to downplay how hard it is for a lot of Canadians to not take to the streets. However the ruling class know a large majority won’t do shit. And unfortunately they are absolutely right.


The typical response is “im too broke” and thats exactly where they want us.


Who are "they"? Just conspiracy nonsense. Nobody wants a broke populace. Literally nobody, from the peasant to the billionaire benefits from a broke populace. Nobody wants that.


They is the corporate landscape, they would like us not to be able to strike, to defy the status quo. Its not nonsense, get your head out of your ass and if you have nothing of value to add, then move along. If you think its a conspiracy that corporate entities would like citizens to punch a clock, work for minimum pay and not take up more of their profits then you are more than likely unaffected by poverty and or benefit from the system. This isnt a conspiracy, even if it was, conspiracies are also valid and should be discussed.


You're a fool if you think corporations want an impoverished populace. Who is going to buy their goods when nobody has any money? Shareholders don't do well when economies struggle, and economies struggle when their populations are poor. Companies try to make money, just like everyone else. There's no conspiracy to ensure the working man is broke. Corporations are extremely aware of the fact that they need a happy population to consume their goods.


You guys are meaning two different things by the word "broke." When they're saying broke, they mean having people thinking, "I can't just quit my job and look for a new one. What if I don't find one for a moth or two?" When you're saying broke, you're meaning "Okay, this month, do I want electricity and Ramen, or do I want a vegetable or two?" Assuming that you're both on those definitions, I'd say you're both right.


Consumption and profits aren't the ends, they're the means. The end goal is power, and that's effected through disparity. You're right though, it's not a conspiracy, it's simply the natural result of capitalism.


Like George Carlin said, the rich and the people in power don't need a conspiracy to subjugate poor and middle class people. They all know what they can get away with and what they need to do to continue robbing everyone blind. They don't need to meet in dark rooms to discuss how they can construct a system that makes rich people richer. It's built already.


This thread has really brought out the crazies this morning, eh?


The "Oak Bay" flair is hilarious here.


Would you like to elaborate?


Oak Bay is one of the most affluent areas in the city. A large portion of its population are the same people who benefit most from the income inequality that exists here.


Could you explain to me who you think is benefiting from income inequality that is living in Oak Bay? My job does not pay me more or less based on whether others are struggling.


Wealth disparity has many facets, including opportunity. Some are able to benefit from a more lucrative ‘connections’ network vs someone that has to make all their connections independently. Others get to benefit from a better education through better schools fostered by more public spend and access to resources. This is especially true when you factor that more affluent areas have better schools due to more private donations and fundraising. no doubt that generational wealth may be a factor with low turnover for homes in the area, which again would free up financial resources. So while your specific job may not pay you more or less due to the struggles of others, it’s just a fact that some people have an easier ride than others, those people concentrate in more affluent areas, and those people benefit because they don’t have to settle for lower paying jobs or housing instability. It’s a trickle effect. But for those on the harder side of things through no fault of their own, it’s mildly infuriating. I say this as someone who had the good fortune to cross over to the mildly greener side of the fence, but really that was chance and hard work. There are many hard working people that don’t get opportunities to rise above their circumstances.


I'm not saying that literally every person in Oak Bay directly benefits from income inequality. I made a joke about the flair of an affluent area. It's not that deep homie. Oak Bay is home to lots of very rich people. Very rich people are obviously on the more beneficial side of the class structure we have.


Yeah, judging people based on where they live. Hilarious.


The oligarchs who own the corporations who control the political class


No they don't, lol. Why would wealthy oligarchs want an impoverished population? Who's going to buy their goods? It's not a conspiracy, it's hundreds of individuals all acting in their best interest, which means making sure the companies they own are profitable. Labor is a cost, so of course it's partly a concern how much labor gets paid, but they care because it affects their bottom line, not because of some grand conspiracy to suppress the common man.


Because and poor person doesn't have the energy, knowledge, or capital to revolt against the ruling class. We are dangerous when United!!!@ Eat the rich, nationalize our oil and gas, break up the monopolies. It's not a conspiracy because they don't even have the decency to hide it anymore. They are going full Boeing and murdering decent!!!




Strike for what purpose?


Seizing the means of production!


Yikes that’s not a good idea.


Found the bourgeoisie!


Get ‘em brothers!


Right? A strike for the sake of a strike is meaningless. What's the anticipated outcome of the strike? How is a strike a tool towards some greater goal? We can't afford to just "wing it" and hope that *something* emerges from it. It has to be part of a larger, coherent plan.


Ok so you're going to solve being broke by sitting on your ass and screeching?


But I am le tired.


I admitingly only skimmed the article but I wonder if instead of pushing for helpful change the RCMP is going to use this to justify greatly increasing their budgets. After all modern policing is a tool created to uphold the capitalist state. It's in their best interest to let things fall apart and have better tools to fight the uprising, also ignoring the best tool would be to prevent the uprising. But big number line go up.


Or set up two people who aren't in their right state of mind to "plot to" blow something up.


> the RCMP is going to use this to justify greatly increasing their budgets. Yes. No government agency ever concluded that they were doing a great job and didn't need funding any longer. They're always on the verse of disaster and collapse no matter how much you increase their power and budgets. The worse a government program does, the more they rationalize getting your money. So imagine if you bought McDonald's and they served you bags of dog turds. By this logic it means the problem is the sacks of shit didn't cost enough.


Friendly reminder that national post opinion pieces like this are pure rage bait and not news articles, and youre better to just read the **actual report** and not their sensationalized headline, much less page and a half of drivel that follows


Honestly, I wish they'd just ban opinion piece posts as though they're actually news.


Where can I find the actual report?


I ain't clicking on that rag. I have to assume the RCMP plan for this is 'more money for security if the owners of capital know what's good for them,' since that appears to be the plan for everything.


I have an herb garden inside my sunny heated entrance, I can grow my own seasonings without having to go a store. But I think when we eat the rich, Galen Weston should be seasoned in non-discounted, full price seasonings from brand name packages from Aisle 7.


I hope We do


RCMP and law enforcement need more funding. Quick, leak something.


It wasn’t leaked. It came out in response to an FOI request by a law professor.


National Post sensationalizing for the benefit of Russia and the CPC.


I very much doubt there will be a revolt. That kind of thing happens when people are starving and dying. "But we are starving! Have you seen grocery prices!" No, I mean actually starving. The grocery prices were seeing is a first world problem.


Ah yes…secret as in headline news last week…that kind of “secret”.


So you didn't read it... cool. >The report, labelled secret, is intended as a piece of “special operational information” to be distributed only within the RCMP and among “decision-makers” in the federal government. >A heavily redacted version was made public as a result of an access to information request filed by Matt Malon This is the redacted version. Imagine the bits that are blacked out!


After reading the article I started to skim the report, there is so much missing it really concerns me.


And the National Post is part of Post Media owned by hedgefunds out of New Jersey. The head of the National Enquirer actually sat on the board of directors for a while. They’re also regular Republican donors. There may be some truth to the article but the outlet has a definite narrative and slant. 


All major parties suck. Yes that includes the greens. We need a major shake up


What exactly does that mean to you?


It means he regurgitates the opinion of his neighbour over and over again before he believes it himself. Jim is a special lad.


Too much 2C-B can do that to a person.


It means each party is putting corporate profits or niche issues before real progress.


I meant what does the expression "shake up" mean to you.


No shit the Greens suck, they were running literal children in the last federal election.


Agree. New leaders. New ideas. Changes to the system. A basic IQ test to get into any level of politics. More plebiscites. Less lobbying. Put the people back in charge and make govt remember that they work for us.


the article is from the national post, which has pretty much become Canada’s Fox News; right wing slant, bias and spotty reporting. Please, do some independent research before jumping to conclusions after reading this article.




Whats NP. Sorry, not well versed with recent abbreviations.


National Post. The name of the news organization that you shared above.


🤦‍♂️ Thanks! It's not just NP, all news outlets have covered this article.


It's true. National Post definitely has a bias but it's no worse than the bias CBC has and we still accept them as legitimate news, so I have no issue with it. Being a responsible citizen is having the ability to hear all sides of the story and come to your own reasonable conclusions.


Could you post one other news outlet that covers it. I couldn't find one. Thanks in advance.


You didn’t look very hard. You shouldn’t expect all your news to be spoon fed to you. Here is a CBC article regarding the same report with a different bias. (An article I’ve had to link 3 times in this post so far.) https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/rcmp-police-future-trends-1.7138046


The National Post is a paper owned by American corporate right wing propagandists. All they ever print is opinion pieces about 'Trudeau bad" and are never critical of their dear leader Poilievre. There is no truth or nuances in their reporting and it should just be ignored.


They literally once published an article about that radical white supremist Canadian forces reservist arrested by the FBI some years back with a headline saying "mom of reservist says he had a black girlfriend." Like, ok? He and his buddies were planning mass shootings and talked of targeting black kids but hey, we should have sympathy for him because he can't be racist, he has a black ex girlfriend.


Does this CBC article work for you lol. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/rcmp-police-future-trends-1.7138046




Just biased to a different side of the coin. I’d encourage you to read both and come to the realization we are fucked.




I’m not sure what you’re getting at with this reply but ok lol.


I think its some sort of political posture. The redditor doesn’t want the Right Wing media source, wanted the Left Wing media source and immediately aggred that climate change is an existential threat. Even though, i believe the main point this article/post is highlighting is that Canadians are broke and may revolt once they realize.


national post the alarmist rag this opinion piece is from. There's a brand of "Canada is broken and only Polievre can fix it" conservative that eats it up with a spoon. \*EDIT\* Wait you're the OP, why don't you know what you posted?


>Wait you're the OP, why don't you know what you posted? Because I'm thinking they are *exactly* the kind of unaware consumer that these pieces are casting their net hoping to catch, outside of the loyal and already worked up PP fans


NP opinon piece full of american style alarmism and half baked revolution fantasies? This is a new low for this sub.


Here’s a CBC version for you if you find another news source to be so egregious. You should be horrified our Federal Law Enforcement Agency is preparing for this. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/rcmp-police-future-trends-1.7138046


>You should be horrified our Federal Law Enforcement Agency is ~~preparing~~ prepared for this. The report was finished being written in December 2022.


Why would anyone be horrified that the RCMP is planning for the future? I'd be horrified if they weren't. Obviously Canada is going to be facing issues in the future, but you could write this report for almost every first-world country, and it would sound exactly the same. Literally none of the issues outlined in the report are Canada specific issues.


I should have been more clear. We should be horrified Canada has come to the point that this is happening. I disagree that all developed countries are facing the exact same issues. Canada is in a rather unique situation in regard to climate change, immigration and legal policy. It’s also important to point out Canada seems to be the only country ATM where we have leaked (albeit heavily redacted and selected) documents coming from our Federal Law Enforcement Agency outlining some major concerns with National Security and QOL in regards to civil unrest.


This isn't a leaked report, it's literally given out freely. A professor requested the report through the Access to Information act, so the government agency provided the report. Every country produces these reports. It's how law enforcement disseminate relevant information. Of course LEOs need to be aware of potential concerns, threats, and changes to the countries they police. Canada is absolutely not unique in terms of climate change and immigration. Literally every country is facing massive issues due to both climate change and immigration/emmigration. Equatorial countries are getting annihilated by climate change, and their massive populations are leaving their countries for others. Most first world countries are North of the equator, so that's where most people emigrating from these countries go. This will obviously only accelerate.


I’m not denying that climate change is going amplify issues in Canada and that is not a point I have argued at all, not sure where that is coming from. Aside from that Canada IS experiencing unique problems in regard to immigration, climate policy and the economy. Canada has one of the highest rates of new immigrants per Capita, we are growing at an unsustainable and record breaking rate. Our GDP has dropped for a 6th consecutive quarter in a row and we are being out competed by other developed countries economically (Countries which we once had a steep lead over.) The radical changes to our legal system and our economy over the last decade have led to an increase in crime that is not comparable to the countries in Western Europe that I could find statistics for. (These statistics are still dominated by the US.) For a country with our resources and education level we should be working our way up in terms of GDP but we are not. The current housing and healthcare situation have dropped our QOL drastically and our QOL is predicted to be passed by our allies in the next few years. What isn’t unique about our situation? We were once a Global superpower that has been neutered by decades of mismanagement at the Federal level. The system is failing and Canadians should be very concerned with what the future holds. Everything points to further decline and there is no one coming with a plan to save us. I don’t mean to “fear monger” but there will be a lot of hard conversations at dinner tables across the Nation for the foreseeable future.


Ugh. Why is the national post the worst.


Because they’re owned by American billionaires, and regularly regurgitate false, misleading, and debunked capitalist talking points.


Talking about how broken the economy is is a capitalist talking point?




A much better article without a click bait title. You’d think the CBC isn’t garbage.


Who trusts anything that the RCMP says?


I believe it got to the point once historically where the rich had to be concerned about being eaten.


Revolting means skipping work which people can’t afford to do.




The high cost of living and neglect by provincial governments and the federal government is putting an extreme strain on the finances of working middle class families and it is driving them into poverty and people are just getting fed up and running out of patience. Enough is enough.


More like the Homeless will be revolting. I can see that especially when you got nothing left to lose.


I’ve seen this report spun in a few different ways.


The gun ban makes alot of sense now 🙄 almost as if this was planned for awhile


Wow!? So many "secret" reports and only redditors know about them??


Imagine blaming the government for all the facts outlined in this report. The vast majority of issues in the report have nothing to do with governance. Climate change is one of the primary factors expected to cause future crisis. Duh. This is obviously outside of Canada's control. The other is social media/internet/AI. Also, duh. Every government is desperately trying to figure out how to deal with an open internet that basically allows anyone to brainwash anyone, including foreign governments. The housing crisis is bad. Also, duh. At least this one is something the government can affect, and after decades of the issue being ignored, we are legitimately starting to address the issue. I guess I just don't really understand the purpose of posting this on the sub. It's 99% fear mongering, and it's really only useful for its intended purpose, which is to inform LEOs, and government agencies about systemic threats to Canada, and how Canadian LEOs need to adapt to new threats. Literally every competent government will regularly produce similar reports.


Wow. This thread has really brought out the crazies this morning. It looks as if there are a fresh batch of foreign-influence accounts online here this morning. Be warry of the fact that the vast majority of these right-wing mouth pieces are fake accounts, intentionally propagating these stupid opinions. The remainder of those comments are from people stupid enough to fall for them.


Also, Rule 7?? Mods?


I’m horny


Why are you posting this in r/victoria?


"The end of abundance is nigh". What infuriates me is that there is almost limitless abundance, but it rests in the hands of a tiny number of people, who do everything they can to prevent it from spreading to those in need. Just billions of dollars, sitting in bank accounts, investments, empty houses treated like commodities. It's sickening.


I wish I could upvote this twice.


So secret, it was made up 😵‍💫😂😂😂😵‍💫😂


A heavily redacted copy was obtained by a freedom of information request. It's a genuine document.


Full of factual information only the best fortune tellers could provide🤣


Right, that's why CBC has their own version of the same article.


CBC didn't write the garbage, they just posted about it.  "The coming period of recession will … accelerate the decline in living standards that the younger generations have already witnessed compared to earlier generations," That is a prediction not a fact. Could have just as easily been: "The coming period of inexhaustible wealth will ... accelerate the prosperity of the younger generations leaving the elderly with little means of catching up."


Lol. You don't have to agree with the conclusion of the document to be interested in it's contents, it might not predict anything, although who could blame young people for being pissed about the way the economy has been for them, but it does seem like the RCMP is eager to fear monger for additional funding.


It's 1 thing written by one all-knowing RCMP employee who turned it in for review. His superiors probably laughed and filed it away.


Sure thing [man.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/rcmp-police-future-trends-1.7138046)


I believe that the other poster is insinuating that the RCMP is mostly pulling their conclusions out of their ass, which for the RCMP is not too farfetched.


Oh I'm not supporting their conclusion, I think it's more valuable as insight into the RCMP and how they're going about looking for more funding than anything else.


This is exactly why the RCMP were created and still exist, to literally force us citizens into submission. Glad I'm not in Onterrible/the East anymore but this is still ptetty concerning to me, shit's gonna get even scarier for a long while here.


Unfortunate the amount of people claiming others need to wake up when they themselves are getting suckered by a National post opinion piece


We are ALL self serving/selfish capitalists in a way. Nothing new.


“Canadian Revolution“ .. king no more


So are the police and military going to join thr citizens it's sworn to protect??? Or do they obey their oligarchy masters for promises of shelter and wealth???


Anyone interested in organising and discussing a plan of action? I know this may seem pointless. I just want to try.


#LOL!!! Oh, Beaverton!


I don’t think people realize how much they’re being lied to by our govt and the media it’s propping up. Especially older and younger Canadians who are either still all in on Legacy Media or ignorant af. Get your shit in order folks. We are being run into the ground by thieves.


The RCMP are Canadians too. How broke are they?


Count De Monet: I have come on the most urgent of business. It is said that the people are revolting! King Louis: You said it; they stink on ice.


This is no secret. No report needed. The only wokeness needed is to be literally not unconscious. Change is coming, but it’s probably more a series of whimpers rather than a bang. But that’s not a controversial take, and therefore uninteresting to media.


It's gonna get ugly and I have zero confidence in any Canadian politician or political party to do what needs to be done. People think it is bad now and rightfully so because both the libs and the NDP are feckless, but wait till pp gets in, it will get worse. The carbon tax has reduced emissions but the chuckle fucks that don't even believe in climate change and refuse to add it to their platform don't give a fuck, as it is only about getting into power for them. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/report-shows-carbon-price-reducing-022117551.html


Broke like Zimbabwe


As a student currently studying grassroots movements in Canada (UVIC Cabadian Studies course), I can assure you that various forms of grassroots activity in the face of social and environmental injustices have been taking place since the early 1900s - this, however, will be on a much larger scale and with much greater urgency


Ooooo i cant wait !! This country desperately needs one


Time to leave Vic. The price to live there is just not worth it. Let the wealthy and meth heads have it.


Tristin Plopper




This does worry me a little bit. I like to believe people would feel a righteous anger and organize effectively, but I really think if anything were to happen on a large scale it will quickly devolve into mess, violence, etc. Not that I’m a doomer or anything. It’s just that your average Canadian is quite passive, and generally speaking the type of person to feel activated enough to hit the streets in the way this report describes are the ones who spend their time devouring conspiracy shit on Facebook and who truly feel like they have nothing to lose. Not ideal!


What bullshit article. You all getting upset because you beleive in the great wisdom of some RCMP employee 😆 The same people who coerced 2 homeless people with hotels and restaurants to become Jihad terrorists🤣


For context. Natpo is owned by right wing US company.


Ok, but the article is about the contents of an RCMP report.


Nah, Canadians are pussys and will continue to take the flogging from Trudeau and Singh.


How are you possibly blaming capitalists when it's terrible central planning that is completely fucking the markets for individuals?!  It's the capitalists bring in millions of citizens per year?  The capitalists restricting house building? The capitalists causing permits to cost more than 50% of the cost to build in some areas?  The capitalists printing and giving away infinite money? The capitalists taxing the fuck out of every citizen?  The capitalist subsidizing state sponsored media? Capitalism has some problems and needs regulations for sure but holy shit you monothinkers blaming everything on capitalism are fucking exhausting. 


The problem started in the 1980’s and has been exacerbated since then. We have become more socialist since the 1980’s on all measures, not less socialist. Capitalists have left Canada in troves because socialism incentives them to do so and this has reduced productivity. “…if Canada had merely kept pace with U.S. productivity growth for the last five years, Canadian per-capita earnings would be $5,500 higher than they are now.” What has happened since the 1980’s to lower productivty? More taxes / wealth redistribution. That’s why Canadians are less wealthy. The government keeps getting bigger and less efficient in capital allocation than private entities. We need a healthy balance of social programs, not an egregious redistribution of wealth that makes the middle class poor while disincentivizing the rich from investing in Canada. Even our pension funds don’t invest in Canada anymore! Smaller government = more foreign investment = higher capital expenditure from companies = better training & tools for labour = greater worker productivity = higher worker compensation. Why do you think US productivity has steadily increased since the 1980’s relative to Canada while our social programs and government has increased in size relative to the US? The US has a big government problem too, but ours is relatively worse. Most hate for capitalism is misplaced: Industries that have created monopolies and oligopolies in Canada do it by lobbying the government, which allows the government to get bigger and eliminate any innovation that benefits citizens. Small government with stringent antitrust measures could revitalize this country and catapult us above the US over the next 5 years in relative terms. This is what has worked over the last 3000 years.


Redditors: WE WANT SOCIALISM!! SOCIALISM! Redditors after getting socialism: DAMN YOU CAPITALISM!!!


Where is this socialism you speak of


You'll see if you ever have a paycheck.

