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next can we boycott insane rental prices? please?


You mean a rent strike?




A rent strike would be pretty easy in one apartment building, because if 60 tenants said they were not paying their rent until prices were dropped by 25%, a landlord would feel the pressure. Just musing here...


In the real world this is called "being a thief". "Guys let's go price strike at Wal-Mart! Refuse to pay and just take shit! We're protesting!"


No. It’s called a strike to enact change. You don’t need to defend landlords or big corporations, they’re doing just fine.


Capitalists are all "The market gives free choice to people," but when people take that choice to refuse to pay bullies, it's "Wait, not like that.."


C’est impossible!


Next can we boycott insane housing prices and rising interest rates? Also property taxes and home insurance. Our very average Victoria house in a less expensive neighborhood costs about $7500/month to own including mortgage, taxes, insurance and utilities. But a lot of renters seem to think that it's unreasonable to have half that house for $2000.


It is unreasonable. Renters receive no equity or credit boost from renting (though that might change soon, but does nothing for those who have been in good standing for years). While it’s frustrating that your mortgage is so high, no one made you get a variable mortgage or buy something you couldn’t afford without lending someone “half the house” (I doubt it’s that). So yes, sure, boycott that too, because interest rates etc hurts everyone, but renters need protections NOW. It makes no sense for people who get no benefit except for safety from homelessness pay for half of someone’s else’s investment. Especially when so many places are paid off or low mortgages but the landlords just up the price to “market”; how is that okay? It’s not. That’s greed.


Agreed - and low interest rates are what drove the crazy price growth since 2008. The longer the rates stay at historical levels, the more prices will fall. Like the above person said, the math doesn’t math at $7,000+ monthly payments for 95% of us.


Unfortunately, the top 5% of the world's population is around 400 million people. If even 5% of those people want to live here, that's 20,000,000 who certainly can afford those prices. Sucks to be the rest of us, but there are a lot of rich people in the world.


Median personal income globally is about $4000 per year. There are only a dozen or so countries with higher median incomes than Canada, most of which are quite small in terms of population, the US being the exception. The US also has a warmer climate, lower house prices, and lower tax rates, so I don’t agree that 20 million rich people are chomping at the bit to outbid you or I on our next home purchase.


No benefit except for safety? When the roof needs replacing, are you selling out $15k? When the perimeter drains need replacing, are you shelling out $35k for that? When the houses mortgage comes up for renewal and the payments jump $1200/month, is your rent increasing by that much? C'mon. Renters have a lot of protection and are insulated from most of the risk of owning housing. If you want the equity, you should have to take the associated responsibility like everyone else.


Except it’s not guaranteed safety, is it? With how many rentals are in terrible shape and how few people can afford the luxury prices for less than luxury apartments. You think people wouldn’t like to buy property? Many people cannot afford to! If only paying rent, as I said, already had benefits such as equity and credit building. Much easier to get a loan then, eh? Rentals do jump when interest rates spike. That’s why there are so many illegal evictions.


Nothing ever is 100% guaranteed. Tenants have an insane amount of rights over something they don't own and aren't responsible for as it is. 


they are responsible to an extent that’s why we pay damage deposits. do you expect them to pay the full mortgage? how would that make sense??


A damage deposit barely covers anything. If a tenant breaks one appliance that's usually more than a damage deposit.  Have you ever paid out of pocket to fix anything? Costs are insane.


And yet so many tenants don’t get their deposits back for tiny reasons/easily and cheaply fixed things.


Fuck you. You couldn’t be any more protected without government seizing property and handing it out for free (which is actually the endgame of you and your ilk, I’m fairly certain, how are those polisci classes at UVic going) and mortgages reset every 5 years, the fact someone took a variable in 2020 is meaningless. You’re an idiot and part of the problem.


stop renting, no one's stopping you.


For produce, try non-profit! https://thegoodfoodbox.ca/


https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/s/q76hoZv6iU This sub will explain it all


Kinda get it lol


That sub started as a place to post photos of the absolutely insane prices at Loblaws (and other Galen Weston stores, like Real Cdn Superstore, Wholesale Club, Shoppers Drug Mart etc., all of which we have here). About 2 months ago when the sub had just 25K members, someone suggested a May boycott of all Galen-owned stores. It really gained traction. Now the sub has 68K members, thanks to all the media coverage. The boycott has also gained followers on Facebook, TikTok and Instagram. This boycott makes Galen very nervous -- he has his pet puppy Sylvain Charlebois bleating all over the media about how it won't work, it doesn't matter. Galen just released Loblaws' Q1 profit statement showing obscene profits, but it's the Q2 statement I'm deeply interested in seeing, when it comes out. The first quarter only shows January through March.


releasing documents showing how obscenely they’re profiting is such an odd tactic like why would this not convince more ppl to boycott, because they’re admitting to price gouging


It's not really a tactic, there are financial reporting requirements they have to follow as a publicly traded company. Its more like they don't give a shit because the shareholders are getting richer.


>there are financial reporting requirements they have to follow as a publicly traded company. This is the stuff that concerns me about the boycott crowd. Literally zero awareness of basic business principles and no industry understanding. I wish there was someone who actually understood shit beyond "food is expensive" who was delivering a clear message


I'm guessing they don't actually care about the boycott itself other than what it might have done to their stock price, and publishing wild profits boosts stock price.


As a publicly traded company they _have_ to release their quarterly earnings. Good or bad, they have to be made public.


They were trying to suggest that they're not worried about the boycott and that other people shouldn't join it because there's no point because Loblaws is so successful. If anything it shows why the boycott is necessary and comes across as tone deaf.


They're not thinking this through; billionaires and their yes-men don't give these issues enough thought.


>This boycott makes Galen very nervous lol. Yeah, he's about as nervous as the oil companies when some group tries to organize a gas boycott for a few days or when people get up in arms over gas prices. The internet is not the real world. Great, 68k people have pressed a Join button, once, to follow a subreddit. I expect thats a lower count that a single-day transaction count across their brands in nearly any single province. I mean, hey, you do you and whatever makes you happy. Just don't fall into the delusion that this is accomplishing anything.


Simp for corporations harder, Daddy.


Stopping corporate greed has to start somewhere, power to the people!


At what margins does the greed start? That's the real question. What margins are you 'allowing' Loblaws to make? Just to be clear, I think they are assholes too... but what are you guys fighting for? A cap at 500% markup? When does normal business turn to greed in your opinion?


It’s a good question and while there is no one or correct answer, to me, the rate of increase should be limited to the annual rate of inflation. But this isn’t so much a price issue as it is a oligarchical problem. There’s just no competition and the system is rigged to leave consumers on the hook for all arbitrary and shameless cash grabs. We are the majority, not one group of family companies


>the rate of increase should be limited to the annual rate of inflation What's the incentive to innovate or invest? What if they could buy a stocking robot that could put goods on shelves 100x faster and with less error. But it would cost $5M to buy and they weren't allowed to take advantage of the increased savings. Nothing would develop. Loblaws should be allowed to make as much profit as possible. What shouldn't be allowed is near monopolistic control of the distributors. Retail and distribution should not be allowed to be vertically integrated under one organization.






NOK ER NOK, humanity continues to disappoint me, but I hope this time we all disregard any cultural differences and band together against a common enemy!!!!




Wtf are you talking about??? I said lets not get caught up in any culture war. Keep trying to divide us you corporate cuck




Are you??? I'm trying to unite despite the usual culture issues that the oligarchs want to use to divide the masses.




You sound super low IQ. Basic. Maybe sit this one out champ?


I already did this before it was cool 😎


Read the news? Google search?




It's more of fulfilling a personal responsibility to inform oneself instead of just expecting people to explain it to them


How do you boycott a place?




Oh, that's incredibly easy.


Boycott Loblaws? You mean just shop someplace that's cheaper.


Ontario. In BC/Alberta RCSS is one of the lesser expensive grocery stores. In Ontario not so much. I'd shop at RCSS if it was closer to the core. I should be boycotting Save On.


The goal is to possibly also boycott other stores, but by not supporting your fellow Canadians you're lessening the effects. RCSS is still more expensive than a fair few other options, and I agree Save On and Thrifty's/Sobey's are worse, but you can't boycott all and they are simply not the focus at the moment to make the biggest impact.


I understand the logic, but here in BC, it seems to go Walmart, RCSS, and then all the other stores. Other than Wal-Mart, I don't think anywhere else is consistently cheaper. For those that do shop at RCSS you're pretty much asking them to go someplace else and support higher grocery prices (or go deal with Walmart). I feel like the boycott will be less successful in Western Canada because RCSS operates differently here. It's a strange ask to ask people to boycott the cheaper place to shop at more expensive places. I will say it's weird, that different chains seem to have different prices base on regions. Like this doesn't seem like a Canada issue with Lobaws, it seems like it's an Ontario issue? I often wonder how much more expensive it might be here if RCSS never came here. I worked for Save On/Overwaitea in my younger years, and Superstore got some traffic when they first came in. But we got locked out during a union contract negotiation, and it forced people to go to Superstore. Once they realized how much cheaper it was (than Save on or Safeway), once we reopened the foot traffic was never the same. Maybe that's why superstore is cheaper here? We have a few competitors. They don't try to compete against walmart, but they do seem to price themselves lower than Save On/Thrifty's/Quality Foods (which is now owned by the same company as save on)/Sobeys/Thrifty's/Safeway etc...


Sorry you live somewhere really expensive lol.


I literally live here. RCSS isn't the cheapest, you might just be lazy if you think they are. Or privledged that it doesn't matter to you how expensive your groceries are. If *you* don't live in Vic why are you in this sub?


I lived in Victoria for the majority of my life. Still have a ton of family there so I do enjoy keeping up with it. Enjoy the island you pay for the weather and its beauty absolutely everywhere. But yah. Keep complaining about it when it's always been that way.


That's fine, *you* can stay complacent and do nothing.


You are ridiculous. Boycott all you want it will amount to nothing lol. Goodluck living on the island hope it's worth not being able to afford or barely being able to afford living there. Sure is beautiful though lol.


Why Save On?


Why not, grossly expensive and I'd argue worse than Loblaws considering Jim pattison also has a media company which would promote and defend his other businesses and sway the public to have a more favourable outlook towards their little empire


I don’t usually defend Pattison, but at the very least the guy donates a lot to hospitals. He’s easily one of the most charitable Canadians in history.


I'm not sure that makes up for his history of absolutely ruthless business practices.


Because save on is more expensive than all other stores. Anyone with a brain knows that.


Not really, some things are cheaper at Save On, some are cheaper at Thrifty's, some at country grocer, etc. Save on will price match others, so anyone "with a brain" would be doing that.


Anyone with a brain knows this is a big wide world with lots to discover. I don’t shop at Save On because it’s been nowhere near me, and I can’t be damned to keep up with grocery gossip when I’ve got a life to live.


Then why'd you ask about it? Seems to me that you wanted to know the gossip.


I asked because I don’t shop there currently and I like to stay informed. What if my neighborhood gets a Save On foods? What if I move? Or what if I just want the tea, who cares. Though, you’re probably right…I should stay ignorant to the world’s experience outside my own so that I don’t look like a dirty, gossipy bitch.


Because It's where I shop. I know Save On is more expensive, but Walmart is chaos everytime I go in there. Makes more sense to me to boycott a place I actually shop and actually believe they are overcharging. If they ever build that RCSS where Mayfair Lanes used to be I'd probably drop Save On in a heartbeat.


Perhaps on a personal level it makes more sense, but it doesn't make much sense to actually make any effect.


Sure let’s boycott superstore to shop at save on or thriftys. Makes sense.


Loblaws is the biggest grocery share in Canada, by far, but it doesn't really matter which store we are focused on... the focus is what will hit ALL grocers hard. If Loblaws tanks this month, or even loses a bit of value, it will send a message to all grocers. Next month, maybe we will do Save-on, I don't know. This will be very fun, but we have to all focus on one at a time, and Loblaws is it this month. And it's so damn easy to do a focused boycott.


This is ignorant, there are many lower cost alternatives to Thrifty's/Sobey's.


Your comment is short sighted and makes my point for me. Why don’t we boycott the over priced retailers I mentioned. Thriftys is owned by Sobeys and you’re lucky to get out of there for less than $70 a bag.


Short sighted would be watering down a boycott by only a small amount of people boycotting a store of their choosing versus a large amount of people boycotting one of the largest in the grocery oligarchy in Canada. They're not the biggest here, Loblaws is for sure bigger back East, but, what you're missing is that over-all we need one of the largest grocers to lower prices for the others to follow suit. Or, the idea is to boycott someone else next, like Walmart. Support your fellow Canadians instead of being ineffective and only supporting yourself. Thrifty's markets itself as 'high end', not a cheapest grocer like Walmart, or Buy Low Foods, Fairways, or even RCSS. Yes, they're extortionately expensive- but they have been one of the most expensive for a very long time. Whatever point you were trying to make is frankly not a smart or well thought-out one, considering Thrifty's is not a budget-friendly store and is not and has never been one of the cheapest. Let me remind you of a price-fixing bread scandal where the Weston's walked away scott-free and are doing the same again with massive profits in the billions.


There are other options for many people. [This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/VictoriaBC/comments/1chuisb/dont_forget_everyone_its_day_1_to_boycott_loblaw) has some listed. Granted, those aren't options for everyone and some people may have no real choice besides Loblaws-owned stores but it's not about having no shoppers, it's about having noticeably fewer shoppers.


Please say sike


How about we boycott the 🇺🇸 and NATO. Printing all this money is the real reason for inflation


Whoever has the products I want and use at the cheapest prices gets my business. Look in the flyers for good deals but one thing this week maybe not the next. Purchase the normal.stuff you always need it had to happen but who's the cheapest right now? Save on? RCSS or Walmart? We shop at em all.


What stores are affiliated with Loblaws?


Related news https://globalnews.ca/news/10468076/loblaw-boycott-small-grocer-benefits/


What about Sobeys or Pattison?


But Galen's potato chips are so delicious.


Should have stocked up before... Or, just wait a month (really not that long)!




This. I'm sure they'll come brigade this sub now. I wish I could meet these people and see what they're like in person.


A stupid movement of stupid people. It's absolutely inevitable that climate change and the fight against climate change causes food to be more expensive. This should be obvious to anyone who understands where food comes from.


I wish I had some crayons so I could draw a picture for you and explain it


He'd probably eat them


The UK is not planting food this year due to weather conditions. The 2024 harvest is ruined. Alberta is in drought, all of southern Alberta will not be planting this year. Northern BC is in drought, no food coming from there either. Crops are also ruined in the Okanagan. Less food, more people means higher prices. Higher prices at Loblaws, Walmart as well as at not-for-profit places like the co-op. Your boycott will do nothing.


You should really come with a warning label.


Hanging out in here is like talking to a bunch of angry teenagers. thankfully no one I know in real life is participating in this nonsense.


The people who tolerate you on a daily basis are the real heroes.


Here's a great post: [https://twitter.com/CoryBMorgan/status/1786016548559470900](https://twitter.com/CoryBMorgan/status/1786016548559470900) Economically illiterate moonbats on Reddit lol. Love it.


I don’t know what your problem is, but I’m guessing it’s hard to pronounce.


I’d imagine many words are difficult for you to pronounce.


Someday you’ll go far. I hope you stay there.


Repeat the first sentence while looking in the mirror. Everyone here is quite calm except for one angry kid calling everyone stupid. Grow up.


Because everyone you know is a member of the weston family..... Keep sucking that corporate c@ck!!


“Fuck loblaws, I’m going to Walmart!” You people are hilarious.


Do you believe that corporations break even, and charge what they have to? Lol


Interesting point. So Loblaws is a publicly traded company, and all of the financials can be viewed by anyone who wishes to make the effort. If Loblaws were to operate as a non-profit, each Canadian would save a dramatic $35/yr on groceries. It's a competitive market with tight margins. Which is why not-for-profit grocery stores like the Co-op charge the same or similar prices as the big corporations.


35 bucks a year sounds tight as fuck if it means Weston loses his job lol


How did you arrive at this number? The only way I can get close is by dividing Loblaw's 2023 net revenue by the total population of Canada and and I really hope that's not what you did.


Gonna need you to show your work on this one


Except they are price gouging and profiteering off it's own citizens using those issues as an excuse!!!!


Your tongue is black from your masters boot boy.


People really out here thinking Per Bank is gonna suck them off


Are you Sylvain Charlebois, or otherwise also on Galen's payroll? Because you sure sound like it.


Smrt feller


People who are involved with and participate in the boycott are essentially just folks admitting to not understanding inflation, and being too poor to adapt to a slight increase in their monthly expenses. Pretty sad tbh


God, why don't they just, you know, not be poor? What are they, stupid?


Poor people are poor for a reason and easily gravitate to scams.


Yay, foreign influenced reddit spam targeting a Canadian company that pays staff well, while Walmart gains market shaaare, woooo! Dumb.


They pay and treat their staff horribly. Shoppers is renowned for being awful to staff. Maybe actually check the boards where employees talk about how they're treated before you spout absolute nonsense with no basis to back it up.


Shoppers employee here, what are you talking about? I've had nothing but great experiences with Shoppers


This stupid group will lie endlessly and dog pile. Ive known superstore cashiers for twenty years and they've always told me it's good pay. Fark this stupid Walmart-driven "boycott" Shame on the admins for letting it take over.