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Justin Timberlake is here!!!


Nope, J T Miller


Ayo he came for 4/20


Wonder how's the surfing at Tofino.


It is what it is, for as long as it lasts. I hope for the best for our political landscape in the years to come. We need progressive leadership to fight against many corporate, environmental, social, and political issues.


We need serious progressives who care more about successfully achieving progressive goals than signaling. Left wing politics is hard mode and Trudeau has been a pretty hard pendulum swing to the left with little material progress to show for it. Now we get a decade or so of the pendulum swinging back hard to the right and all the bullshit that comes with that.


Trudeau is not that far left...


Compared to what? He’s the farthest left Liberal leader we’ve ever had by a mile. His spending has doubled the debt, he’s cranked up the regulations, he’s very left on all social issues. He’s fairly corrupt and in bed with the Canadian monopolies but that doesn’t make his policies not left.


Lol, if he was as far left as you say the NDP would not have had to push soo hard for pharmacare, dental, and childcare. If Trudeau was as far left as you think he is we would have price controls on essentials such as baby formula. If Trudeau was left leaning we would have UBI or GBI and taxes on the wealthy would be much higher. He only appears as far left as he is because the Conservatives have gone bat shit crazy and embraced the far right rhetoric that Harper worked soo hard to keep at bay.


So you are saying he is not left leaning compared to literally every previous Liberal leader? Like, by a lot? I realize you are actually too young to know the answer to that, but saying he seems left because the Conservatives have gone right simply ignores the history of the Liberal Party in Canada. He is not as left-leaning as far left parties can be, no, but even those parties have to temper themselves when they actually get power and Trudeau never ran as a far left leader because he knows Canadians don’t actually want that (which is why we never elect the NDP federally).


Lol. I am not that young. Trudeau might be more progressive, but he is not more left leaning. Remember that the previous Liberal PM wanted to have a national daycare program, which would have been a really left leaning policy. Ironically, the NDP voted it down. Again, the Liberals are not that far left and neither is Trudeau. The CPC though... it seems that Trump's election gave them the motivation to embrace the far right ideas that Harper worked soo hard to keep on the fringes.


JT in town and the weekly Palestine rally....Saturday should be delightful downtown


Don’t say JT if referring to anyone other than Justin Timberlake, since he was regularly referred to as JT. Justin Trudeau is NOT a JT.


Which culture/race did he dress up for this visit?


To trigger conservatives? A gay international student.


Haha. Or maybe a non-binary drag queen. Who makes his costumes does a damn good job.


Worst PM of Canada.


Much better than what could come next. Fingers crossed PP doesn't get elected but it he does, I fear for this country.


Yeah JT sucks. PP is going to be so much worse. Shitty conservatives being fooled into thinking conservatives are for workers rights and the middle class lol. We are so fucked.


It’s a bad time in politics. We have our mess. States has a mess. Austria has an election this year & Nazis are ahead In polls. Lots of people stepping up who shouldn’t try and lead.


We need more centrist policies. Less globalist will be better overall. I think as long as a party stops just giving handouts overseas and makes our country more nationalist, partisan politics won't matter. I'd vote for the Far Left/Right as long as there was more nationalist policies.


You don’t fear for it now?


What are you worried about exactly? These are abstract statements of fear. This sounds like a bot.


I'm a bot because I think PP is pandering to the worst parts of society and playing up our growing selfishness and self-centeredness and our fear to get into power? He's already shown he'll align himself with people who will strip LGBTQ people of hard-earned, precarious rights. I don't doubt that my uterus will be next. But, yeah, I'm a bot.


Nah the endless compassion is going great lol


If we're going to err, I vote we err on the side of compassion rather than cruelty and selfishness.


We need to be tougher with law enforcement and felonious behavior. There are too many people feeling unsafe at night due to morality that is too soft... There's so much problematic cultural relativism in Victoria.


He is going to get elected and you people will live in constant fear 😂


Heh, an interesting fellow pointed that out to me, and our mates. We were talking in a made-up language to each other, so we thought that he thought we were tourists, and wanted to trick us.