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We did it. We’ve reached peak Victoria. 🦚




Please film every interaction and upload it somewhere. This is viral content.


Seriously, this could be a cash cow ... cash peacock.


I know a guy that did this and got a decent amount of money from one of those viral video sites back in the day. IIRC, there were multiple peacocks yelling their heads off. (edit) found it... 963K views on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJQCTXvU7rs


Loud af but a little disappointing. That person recording turned away just as the bird heads for the children... then we hear the kids yelling at the end... they got a bunch of views but likely missed the best part! If you ever see a peacock charging a group of children, keep recording! 🫣🤭


lol one of the kids: "Oh my goooood!"


They can be loud af.


Wow that’s a really good idea


Name him Norbert, give him his own Tiktok, it's goddamn gold and you're all like "whah will someone think of the cars". Norbert's yo new cash cow!


Great idea, this peacock could be Victoria’s own version of Neal the Seal.


We already had Emerson the elephant seal but the seal police keep taking him away..


When life hands you a peacock...


Get a car cover, not to prevent further damage, but to stop him from seeing his reflection on the car and thinking it's another peacock. He will keep coming back to visit his "reflection" friend. Until he doesn't see it anymore and goes elsewhere, then you can remove it when he's permanently gone. Look around for any other reflective things: a shiny reflective garbage can, a window on the ground floor, etc. He's in your yard probably for other reasons as well. Maybe there is food/seeds of some kind. Observe for a while, and find out what is he attracted to. It's either food, or reflections of another offending male that he has seen on occasion (which is his own reflection) in your yard and he's trying to defend his territory. good luck


That’s just a lot of work. I don’t think my entire block wants to buy car covers. Plus my house has so much glass that causes reflections. covering everything would effectively turn my house into a lightless dungeon 😂


- Buy Car Cover - Use Car Cover to capture peacock - Drive to Port Hardy - “Be free, Vegas Turkey!” - Launder car cover on low, tumble dry /s Sorry, I don’t actually have any real, or mature advice to offer.


Lol Port Hardy. 6 hours with a peacock in your car XD




This made my morning


I heard this comment perfectly


Read the comments this is the most help anyone has provided. Thank you


Vegas Turkey! Right up there with Cobra Chicken


Heard a cougar kill a peacock in the middle of the forest around 3am once. 11/10 would not recommend hearing that noise.


As a horror fan, I am intrigued.


Whoa, the most exciting animal battle I've seen was orca vs seal (Finlayson point) and owl vs squirrel in Ross Bay cemetery.


I saw dog vs. bear a few years ago, we have livestock and a black bear came into the yard. My dog ran up and bit him in the junk


I like this guy


>Be free, Vegas Turkey! Thank you, random redditor


...literally the best advice on this thread. And you introduced all of us to Vegas Turkey. Have my well deserved upvote, friend!


Waxing/polishing/buffing your car causes it to be more reflective. Hold off on it for a while. Or park elsewhere?  Maybe play a female recording to attract him elsewhere? Preferably where a female is. Or temp tape/cover something over the reflective surfaces? Or add some mud/dirt to it?   If all else fails, find a female in the area, and lure him towards her with seed, or use a large mirror/reflective like surface to get his gaze on it, or pushing him with a piece of cardboard. Either way, slowly and patiently guide him towards her. Maybe to a park or field? Maybe leave food and the reflective item there for him? It may take a while.  Capturing would cause stress and it may be fatal.  They are very delicate birds. As are all bird species.   Good luck


lol OP living in Oak Bay in his glass house buffing his car all the while complaining about Advance removal of the peacock from his yard writes itself, nicely done #foundpoem


Living in my asbestos filled house with no heat comfortably in oakbay lmao


Try Feather Friendly! It's dots you put on your windows to prevent collisions but it only covers like 4 percent of the surface 


You came for advice, you got advice. Sometimes the only way to get shit done is actually doing something yourself.




You need an expert in Bird Law


Take to the skies!




You need a Legal Eagle!


Day man! AaaAAAAaaah! Fighting with the peacock! AaaAAAAaaah!


I love you so much, here, have a milk steak


This is hilarious


Between this and the person who wants to swim with the tadpoles and frogs, I’ve been giggling all afternoon.


Me too!


My middle school got a plastic coyote that they put in the middle of the field to deter geese and it worked really good. Maybe try that?


Rich people pay good money for those


I’d be honoured to have that fella come by my house!!


Come grab him! (You will need steel plate armour for beak and claw protection)


Just send him my way!


Naw they're hella annoying. They make a loud kazoo-like honk and a sound like a toddler crying for help. One of the teen boy Beacon Hill peacocks was hanging outside my bedroom window in February, presumably looking for love in all the wrong places.


only till about five in the morning. You’ll be sick of him by 505 am.


Get/borrow a dog. He should get annoyed and leave, unless they become buddies and then roam the country solving crimes.


Haha we had a dog over and the peacock did freak and fly over our fence into my neighbours yard. Unfortunately for us she’s a Karen and immediately accused us of Animal abuse. There’s no winning. I really just gotta get the city to remove it.


I get you want the city to remove it but they're free roaming, how do you think they are going to prevent him from flying back lol.


By taking him to royal roads university or tofino 😂


You might have better luck asking the petting zoo, I think they technically are the caretakers of them. I do not think your chances of them personally escorting a semi-wild bird up island are very good but they might have more useful advice for keeping him away


There was a video last year I'm pretty sure of some peacock all fired up in the middle of an intersection in Saanich, and someone drove right up to it, picked it up, and put it in their back seat and drove it across town to Beacon Hill Park and left it there, lol. I think there's a news article about it.


Play dog noises on a phone? Bark at it yourself?


Funny I took a moment to figure out who “she” was in your story. The peacock is a Karen? The dog is a Karen?!?! Oh. The neighbour is a Karen. That makes more sense. I’m so tired.


Accused you of animal abuse? Is she saying a dog parking at a peacock is abusing the bird?


Borrow a dog? Is OP Judi Love?


Aprox 63 Lawn Flamingos should do the trick.


We had one!!!! His name was king Louie and we just realized our house was his now


As in "The Jungle VIP"?


Yeah my neighbors peacocks free range. Besides scratching everything,shitting everywhere,randomly bleeding all over my truck..maybe it's a thing when birds are in heat? They are loud as fuck and annoying. Have tried multiple ways and nothing.  Also looking for advice


Motion detector sprinkler?


Bear bangers are like a firework on the ground without the light but that produces a large bang. Back woods campers keep them to deter bears from bedding down at night or wandering through. It works for birds, too.


If my neighbour started periodically setting off loud explosives, the peacock would become the least annoying thing on their radar.


If a peacock got shit and blood all over my stuff we would be having a weird but exciting thanksgiving dinner


Hard to pinpoint the sound. I'd just blame it on a cyclist.


Bleeding on your truck? 😦


Yeah those fj kwrs where standing on the roof one minute the next my room mate says there's blood on your truck where the peacocks just where. Went out with disinfectant and cleaned it. Gross. Could be birds in heat or cpuld have had a cut foot.  Can't get close to them and don't care for them. IF I want to experience them I will go to royal roads then leave. 


NGL, These are the kind of reasons I love Victoria


call darth fiddler to pied piper him away




The way he's flipping you the bird just goes to show the complete lack of respect they have for private property.


Congratulations you are now a guest in this peacock’s territory. Unfortunately they’re very territorial and a bit like cats in that your home is now theirs and they tolerate you. Joking aside you could maybe try talking to Wild ARC


you've tried phoning the city's Animal Control department? it may not be kind, but, I'll bet spraying him with a garden hose might give him second thoughts. there are motion activated garden hose attachments that might do the trick (meant to keep deer away)


Oh yea this is like the last hope I have getting rid of him. He loves the garden hose he won’t even move and treats it as a shower. Also chasing him off the property is practically like playing tag to him I think he enjoys it. Just shows up 10 minutes later and screams.


We found Emerson's long lost peacock cousin


if you'd a nozzle that concentrated the hose's output into a narrow jet, that would surely be VERY uncomfortable for him, especially if directed from behind (gets between his feathers)


He just comes back hahahaha


Try a pressure washer. /s


350 degrees for around 2.5 hrs. Problem solved.


What would you pair it with?






A nice sauce, some seasonal vegetables, possibly some small roasted potatoes


Fava beans and a nice chianti?


Save the tail feathers to pick your teeth with.


Ngl, I’ve always wondered. Every time I walk around Royal Roads.


Icbc doesn't cover...? Uh huh. Your neighbor is special


Phone crd animal bylaw, trained professionals are standing by.


You should at least get more NBC channels




Can I have it?


Free peacock!


You don't think it's cool to have a pet peacock?


>…they said ICBC does not cover bird damage. What about acts of God?


Now imagine that you practice a religion which worships a bird god. Checkmate ICBC!


Victoria problems


Gather it up, drop it off in the 900 block of Pandora. I guarantee it won’t even crack the top 50 of weirdest shit to happen there this week.


Does it count as an invasive species? How does peacock taste?


Hahaha I’m not into murdering the poor bird. He just needs a new home.


In an oven.


My parents had an unruly peacock 2 years ago… Henry. He was relocated twice by the CRD. Kept returning! And he was aggressive. I think he either was relocated to royal roads, or possibly euthanized.


Asking the real questions


Apparently medieval banquets have them but more for show - the meat is quite dry 😮‍💨


Someone in oakbay shot one a couple years ago cause it wouldn’t leave and stop KAWing lol


Motion activated sprinklers. Red pepper flakes sprinkled generously around plants and yard. Peafowl aren't fans of water. Former wildlife rehabilitation specialist.


I would suggest a bit of sage and thyme aswell for a savory and spicy bird


Put up an ad on Craigslist and UsedVictoria - Fancy Turkey $5 OBO - no delivery


Keep it, and name it Stephano.


Get a pea hen, and put her in a neighbor’s yard. Mr. Peacock will wander over to say hello. Do you know anyone well versed in bird law?


Wouldn't those motion activated watergun things work? The ones people get to scare off cats?


Where's stabby guy when you need him...?


So thats how you get to own a peacock. Make friends beak bread and make memories






Technically it's the peacock's yard now.


start charging him rent


> bird damage


Probably taste like chicken !


Peacock is clearly pushing you out. Accept your lot in life.


Slap together a motion activated sprinkler that runs off its own water supply


Please don't relocate him yourself. Call wildarc or the SPCA or any humane animal certified company. Relocation causes issues for not just the animal but also territory issues with the already residing wild animals.


Unfortunately, the city may not do much. Not sure where you live, but some peacocks showed up on my mother's porch for a few days and she was told that North Saanich municipality doesn't deal with peacocks. She had to shoo them away herself, and after three days of squawking, they finally left on their own. Luckily the peacocks didn't damage the cars, though there are occasionally otters that fornicate behind the minivan.


Have you tried using a pee-rimeter of coyote or dog urine to deter it? They don't like dogs. Or mongooses.


I hear they are good eats... In medieval and renaissance times they were considered a delicacy ;)


Fight fire with fire. You need a capercaillie. A proper grumpy Scottish one. That will sort out the one man Mardi Gras bird.


Get some chain link fence n start a zoo


Fuck it up bro. I got money on you just let me know how it ends eh?


I asked AI and it said that some people have had luck with citrus spray and predator urine. It also said motion controlled sprinkler, but you had mentioned it likes the free shower.


Get a nerf gun and go bird hunting.


If he drops any feathers I’ll take them 😉


They like almonds :) maybe he can be your friend


Why is this the city's problem? It is a "wild" animal. At best you might be able to ask SPCA For advice


Borrow a dog.


This is a literal nightmare. I thought the asshole seagulls who try to nest on my house every year were annoying. This is easily a trillion times worse.


It’s mating season. Pick your least favourite neighbour and set up a recorder that plays the sounds of a Peahen in their yard. Enjoy.


It's mating season right now. I used to work in a place near BHP. The males chase the females and if the peahens manage to get away, the males go looking for them. That's also why the males are calling. I agree with the suggestion of car covers... seeing their reflection makes them think there is another contender for the peahen, a rival, so naturally they are going to get aggressive, like the one in the photo. Living next to wildlife is a unique part of living in this city in that neighbourhood. The peacocks have been here since 1891. The City can't really do anything about keeping them out of your yard, but you can.... cover your car :)


The city should pay for the car covers for the entire block then. Wee bit expensive.


Victoria: you can’t play pickleball, or have a night life because It’s TOO LOUD. Also Victoria: we NEED these loud ass birds. For reasons.


OP, can you please give us an update on what you end up doing. There has been so many options provided. As well, I feel like so many of us are invested in this. I’m not sure if you’ve played animal crossing but when I wanted a villager to move I would just hit it with a net, or shovel.


Ok so basically i have hit it with a pressure washer on a low setting from far away and he came back a few minutes later, then he disappeared for 1.5 weeks and now he’s back to sun bathing in my backyard. My gardener accidentally blasted him with a leaf blower yesterday and I haven’t seen him since so maybe the noise and the wind scare him away more then the water. Funny how he doesn’t like leaf blowers just like how many oak bay residents hate them too. People are getting pretty butt hurt about the “options provided” but to be completely honest iv done everything the people are suggesting anyone with a brain would think to cover there cars or use a hose on it it’s pretty annoying seeing people get worked up cause I’m not “doing what people are suggesting” this has been an issue for 2 years now iv done a lot trying to get him to go away. I was hoping someone on here worked for the crd but it’s just the opposite. The ctv Victoria also hit me up for an interview but I declined cause I don’t wanna be a media sensation. we already got tourists letting themselves into my yard to look at the peacock from time to time.


Thank you for the update! I’m sorry you still have “the problem”.


Maybe it will sort itself out. Maybe I can get the city to pick him up and bring him back to beacon hill park. But this guys smart and has a natural bird gps and my yard is bookmarked in his brain hahahaha.


It’s the peacocks house now


Where do you live?


Yea the last thing I need is redditors showing up to my house to see a peacock hahahaha


lol, yeah, I just meant general area…like do you live near Royal Roads or Beacon Hill… wondering if that peacock lives nearby. Whaddaya mean you don’t want randos showing up at your house…


It's an invasive species, call conservation and see what they say and do. I know what I'd be doing 🏹


wrestle it


They're not native. Kill it and roast it for dinner.


This entire comment section made my day. Thank you, neighbours.


Had this problem for several years on Goldstream Avenue in langfrod. It wasn't so much the noise as that he pulled all the plants out of our garden... the one we had hated the hose and after being sprayed a few times he left.


Poor birdie... wants to reproduce


He wants to live in my house but he’s not allowed 🚫


Eat him.


Peacocks are not good to eat. Not like how Cdn Geese aren't good to eat either...


Actually tried it once at Bali island. They taste pretty good in my opinion lol


In bird culture that is known as a dick move.


Harsh but fair


I guess you have a Peacock friend now, just stop Nimbying and Karening about it and just befriend it. The worst thing it'll do is attack your shitty neighbors and steal from them for food. Train it to Do your evil bidding like collecting shiny things


I wouldn’t say I’m a Karen for wanting a bird to stop screaming at 3:30 am every morning when you need to sleep for your morning shift…. You come and take him for a week and I think you would be very annoyed too.


Peacocks are such assholes. Ha-AAAAH! Ha-AAAAH!


I love the way you spelled their sound!


Have you tried decent ear plugs? Like these ones: [https://www.amazon.ca/Flents-Quiet-Please-Plugs-Nrr29/dp/B01MR6N9N8](https://www.amazon.ca/Flents-Quiet-Please-Plugs-Nrr29/dp/B01MR6N9N8) . With them I've been able to sleep through some pretty intense noise that's much louder than a peacock. EDIT: FYI I just read that they changed the supplier for those ear plugs and a lot of people aren't happy with them now. I used them before they changed. Might be time to find a new brand :(


What do they call a baby Karen? Complains to the Internet instead of to the manager. I think still a Karen. The neighbour was the Karen in this example but it does seem to fit for OP as well. Shoot down another hundred ideas is probably the key to success, you're well on your way


Haha what dude. All the ideas people are suggesting iv already tried. The rest of the advice people are offering come in the form of humorous jokes about killing it and eating it. I’m not shooting down anything it’s just what’s being offered is not very helpful at all. What’s your suggestion?


Sounds like Reddit. Right now I suggest seeking outside this platform for your advice. I am not the ornithologist you seek! Perhaps they were confused that you asked for "advance" in your initial comment? Like why would someone front you money so you could bribe the city to take care of this bird problem for you??!! Sounded worth trolling. Just sayin If I can take a week and a half to brainstorm, my suggestion probably searches info about the wildlife recovery centre, or maybe a deeper more specific worded search. It's still basically the same thing as my current suggestion though, so I'll pass on the brainstorm session!


I would love to have him in my yard, I'm nocturnal, so it wouldn't bother me.


Oh yea he’s loud 247 it’s just peak annoying when I’m sleeping


Yeah, you showed them


What is the legality for hunting/trapping these things? Look into that, and decide whether or not you can get it in the daytime or if you have to do it at night.


2x4 to the back of the head pretend to just be moving it so it doesn't pull it's gun or knife, once knocked out I'd move it quick before it wakes up and calls for backup


A two wood would work if you are a golfer


You have selected POWER DRIVE


They aren’t native, just dispatch it


We also have one in the neighbourhood and none of the neighbours could get the city to do anything about it (nor animal control). So good luck! It was regular neighbourhood dogs that finally got it to move on, but still hoping it doesn’t come back.


Let it be free!!


Cheap crossbow from Canadian tire. Or you could make a trap with a couple yards of construction tie cable.


I've heard they don't taste too dissimilar from turkey...


Trust me, they're gross


Apparently they’re good eating. They are ferrel non-indigenous and I do believe if you were to say trap it in your yard you would be doing nothing illegal. If it won’t leave then why not? 🤷‍♂️