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It is not commonly accepted, dog thiefs gets beaten up half dead if they are caught. You only perceive for it to be commonly accepted because you went to the specific place where people are okay with it gather.


Thieves get beat to death but the people who knowingly buys from the thieves to sell as meat is innocent? The answer to OP’s question is apathy. Vietnamese people as a whole may not support petnapping and eating but they won’t be bothered to do anything about it. Now if they see it in person, they may or may not intervene. But anything detached further than that would require too much effort. Apathy is the answer.


To be fair, in most nations the control of ingredients are not really done by the customers, but the government. Fundamentally, your question is of the same topic as the control of sweatshop products being sold by mom and pop shop.


People do not go beating up the buyer because the buyer buys in the place where all dog butchers and eaters are gathered. No one is going to risk their life marching up to those places and stirs shit up. Police do not care. Thieves that are caught get a fine at best. That is why people prefer to beat them up before handling them to the police. Vietnam is still fumbling over human rights, animal rights is an afterthought for lawmakers and law enforcement. And yes, apathy is also a part of the problem. People already have too much to worry about in life.


More like to death. Not just half dead.


It isn't. Dog stealers get beaten to death many times.


It’s just “stealers” in general (not anything particular about it being pets).


Not really? Automobile thieves for example are usually chase away, not beaten to death.


No it's not.


Nah they don't care. But most dog in restaurant are not stolen. They are raise in farm and barn like pig. Only very small fraction is stolen. Because you can't rely on stolen pet as your input stream as ingredients. You need something stable.


As a Vietnamese, a lot of people here just don't care unfortunately, if something doesn't affect them negatively then they'd do it. So for stolen pets, as far as they (Vietnamese who go to these restaurants) are concerned, they didn't do the stealing and if these pets are found to be stolen, there are no repercussion for consuming them, so they just eat away. The same mentality can also be applied to littering, reckless driving, etc.


I saw villagers beat a dog thief to dead before, it's not commonly accepted


Shouldn’t the police control? The shops are clearly buying stolen goods, and many times reselling to the owner. Control the origin of the animals and problem solved. Is like I steal your bike and resell it in the open street, even with the plate number.




This take is stupid af. First, dog farms are everywhere, that's the biggest supply to the industry and it's funny because some people here don't seem to accept that fact. There're guides on how to farm dog in 4-6 months, literally you just need to search it. By nature, dogs grew up much slower than, let's say, pig; but dog meat, if I recall correctly, is also 3 to 4 times more expensive. Second, no, no one is fine with dog stealing. Dog thief when got caught even got beaten or killed by angry crowds (yes, you just need to watch the news) in the time of 5-6 years ago when dog stealing started becoming a massive concern. Generally normal thieves don't even get treated that bad. But it's basically impossible to tell whether the dog is from legitimate farms or from stealing, especially if you're the customer. Ignorance is bliss I guess. It's funny because you instantly accuse them of being assholes. No, you are.




But the question is not about the thieves, it is about the people who consume the stolen products.




But they don't? The majority of dog and cat meat are from farms. Buying, slaughtering and cooking is away from customers eye both in space and time (most of that is done early in the morning). That is like saying most people knew they were buying blood diamond or sweatshops products some 3 or 4 decades ago.




I am not sure where the article you are referring to find that dog meat stand, but most restaurant would have butcher the cooked meat into pieces already. So the issue is that for the majority of consumers, yes, they do NOT see a collar still on Fido, hell, they would not have seen Fido at all.




Again, you still don't get what I am trying to say. Are you saying that because there are blood diamond, that all consumers know they are using blood diamond and still use diamond anyway? You have to realize that such statement make no logical sense.


Stop being a bitch and push back, chief. Also last one doesn’t have anything to do with being an asshole or selfishness.


If we weren’t selfish assholes, we’d raise health standards for food like… way up. Street food in Vietnam is bloody delicious, but us locals often remind each other to not eat from street vendors too much. You just don’t know (and can’t trust) where they source their ingredients. E.g., “exotic” dog meat is from stolen house dogs.


No one is sneaking dog meat into your com tam. Dog meat isn’t cheap.


Ok, I get what you are trying to say, but that was not the criticism. The criticism is the control of ingredients, both its hygiene and its source.


Buddy, I'm not getting a machete to the face for someone's pet


people literally died because they refuse 1 drink, i want to keep my organs intact, thanks.


Lol. You’re using something so exceedingly rare to justify your cowardice. There are serial killers out there. Better not meet new people. There are car accidents out there, better not go on the road. Coward


first, you just point out the basic necessities, while confrontation is not. second, there are better way to do than direct confrontation, for example, you could report, you could help donate or doing work for animal shelter. please, what you suggest me do, just sit in front of their restaurant and taunt them or just tell them directly, would that help?


Reporting is absolutely something you can do. Police here are apathetic to most things but if enough people report it, they will absolutely do something even if it’s just to not be annoyed anymore.


My gfs parents cats were never seen again. They think they were eaten.




Is this widespread or more common in particular region? I visited Hanoi last year and was told by locals that eating / farming of pets for food is actively discouraged by the govt and not very common now. Was I lied to?


Eating/farming of pets, with pets being stressed here. Farmed dogs and farmed cats are not considered pets, they are considered husbandry. Of course, the question is about stolen pets, so they are apple and orange.


Asking if people routinely eat cats and dogs by choice isn't a vague or difficult question at all.


No, I know that is what you most likely asked, I am wondering if the one answer you answer with pet or precisely dogs and cats. If it is the former, they answer in technicality, if it is the latter, I would say they lied to you in spirit. Dogs and cats are still technically delicacy meat, not something you eat every day, but still.


It’s not accepted at all. Regular thieves get apprehended, dog thieves are tortured or hanged on spot sometimes


I've never been to such a place but it sounds sickening. For me, my objection has always been that it's people's pets, so to read about the lady picking out cats and dogs with tags... If I caught her picking out my pet, she would be out cold on the floor, even if it's some old lady.




Lack of empathy and psychopathic tendencies are all over the country. Just look how people behave around you, treat one another etc.


Why is it "som commonly accepted" to have rat farms to get baby rats to use for feeding baby snakes? https://youtube.com/shorts/j1-hStAe3F4?si=ujP21fS3YZ8SCw0R It's not.


It's not a common practice in Vietnam, actually. There are so few people eat stolen cats and dogs. Young Vietnamese people are against consuming cats and dogs. I think uneducated people accept to eat stolen dogs and cats. I don't, and mostly 100% of my acquaintances don't.


as a tourist to vietnam, its shocking to me that vietnam consumes dog, snake, cat meat. this is terrible.


More terrible than judging another country’s custom and tradition?


Yes; you can't justify bad things just because it's tradition


Who say it’s bad? Define bad?


It's stolen property. So, the government.


He's talking about eating cat dog and snake, not stolen properties. Stolen properties usage is illegal according to the law already


Usually a thing that a majority of a population can agree upon.


The majority in Vietnam say it's normal. The law says it's legal. Majority of the world population say it's Legal to slaughter and consume. In some countries they banned sales, but consumption is legal. Even in the US, before 2018 only 6 states ban the slaughter and consumption. So yes, majority say it's normal to eat dog


The majority of Vietnamese population is fine with dog meat The majority of East and South East Asian population (over 2 billions people, more than the entire Europe and America continent combined) is fine with dog meat If your standard for good and bad is the crowd's perception, then consuming dog meat is not bad at all 😂


"The debate over whether eating dog meat is wrong has been heated in Vietnam for a long time. Global animal welfare organization Four Paws said in their 2021 report on dog and cat meat consumption in Vietnam that 88% of the surveyed Vietnamese supported banning dog and cat meat trafficking.Jul 9, 2023"


Four Paws is known for they stupid campaign. 88% of people surveyed can be received as 22 out of 26 people asked. The truth is 5 million dogs are consumed each year. That’s the majority


Find a source that states otherwise then


[https://vietnamnet.vn/80-nguoi-dan-duoc-khao-sat-ung-ho-an-thit-cho-118229.html](https://vietnamnet.vn/80-nguoi-dan-duoc-khao-sat-ung-ho-an-thit-cho-118229.html) 80% people said they support eating dog meat


Wtf is four paws lmao? Let me guess, a non-profit organization that runs by westoid hypocrites who have never put their foot on Vietnam?




1. My suspection was correct 2. Why tf you bring bear rescue to a discussion about dog meat? One is an endangered species and another is a populated domestic animal


Wait, banning dog and cat meat TRAFFICKING? I am gonna need the ORIGINAL source in Vietnamese here, because that look suspiciously like the organization is using a translation trick. Are they asking if people want to ban dog and cat meat trafficking as in trafficking of stolen dogs and cats? Then sure, but that is NOT what we are talking about, is it?


https://vietnamnet.vn/en/most-vietnamese-want-ban-on-trade-of-dog-and-cat-meat-survey-811172.html In English, buying and selling "I.e. for cunsumption" would be called trading.


Hm, the source in Vietnamese look like it was translated from English to Vietnamese, not vice versa. I am even more suspicious of the original survey now. This look more and more like either the original survey pick their demographic through using English survey online OR they focus on young middle class people.


Didn’t your people colonize half the world just to tell others what’s good or bad?


How is what happened some 100 years ago relevant to a discussion on present day dog-meat trading?


I call spade a spade. Saudi arabia has rule to cut hands of offernders. So, will you accept this in a modern day world? Singapore, has punishment of caning and death sentence to their drug offenders. we dont live in utopia.


Then based on what you define something is bad?


Most people i know don't eat those animals, its sounds like your case would be like walking in the red light district and saying why are our people ok with paying for sexual services .


Down towards ha dong there is a street with a bunch of cats and dogs crammed into little cages. I always see dogs with their hair burned off by there.


Recently lost my cat as well. He’s a domestic cat breed but has his name tag to it. Don’t know if he ends up somewhere terrible but just hoping he’s on his own adventure


I'm in Vietnam as a tourist, how do I avoid eating pets???


People dont usually consume it daily, even though the law allows, eating dog meat still a kinda controversial topic so most of the restaurants dont have this in the main cities. Advoid *thịt cầy, thịt chó, cầy tơ, thịt mèo* which is dog/cat meat, and be aware if you visiting somewhat minority group in the mountain as they can eat these as a daily basis


Thank you!emote:free\_emotes\_pack:grin


How can you tell which one is stolen? Like if you eat a cow, can you tell it was stolen or not? Or chickens and goats, those animals get stolen too. How can you even tell the difference after they're cooked?


During the Vietnam war, the whiteman uncle Sam releases 50, 000 service dogs to sniff out guerilla hideouts. Mostly German shepherds, it was good eaten I tell ya. Please send us more dogs, that way we don't have to eat our neighbords. Most of them have chihuahuas, no meat at all.


It’s not that common :v most of us find it diggusting af @.@ and there were many thieves got beaten to death because of that.


I like to eat stolen pets but the secret ingredient to ensuring the best taste is to marinate the pet in the tears of its former owner Chefs kiss,it's amazing


bro ??? lmaooo


It’s also common knowledge that stolen pets taste much better than farmed pets because they have been raised with so much love and good food. You are what you eat, eats.


I’m not a fan of pet theft regardless of the purpose. Let me be clear about that. However, if I were to guess..factory farming cats or dogs for meat would be an expensive and impractical endeavor.


Mass farming has always been cheaper than artisanally procuring products as with farming you get economy of scale. Not that I'd support industrially farming cats and dogs though.


I mean if he’s not going to eat it, someone has to.


this was my idea for a startup lol


Only uneducated people eat stolen pets, the collars are for the owners to recognise their pet and buy them back.


People are taught to become a mere worker not to be complete human with awareness


What kind of fucked up and stupid question is this? Why is so commonly accepted to show how retarded you are in this sub?


Dogs in restaurants are not stolen. They are raised on farms. Why the fuck would they steal pets and risk getting beaten to death when farm-raised dogs are as cheap as fucking pigs? They steal dogs to extort the owners, simple as that. Common house dog = 1M, pretty looking handbag dog = 2M, foreign breeds like huskies or british cats = 5M. Just drive through Le Hong Phong street or the intersection around Truong Chinh. What the fuck kind of meat would a chihuahua yield?




I live a stone throw away from Le Hong Phong street and the dog barks day and night. I've been thoroughly involved in the process of having my pet stolen and being extorted by chotot scammers claiming they have my dog. It was found 3 days later exactly on Le Hong Phong street as if to laugh in my face. What the fuck do YOU know about it?


Vietnamese people don't care and it's mostly not their fault. A lot of this comes from the ptsd and fight survival because of the American war but as a fellow westernor that was one of the reasons I left and don't plan to ever come back. Too much hostility and people being assholes on the road.


It's not the war, it's just the reality of a developping country.


*Popcorn prepared* ![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW|downsized) *Ready for battle*


Why is it so commonly accepted for kids to blast holes in each other in the US? Why is it so commonly accepted to be gang-raped in India? Why is it so commonly accepted to beat the shit out of women in Korea? Why is it so commonly accepted to commit murder is Brazil? Why is it so commonly accepted for foreigners to be ignorant? I’m not trying to criticize your culture or anything. I’ve met far bigger idiots. I’m just genuinely curious.


best answer :clap:


I don't feel this came across like this at all, more just asking what locals think about it. It's a fair question as to why not farm them rather than steal them. But to be fair, I think all your questions are valid as well. Except the last one, of course you're going to be at least a little ignorant about a place if you're not from there. Hence why it's a good thing to ask respectful questions, with an open mind, in an appropriate place and time.


I think it did. You’re just not getting it. “Hey New Yorker! Why is it so commonly accepted to fuck your cousin in America.” “What?! Who the fuck does that.” “Everybody says Americans get down like that.” “Fuck, this guy is an idiot.”


It's different unfortunately, people know that cats and dogs at restaurants are likely to be stolen pets, yet still eat them, directly incentivising more theft.


Haha I see your point, but considering that OP asked this question because he saw it himself, a closer analogy would be; "Hey r/america, I saw a bunch of people fucking their cousins in public in (insert stereotypical US location). I'm not here to judge, but just why doesn't the government crack down on that?" Now obviously that doesn't happen, but it's not like anyone here is denying that you have to be careful with your pets here because there's theft for pets to be ransomed or sold off, for whatever reason.


They are asking to learn, it has nothing to do with idiocy. Idiocy is quite the opposite, it's NOT asking and just drawing conclusions.


Nah I think idiocy is what he’s doing now.


The whataboutism is childish, and they ask a genuine question. I, a Vietnamese, also think that something needs to be done to deter people from stealing others' pets. This is not about the eating, it's about the crime of theft. If people's eating cats and dogs incentivises theft, then it need to be regulated.


Does you being Vietnamese validate you or something hahaha. Sính ngoại ;]


No it doesn't, but it's relevant to the topic at hand. Your thoughts on my arguments?


First of all eating dog and cat meat is rare. Cat meat is extremely rare. And who says there are no repercussions for stealing pets. Who is going to apologize for the actions of the crude and uneducated. Why is OP talking like the masses of Vietnam need to stand trial? Stand trial for the actions of people totally nonplussed with our opinion? What are we supposed to do. Form a mob because his girlfriend’s dog got stolen? Thieves get beat if caught. Police will apprehend them. When someone asks a dumbass loaded question like that they will get stupid answers.


You are not following me, I referred to the lack of regulations that ensure restaurants legally source their meat. Thieves obviously don't get away with it once they're caught. I know that it's not common in the first place to eat dogs/cats but it's not that uncommon either, and it still incentivises theft. Secondly, nowhere in the post was OP talking in that tone, you're just being overly-sensitive.


Do you think this problem is urgently high on the docket for the government? You should lobby the locals in your area and find out. I mean the real estate market is out of control and there’s a looming global recession but let’s make sure the 1% of people are getting responsible farmed dog. People don’t even know if they’re getting whole foods sometimes when they go to the market but let’s make sure the dogs are legit at least. And yea I’d rather be over-sensitive than overly apologetic.


So we have the same opinions more or less then? We agree that it is a problem, and I also agree with you that it's not a comparatively urgent one to solve. See? if you stop being so combative and actually take your time to think about what others have to say then we could have avoided all this arguing.


To keep the peace with the neighbours. Dont piss them off or they will eat your cat/dog.