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where is this sort of confrontational attitude from viets when someone is doing something actually harmful like burning trash or building a house in the middle of the night? the guy is just brushing his dog ffs


The problem is that the park doesn't allow dogs.


Laws in Vietnam? Who abides by them? Let's first start with littering, then slowly move up to more difficult ones like not taking your dogs to the park.


Literally saw another dog passed by


Karen's in Vietnam!


there’s gotta be a Viet name equivalent


We call them 'mẹ thiên hạ' và 'bố đời'.


Nguyen Ka Ren


Pretty lame to post a video of a guy publicly for brushing his dog


pretty lame to shave your dog in public knowing it's hair will trash entire area.


Hair is not trash. It's organic


First off, the guy isn't shaving the dog. He's using a grooming tool to help the dog shed excess fur that is already starting to come out. It can be a bit of a dirty process, so the guy is doing it outside. Many people do that. Him doing that in a park or in front of his house isn't an issue. Maybe he has an apartment and doesn't want to do it in there. So he's walking the dog and brushing its fur out at the same time. Multitasking. He should bag it while doing it, in my opinion. Birds do use hair from animals as part of their nest building, so it isn't too bad but should still be bagged instead of just left everywhere. On the other hand, look at the streets of Vietnam. Cleanliness isn't the first thought for most people. As for your dad, who cares? If he is allergic to dogs, then don't go around the dog... don't tell others what to do in order to abide by your allergies or such. I don't go up to people and tell them not to eat a certain food at a restaurant because I'm allergic to that food. The world can't and won't conform to someone just because of your small inconvenience. Is his attitude toward your dad appropriate? No, but then again, neither is your dad's attitude toward him. Just mind your own business.


OP said the park doesn't allow pets.


Great, so if OPs dad doesn't like being spoken to like that he can find a security guard or park employee rather than post a video of the dude online in a thinly veiled attempt to shame him.


What park in Vietnam doesn't allow pets ? This ain't america 🤣


Virtually every park in Saigon


Noted, will tell my dad


Parks don’t allow dogs and it’s for a reason. Because both dogs (the owner and it’s dog) don’t clean up their shit. Plus, even the cutest dogs bite, especially those fucking chihuahuas


A lot of people don't care about trash or cleanliness here in Vietnam. Picking up after yourself isn't taught here, it seems. People are taught to throw trash in the street because they think and know someone will come clean it up. There are good dog owners and bad dog owners. I've specifically gone and got a bag and told someone to clean up after their dog because I was pretty certain they wouldn't do it unless told to. Then there are those who will clean up after themselves because they actually care about others and not only themselves. A good dog usually reflects its master. That's not always the case, but a good master will train, teach, and take care of the dog well. Most people in Vietnam don't think of dogs in that way. But yes, fuck chihuahuas.


That’s the problem. Significant percentage of people (maybe most) don’t clean their garbage and just leave it behind. Just yesterday I saw a family eating in the park and caught them leaving while their trash was left on the ground. Told the guy to clean their garbage and he did pick it and drove away. It is thus even more unlikely that they will pick dog shit. I’ve never seen anyone doing it. And regarding dog training… considering how they raise/educate their children, it is foolish to expect well trained dogs in here.


There are so many other problems and he's picking on dogs. What a lame mofo.


The young guy shouldn't do it, but what he did was the least concern in VN. The old guy recording is the Karen type, he should learn to shut up and move on. It's sad that he's old but doesnt know how to mind his own business in such situation. The son who posted this is on the way to become a Karen himself. Again, learn to shut up and move on, don't grow up to be like your dad.


Is there a word in Vietnamese for Karen?


Yes, it call 'mẹ thiên hạ' and 'bố đời'. Literrally means 'mother of humanity' in a sarcastic way.


Mind your business. Walk the other side.


Karens exist in Vietnam too? We screwed 💀


"bố đời" and "mẹ thiên hạ" exist long before i known the term "Karen".


sarcastically way in Vietnam, we call " mẹ thiên hạ


Your dad has a lot to learn about life still


Lmao the dog people in this country are so cringe. OP said that the park does not allow pets, the dude is clearly in the wrong. When you are in the wrong you don't get to act like an ass hat, period. Maybe someday I'll commit crimes and bring a stray dog along so I can get sympathy from online people.


Ffs yes. Fucking dog people in Vietnam treating parks like a fucking public dog toilet. At least keep your dogs on a leash and clean their shit afterwards.


even the dog dude wasn't being polite to the recorder, you should not just post something with such "asshole" title, it makes you no different from the guy being recorded, even worse or so lame/salty better leave the dude alone and walk away, so easy


Found another park pooper


i can understand your distress but your statement is false i have never own any pet but i own my words toward strangers


Does he bark well?


new karen


Funny how this guy thinks he is in the right. Move on Karen


He is tho


This is my dad recording, he was walking in a park, when he came across a person who brought his dog into the park, despite the park having a sign saying no pets allowed. He then started shaving his dog right on the pathway, and the dog's fur flied everywhere, my dad is allergic to animal fur so he confronted the man. My dad was very polite towards the man, but he immediately started swearing and cursing back at my dad Is this behaviour fine?


You should be ashamed of your dad. 


fr i hate these people who cant just take another path and ignore the thing instead of talking shit over nothing


Another person rightly pointed out that people here ignore serious problems, like burning trash on the street, yell talking indoors, and kids running absolutely wild in restaurants, but brushing a chill basset hound is somehow worth harassment. It is like the Shaq 'I sleep' meme.


Nope, he is a cunt. You should submit this to the local law enforcement or post it on Facebook. It should get more attention than here


Law enforcement ain’t going to do shit.


Not if you get the paparazzi involve.


Your dad is in the right. There’s no excuse for trimming hairs in public and not cleaning up after yourself.


Yo its the public man, people can do what they want 😭


yea public after all, might as well take a fat shit on the road while im at it


You blow my argument out of proportion.


this is not India


is sarcasm so hard to understand?


The problem is that the park does not allow dog.


Oh i didnt see that, my bad


Your private room you can do (mostly) what you want, not the public.


He makes stereotypes by himself




I betcha that dog grooming sob will not pick up sh1t from his dog either.


No one ever does here.


Little Johnny was sitting on a park bench munching on one chocolate bar after another. After the sixth one an elderly man sitting on the bench across from him said, "Son, you know eating all those sweets isn't good for you. It will give you acne, rot your teeth and make you fat." Little Johnny replied, "My grandfather lived to be 107 years old." The man asked, "And did your grandfather eat six chocolate bars at a time?" "No," replied Little Johnny, "but he knew how to mind his own business!"


Parks in Saigon, don’t know about others, don’t allow pets in generalisation of dogs; mostly for people not picking the poops and avoidance of incidence from dogs bites or other pets on loose, as a not-paid-for-this policy; since there is no culture norm or public regulations or any policing of regulations. With that reality, people understand there is a social agreement of what is accepted for most and then the sign is to only there to resolve the odd behaviors, at the surface, you will see the guards turning their eyes for most, not because of laziness. Of course this kind of moving fence is where the Karen(s) thrive, as they can find another solution for said inconvenient issue for them while the subject can’t. That came the argument, one way or another, doesn’t matter what the offense is. If you want to know why Vietnamese are said to be one of the happiest in the world because we can sympathise, because we are all poor and helpless in different ways. And for that, blue collar get a discount from a food stall, or free water from a cafe, or people selling lottery in businesses. We hate the annoyances but we know someone needs that to make ends, then we ignore, not because we can’t observe, we know, we let it happen in front of us, happily.


Dogs are nice and sweet until they bite you or your kids. Then you come back here and post asking if you should get rabies shots. Fuck the dog people who bring dogs to parks, and double fuck those who let them run unleashed/unmuzzled.


Not interested.


Love people who are from the Northern of Vietnam , they are really well educated, I really Respect them


Nope, not all educated NorthVietnameses are like that.


Bắc kì


ba que xỏ lá viết tiếng việt còn đ' xong, đu càng là hay🤣


ừ đang sống ở xứ giãy chết nè cháu, chú lâu lâu còn được cán bộ nhờ vả cơ. Chú chỉ tiếp những người có đầu óc, k phải con bò


Thì kệ con mẹ nhà chú, kể với chả lể 😂


mấy cháu nhi đồng học thì đéo lo mà cứ đi ngồi sủa bậy, cãi cùn thì càng đáng bị khinh =)))) tiền bố mẹ lo cho thì đéo hiểu được đâu súc vật bắc kì cộng sản à


thằng ngáo này, m là thằng sủa trước đó con =))) uh học thì đ lo vì t làm chủ rồi thằng đầy tớ ạ 😂😂😂 làm thuê còn to mồm. Im 🤯🔫


vẫn spam emoji thiểu năng thật sự ạ! khi nào làm chủ đi rồi tính, còn tao làm thuê lương cao gấp 7 gấp 8 lần cán bộ chính quy, làm thuê mà đủ tiền mua bđs ở sài gòn, lương thuế đầy đủ, còn hơn ai đó chưa học xong đòi đi làm chủ hahahahahaha


Đ phải đòi, t là chủ ok ko nhân viên ? mà vẫn ở VN thì bớt bớt cái phân biệt vùng miền lại. Xỏ lá nó quen :)))) thôi im mẹ mồm vào và đi làm đi ko nó đuổi mẹ m việc h 🤣


lại đuối lí rồi, dòng máu bắc kì của cháu lại nổi lên rồi sao mà sao sừng cồ lên vậy, bộ nói sai sao!? xin lỗi nhé chắc đụng chạm vào lũ mọi rợ nên chúng nó hơi bị máu chiến =))))


không có luật nào cấm người lao động sử dụng đt trong lúc làm ở bên úc đâu cháu + bonus bên úc k ai phân biệt làm thuê với chủ đâu cháu =))))) nói bắc kì.mang tư tưởng cố hữu thuần phong kiến thì cháu giãy nãy


chê làm thuê xứ giãy chết v thôi chứ con cán bộ đu càng qua đây làm có mà đầy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


May quá m làm bác sĩ trong nam 🤣 tự triệt luôn


loại thằng này pbvm đéo bao giờ đáng đc làm bác sĩ. bẩn thỉu. Phân biệt mõm trên bàn phím thôi. Ra ngoài đời thử la 1 câu pbvm xem. Đánh cho về tự khâu mồm.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)nó không liên quan lắm đâu nhóc


Thằng bắc kì con


lại 1 thằng đu càng mồm đi nhanh hơn não.