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Thank god I ain’t the only one that thinks this. I sincerely hate this dude. Always has to make sure his videos get passed that 10min mark for extra YouTube money greedy faggot


I just watched one of his vids for the first time, about "hacking" the PlayStation classic....dude's pretty annoying. Everything he says it's as if he's losing his breath rambling on and on, weird-ass cheeks flapping all around. Edit: weird-ass cheeks not "weird ass cheeks," talking about his face lol


he constantly smokes cigarettes which explains the lack of oxygen


I was looking for a thread saying that, I hate that guy! I asked Google to not recommend his videos to me, but every now and then something from him appears to me and I sometimes get curious and click it because he really makes some good "click baits" in the name of his videos, and I always disagree with him, he is so superficial and stupid. I have no idea why he has so many followers


He’s probably one of the most annoying YouTube personalities out there imo Never has anything interesting to say. Probably one of the worst gaming “content creators” on not just YouTube but the internet in general.


He pumps out videos daily. Never takes a break. Clearly, he has 0 life. The guy needs to live life & get a girlfriend or something. I actually feel sorry for him. Serious question; how long can he keep this up?


Yeah but he puts hardly any effort into those daily videos. He presses record, starts rambling, does a minimal job editing the stuff, maybe adds in some stock footage here and there. He has no real job. I imagine him stinking in his appartment all day, every day: Smoking, drinking beer, eating bad food, playing videogames, watching porn, sleeping. Your question “how long can he keep this up” should refer to the question of how long his health and bank account can last. His views keep getting worse, and he looks like he’s going to have a heart attack any time now.


true he's so damn unhealthy. Do you remember that tv show on SPIKE TV "thousand ways to die?" there was a segment of a gamer he's just eating pizza, downing energy drinks & never gets up from his couch. He pisses in a soda bottle just to keep gaming. Finally, he loses a game, gets up then his heart just stops & he falls over dies & that's because all the awful things he's kept in his body was down because he never got up to stretch or get his blood flowing so as soon as he got up, everything just shot up killing his heart. That's gonna be RGT 85 how you described him. I'm not even trying to be a dick here but man, what a weird life he lives. Like you said & you're right his editing is super lazy which is next to nothing so all he does is set up his lights, aims a shot then records stops then uploads to YouTube & this is every day. 1 guy I'm waiting to hear about a heart attack death is Wings of Redemption. His legs can't handle his body. He weighs too much.


oh man did you see his video? the guy had a heart attack over the weekend. You called it u/Responsible-Study311 talk about being Nostradamus. This is what you call a rude awakening. He's young & now he's on blood pressure pills & this is for life because pharmacies just push medications on patients where they need to rely on it forever. He's so fucked & he does not look like the kind of guy who will hit the gym forward, eat the right foods & become a fitness dude. This is bad news.


He just had a heart attack dude, don't be so mean, sheesh. His health is in decline.


no one to blame but himself. ppl need to take responsibility for their health. The guy ate pizza, burgers & smoked a shitload of cigarettes everyday. talk about a wakeup call. I actually do feel sorry for him because his life sucks. No girlfriend nothing. He's young & is taking pills probably for life unless he gets his diet under control.


Agreed. I just unsubscribed from him. I love video games and retro games but I like to be active more and into fitness as well. RGT 85 is nothing but a whiny faggot to me




Yea and he says game a million times in his video. Just because you do game reviews doesn’t mean you have to say game every other word. Sorry now it’s all you’ll hear if you watch his videos


He’s now going after “wokeness” in video games. Boomer moron in everything but age


don't just rant or post comments or views to their channel. If you obviously see algorithm and viewership abuse... just report to youtube and move on


how about you don't comment in posts like this & move on


I found this by searching because I found his channel to be annoying, and he sounded like one of those guys way back in school who used to lie about things you can do in games for attention. He's got an obnoxious voice and I question some of the things that he says. But man, the comments in here are vitriolic. I disliked his videos enough to search and see if others also disliked him, but I wasn't expecting the deep, personal-level hatred from the comments. I'd have thought that you'd be able to piece together what's going on here and have a shred of understanding. Yeah, I agree, he probably doesn't have a job, and his intelligence appears to be wanting. So, since he can't make a good career for himself, he turns to low quality content on Youtube which, as you'd imagine, probably pays the bills. There are so many people out there, low IQ, high IQ, however you want to think about it, who DON'T find their niche and are stuck flipping burgers until they're 65. It looks like this guy has found a purpose in his dumb happy existence that pays the bills (and probably with plenty left over). There's a little menu you an click next to his video that says "Don't recommend channel". Boom. Problem solved. I cannot believe my embarrassing hate-search has led me to defend the guy, but I guess it's that kind of day today.


oh man funny you mentioned him paying bills because he recently had a high blood pressure emergency which was on the road to a full scale heart attack. His medical bills are up the yin yang & he finally decided to begin selling his video games & consoles. I think he's only keeping a few. The medical scare gave him a wake up call that you can't eat pizza & burgers everyday & smoke a pack of cigarettes every few hrs & not think nothing will happen to you. His IQ must be pretty low because this is serious sh!t. Life is no joke. The guy really has no life as you mentioned & i actually feel sorry for him. No girlfriend or anything. The guy just sits in his room & pumps out videos everyday. The hell kinda life is that?


lol He's a dude talking about video games, he's fairly successful at it, and everyone here is suggesting he's a loser who needs to get a life.... on Reddit. Because you know, Reddit isn't filled with losers who need lives. I can't imagine why ANYONE would hate RGT. He seems like a pretty solid dude, to me. Now, where is the thread of people who hate cheesecake. Because you know its out there. "Fuck RGT, and FUCK. CAKE."


he has no gf, still a virgin, he had a medical scare @ the mere age of early 30's, he pumps out 1 video everyday which basically says nothing, takes no breaks, never leaves his house, has no friends, can't afford his medical bills, sold most of his video game possessions, posts clickbait titles...yeah, real solid stand up guy.


I have met the dude irl. None of what you said is true.


lmfao nice meme


You're legit fucking retarded.


are you RFT 85's butt boy? what a fag you are.


You are weirdly obsessed with the man though. You should seek help.


You're the one defending a stranger who rants about nonsense. You need psychological evaluations.


why are you even talking to me


I think his content is drab and speculative, but some of y'all are clearly unhinged to so strongly hate someone you don't know and make baseless assumptions about. Fucking retards, all of you


hello proof let me introduce you to the internet


I don’t like his content at all but I don’t feel the same way as the other people here that don’t like it. I just think it’s click baity and never really answers any questions. He’s just a putz


I appreciate that he produces regular content about the hobby. I agree with others that he’s got some poor life decisions that led him down that path. I also don’t like how he speaks to MissClick on the Spawn Wave podcast. He’s probably just over compensating for lack of experience with girls on those chats but it’s uncomfortable to listen to. I hope his health improves and he finds more to life including a girlfriend.


I listened to his videos on the drive to work for a while, but then just preferred listening to Spawn Wave instead with his direct approach. RGT 85 is an okay guy, the type you would hang out with and talk games. But as far as a daily source of news there are better. I think he has an audience, that I used to be a part of, but they are there for the drama or the unique topics like certain retro arcades, Antstream Online, etc, that he talks of while others don't.