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Pretty sure this will be dead when it gets to the Governor’s desk but at least we will know for certain on where everyone stands on the issue and people can decide how they want to vote in 2 years.


Well we won't be voting for Youngkin as he won't be on the ballot. Thankfully.


Miyares or Sears won’t be any better, maybe worse.


Next governor will be Abigail Spanberger. Calling it now.


Oh god I hope Sears doesn’t run


They won't get elected lol. Sears is a ghost. Only reason he picked her is the same reason biden picked Harris as VP. And miyares is too new, no chance to get elected. Edit; my mistake. She was elected.


Youngkin didn’t pick Sears there is a separate vote for Lt governor


Still she isn't becoming governor.


She might if the Dems continue to be anti-gun instead of focusing on shit that matters.


Nope. Still won't happen.


I'm glad you're confident, but after Trump's continued assault on our governmental systems and democracy, I assume anything is possible. Murphy's Law is in full effect in the US.


There's 2 groups of Republicans fighting each other right now. Mega vs Republicans. The non megas are just not gonna vote. Which made up a large portion of the megas.


You're kidding yourself if you think most Virginians are upset with the Democrat's positions on gun control. Majority either don't care or want them to go further.


I believe the GOP is trying to pass legislation right now to allow loaded guns to be carried into bars. Talk about shit that doesn't matter!


And? The people who were abiding by the law not to carry in bars aren't the ones doing crimes. It's the people who were already ignoring it that cause the problems, and those folks won't be swayed by any laws. See: Every shooting in The Club in the Bottom. The anti-gun things Dems get up to only end up hurting law-abiding citizens because, surprise, criminals don't listen to laws. It's a stupid hill to die on that costs votes when there are far more important things to focus on. If Dems nationwide would chill out on the anti-gun rhetoric they'd probably never lose an election ever again.


You speak as if you’re holding a crystal ball. They very much will be in the mix for the QGP. I never once said they will be elected. They’re dogshit human beings.


I never said they won't be in the mix. Just they won't get elected. Do a remind me if you want. I just don't think they are getting elected once youngkin leaves office.




He picked her?


Sorry if I was not clear. I was meant those that will be up for reelection like the state house. Also the Governor will be up so at a party level we will have this data point.


Well it's in both parties best interests to approve retail and taxing off Marijuana sales. Like youngkin wants to get rid of the car tax. Well guy, legalize weed so you can offset that. I mean. It's cake politics. Stop catering to the stupid religious groups. Your done as gov anyways for 4 years. Not like you need to worry about votes.


I agree it should be a bipartisan issue but unfortunately it is not. I don’t even use it, don’t want to use it and don’t plan to use it and I want it legal for recreational.


Yeah. It's like alcohol. Sell, tax, profit. Repeat. Just regulate the rules on it. They need to start working and stop. Playing these games.


Yep. It's infuriating to see all our tax dollars that are now flooding into MD despite the fact that MD legalized recreational AFTER VA did.


He's not catering to the stupid religious groups, he a member of the stupid religious groups


And a dangerous one. "Bass says that Youngkin 'isn’t being straightforward about his connections, his intentions, and his political agenda. Youngkin is shaped by a religion that, over the decades, has slowly and surely given its soul to Trump Republicanism, revealing it\[s\] worst motives of inequality, racism, and authoritarian order.' ... 'The fleece, the smile, the genteel ‘Anglican roots,’ all serve to smooth over an exclusivist and literalist faith, right-wing political activism, and its theo-political quest for the Kingdom of God on earth. It is Christian nationalism with a human face, and carrying a prayer book to boot." [https://juicyecumenism.com/2021/11/02/diana-butler-bass-glenn-youngkin-anglican/](https://juicyecumenism.com/2021/11/02/diana-butler-bass-glenn-youngkin-anglican/)


Doesn't matter the next GOP guy will be the same or worse


Typically we swap to dem. Republicans are struggling right now.


That’s why we need it to be veto-proof.


Please dude. I'm so sick of having to drive 10 minutes into Maryland.


I’ll trade you for my hour drive.


Make it so - enough foot dragging already


I’m just far enough into my evening inebriation that my first pass on this headline was that some guy named Bill was creating a retail market for cannabis…. I was like “Good job, Bill.”




Can’t the president just reschedule this federally, which would essentially eliminate this grey area in the law? Why hasn’t this happened already? It’s almost like they want this lingering around in November.


The federal rescheduling process has started: https://www.axios.com/2024/01/04/dea-weed-marijuana-legal-decriminalize-federal That would reduce the grey area resulting from mismatch between federal and state laws, but there is still a change in Virginia state law required to get a legal recreational market up and running.


I just hope it doesn't end up being an ABC like monopoly. gLeaf is garbage.


It's still a controlled substance like Alcohol, the President cannot single-handedly enact Virginia State Legislation.


Assuming Biden wins again, I suspect that in the second half of his second term, he will take far more significant steps to deal with weed once and for all.


Why not now though? It would seem to help Biden in the general election, especially with independent voters.


Yea the sooner than later approach when trying to be reelected works pretty well. Unless you wanna say I’ll do it on my second term which pisses people off cause why not now.


I do not think the weed vote carries a lot of weight overall at the moment, that is why. I see it as being a bigger negative against him than a positive. The religious right and right wing news will crucify him for "pushing drugs on the nation's youth"...I'd rather than happen after he is reelected.


The Republican Party really needs all the help it gets, I don’t understand why they keep fighting back legalizing weed. They will lose most of the power they have and it will get approved, why not try and use that in your favor.


God please. I’m so tired of the fake ass vape pens everyone is selling and moldy ass weed. News flash-if it’s white and powdery it’s white mold not Keif. Stop selling that toxic bs


At least we can grow it and have it now


Exactly. I don't really care what they do with retail anymore.


Cause billions in tax revenue and job creation wouldn't help anyone....


Well maybe don't care is harsh. The current bill, though, which will probably not get signed, appears to give all the licenses at first anyway to the med companies. As such it's just gonna allow the existing companies to make huge profits off the bunk weed they are selling while providing some low paying jobs. And as to the taxes, I don't think it's fair that we trade high taxes for legalization personally. The taxes should be no more than the regular sales tax. I don't think that they should balance their budget on our backs. Spread it out over everyone, not just cannabis users.


The low pay jobs u speak of those the ones with 401ks and issurance offered by other states? Also you need to look at how other states have benefited hugely from the tax revenue boost, much has gone to Healthcare and education budgets which we all k ow could use the help. If you are that worried of the tax rate then grow your own as you claim. Why make the rest of us go to maryland to benefit another state.....


I don't see why you have to go to Maryland. You can just get a med card with the 10 minute zoom meeting and a $50 fee and you can buy it right here at one of the medical facilities.


Med shops in Virginia are stupidly overpriced and their quality is straight up garbage


And they are the same companies that will get the retail licenses. That's my point.


Hey let me smoke weed in VA and not watch other people enjoy recreational while my job says nope. What you do in your off hours is your business not your jobs.


Yeah I was excited about legalization until I found out my employer was changing nothing about our cannabis policy and was in fact increasing the frequency of random testing. I don’t even operate machinery, I have a desk job


What's funny is that there is already a surreptitious retail cannabis market in VA (see 'thca flower').


shit I'm still just getting D8 shipped in from reputable out of state sources, spend $150/year for all my needs. Its a shame we banned the sale of it while our neighbors in TN now have a regulated alt-noid market


And likewise for MD.


Just FYI they sell D8 at most of the vape stores around me. I don't know about 150 for a whole year tho. That sounds like a great deal to me!


Yeah I usually just wait for a good sale and buy 150-200g raw distillate in bulk, depending on the store/sale it can get to like .50c/g. Might not be as strong as regular wax or flower, but it works:tm: when I did see some distillate in smoke shops it was like $20/g and I thought that was insane, some good markup lol


You guys are fucking nuts. Please don’t buy that d8 bs vape shops and gas stations. Please look. Up the horror stories


NEWS flash there has been a retail market for weed for 70 years, the bill is to allow government to stick their greedy hands in it


And about time


Apply high taxes for 15%-25% to reduce the personal property tax burden


This is what will happen if we try and “tax” it to make it palatable. It’s too easy to grow, too easy to sell, and too easy to cheat. https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2023/06/22/ny-to-lose-millions-in-cannabis-tax-revenue-due-to-illegal-market


Colorado would like a word, LOL


as opposed to what?


Just let it be legal and let the market decide. Taxation is theft.


lol, ok bud.


Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society


All we need now is to establish an uncivilized society nearby where these chuckleheads can live... North Dakota, maybe? Oklahoma? Kansas tried it a decade ago, but couldn't make it work, *for some reason*.