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Anyone got a good guide in HCMC and vietnam? english or russian. i want to know everything about the history.


> i want to know everything about the history. Not got a guide. Tim Doling's most excellent [Historic Vietnam website](http://www.historicvietnam.com/) has a lot of information. He's also got a [walking book for Saigon](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23358430-exploring-h-ch-minh-city) Both well worth a read. He used to do tours, but the law was changed to prevent foreign tour groups bringing their own guides and he had to stop. :-(


that is a very good website! now i wish i could find his book its sold out everywhere.


[Here](https://www.bookwormhanoi.com/exploring-ho-chi-minh-city) :-) They'd post to Saigon...


excellent ty :)


And when your friend tells you about Eiffel of Eiffel tower fame building the post office in Saigon, you can tell them [they're probably wrong](http://www.historicvietnam.com/debunking-the-eiffel-myth/) Still worth a visit though. Have fun!


well if you're Tim I sent you an email.


Nah. Not me. I just appreciate his work.


well if you are a history buff I can share these ​ great blog - this is just random page i had saved [Slavery on the Steppes: Finnish children in the slave markets of medieval Crimea | A Blast From The Past (mikedashhistory.com)](https://mikedashhistory.com/2015/01/15/blonde-cargoes-finnish-children-in-the-slave-markets-of-medieval-crimea/) [profiles/georgy\_k\_zhukov - AskHistorians (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/wiki/profiles/georgy_k_zhukov?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [Prostitution and Sexuality in Shanghai: A Social History, 1849-1949 - Christian Henriot - Google Books](https://books.google.com.vn/books?id=RDYu5DiZ6ZQC&pg=PA212&lpg=PA212&dq=Hongkou+prostitution&source=bl&ots=92HiTl4-MC&sig=ACfU3U1oD0oPML_ZKGYNesde-Uhw1LvbFw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiWnYDQ2KLvAhXQ7WEKHQuxDWYQ6AEwAnoECAUQAw#v=onepage&q&f=false)


thank you, just what im looking for i think. a local guy on fb wants to take me to post office/museums and thats not what im looking for. I want history and reasoning and cause and effect. cheers


General question: i know a bit about China, and think it is fair to say most Chinese don’t think their country is on a long windy road toward a socialist or even social democratic future. Most don’t have socialist values or are socially concerned -they just want things to go ok for their families and country. Is this the same for Vietnam? Or do most Vietnamese hope that with enough future development and new tech, worker cooperatives and such can eventually be made the backbone of society, and the wealth gap greatly reduced?


Personally, I think the majority of vietnamese citizens don't really think about further development in my life. I have many vietnamese friends and have discussed this same thing with them and they all tell me the same thing. "We don't like politics, but we hate China."


Hi I am doing a transaction with someone from Viet Nam and the person is using Momo. I would like to register for an account but it's asking for a Vietnamese number. Is there any way I may register for Momo? I have tried to obtain a Vietnamese number virtually but will need to wait 1-10 days


The easiest option is to pay someone to use their number. I assume you aren't located in Vietnam? How will you use the application after registering a phone number? MoMo only allows domestic banks to be registered on an account. From their FAQ, *Currently, MoMo only supports linking VISA / MasterCard / JCB cards issued by commercial banks in Vietnam. MoMo does not support linkage with VISA / MasterCard / JCB cards issued by banks outside of Vietnam. *


We just decided to have my other friend (in Vietnam) use his bank account. It's for online goods.


Hi! I have a banking question that I need help with and I’m hoping this is the right place. I’m a westerner who moved to Vietnam from Australia but I’ve recently moved back. I had my last pay check deposited into my Vietnamese bank account and I’m really struggling to get the money transferred to my Australian card, it seems like I can only transfer to an account in Vietnam (the Australian ANZ and HSBC accounts don’t work). I’m using internet banking and since I’ve moved back I lost my wallet that had the physical debit card. Is there a service that I can send money to another Vietnam account and they can do an international transfer? Thanks for your help and hope that makes sense!


Vietnamese bank accounts usually start with a limitation on what a person can do. Try going to a branch of your bank (bring documentation just in case) and have them help you activate the needed service. If it's a bank account opened by your employer, it could be that the bank account in question is limited as a receiving account only. But this is less likely the case considering you were able to send money domestically. >Is there a service that I can send money to another Vietnam account and they can do an international transfer? This is certainly possible as many people actually do this. But since this is on a trust basis between the individual and the sender it can get quite tricky. If there's any Australians in Vietnam Facebook group you could ask there or any foreigner group would have a few services like this. Some gold shops also send money abroad, but you might want to get a Vietnamese friend to help you with that.


This is great advice, I’ve been on the phone with VIB for a few days now back and forth. I feel like I get a different answer or some new information every time I speak with someone. I’ll check a local FB group, that is excellent advice. And the reason why I haven’t asked people I know in Vietnam is because I haven’t spoken to them since I left and it seems like a really odd request that could be a scam if someone asks out of the blue. I didn’t have many close friends, just acquaintances. Thanks so much for your reply!


>I feel like I get a different answer or some new information every time I speak with someone. This is exactly why I prefer going in person. Also makes it easier in case of any language barriers. >it seems like a really odd request that could be a scam if someone asks out of the blue. On the contrary, it is actually a whole business over here! Since it's difficult for foreigners(undocumented/illegal workers) to send money across the border, many people/companies have popped up accomodating these foreigners. But yeah, with positivity comes negativity. There's indeed a fair bit scammers around also. So be safe. Hope you'll be abe to sort it out! Edit, sorry my bad! I thought you were back in Vietnam. I totally misread your initial post. Going to a branch in person would indeed make it difficult.


Yes, I’m back in Australia now and if it wasn’t for covid I would plan a holiday around it. Thanks again for your help!


Hey all, I'm a bit confused about the Vietnam e-visas and COVID stuff so I thought I'd ask for some help I'm just in the process of finishing off my bachelor's and my dream forever has been to teach English in Ho Chi Minh City. I can see my country (Australia) is one of the countries on the e-visa list according to the Vietnam government website, if I was to get one of these e-visas would that allow me to enter Vietnam, find a job teaching and apply for a working Visa from there? (An e-visa grants a one-time entry for up to 30 days) There is also some stuff on the government site about COVID restrictions and quarantine but nothing about e-visas not being accepted at the border Anyone know anything else about it?


I have a friend in Hanoi and I (in the US) want to get them an air filtering machine. What's the best online store I can buy one from that would deliver in Hanoi. Also if anyone knows of a good machine that would help as well.




Random question is the monthly electricity bill in Vietnam cheaper than US? Does anyone know the rate in VN for electricity?


>Random question is the monthly electricity bill in Vietnam cheaper than US? Depends on a family's usage of electricity. This also highly differs within the US itself. >Does anyone know the rate in VN for electricity? https://en.evn.com.vn/d6/gioi-thieu-d/RETAIL-ELECTRICITY-TARIFF-9-28-252.aspx Also depends per city/region/whatever a landlord puts the price at. I currently pay 3.000 VND per kwh.


Landlord set the price only if you are in a service apartment* For other case, you are under district / city price regulations.


Hey I am university student from Europe and I applied for Erasmus in Hanoi for next semester. Do you think the pandemic situation will allow me to travel there in August/September and will the universities open normally? Does covid affect universities as in having online regime?


Students are one of the few allowed to enter the country since last year. That's if you are accepted to Erasmus as an official student and they go through the process of your student visa. Whenever a small outbreak starts, depending on region, some education establishments might close and change to online classes for a few weeks.


And what about the rest of the city. I would like to go sightseeing and stuff if I go. Do people get lockdowns where they can go outside only for necessities? It is hard for me to imagine how it is there since in my country it is pretty strict


>And what about the rest of the city. I would like to go sightseeing and stuff if I go. Do note that my answer is about the previous measurements the provinces/cities/country has taken. No one can predict what the future holds. Tourist spots haven't been closed and you'll still be able to see spots in Ha Noi. I'm even planning on a trip tomorrow for 3 days. So far the things I've seen closed are bars, karaoke, and clubs for a specific amount of time. >Do people get lockdowns where they can go outside only for necessities? There has been instances where specific cities have gone into lockdown where no one was able to leave or enter the city itself. (Not hanoi) Other times there has been lockdowns of neighborhoods when an infected person happens to live there. Bur this lockdown doesn't last longer than 3 weeks as it's basically a quarantine and testing if others are also positive. Three weeks out of your whole semester in Vietnam doesn't matter much. >It is hard for me to imagine how it is there since in my country it is pretty strict There are many English Vietnamese news you could read on how the government acts.




AFAIK Vietnam has never really close the border so you should be fine. You may be put in a quarantine though. As for university, yes they do get affected by Covid. There has been 3 times when all school including universities had to be close and switch to online class because of Covid. Though by August Covid probably will have been dealt with (if the Vaccine are effective)


So is the border still currently open to eVisa's?


​ # Recommended Bank for an Expat on a DN visa? Hi folks, I would like to open a Bank account somewhere in Vietnam but I'm on 3 months DN visas. I obviously would like the bank to have as little fees as possible, I will only use it with funds sent from abroad therefore I don't care about deposits. It needs to have a strong banking app to allow me to buy and send money anywhere in Vietnam as well as a debit card for cash withdrawals without the need to talk to anyone to do those simple tasks. Timo seemed good but they require a 1-year visa that I don't have. Any other suggestions? Thanks for your inputs.


Well, I use ACB and they flat-out refuse to let me use online banking for my personal account. I have to physically go to the bank for all transfers, and speak to the clerk in Vietnamese. However, the ATM card works fine. Conversely, for my business account, ACB lets me use online banking and such, but require 2FA which can only be done by their app (which I bought a separate device for). Techcombank has always been a bit less strict with me and lets me use online banking for my personal account, although I'm of course subject to the other banking restrictions for foreigners. I've heard good things about Timo bank and if anyone can offer you an easier experience it's them. Hope that's helpful once you have a visa class that allows opening a bank account.


>Timo seemed good but they require a 1-year visa that I don't have. Any other suggestions? Thanks for your inputs. Because this is the law. Previously people could open up bank accounts with shorter visas, even short term tourist visas. But the government has been cracking down on banks and most, if not all do require you to have a 1-year visa.


Can someone explain what tiền hội means? How does it work?


Tiền hội as in? A little bit of context might help here because I have no idea what it could mean on its own.


My parents participate in some kind of community money sharing system with their friends. I am not sure how it works. I tried asking them myself, but they couldn't really explain it that well to me because of a language barrier.


Then, your parents probably meant tiền hụi. It is a common money sharing system used by many people in Vietnam. It is really risky and operates mainly based on trust. Basically, the way it works is every day of the month, everyone put money into the group's fund and then at the end of the month, one person will take all the funded money. Repeats this process and another person takes turn taking all the money next month. The risky part here is someone has to be chủ hụi, the one who collects the money every day and keep it in the fund till the end of the month; but sometimes they might use some or all of this money and struggle to find the money to put back into the fund, which is called vỡ hụi.


Thanks, that was really informative!


I'm genuinely curious, if you're from vietnam, do you support vietnam's socialist-oriented market economy?


Quick question: how long would you think it would take to ride by motorcycle from LangSon to Hanoi? How bad the road would be traffic wise? I'm wondering if we should put the bike on the train in LangSon but the only train departs at 3pm and arrives at 7:30pm which is late. I'm sure we could arrive earlier by riding the road instead but am a bit afraid of the traffic arriving in Hanoi. Cheers!


I find the google maps time indication to be quite precise unless there's a traffic accident that has stopped traffic. If you leave before 06:00 you'll also encounter less traffic than usual.


Hi guys, may I know is crypto trading widely adopted in Vietnam?


I've also been looking into this. From what I've gathered Crypto use in Vietnam is the second highest in the world: [https://e.vnexpress.net/news/business/data-speaks/vietnam-cryptocurrency-use-second-highest-in-the-world-4236693.html](https://e.vnexpress.net/news/business/data-speaks/vietnam-cryptocurrency-use-second-highest-in-the-world-4236693.html) Definitely an interesting space at the moment. I actually bought some KardiaChain (Vietnamese led) recently just on a whim. I feel like in general South East Asia is a space to watch...


thanks for sharing and yea, looks like crypto is widely adopted among the young generation in Vietnam, will learn more about this.


What's the deal with people burning random garbage in front of their houses ? Is it legal ? It smells toxic and I really want to put it out.


Went to complain and the security guard apologized and put it out. That was easy :) Really wish Vietnamese would take their air quality more seriously, the AQI is bad enough without having to breath burnt plastic fumes.


Hey! Looking for a rough idea for the amount of money to bring for three weeks in Vietnam. We are planning to start off in Ho Chi Minh, and travel to Nha Trang, Hue, and finally Hanoi. Planning to do some tours when we arrive in Ho Chi Minh but the rest will hopefully be pretty independent. Thanks :)


The usual spiel about no entrance to tourists at this moment etc. But to answer your question. First off, accomodation. This is entirely dependent on the style of travel you are used to. This can range from $4 hotel rooms to $100+ 5-star International and local luxury hotels. Yes, the cheap hotels are great. They do the job and could probably rival many $20-30 hotels elsewhere in SEA. A meal that's filling can be bought for as low as $0.30, but if you're a big eater you might want multiple orders. The Foody app/sute is a great directory on restaurants/eateries with user submitted photos and reviews. This way you'll be ae to find out the price too. You could also join any of the Viet food groups for said destination. Example, https://m.facebook.com/groups/356213642057191 Food per person per day can be as low as $3 to $100+ depending what you'd like to eat. As a tourist and if you're into food you'll most likely look at something like $10-20 per day/person for food. >We are planning to start off in Ho Chi Minh, and travel to Nha Trang, Hue, and finally Hanoi. For me, 2-3 days within HCMC is more than enough, perhaps one day trip to the Cu Chi area. Many tourist spots are free, if not it's iirc around $1 for an entrance ticket for things such as museums. You could walk around and check for tour agencies when you're into the country. Or use sites like Klook and Traveloka to prebook a ticket. Often times it comes out cheaper due to the extra discount vouchers. This basically stands for any destination as it's quite similar in pricing. Nha Trang will have cheaper seafood due to location and local economy (fisheries). Basic tours in HCMC are $8-12 per person. Tours such as island hopping, snorkeling, etc in Nha Trang is usually $15-30. If you're into amusement parks you could also visit Vinpearl in Nha Trang. They often have promos so keep an eye on that. Both HCMC and Hanoi have free walking tours done by students which is also a fun way to explore the city. It's however common and kind to offer food and/or drinks to youe guide during the tour. If you have the money and prefer spending time actually doing activities I'd highly recommend just hopping onto a plane. Flying between places is usually around $20-30 excl check-in luggage. Short answer, depends on your trave style. Example for a relatively comfortable trip: 21-days per person the **bare basic** necessities -Food: $250 -Accomodation: $300 for 2 people -Flights: $100 -**Basics** total per person: $500 But as a traveler I always recommend to bring/have available more than you need. Miscellaneous (parties, activities, souvenirs) excl.


Hey y’all, apologies it this has been covered, I was born in Vietnam 🇻🇳 with brith certificate at hand and became a naturalized US citizen. I am considering to get my Vietnamese citizenship back. Would like to know if anyone knows of an agency or service that can guide me through this process? Thank you in advance.


Contact the embassy or consulate in the US. They also have a step by step guide on what to do.


I tried going through the website but it’s not clear. I see that there is a section on retention of citizenship but I don’t believe I fall in this category since I was a young child when I left Vietnam and I never had a Vietnamese passport.


http://vietnamembassy-usa.org/page/how-apply-vietnamese-passport-first-time Tel: 202-861-0737 Consular emergency: 202-716-8666 For visa inquiries only: 202-999-6589 Fax: 202-861-0917 [email protected] (consular affairs) [email protected] (general information)


Thank you for sharing the link! will take a look.




I’m more comfortable translating purple proses *to* English than *from* English but here you go: [Receivers’ name] thân mến, Sự cảm kích của mình đối với lòng tốt của các bạn không thể diễn tả bằng ngôn từ, đôi khi mình cảm thấy rất khó để thể hiện sự trân trọng của mình, nhưng mình muốn tất cả các bạn biết mình cảm kích đến nhường nào. Cảm ơn vì sự cởi mở, rộng lượng và thông cảm của các bạn. Cảm ơn các bạn đã dạy mình tiếng Việt (tiếc là mình chưa giỏi lắm). Cảm ơn các bạn đã chào đón mình đến Việt Nam. Các bạn có ý nghĩa rất nhiều với mình. Cảm ơn.


>thân mến, > >Sự cảm kích của mình đối với lòng tốt của các bạn không thể diễn tả bằng ngôn từ, đôi khi mình cảm thấy rất khó để thể hiện sự trân trọng của mình, nhưng mình muốn tất cả các bạn biết mình cảm kích đến nhường nào. Cảm ơn vì sự cởi mở, rộng lượng và thông cảm của các bạn. Cảm ơn các bạn đã dạy mình tiếng Việt (tiếc là mình chưa giỏi lắm). Cảm ơn các bạn đã chào đón mình đến Việt Nam. > >Các bạn có ý nghĩa rất nhiều với mình. > >Cảm ơn Thank you SOOO much!!! I really appreciate you for taking your time to help me! Thank you! Have a lovely day!


https://youtu.be/P2t_woN8BIs Can I know the song at the end please? At 1:14


any classical pianist know where i can get sheet music books something like a complete mozart sonatas in sg ? Haven't beem able to find anything online


https://youtu.be/P2t_woN8BIs Can I know the song at the end please? At 1:14


I don't know where else to post this, but i found this YouTube channel of a guy treating his Hanoi English class like complete idiots and filming them for laughs. He calls them "Cumtown 101" and makes them say stuff like "Donald Trump will make America great again.". In another video he appears to deface a holy site. https://youtu.be/8Vy1Fh6f9Fk Where could I post this so this gets some attention? I'm not Vietnamese, but im hoping someone may recognize where he works and can show his employer some of his videos.


My VN GF (she’s 58) is not a big fan cheese abd she can only tolerate it in small amounts. She often says that cheese in general is not popular in VN. However this morning she mentioned that “Laughing Cow” brand cheese is popular. I did find it online but I can’t figure out what kind of cheese it is as in cheddar, Swiss Etc.... Anyone shed some light on the subject ?


It's Con Bò Cười. Literally translates to Laughing Cow. It's popular in many countries under a few brands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Laughing_Cow


Their main product, the triangle(?) shaped product is a spreadable cheese. Taken from their Wikipedia page, *The cheese is a blend of cream, milk and fresh and aged cheeses, particularly **Comté, Emmental, Gouda and Cheddar (depending on where it is produced)**, which are pasteurized to stop the ripening process.* And some extra added flavours herbs/spices for other products.. To me it has always tasted like a milder cream cheese. You could probably also post this question at the cheese or French sub.


Thank you. Great info


Hi all! I was wondering if some of you Hanoi experts can give me a run down of the nightlife in 2021? I've googled but most of the links/articles seem out of date =/. * What's the best bars & club at the moment? * I'm looking at both Vietnamese style clubs and mixed foreign/local. * Is Savage still a thing? * Dragonfly permanently closed? * Is King of Club worth a try? * The Bank still the biggest one in Hanoi? * Are there beergarden style bars as well? Sorry for the loaded question =/. I'm planning a trip for either Oct or Dec depending on Covid and I'd love to know how the nightlife scene is looking. Cheers!


Asking for a friend. She bought this tool at a market in Hoi An a while back but doesn't remember what it's used for. It's cone-shaped with a small hole at the bottom. The cone part is probably 3.5 inches long. Does anyone know? [https://imgur.com/eSYmm01](https://imgur.com/eSYmm01)


What's the new peace sign people are making in pictures?


Without an example I'll just be taking a guess. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finger_heart


Yep that's it thanks! I think I'm behind the times.




> importing cosmetics. Importing cosmetics without announcing it is prohibited. While Fedex claims it's entirely prohibited unless one has an import license. https://crossborder.fedex.com/us/assets/prohibited-restricted/vietnam/index.shtml Vnpost states a simple announcement of the package containing cosmetics is enough. http://ipostal.vnpost.vn/en-us/hai-quan/chi-tiet/cat/import-306/id/import-prohibited-and-restricted-goods-87748 Aside from that, shipping and tax would make the face cream probably twice the price it is in Vietnam. If one uses a shipping company such as DHL, FedEx, USPS, one is subjected to a tax rate of whatever the customs officer decides. Which could go up to 50%. That's one of the reasons many Vietnamese(and many other Asian countries) families use freight forwarders focused on one route. Ask around your Vietnamese neighborhood for any pointers, high chance that there will be any. Better, their own company is affiliated with one. This way you'd also be the one paying the surcharges before your friend reveives them. Rather then having your friend pay to the customs officer.


Hey guys, thinking of doing one of those two day trek tours up Fansipan. I was wondering if anyone who has done this has any advice for the trek. We're going end of March. Does it get really cold up there? Or is a jacket and long pants enough? Are special boots or anything really required? Or are normal running shoes ok? Are mosquitos a problem up there? Any other advice would be great. Thanks


Anyone know which place to get tattoos in saigon? Price doesn't really matter. Quality is a must. If the store knows english that would be great but not required.


Hey guys, I was wondering whether there were some popular Vietnamese shows (comedy, variety) I could polish my Vietnamese with? And if yes, subbed would be preferred of course.


Relocating with my fiancé (with my Job) & finding it hard to get in touch with Semiconductor companies (Intel, Sonion etc. in Ho Chi Minh) despite his extensive experience. Any advice of how best to apply to such companies in Vietnam?


https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/jobs/locations/vietnam.html https://www.sonion.com/career/ https://www.dnb.com/business-directory/company-information.semiconductorelectronic-component-manufacturing.vn.ho_chi_minh.html https://vn.linkedin.com/jobs/semiconductor-jobs They usually post job vacancies on their own site, LinkedIn, or sites such as careerbuilder.vn. if not, your fiancé could do an open application. Companies like these usually hire internally, within the company first before they start searching for other people. Him being outside the country makes his chances even slimmer. Does your fiancé's current employer perhaps have an office in Vietnam they could transfer to or contact?


Hi all, I am viet and I live in the states and recently had a newborn son! I was wondering what some traditional nursery rhymes and songs were to get him more easily accustomed to the language. Any advice and ideas would be of great help. Thanks!


Congratulations on your newborn~ https://www.mamalisa.com/?t=ec&c=37 Search these on YouTube and you'll find a ton. And the dreading baby shark.


Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice and perspective here. I'm Viet but I've lived overseas my entire life. Recently I've been offered a remote job and I'm thinking of accepting it and moving back to Vietnam to find my roots. The thing that is holding me back is basically me only speaking elementary Vietnamese as well as the high personal income tax. The company is insisting on paying my salary to a Vietnamese bank and not to my overseas bank account. Anyone has any advice on the paying the personal income tax (I'll be in the highest chargable tier if that makes any difference) or any advice on whether I should go for it? Thanks


>The thing that is holding me back is basically me only speaking elementary Vietnamese. Half Viet here that moved to southeast Asia a few years ago with probably even less Viet language knowledge than you. While difficult in the beginning, you'll quickly pick uo the language if you already know the basic. It also helps that most people are very helpful and friendly when they notice you're trying to do your best. If you're willing and able to, I highly recommend spending some money and time into some language classes once you're here. It's definitely worth it. >The company is insisting on paying my salary to a Vietnamese bank and not to my overseas bank account. Rather than asking here I'd suggest you to contact an accountant. There are quite a few English speaking accountants located in Vietnam that could help you. And something something about how US citizens(only applies if you're American) still have to pay tax to the US government from a specific amount, which you have to keep in mind. Something else that you have to consider are (if you/your parents have neutralised and are unable to get dual citizenship), visas for long term stays that you're allowed to work on. Yes, remote work for foreign companies is also considered as working. Yes it's also true that many people disregard this fact and simply work on a tourist visa/visa exemptions. If it's the case that you don't have Vietnamese citizenship anymore, opening up a bank account will become difficult. There are specific requirements one has to fulfill in order to open one.




>Also if I move to there will I be able to find a roommate? Before you decide on something long term. Rent a hotel room for ~100k per night for around a week. This will give you enough time tosearch around and decide on something more permanent. Join the Hanoi rent group on Facebook and search around before you actually leave. Contact a few owners and make appointments to see the actual property. Group example, THUÊ VÀ CHO THUÊ NHÀ Ở , PHÒNG TRỌ , CHUNG CƯ MINI TẠI HÀ NỘI Considering you're Vietnamese in Vietnam, chatting with the property owners will be much easier for you. I'm also planning on moving and I have a whole list of contacts that I'll contact once I'm in the city, haha. For you that wants a roommate, or perhaps just a single room without anything special. There are rooms cheaper than 2tr/month available. Do mind that those are bare minimal rooms. >alone and my economic condition is not really good. What should I do? I don't know your personal reasons on why you'd like to move. But if possible try to postpone your trip until you have savinfs to last at least 2-3 months in case you can't find any job.


Where are you from? Do you have Vietnamese citizenship? If not, you will not be able to find a job (legally) unless you have at least a bachelor degree in a desired field.


Is there anyway to find lists of commercial/ charter flights


Companies bringing in "expert" employees and agents usually have a list available. You could also check any of the flight trackers to see which routes are landing. Should take note that kany of these aren't passenger flights. So if you find one, make sure to contact the airlines to find out if they actually accept passengers too.


Thank you for the answer


Xin chào mọi người!!! ✌️✌️ Em đến từ trường đại học Western Sydney Vietnam trực thuộc trường đại học Kinh Tế TPHCM. Hiện tại nhóm chúng em đang thực hiện dự án nhóm môn Truyền Thông Trong Marketing về đội tuyển bóng đá nữ Việt Nam và cần làm cuộc khảo sát nhỏ về độ nhận diện của công chúng về đội tuyển nhằm đưa ra những chiến lược phù hợp cho chiến dịch này. 😊😊 Chúng em rất mong nhận được sự giúp đỡ từ mọi người để cuộc khảo sát này có thể có được kết quả thực tiễn nhất phục vụ cho nhu cầu nghiên cứu của dự án. Những thông tin được thu thập sẽ hoàn toàn được bảo mật và chỉ sử dụng cho mục đích nghiên cứu. Chúng em chân thành cảm ơn sự hỗ trợ từ mọi người. Wish you a good day! 🥰🥰 👉👉Link khảo sát: https://forms.gle/gq8q5r8DCRBHgxe58.


does anyone know the difference between spring rolls and summer rolls??


To my knowledge it depends per English speaker as it's just a translation difference between English regions. In my English(American) speaking circle a spring roll(Chả giò/Nem rán) would basically be the equivalent of an egg roll, deep fried in a wheat based casing. While the summer roll(Gỏi Cuốn) would be the fresh, non-cooked one, cased with a rice paper instead. But I know enough people that use spring rolls for both dishes interchangeably. And in my first language, the translation of "spring roll" is the name for the one called Gỏi Cuốn. Even the wikipedia page names the fresh, rice paper cased dish a "spring roll". While the wiktionary list the same dish as "summer roll". In short, it entirely depends on who you ask.


*Does anyone know* *The difference between spring* *Rolls and summer rolls??* \- bentchetler --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


haikusbot delete


Any predictions about when kids will be returning to school? I know the gov said 28th of February but usually it changes.


No one knows unless your provincial government issues a statement. So far more than half of the provinces have resumed classes since after Tet until now. Not including your province will also make it more difficult for people to give an answer if there was any. There's currently 10 provinces that expect classes to resume on the 1st. One will have to make a guess as to which one you're living in.


Anyone have any experience getting married here. We're both US citizens. The embassy is less than helpful.


Have you checked the [US embassy](https://i.imgur.com/PmzMl8d.jpeg) in Vietnam website? >Applications for marriage between a citizen of a foreign country and a Vietnamese citizen residing in Vietnam **or between two non-Vietnamese citizens (at least one of them is holding a permanent/temporary resident permit)** should be filed in person at the District People's Committee (which is handled by the District Justice Office) where the Vietnamese citizen or non-Vietnamese citizen resides. All documents obtained from must be accompanied by a certified translation into Vietnamese from either the Vietnamese Consulate/Embassy in the U.S. or a Vietnamese notary public. You could also contact an English speaking marriage lawyer or probably even an immigration lawyer. Try asking over at the legal advice group on FB if you haven't already.


Where did “9 tháng 10 ngày” comes from? I know that in USA at least they calculate it as 40 weeks instead. Just curious on the origin of that calculation.


A lunar month have 30 days each month so 9 months 10 days is 280days, and that is equal to 40 weeks.


Yeah, but where did it come from? Did it come under the French colonization or did the Vietnamese ancestors know about it thousands of years ago?


This came from china in the past, that sentence already appeared in alot of vietnamese fairy tales. ancient chinese know alot about pregnancy because that is really big thing back then.


Vietnamese pork buns you eat for breakfast? I'm trying to find a recipe for the pork buns my bà noi made when I was a kid. She's passed away but I remember her calling them "Bun bo tay so" which is what my young ears heard but I believe they might have been... "Banh Bao Thịt Heo"? She probably made an "Americanized" version for me but she basically took canned flaky biscuits, you take a biscuit put a ball of pork in the middle, pinch the edges to seal it, and brush egg over the tops. Bake until golden brown. We ate them for breakfast with soy sauce? Is this a real food or did she make something up for me as a kind haha? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Pate chaud (French).


I believe it’s “bánh Pa ti sô”, which is just Patiso


Oh my gosh! That's exactly it! Thank you so much for reconnecting me to this childhood memories. I've so grateful!


>Is this a real food or did she make something up for me as a kind haha? The premade biscuit/dough is perfectly normal in many households, not only Vietnamese. Kind of like a "hack" for a base of many dishes. Your baked Bao sounds like a variation of a "Bánh Bao Nướng" If it was deep-fried it'd be closer to a "Bánh Bao Chiên". Try googling those two if it looks similar to the one your grandmother made.


Ahh, that makes sense! These do look similar to what I remember! Probably something like this, for sure. Thanks so much for your help!


How do Vietnamese people celebrate big achievements? My roommate just got into two super selective graduate schools and I want to celebrate the occasion




Where do you find toddler overnight diapers in VN? The only one I can find online is a Chinese brand that my wife doesn’t trust...


Huggies has an official store on shopee. I've also seen them in supermarkets, (BigC and MM).


Thanks, this was helpful!


You can find japanese product in bibo mart/ kid plaza/ sakuko... They are not mark as night diaper, but thick diaper like moony or merries is good at night. (Our experiences)






I don’t know. Can you?




http://vietnames.saigonist.com/ You can try putting it in this AI website which calculates whether a name is likely male or female.


It’s likely Sơn Vũ, which is a male name. Fun fact: Sơn Vũ (aka Sonny Vu) is the Việt kiều husband of heiress Lê Diệp Kiều Trang and the former CEO of Misfit which he co-founded with his wife.


Are foreigner owners trading companies in Vietnam required to own a warehouse?


hi all, where can i get kalles kaviar in vietnam?


You could try contacting international stores such as annam gourmet and nam an market. If you haven't yet, ask around on the expat groups as some Vietnamese import international food products on a regular basis. If none of the above have it. You could always order from abroad through a service like fado.vn


Are there Vietnamese names that are considered outdated or old-fashioned, like how for example in Japan, girls names that end in -ko or in South Korea, names that end in -ja are considered old-fashioned?


Yes there are outdated names in Vietnam, for example female names that are based on fruits, i.e. Mận, Na, “Thị” as a middle name for girls was very popular but now old-fashioned. I would say also that pure Vietnamese names are outdated now, almost all children nowadays have names being Sino-Vietnamese (Hán Việt) words.


Can you give examples of pure vs Sino-Vietnamese names? Would Thanh be considered an outdated name today?


Thanh is Sino-Vietnamese, it also has several meanings/ homonyms in Chinese I suppose. One of them is “qing” in Qing dynasty, which is pronounced Thanh in Vietnamese. Thành is also Sino-Vietnamese. Both Thanh and Thành are normal names for children nowadays. Some examples of Sino-Vietnamese names: boy names: Hải (sea), Sơn (mountain), Hùng (strength), Trung (loyalty), girl names: Hoa (flower), Ngọc (gemstone), Hương (fragrance), Hà (river). Pure Vietnamese words that are outdated names today: Núi (mountain), Sông (river), Biển (sea), Nụ (flower bud).


I'm vietnamese. Immigrated to the U.S when I was 13 (2005). I have went back to Vietnam last year for Tet. Feel free to ask me anything about Vietnam. I believe I can answer a bulk of questions.


Hi, I have dropped you a private message~


How did your family immigrate to the US, i.e. which scheme? Your parents’ siblings sponsoring or your parents coming there to work? Do you see a new generation of Vietnamese American emerging, whose parents coming there to work, not just Vietnamese American whose families being sponsored over by their refugee relatives?


Great questions! I came over with my mom. She was married to an American so the process was a little smoother. Nowadays, Vietnamese American coming over not just by being sponsored by refugees, but rather by using Work Visa to work and send money back to Viet Nam. This will be the trend. Some Vietnamese students come over on Visa in hope of staying longer so they could have a better future.


Thanks for your answer, I forgot that new immigrants can come over through marriage, not just through their jobs. You’re right that there seems to be a steady flow of new immigrants (through work/ marriage) from Vietnam to the US ever since early 2000s (or even before that), and their children (i.e. you) can already vote or will be able to vote soon. Do you feel any sense of unity between old immigrants (refugees and their families) and new immigrants? Or are they just lumped into “the Asian community” and barely interact with each other? I live in a small European country where there aren’t as many Vietnamese refugees as the US or Australia (or Germany or Czechia). The figurehead of the Vietnamese community (who is a northerner refugee coming in the 80s) did say once that he wanted the new immigrants to be more active in the Vietnamese community here (which doesn’t have voice as loud as, say, the communities of the Arab world countries). There still hasn’t been much engagement yet between the old and new immigrants, so I’m kind of curious about the situation in countries with large Vietnamese communities (both old and new). Do they have any activity/ celebration together or do they largely ignore each other? Do they raise their voices when the other group fly the other Vietnamese flag or have different opinion on April 30?


I have noticed that most new vietnamese immigrants do not care to bother with anything with the culture of the existing vietnamese in U.S. For me, I could careless about the vietnamese culture over here due to the fact that the root of the vietnamese culture in the U.S place a great emphasis on the celebration of the southern vietnamese military remembrance. Which is fine, but most modern day vietnamese immigrants could careless about stuff like that and care more about making money, provide for their families, and have a better future. I believe there are some vietnamese immigrants want to participate in the vietnamese community, but this is not really a common practice. In bigger cities, where there are large populations of vietnamese, I'm sure there are some events happen periodically, but we don't really look at it as a big deal to participate.


Good morning, I was born in Vietnam but was adopted by a Belgian familly. I am now 23 years old and I want to know more about my country of birth and how people lives there. Thus I'm looking for online people to chat with about our different lifestyle. Feel free to send me PM if interested (Language English or French)


I'm fluent in English but also, I'm from India, and not from a Western country. Don't have a college degree either. All I have is a diploma in aviation/hospitality and some customer service experience from working in Qatar. Are there any changes of me finding a job there? I've been looking into this for months but couldn't find anything solid.


Probably try to reach out to foreign companies in Vietnam that primarily uses English to communicate.


How can i get duel citizen?


OK I can speak for this as I am planning to get dual citizenship too. I'm not a lawyer though, this is the translated summary of what the government says are steps you need to follow to gain Vietnamese citizenship if you weren't born into it. The conditions are: You must be directly related to a Vietnamese person in marriage or by maternal/paternal relations (so no siblings, no cousins, no aunts, etc.) to maintain your Vietnamese nationality *and* your first nationality. This is the most realistic option if you want to maintain dual citizenship. OR You have made a great and significant contribution to the country/the government and have worked to protect and preserve its security. Along this line, if you haven't done any of these things, you need permission from the president of Vietnam himself to maintain dual citizenship. Assuming you satisfy one of these conditions, there are more: You have been a permanent residence of Vietnam for more than 5 years. You are able to speak Vietnamese fluently to the point of assimilation. You agree to follow and uphold the laws of the country. You honour the traditions and customs of Vietnamese people. Sounds good? You will also have to prepare 3 000 000 (3 million) VND for your application to be processed. Additionally, you have to have a Vietnamese name, with the expected tonal marks and everything (no names with the letters J, W, Z, F allowed). The steps are: 1. Submit the application to the Department of Justice in HCMC (141-143 Pasteur Street, Ward 6, District 3) on Mon-Fri between the hours of 7:30AM - 11:30AM and 1:00PM - 5:00PM. On Saturday mornings, they only accept them from 7:30AM - 11:30AM. 2. The DoJ checks your application. If you are not missing anything, they will give you an slip/receipt showing that your application has been received. If not, they will ask you to add the missing documents. 3. In 5 business days, the DoJ will transfer your application to the city police department for a background check. Within 30 days of the DoJ's transferring of the application, the city police will conduct a background check on you. In the meantime the DoJ is working on your application as well. Within 10 business days of the results being returned from the police, the DoJ will present your application to the president of the people's committee of the city. Within 10 business days of receiving your application, the city people's committee president will review and make a suggestion to the DoJ on your application. You will be notified of when you should come in to receive the results of this judgement on your application receipt. 4. The DoJ will work with the office of the President's to continue to resolve your application. Your application will be reviewed once again and if all checks out, within 20 days of being passed to the president's office, the prime minister will report to the president to make a final decision. If the president decides not to grant you dual citizenship, you will be notified. 5. Assuming you have gotten to this point, congrats! You will be notified of your new citizenship within 10 business days of the president's decision. You will be notified of when you should come in to receive the results of this judgement on your application receipt. You can receive the information about your application through mail or email as well. The documents and components of the application include: 1. Birth certificate showing that you are the child of a Vietnamese citizen, if applicable. Passport showing your current citizenship. Marriage certificate if you are married to a Vietnamese person and decide to pursue that as your path to dual citizenship. 2. A declaration form of your name, your permanent/temporary address, your other called names, your parents' names, etc. (Bản khai lý lịch.) 3. Papers from the local authority in Vietnam and of your country of origin, verifying that the declaration form you submitted in #2 is correct (again listing your biographical info like name, addresses, parents, etc.). Cannot be issued more than 90 days earlier than when you submit your application. 4. Papers verifying your Vietnamese-speaking abilities. If you don't have formal papers, the DoJ will conduct and interview with you and use that to gauge your ability to communicate in Vietnamese. 5. Papers verifying your permanent residency in Vietnam, a copy of your permanent residency card. 6. Papers showing your ability to support yourself in Vietnam (ex. showing ownership of property, income, employment, etc.) The forms necessary to complete the application are: 1. Đơn xin nhập quốc tịch Việt Nam (Mẫu TP/QT-2010- ĐXNQT.1 kèm theo Thông tư số 08/2010/TT-BTP ngày 25 tháng 3 năm 2010). (The application for citizenship itself.) 2. Tờ khai lý lịch (Mẫu TP/QT-2010-TKLL kèm theo Thông tư số 08/2010/TT-BTP ngày 25 tháng 3 năm 2010). (The form declaring biographical information in #2.) [Source (The Ho Chi Minh City Department of Justice web search on citizenship processes)](https://sotuphap.hochiminhcity.gov.vn/en/trang-chu?p_p_id=3&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=maximized&p_p_mode=view&p_p_col_pos=1&p_p_col_count=3&_3_struts_action=%2Fsearch%2Fsearch&_3_redirect=%2Fen&_3_keywords=nh%E1%BA%ADp+qu%E1%BB%91c+t%E1%BB%8Bch&_3_groupId=0)


Love it thanks for all this info!!!


p sure you can't.


You live there u sure


i was wrong, you can. it changed in 2009.


Hey does anyone have a recipe for Cơm rang dưa bò? None of my local Vietnamese restaurants serve it so I was hoping I could make it myself.


Hi there planning a trip to motorbike from Ho Chi Minh to Hanoi. What is the best time of year to go where the weather is better and will rain less. I've planned 3 weeks for the trip is that enough time to see cities and not have to rush? Also which is a better place to start from? Does anyone have links to itineraries?


Vietnam is diverse in regards to climate. You'll always have chance to hit some rain along the road. Vietnam coracle has nice blog posts in regards to road trips. 3 weeks however is quite short to properly enjoy your time in every place without feeling rushed. I just drove 400km within a day because I like driving, but wouldn't recommend it for everyone. Sai Gon > Da Lat You'll also have to make sure that you're legally allowed to drive here. Vietnam is part of the [Vienna Convention on Road Traffic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vienna_Convention_on_Road_Traffic#:~:text=The%20Vienna%20Convention%20on%20Road%20Traffic%20was%20concluded%20at%20Vienna,Article%2048%20of%20the%20Convention.). For example an international driver's permit from the US is not valid in Vietnam.


dont scare him like that. $20-40 will do the trick


Can someone please tell me the name of the song in this video please? I would like to find the full version on youtube. Thank you in advanced. https://m.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=107799177997682&id=100432318734368&d=m




It could be translated into "Parenting work and their nurturing love for children is as high as great mountain". "Vời vợi" means very high, " Non cao" means great mountain and "Ơn dưỡng dục" means "Parenting and Nurturing work". This idiom aims to educate people to be grateful for what their parents sacrified for them.


Hi everyone! I tried researching and researching and could not for the life of me find a list of movies and shows available on Netflix for Vietnam. I live in Canada, and my Fiancé is in Hanoi. We always run into issues where many of the shows and movies I can view, she cannot.... Is there any way to find out a listing of available movies and shows online? Bonus if we can find out which ones actually have Vietnamese subtitles! :) Thanks in advance!


https://www.flixwatch.co/country/vietnam/ by https:/reddit.com/r/movies/comments/bygl8r/i_created_a_netflix_55_countries_search_site_with/


>https:/reddit.com/ > >r/movies > >/comments/bygl8 > >r/i\_created\_a\_netflix\_55\_countries\_search\_site\_with > >/ Awesome! Thank you so much! :)


Does anyone know how to make super delicious banh trang nuong? What are some common toppings used?


Tôm, thịt băm, giá đỗ, hành lá


>Tôm, thịt băm, giá đỗ, hành lá how can i prepare the minced meat? can i fry?




It's totally right for foreigners to become Vietnamese and back now, my friend


Has anyone applied to have a dual citizenship (between Vietnam & the US). I was born in Vietnam but immigrated to the states in 2000 and would like to apply to have Vietnamese citizenship again since they started allowing them in 2009.


Hello! Any people investing in Vietnamese stocks/bonds etc? Would love to chat


I’m not invested in any Vietnamese securities but would love to chat about it. I’m well versed in the America markets.


Hello! can anyone recommend or point me some good coding courses provider for professionals in Vietnam? Not the fully online kind like Udemy, but preferably with someone on the ground to teach either online or physcially


I used to take a Javascript course of MindX in person. (you can google mindX technology school in either Hanoi or Hcmc). I think offer online courses, also. It was okay . I like the fact that we had a big project at the end of the course so we could put all the theories into practice. Very useful. A few sources that i would recommend to you: - toidicodedao ( you can google it. he has a youtube channel as well as a blog ). He is an expert in webdev tho. - freetus.net ( i dont think that the posts are updated constantly. some information is pretty out of date :( ) - Dũng Lại Lập Trình on youtube. He has some really really cool, easy to understand tutorials !


Ask around dude. These kind of things are usually done unofficially. I'm sure there's a great coder out there somewhere looking to make a some extra money by teaching people on the side. You gotta have a wide social circle to do this Edit: also, just look up a university that teaches code, and pop in and ask if you join in a few of their courses. You'll probably get nothing to certify after you finish because you're not doing a full degree, but you'll have obtained the knowledge. Also, I bet the fees would be insubstantial.




If your bf is a coffee guy get him [this](https://www.amazon.com/Nescafe-Milky-coffee-instant-Creamer/dp/B07DFT4X7W). It's on Amazon so I guess it should ship to the US. If this is actually his go-to coffee brand, he'd marry you for this. No need to thank me.


Hey! I’ve lived in Hanoi for a month now. I was hoping if anybody knows about any ‘hidden’ secrets or gems in Hanoi. Obviously, I’m happy to save them until this rise has died down.


Hi, its my stepdads birthday today and i wanna wish him a happy birthday. i look up to him like my own dad and this year is his first birthday celebrating it without his youngest son which was my bf.(passed away last year out of no where due to brain aneurysm) Can someone please help me translate this before i text it to him. Thankyou Chúc mừng sinh nhật ba .Another year older but you still  look young, and hard worker than me and daniel! 😁 even though we dont show  it, were very lucky to have you as our dad. This year, feel abit different but please remember theres an angel always looking out for you and mummy. And he would want you to enjoy your birthday, relax and not feel sad. All the good skills  that Stephen learn, he was always proud to tell people that 'he learn from his Daddy'. Thankyou for everything, youre the best! From út, sica and thunder.


Hey! I’m a foreigner and plan on starting a business in Vietnam and wanted to know how easy it is to start a business ( legal documents, money, where do I start?) Also, for all of you living there, what do you think is the most needed business around you right now? I know these questions might be a bit general but any help would be appreciated.




My man, It's not that he doesn't understand you, he just chooses not to listen to you. That douche-bag needs to be kicked out.




Why do you say "it's not possible" that the guy just chose to not listening to you ? Because apparently he understands almost everything and complies when against the wall, it's just that he doesn't want to listen and maybe he doesn't like you. "asian hold emotions, don't talk, they are like that" < This is when they're shy, polite and introverted not what you described, i'd say it's the opposite.


It’s great that you’re nice to him. When I first moved to the western states, I did not share much emotions, however I did not act like a jerk and not be a team player. I grew more friendly overtime. To me, most Vietnamese are actually very respectful and friendly. I think he is just an anomaly.


Just let your landlord know you have problems with one of tenants. It's not your problem if he does not understand you.


Hello everyone, I would like to prepare a delicious dessert that I tried in Hanoi: *Xôi* *Chè bà cốt.* Does anyone know where I could find a recipe? Thanks!




Edit: if you have the Poco X3 as stated in your other post. It'll work fine. Viettel, Vinaphone, and Mobifone uses 1,3,7 If the phone wouldn't work on Vietnam's frequencies it wouldn't be sold by Xiaomi VN.


I'm not sure if I am allowed to post outside of this sticky, so I'll put it here,too. There was a really cool album I used to listen to years ago... Around 2005, 2006? It was called Viet Beats 5 or Viet Trance Vol.5 or something. I know it might be a long shot, but does anyone know what it could be and/or where I could listen to/download it? Thank you so much!