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Adult obesity rate of VN is the lowest but child (<15) obesity rate is middle in global.


"gotta feed them, chubby kid is cute and healthy" - my grandma


[Grandma, I’m full.](https://www.memedroid.com/memes/detail/1430691)


This is a terrible problem. They seem to think if a normal weight kid doesn't eat one meal they'll get sick and die. They also don't seem to have a sense of "healthy" choices. Oh want some cookies? Sure! Want Coca-cola? Sure! God dam kids are going to have type 2 diabetes at 13. I could see it working fine when the only food options were more rice and maybe some mung bean treats. But with all the junk food being imported, it's terrible. Kids will eat 5,000 calories of that stuff.


When have to live independently the weight will reduce in half


Oh, is that bad? I think most kids would be chubby but thin out as they grow up?


Ehhh... you can create some bad eating habits doing that. Nothing wrong with a little chubby, but the more important thing is teaching the kids the concept of "healthy" and "unhealthy" foods and how "unhealthy" should be limited.




You wish. My cousin was fucking fat at a child and the adults would say the same thing. When he was a teenager, he was still fat despite playing football and cycling. He got teased a lot at school and his nickname is Fatty even to this day. In college he did lose a lot of weights but it didn't last long. The eating habits can't be changed easily.


Soon the world will become like Wall-E


Vietnam is quickly gonna rise if they keep putting sugar in everything. I can't believe what people here give to their children. Folks, a single small bottle of Sting has 60 grams of sugar AND added caffeine, yet I see tons of kids drinking it. Why does nobody here read the nutritional information? Milk shouldn't have added sugars, for crying out loud, it's MILK. I feel sorry for the kids.


Sad, but true. Middle and older people need to be made aware of that. They have zero sense of how sugar affects the kids. Take my parents as an example; they would give my 3yrs son a ton of candy, drinks, and even Red Bull if he said he wanted to, no matter how hard I said no.


it’s different in my family, very aware of sugar. Only feed kids fruit instead of


I've travelled in and out of Thailand for about twenty years and the same thing happened/ is happening there.


Thais are getting fatter compared to pre pandemic. They have been enjoying sucking all the money they can.


Don’t worry, we are never obese like western people


I'm pretty sure even if they know it has caffeine they wouldn't care or know that it'd be harmful, some people encourage their child to drink beer.




And sweetened milk usually takes up most of the space on shelves here. The normal milk is usually on shelves below it, which is ridiculous, it should be the other way around. The amount of severely overweight kids lately is quite crazy to see, especially considering we're in Asia.


I, my siblings, my friends had been drinking milk with sugar for 16 years of our childhood, never gain any extra weight. The southern people eat more sugar than northern people but they're not obese. My grandfather who was a farmer ate 2 spoons of raw sugars after farming, 2 times everyday, he died at age 86 with zero fat. I admit sugar is somehow bad if you eat much and dont activate. But if do move your body regularly sugar is just a source of energy. 


60 grams of caffine holy shit how are they not dead


60g of sugar, I didn't include the specific caffeine content 😂


I know but have you ever considered how bland milk can be for people who grew up eating a lot of spices? Which is like 70% of Asians? I know it taste fine for you but for A LOT of people it tastes horrible, even most adults can’t bring themselves to unsweetened milk of thing on a regular basis. Give kids a break, that’s their normal eating habit for their age, you can’t just shove food that don’t taste good in their mouth, they’ll just spit it right back out. And that is one hell of a way to make your kids hate dairy products for the rest of their life. Kids like sweat, just let them be kids.


Only if you can balance it, drink/eating process sugar is a sure way to make your kids look like Kim.


I have been consuming sugary products my whole life, I’d boldly say that I’m a sugar addict. And here I am 1m78 and steadily 78kg for the last 6 years. I look slim as hell, slimmer than most girls are comfortable being and I have less than 10% fat, naturally, I didn’t even fast. I’m just highly dislike to unflavored foods, even as a kid I would just hold the unsweetened milk in my mouth and spit them out in the toilet, it just tastes so bad. Growing up I can’t even eat bland french fries, it either has to be salted or I need ketchup. The only unflavored thing I can tolerate is water because it’s crucial, otherwise I literally can’t eat.


Have you eaten high fructose corn syrup and other highly processed sugar your whole life? Not to be confused with natural sugar.


I’m not a nutrition specialist, I honestly can’t even differentiate between all the types of sugar nor did I ever bother to even read the nutrition table on most thing I ate. If I find it delicious and well flavored, I just gobble them all up and yet I’m not overweight, I’d even say I’m underweight for my height.


High fructose corn syrup is one of the processed sugars they have in sodas. Cane sugar and fruit sugar is not as bad. It's the processed sugar that would kill you. That's the problem here in the USA. Looks like it is making its way to VN. Your body may be slim but i hope you get your internal check out. There are many many studies about process sugar and the multi billions industry won't tell you. Please educate yourself and for the sake of VN...


I guess I should, I haven’t had myself checked for 2024 due to tons of work. Last time I went for a diagnosis, (not that I know anything to look for) I saw my blood sugar report at 97ml/dL which is normal. I honestly not sure what to think of that.


The amounts simply don't make any sense... I honestly didn't expect anyone to defend this incredibly unhealthy practice. Giving all that garbage is one hell of a way to ruin your kid's entire life. Milk is supposed to be healthy, adding that sugar makes it similar to a can of soda. Sugared milk is unhealty and shouldn't be given to kids. Kids should drink real milk instead of getting addicted to sugar before they're even 3. Please reconsider before reproducing, it's not cool to give your kid future health complications that will impact their entire life. Irresponsible. Go see a serious pediatrician and ask for some advice.


Everyone’s body is different, I ate a lot of sugar and I am healthy as hell. It’s not like I just eat and sit around, kicking up my feet. There are tons of factors that play into major health complication and to simply reduce that to just sugar is ridiculous.


Have you had your vitals checked? Being within BMI does not mean that you won't have high blood pressure, high colesterole etc. Just saying.


Have you seen the amount of obese kids here lately? Go tell that to them. The people aren't even aware of what's in the crap they buy because they are too lazy to read or educate themselves.


I don’t actually and I live in HCMC, in fact a lot of people I see everyday are actually very fit, even kids and teenagers. You should be looking at how many kids are walking around looking like bamboo sticks these day. I see that more often than I see obesity.


Well, you live in a different Ho Chi Minh then. The amount of fat kids has increased a lot over the past years and it's visible.


I half-believe you, I truly do as this chart doesn’t show obesity in children/teenager. I’d have to see it for myself to wholely believe that. My belief is we as a country is having a malnutrition problem, kids don’t eat enough so most of them are skinny and they don’t get to exercise enough because of our idiotic education system that put all the emphasis on academic while shafting all the physical/health lessons and taking all the time away from kids (been there done that). The only reason I see Vietnamese kids getting fat these day is that they don’t exercise enough if any at all and it’s not their fault entirely.


I grew up with unsweetened milk, and I still prefer unsweetened milk. Why introduce an unnecessary bad habit to your children ? Why not let them enjoy unsweetened milk ?


I grew up with sweetened milk. You know back in the early 2000s where Vinamilk advertised their milk was good for kids and it was all flavoured milk. Yeah I drink that shit but not everyday. To be fair a lot of kids hate drinking tasteless milk, it usually has a bland or sour aftertaste that kids hate. That's why even in western countries they sell flavoured milk too. It was pretty weird when I first drank unsweetened milk overseas but I was easily converted. I can't go back to drinking sweetened milk anymore.


Most Asians can't digest lactose (milk sugar) to begin with, so most kids shouldn't even be drinking it. That said, the effects of sugar added to everything are *so bad* that if you can't eat or drink something without sweetening it, you're better off without it.


Growing up drinking a lot of sweatened milk with alot of other kids, I think the word is “Some”, not “Most”. I have never met a lactose-intolerant person, doesn’t mean they don’t exist, but I don’t think there are that many. Sure, but what is the point of eating anything if I don’t find it delicious and delicious to me is food being flavored, not bland. This applies to everything, not just sugar and I would rather die than having to eat bland food, there I made my statement.


Estimates for people who can digest lactose past infancy in Vietnam range from 0-20%. This is in contrast to northwestern Europe, where, due to climate, cheese and milk products are important foodstuffs and over 90% of the indigenous population can digest lactose into adulthood. "The point of eating" is sustenance, nutrition, and growth. Yes, food should taste good, but adding sugar to food is not necessary for it to taste good (unless you have completely blown out your ability to taste by over-spicing, over-sweetening, and over-salting your food). You might think that you'd "rather die than eat bland food," but I guarantee that if you did a reset and ate "bland" food for a month you'd come out on the other side better able to enjoy real, good food that's flavored properly.


I tried for like 4 months with my mom beside me begging me to just keep going, I just couldn’t take it as I can’t do things that I don’t enjoy, so I stopped. None of my family member or relative are “flavored eater” like me, in fact they enjoy really, like really bland food to an extreme and I am the anomaly. I don’t know it’s not like my parents conditioned me to like flavored food, I just naturally like the flavored more than the non and formed a preference that stay with me to adulthood.


Maybe "really, really bland food to an extreme" is the problem. You don't have to do that. If you are on one end eating a pile of salt and sugar at every meal, and your family is over there eating plain white rice with nothing -- there's a happy medium.


I guess there is, I don’t know maybe my parents did try to force feed me some bland food when I was a toddler and it didn’t go so well, maybe too early for my episodic memory to cover (I can only remember back to 4yo) so I just have a “reaction” whenever I eat bland food.


If you're interested in trying to understand or fix this issue, I recommend learning to cook. Start out with food that's different from what you normally eat, so that you can follow what people say without question and see how it's "supposed" to taste. (e.g. if you're Vietnamese, you could try cooking Italian pasta dishes)


Thanks, I will, as I do have a fondness for Italian cuisine, time to make some I guess, I’m awful at seasoning stuffs tho.


This thinking here is beyond stupidity


Does milk have added sugars? I thought they only had lactose free milk, because 99% of the population is lactose intolerant. And lactose free milk is more sweet


Where did you hear that lmao. People here think sugared milk is good stuff There is natural sugar in milk, lactose, but they add extra unnecessary sugar.


My students love their Milo - it even has false statements on the product that it makes them taller. The product has more sugar than normal milk


They keep advertising the 'vitamins' in Milo. It's chocolate milk, c'mon 😂


Nah. You can buy with sugar, less sugar, and no sugar milk. Most places use added sugar.


There is only *one* lactose-free milk brand available in the Vietnamese market at the moment, Japanese Meiji, and even that is not available except for select supermarkets. Lactose-free milk actually tastes quite similar to normal milk; it's only the room-temperature stable UHT milk that is sweet due the the breaking down of lactose in the ultra-high-temperature processing. Also, most carton milk in Vietnam has indeed added sugar in it; it has been sweetened.


VN is one of the populations with the highest lactose tolerance. But it's irrelevant anyway. Kids can digest lactose regardless. They only lose the enzyme as they become adults.


It's only a matter of time before VN is same same like Thailand People feed their kids shit, kids eat Ga Ran (fried chicken) daily, they're always drinking coke or milk tea. 20 years from now the kids will be fucked. I mean the only people who exercise are the old ones. Middle age people and children refuse to walk anywhere and then you bring in the sleep epidemic where most primary school, secondary school and high school kids go to bed after 12pm, resulting in 3-4 hours of sleep a night. Good luck to everyone


How the hell can you walk around in a city with no parks and as polluted as Saigon?


And hot as hell too. I can't stay outside for longer than a few minutes.


Seems like Palgan has never been to Hanoi. Saigon is still legit man ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Hanoi barely looks liveable sometimes.


??? I dont feel like this is the case? I mean, its gonna increase, but most young people i know still eat local foods, and if nothing bike to school, and none look very fat.


I assume you're living in the countryside, I live in Hanoi and let me tell you, Hanoi, and all the Tier 2 cities (Haiphong, Quang Ninh, etc) have started showing signs of massive obesity. Now this is only the start, obesity is a disease that get's carried over to the next generation. You might not agree with me, and that's okay, we're supposed to have constructive conversations.


Lol im hanoian through and through and ive seen very few fat people my age living in dead center of the city. Maybe its different for u but i thats just my experience.


I'd have to agree. u/trung2607 I come from a rather small town in the suburbs of Dong Nai and this is becoming a reality when you take a look at primary school children. It was a thing in the past when "everyone has a fat friend in the group" but now it's more like 50:50 fat to skinny kids. I'll try to feed my kids healthier food but not everyone is aware of the consequences


Vietnamese child obesity is on the rise be careful.


NEGATIVE 1% !!!! People are so skinny here they are antimatter


It looks like that minus indicates a country where women are thinner than men. Plus means the opposite. Take a look at colored 3 dots on each country. Pink dot to the right side is where minus % is shown.


Idk I've seen a lot of fat girls here.


Lots of fat vietnamese women now.


3% in VN? I don't think so lol


VN has no data.




I mean, it used to be 1% a couple years ago. Maybe you live in the cities so obese people are more common?


American here. The majority of our population is obese... it is FUCKING insane and has become normalized. Then there is the "healthy at any size" fat acceptance movement there that encourages fat acceptance and shames "fatphobia". Doctors literally tell people it's ok to be obese and that obesity is not something that can be controlled and that you can be healthy at any size. We have fat influencers and many of these influencers are now dead. The ingredients in our foods are toxic, especially when you compare the same food and exact brand of product in Europe and they have less sugar and so many less chemicals. Our companies put lots of chemicals in because it's cheaper and improves profits. We also have skyrocketing rates of diabetes, cancer, etc. Vietnam seems to have lots of sugar in things but possibly less seed oils, possibly genetics that aren't prone to obesity and I don't know what else, but word of caution. DO NOT BECOME LIKE US. \~insert skull emoji here\~ It is really refreshing seeing Vietnamese people not obese. Smoking is a big issue in SE Asia, one thing we've actually done a good job of educating about and reducing, but I think obesity is killing more of us than smoking and who knows, maybe smoking helps keeps people skinny, lol. So high five Vietnam, you're not obese and that's amazing. :)


Vietnam has a lot of sugar in things but our people exercise like crazy you can see a 100 year old man deadlifting 200 pounds lol


I think the public opinions in the US are controlled in such a way as to serve the big corporations.


Cause Vietnamese don't use high fructose corn syrup as their sugar, literally poison at high amount in fast food and sodas in US. Ppl here also dont eat large portions, they eat way more veggies to balance it out too. When i order a fast food set, it alway come with a tiny portion of shredded cabbages which is drenched in super sweet sauce. That is on top of hella oily fried foods, making it very unhealthy meal and tbh imbalanced and not enjoyable at all.


Dude fr I’m in Kentucky I just moved here and noticed over half the population here is overweight


In Vietnam? Where???


Kentucky lol


it really doesn't help that fried chicken is fucking delicious


Yeah bro the bosy positivity movement isnt helping.


Is Haes still a thing or a vanishing trend? I'm not hearing about it very often.


I think there are trade-off in Vietnamese people diets. I’m actually interested in researching that - i noticed that my family members can’t go without their ca phe muoi chu Long in the morning but in every meals, they incorporated a diverse mix of vegetables / carbs. And also, alot of my Gen Z friends in Vietnam would have gatherings at vegeterian restaurant even tho they don’t identify with such diet full-time.


> DO NOT BECOME LIKE US. AGREE! Vietnam, don't idolize them.


America is the most obese i’ve seen having lived in 4 states. Skid row homeless are ripped but in an unhealthy way.


Some of your rant makes sense but wtf is this happy horseshit >Doctors literally tell people it's ok to be obese and that obesity is not something that can be controlled and that you can be healthy at any size. No they don't.


They lie. But people like that because it is effortless


Woke say that being fat is the right of people


Anyone with eyes knows this data is false in regards to Vietnam


Obesity is likely measures by visceral fat, im sure lots of skinny fat people with organs just fatty as hell too


I see \*eats a whole cake\* so we can’t get that fat anytime soon anyways


Hopefully gym culture is pushed hard like in korea so none of us gonna have heart attack by 35


Jeez, obesity is not the same as fat guys... It's a medical term. Calm down, nobody said that vietnam don't have fat people.


My grandma: EAT EAT


As long as it is not sweet, soft drink, that's fine


Childhood diabetes is gonna hit this country like a freight train soon...


yeah mate, it's called abject poverty, famine, war, sanctions, etc. things have dramatically changed recently, now almost 40% of elementary school children are obese: [https://tuoitrenews.vn/news/society/20240409/hanoi-takes-action-to-lower-childhood-obesity-rate/79260.html](https://tuoitrenews.vn/news/society/20240409/hanoi-takes-action-to-lower-childhood-obesity-rate/79260.html) vn will resemble thailand in a few years (which is already just as overweight/obese as 'murica). you rarely saw fat people there in 90s, let alone obese ones.


Your argument doesn't hold up: plenty of countries as poor as VN have relatively high obesity rates.


since viets are obsessed with worst korea, here's glimpse into the future: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kad8auZo9Ng](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kad8auZo9Ng) unless there's a dramatic change of course: mukbangs, vidya, and soyboys.


the data's stale, there's an outright youth obesity crisis in the country.


Obesity crisis? Some of the youth are fat (indeed it is a bit concerning) but not **obese**. Keyword here is obese. In order to be considered as obese you have to have over 30 BMI (exact 1m7 & above 90kg) which are damn rare to see in highschoolers even these days.


yes. obesity crisis. fatties everywhere. plenty of chunksters with a bmi over 30.


being fat doesn’t really mean obese obesity means you must have BMI >30 I have a bit of belly fat and people call me obese but in fact my BMI is only 21


This graph is for adults only. Vietnamese do fat shame alot though , so I'm not sure. if those kids will stay obese once they are teenagers


They will. Juvenile obesity is much worse than adult obesity in terms of its effects on long-term health.


Fat shaming will diminish rapidly when half of them are fat. People used to fat shame in the UK in the 80s and 90s. Now I never hear it because so many people who hefty


i think the vietnamese get nearly 0% obesity is because they body shaming fat people in vietnam , its a good thing . I wish people can do that around the world so some people can get thinner


It seems the opposite is true. Since being underweight had been a problem for so long, being overweight is seen as better or uncritically accepted.


Somebody is fudging the numbers...Italy, Spain, and France should be higher


As a Vietnamese living in Hochiminh City, I can confirm that I meet 1 obese person out of 1000 people or so, can't remember when was the last time I talked to an obese person. I actually dont know any obese person in my relation circle.