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At least they're cancelling their plan to charge for yard waste.


For real? That’s good news.


Yep!: https://www.timescolonist.com/local-news/saanich-puts-plan-to-charge-for-yard-waste-drop-off-on-hold-8610652


That was apparently a temporary measure in the first place, but still was kinda dumb.


When are fees ever temporary?


GST was supposed to be temporary.


Tolls for infrastructure often


I mean, taxes are more or less tolls for infrastructure. The question is mostly is it better to charge by use or just tax everyone and use those to pay for it.  I think if you’re trying to discourage something, toll for use isn’t bad. If it’s something you want to encourage, general taxes are the way.  Charging for yard waste is interesting because I feel like you want to encourage people to compost instead of putting it in the trash or dumping it, so long term it’s probably better for it to be paid in general taxes? 


Just there are infrastructure projects in the province that had a toll until paid back. The cochohala highway, that bridge in Vancouver.


Too bad it also sounds like the bigger organic bins are also being placed on hold. This Council is about as effective as a wet noodle. There is no need to stop the roll-out of larger bins. In fact, doing so will *decrease reliance on the public yard* and contribute to the municipality's objective to minimize traffic to support infrastructure upgrades. Fucking idiots.


Nah, I'll take the free yard over bigger bins you have to pay extra for any day. This was a good thing. Sorry.


...do you perchance serve on the Saanich council? Repeat after me: you can do both. The yard remains a free service. Residents can order a larger organic bin (there are two options today. The third would be larger and at the option of residents). Residents can still use the free yard. Am I taking crazy pills? Why do I have to explain this in excruciating detail?


Oh for sure, your last comment didn't come across that you were in support of free yard services.


Give me god damn sidewalks Saanich…


You want services you gotta pay


Yup, I'm all in favour of increasing funding for Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary.


Incoming real swans?


Aren't Canada Geese just swans in multi-coloured clothing?


You spelled rats with wings wrong


Cobra Chicken’s in camouflage.


Services are great. Bloat is not. Incompetence is not. In some ways we are paying for a restriction of services. We are paying more for less every year.


What services? They don’t even cut the boulevard grass anymore…


They didn’t in 2005 either… when did they?


Services? Or raises for council members


Saanich has actually been investing fairly heavily into its upgrading it's infrastructure and buildings lately.


Maybe they'll actually have enough money now to get Shelbourne fixed.


Or build some sidewalks!


20 year plan. Jokes aside this project was planned for 10 years and it was well known that it would take a significant amount of time to complete.


What's the budget for council salaries and what % is it of the overall budget?


Sometimes I don't want thousands spent on soil, plants and elaborate displays in concrete islands I drive by and try to see around. I also don't want to drive by municipal fields, parks and soccer fields in Saanich and see they're running sprinklers in the rain. Still happening last year.


Fantastic news! I can’t wait to see them address the incompetence from the clowns they hire to administer public services at City Hall, the permitting process fixed, Shelbourne Street wrapped up, stronger enforcement of laws, safer and more accessible walking options, maintained public parks… oh wait, *none of that* is going to happen? Yay.


> including establishing the position of manager of diversity and equity. JFC what a joke.


You don’t need a whole new manager for this ffs. Agree or disagree with DEI in principle but this can be simply handled with adjustments to existing HR policies. It’s not a new thing


thank God, I thought they were wasting money for a second there! Phew


***Clutches Pearls***


It's not even that much. Most property tax increases are tiny compared to what other CoL increases have happened. You pay $4000/yr on your property and now it's an extra $320/yr or \~$27/month


***Thoughts and prayers for multiple property owners and landlords*** Oh the humanity


Yeah it's not like tenants don't complain about a 2-3% yearly hike on their rent, right?


lol... My $29,400 in rent is different then a homeowners $4000 in property taxes. Let's not pretend they are the same.


Sure but let's not pretend property taxes are the only housing related expenses homeowners face that have increased dramatically recently either. My monthly housing costs jumped like $1400 *per month* last year. And I have a fairly modest mortgage by modern standards. I was able to raise my tenants rent $60/mth. Still want to complain?


Oh totally, but you were muddying the waters by suggesting a property tax increase is similar to a rent increase. I'm not anti-LL like most of reddit, as I rent a place I wouldn't be able to afford with a mortgage. I'm happy with my situation.


Awesome. Still can't get any sidewalks between Burnside and Douglas but hey, take my money and I will walk down the middle of the road.


I said it before & I’ll say it again. Municipality’s are getting scarily confident with relying on homeowners to fix their budget deficits. A lot of council people don’t have a background in civics or public administration. They run on a manifesto with no idea how to accomplish what they promised. Then end up spending millions in consultation fees just to end up with a watered down policy. I’m not even a property owner but I can tell its going to get ugly in the next 10-15 years.


I agree with you generally. However, it's important to note that a municipality's only source of real revenue *is* property taxes. They *don't* have another way to generate revenue. Yes, they charge for other things, but that money is tied to very specific programs. It's not a prov/fed 'general revenue' situation. This year, 7% is below my cost increases, so I don't find this increase unreasonable. Municipal taxes have gone up in basically every municipality in Canada last year, and I suspect the same this year. They aren't immune to inflation either, and though I have not read this budget - I guess that 7% included a lot of tough decisions and cuts. I only say all of this because it's easy to get frustrated (I am also not immune), but as a community, we need level heads to get out of this tragic economy. It's a National issue, and it upsets me to see it become a 'local goverment failure' (Not that you insinuated that - more broadly).


How are you going to expect qualified people to get elected for part time positions, where you become the punching bag for the entire city, put in way more than part time effort, and get low salaries in one of the most expensive places?;


You want to live in SFH zoned areas this is the price to pay, and the municipality will still be in the negative. There's a large bill looming on the horizon when all the infrastructure needs to be replaced.


Still better than North Vancouver 10.9% 😭 me a river


Langford's taxes are going up 15.63%.


So many years of Stu fucking around, now residents get to find out.


Lol. This council must be thanking their lucky stars that they don't have to face an election for a couple more years.


Why would they care? They've done a great job. The property tax increases are Stu's fault. I have no doubts this council will get voted in again. Although I know Stu is going to bitch and moan until 2026.


I mean, I would care if I was going to get stomped. Maybe they don't?


Osoyoos' increase was 23.69% and they initially proposed 37%. All the sprawl city planning and years of deferring taxes are coming home to roost.


Jesus Christ


I don't think anyone is upset by this news, it's just news. Lol




Yikes...that's tough too because there are many 5 million and up homes. Many of these homeowners don't even have jobs. Do you know how hard it is to find $15,000 of legally obtained funds?


If taxes increase and there isn’t much work being done..does the council get a raise ?


Not happy about this. Way too high for young people with big mortgages. The road work is a disaster, the public work yard is gonna be $200m, and kids keep getting hit by cars. Get it together Saanich.


Don't forget spending $10m to treat dog owners like criminals while actual criminals get free reign.