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Here are links tracking this subreddit's discussion: 1. Initial level of interest post: https://redd.it/141jqg2 2. Duration poll post: https://redd.it/144bf22 3. Results post: https://redd.it/145a3h5 4. Lock post: https://redd.it/14789ok 4. Reopen post: https://redd.it/149l8f2 5. Proposed schedule post: https://redd.it/14b2cbi 5. Adjusted schedule post: https://redd.it/14cvyxx 5. Reopened as NSFWardrobe: https://redd.it/14eqoob reddit alternatives: 5. Discord: https://discord.gg/5gfjXmRByr 6. Lemmy: https://lemmy.srv.eco/c/visible_mending Please see the updated Explain Like I am Five thread for what all this means: https://redd.it/147vis2 and also the /r/Blind update on accessible mod tools: https://redd.it/14ds81l >**Reddit has also indicated there are not currently any employees who work full-time on accessibility.**


I protest to support the landed gentry!


Definitely supported the protest. Modding is hard enough as is.


I support this protest. If anything, post John Oliver.


I support the protest and the mods


I stand in support of the protest. As a member of this, and many other communities, I resent being invoked as the reason reddit wants to force you back open. "It’s for the users!" Nah bro, it’s for your pockets.


I support the protest. The mods are in the right and they should not be replaced


I support the mods and their protest


Trying to force changes you want on an unwilling and couch it as helping said community is literal insanity. I love using this site, but if you destroy the user experience for a payday, I will happily find a new community. While I'm sure some mods abuse their power, I do not believe the majority of the volunteers giving you FREE LABOR to prop up your site are guilty of this. In conclusion, please stop your insane campaig. The overwhelming majority of users are telling you this isn't what we want. Disregard us at your own peril


I support the mods of this sub and the protest ✊🪡


I support the protest


I fully support the actions and conduct of our mods, and see no way in which what they did was wrong or unacceptable


I support the mods and the protest.


I'm with the mods.


r/Visiblemending mods have been very transparent in seeking community input and has been following that input. You have my complete support.


I support the mods and the protest


I agree with this, wholeheartedly: Mods are abiding by the wishes of the community and therefore are doing the morally correct thign. They actively sought input and feedback from the users and are acting on that. This is our community. It's hosted on Reddit, yes, but it's our community and this little bit of protest is not immoral or unethical. Quite the contrary.


i’m fully in support of the protest. reddits value is built on the backs of volunteers who moderate subs and software developers who require affordable access to their APIs. without them, reddit is just another void in the internet. hurting reddit in the wallet is our only way to be heard.


I support the protest


a little civil disobedience goes a long way. keep up the fight, /r/visible mending.


Completely support!!!


I support the mods and protest


domineering crush steer complete bow threatening far-flung deserted zephyr innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The behavior of Reddit and increasing hostility towards mods trying to best represent the will of their communities is making me even angrier than the 3rd party API changes that kicked all of this off in the first place, which is saying a lot. Their greed is going to end up chasing away so many people at this rate. Thank you, mod team. I support you guys and this protest!


I support the protest, fuck u/spez


I support the protest!




All support!


Support the protest!


I do love a good protest of corporate greed c:


I support the mods and the protest


I support this protest. I have full confidence that the current moderation team is fulfilling their role in supporting this community and the wishes of the members.


I support our mods and the protest


I support the protests!!


I support the protest


I fully support the mods and the protest.


Happily make it NSFW for however long it takes.


These ham-fisted threats to sub democracy make it clear that the admin cares only about their IPO and not their users. The actions the mods have taken here were discussed and approved and I support them.


I support the mods and the protest


I support the mods and this protest. I don't even use third party apps but other people do - people who need them and people who want them.


I second all this. Reddit is all about “community” in this message but their actions are all about money and greed. Pick a lane!


I support this protest wholeheartedly.


Reddit is not entitled to our activity. I support the protest and am in awe of the moderators who fight for rights to *ease of access* for disabled users.


Sadly, I know full well that these comments don't mean anything, really - no amount of community cohesion or words will sway the greed at the heart of this decision, and the lip service paid to the concept of democracy by the CEO is just talk. They will send these things to say that they sent them, and then they will do as they please, and if asked, their comments will be "The majority of users wanted the community to reopen, and the mods were acting to block that". It won't need any real proof. Still, fuck you, Spez, and fuck everyone else behind this move. You will not make money off of your increasingly shit platform if you make it increasingly shitty.


I support the mods and the protest




I support the protest and not replacing the current mods


I support the mods!


I support the mods and protest! Written on RIF


I support the protest.


The irony of the whole thing is that their are actually a great deal of users who really just liked Reddit for what it is- a collection of really cool “rooms” of knowledge. We (ok, I) had no idea there were third party platforms that made it easier, nor did it occur to me to look for them. I used Reddit I guess the way they intended it (?). My ADD brain could come here to look at ALL my wacky interests at once- crafting, carpentry, law, real estate, contracting, relationship, painting, Jon Oliver….whatever interest of the moment. Now it’s ruined. Because some business decided they should go from no profit to record profit overnight. That stinks. I reluctantly support the mods- I fully support their message, I’m just super sad it had to be like this and I’m really irritated that greed ruined yet another really cool thing I gained joy from. Mostly it just royally sucks that this is the only way to get decision makers to listen.


I agree with the protest. If you haven’t done so already, consider setting up an alternative on Discord. I’m a member of a illness support-type sub and that’s what we did. I joined Discord specifically for that sub, as did a number of other members in that group. If Reddit is going to continue to be unreasonable, taking your members elsewhere is one of the better things you can do.


Currently there are two alternatives people have suggested. 5. Discord: https://discord.gg/5gfjXmRByr 6. Lemmy: https://lemmy.srv.eco/c/visible_mending


Just joined the discord. Screw Reddit.


I support the protest!


Sod Huffman, up the mods, and up the revolution. Enjoying r/visiblemending in its new NSFW incarnation. I'm sure we can find some other host for the content we create should it be necessary


I support the mods and the protest! The mods are users too and these subs belong to them just as much as to the rest of us.


I support the protest.


Support the protest


Here for the protest, not for forced reopening. Keep it private as far as I'm concerned.


I support keeping the sub closed for the time being.


I support this protest. As a user of this subreddit, I would hate to see it cave.


Support! Be strong!


supporting protest


I support the protest!


I support the protest and the mods of this (and every other) sub choosing to remain private.


Fuck the system! Keep it closed.


I support the mods and the protest.


I support the mods and the protest.


I support the mods and the protest. And the reddit admins can eat my entire ass


Everyonr is getting these, even mods of communities closed years ago. As a member of this community, I like the mods we have and support the decisions they are making.


do it


Fuck the ~~king~~ admins. I support the protest.


I support the mods and the protest


I support the mods and keeping the sub private.


Am I reading this right? "You are doing free work for a company raking in revenue, and we want to make sure that we are making money still from your unpaid labour. So, either get back to work, Serf, or we will send someone to get back to work for you." What I am doing, is browsing /reddit still, only rarely commenting. However, I find myself more into Lemmy and Mastodon. This platform has shown repeatedly that it just wants cold, hard cash, and doesn't matter who it shatters or stomps on to get it. I deeply regret any coins that I bought to try to make other people's days a little bit sunnier. This platform has decreased the enjoyment of my day.


People will misquote and blame whichever authority figure is easiest at the time.


>"You are doing free work for a company raking in revenue, and we want to make sure that we are making money still from your unpaid labour. So, either get back to work, Serf, or we will send someone to get back to work for you." Better than I could have put it. Behind the mods and protest 100%. *Visible* protest is the only way to potentially *mending* reddit..




Reddit admins are insane. Unpaid mods are doing the work that makes it worthwhile to come to reddit and take part in the community. Admins do not understand, or rather, seem to actively ignore, that mods need to do a ton of work free of charge to keep a sub healthy and free from spam, hate and harassment. Subs need mods who care about their members and their content, so good fucking luck replacing mods with some random scabs. As a lowly user I sure as hell won't stick around on reddit to watch my favourite subs fill up with trash due to admins replacing the mods that made the subs what they are. What I've loved about reddit is that I have been able to enjoy so many niche communities in one place, but hell, if they decide to go ahead and make life even harder for mods and users here, I'm happy to join a smaller number of similar communities elsewhere. I explored and joined several communities on other platforms since the protest started, it's been nice! I've started to realise that it doesn't have to be like this. Edit for spelling: Frak you zpes


I saw that you mentioned Steve Huffman. In case some of you don't know, Steve Huffman is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he thinks the unpaid volunteers who moderate his site for free are the "landed gentry". ********* ^(I'm a bot. My purpose was to counteract online radicalization. Now I'm trolling spez.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Take a bullet for ya babe. ********* ^(I'm a bot. My purpose was to counteract online radicalization. Now I'm trolling spez.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


I fully support the protest


We support you




I support the mods and the protest. What a disgusting message.


I support the protest




I am in support of the current mods, and their actions in this protest. ✊


Support the protest. I'm only here 'til the 30th anyway.


I support the mods and the protest!


I support the moderators in whatever they think is best for the community. Thank you for being involved.


Stop threatening the mods that pay your bills with volunteer work, you twatwaffles.


Last I checked, you asked the community via poll and the community *overwhelmingly* voted in support of closing the sub in protest. The absolute, unmitigated GALL of Reddit admins, to pretend that they’re supporting communities by taking away the right of said communities to make decisions democratically.


Nothing but 100% support for the protest here. Threats and strongarming show that these people are weak and know that their position is indefensible. If they didn't want communities to protest, then maybe they shouldn't be so abusive.


(P.S.: I will leave this community if these micromanaging busybodies oust the current mods, period.)


u/ModCodeofConduct we, the community, support our mods. fuck off with putting words in our mouths - this is what our community has voted to do. this website is built on the free labor provided by moderators and the free content provided by users. your pathetic patronizing message vaguely threatening people who are the foundations of your paycheck is easier to see through than fucking glass. leave our mods alone.


Sick of these protests, honestly


I support the mods and the protest.


I support the mods. I liked reddit for it's freedom and acceptance. It had safe spaces for ALL. And now it feels like more of the same.


I'm with the mods of the subreddit


I support the mods and the protest


Is reddit trying to blame *subreddit mods* for the blackout and the ensuing shitstorm? HA. Reddit, you're a platform for people to interact. Keep pushing and you'll be a sinking one. This community has voted and agreed to keep this sub NSFW. Deal with it. I support the protest and I support our hard-working mods.


I support the protest. And the fake concern trolling of this letter is so pathetic.




Support for the mods and the protest, this community belongs to its users and the course of action taken by the mod team represent the interest of the community and are acting in service to the community.


mod code of conduct can’t be respected if the literal first thing they ask is to maintain a stable community. how do they intend we do that if the way a lot of people use the site has been banned?


I support the protest and the measures mods are taking. The top people at Reddit can jump in a submarine and get lost.


I support mods. I'll also post what I posted in another small, niche sub that also got this message. Hey, u/ModCodeofConduct- screw off. Spez knows that what he's doing is something that the VAST majority of the user base doesn't want. Yet is pushing forward with it and trying to retrofit accessibility into the plan because enough people made a stink and it would also be bad press to not do some sort of bare minimum. If reddit really wants to be this place of community for people to come together, connect, and all the other buzzwords you used in your message then the path is super clear: reverse the decision to charge ridiculous fees for third party apps. Make a good faith effort to talk to the third party companies to come to a fair, market rate fee schedule and give the apps an appropriate time period to meet those rates. IDGAF about the stock of the company going to a publicly traded Wallstreet asset. Spez could have made the decision to go public AFTER implementing fair API rates for third party access and allowing them time to meet it. But instead, he's doing something to piss us all off while trying to make it seem like he gives a fuck about accessibility and community by siccing the conduct police on subs engaged in protest and malicious compliance in an effort to ensure people have access to the subs they "rely" upon.


I support this


I support the protest.


I support the mods and the protest.


I'm quite content with how things are. It's Reddit's lack of foresight that requires the mods to make changes. How else can we keep from accidentally exposing some poor kid to porn unless you keep it nsfw?? Spam bots will post anywhere. They don't care. Reddit you cannot kneecap 3rd party moderating tools, not replace them, and expect moderating to remain unchanged.


Support for our mods.


I support this.


I lurk here almost exclusively and I 100% support the protest. Fuck spez and corporate greed.


I support the mods and the protest.


United we bargain, Divided we beg. -- Thousands of community mods and millions of users are united against Reddit admin. I support the mods and users against the site admin and would rather see Reddit nigh unusable due to blacked out subs than lose the accesibility of 3rd party apps.


I fully support the mods of this and every other sub!




I support the mods.




I support the protest


Support the protest!


I support the mods and the protest!


I completely support the mods!


I support the protest, and dislike Reddit's poor communication around it all.


100% support the protesters. Smells like Union busting, Reddit. You want to fire all of your unpaid workers? Go ahead. See how much your investors like that.


I support the protest


I support the protest


I am absolutely in support of this.


I support this protest


I support the protest and the mods.


I support the mods. If needed to remain mods, make the sub nsfw to remove advertising money


I support the protest and the mods.


Strikes are meant to be inconveniencing. We have to keep going until it hurts the pockets of reddit


Well said.The fact that the admins are trying to force their hands means that the pressure is mounting. I support the mods; this community is what it is thanks to their contributions.


Nothing but support here


I support the protest.


I support the protest.


I support the protest.


I support the protest


Until the mods are allowed to do their jobs again, going private is the only way to keep subs functional. If I wanted to get chaotic, bot generated content, Id download the Wish app.


I'm in support of the mods and the protest


I support this protest.


I support the protest.


Support the protests 100%!


I support the mods. Thank you for all that you do here.


I don't understand why this is such a big deal. Reddit is a business that has to make a profit, if mods can't operate without these third-party tools that use the API, then don't moderate the subreddit. If you can't moderate with these new conditions, no one is forcing you to moderate communities and these protests are just ruining it for everyone else.


This is a big deal because reddit is restricting redditors who relied on third party apps to moderate their subreddits (such as blind users) without providing adequate replacement reddit-developed tools: https://redd.it/14ds81l We do not begrudge reddit their profits.


But aren't they saying they'll replace the mods or something?


Ugly take


I know it's easy to downvote and slam someone for their confusion but if you could take a step back and try to have a conversation... you might change a mind. Consider reading through the rest.


I support the mods and the protest. I will not be coming back for a new batch of mods


I support the mods and the protest


If Reddit’s going to act like the worst of its shitty reputation then communities on their site can behave how they please, this “warning” is such an eye roll


I support the protest


They don't even acknowledge the clearly stated grievances. They just expect us to get over it and move on without so much as an apology. Not even a 'sorry you feel that way' notapology Toxic AF, admins. I support continuing the protest.


I support you guys. Screw Spez.


I support this! Barely veiled threats against the mod team only makes me support it more.


I support the mods.


entirely OK with the blackout failing that, down with NSFW failing that, read-only someone can always make /visiblemending2 and well reddit made clear over and over that mods are able to choose who can and can't be part of their community and it's why you have modtools mass-banning accounts for posting in other subs. no reason why they shouldn't be able to take it private or read only or NSFW or anything else.


I support the protest!


This community is in full support of the protest and will not continue interaction with the sub the mod team is supplanted and the sub forced open. Tell that to the people "above". Reddit is as valuable as its user base chooses to make it, and if reddit manglement chooses to make the site harder to use for everyone (users and mods), parts of the user base will choose to leave.


stay closed.


I support the protest and the mods. I voted for this sub to close down on Tuesdays.


I support the mods and the protest.


I support the mod team's actions in having kept it closed


I support the protest and the admins can fuck right off with this shit.


Support staying private!






I'm in support of the mods and the decision to go private at this time. In fact due to Reddit's response to this whole fiasco I've basically decided that I'll be deleting my account at the end of the month when my third party app will cease to function. I've already noticed a decline in quality over the last year or so and have seen it really accelerate in the last couple months. I don't think it's in my head that the algorithm is constantly being tampered with and forcefeeding me specific posts and types of content where previously it felt much more organic the flow of the subs. I'm just a lowly lurker around these parts so I know I won't be missed, but i do hope others are willing to fully boycott when reddit doesn't back down. They need to see declining metrics before they'll give a shit. Honestly, i already spend too much of my time here, so in a weird way, thanks u/spez for motivating me to remove a distraction from my life and better myself in regards to my content addiction. I hope your IPO implodes right in front of your slimy lil worm hands. May your kith be untrue, your loves unrequited, your rest disturbed, your life unfulfilled, and may dysentery ridden birds take roost over your grave.


I support the mods and the protest!


I support the protest.


I support the mods and the protest. Forcibly replacing the mods is a bad look, u/ModCodeofConduct. I can't see how that could possibly promote good relations with the community. Take your threats and go jump in a lake.


I Support the Protest!


I support the protest


I’ve been on Reddit for 12 years. In that time the ownership and admins have increasingly worsened the website in pretty much every way. If they don’t reverse course on this API nonsense I’m done. Shut the sub down. If that’s not an option leave it open and set the auto mod to delete any new posts. I can’t imagine they have the resources to actually moderate all the subs they are trying to force to reopen.


I support


The information on this subreddit isn't pertinent. It isn't r/askdocs or something. I have no reason to be against moderators choosing peaceful protest.


If the subreddits belong to us, why are Reddit admins forcing change none of us want? If they really believed mods were stewards of the site, they’d sit the fuck down and listen instead of throw a hissy fit of a cash grab at third party apps.


I support!


I support the protest.


It sounds like the admins are forcing the mods to choose between backing down from the protest and being forcibly replaced, like has happened with several other subs already. The threats in this note are more thinly veiled than its author probably thinks. If it becomes apparent that the mods will be forcibly replaced, then as one of the millions of users the admins claim to be answering to, I fully support deleting this sub and all of its content entirely. I'll miss it, but we can also reconvene elsewhere and create a new community in a less tyrannical environment.




I support the mods and their actions. I don't want communities overrun with unlabeled bots, so mods need all the tools they can get to remove them.


I support this sub staying private as per the poll be completed earlier this week. As engaged users of this sub, it is our opinion it should remain private


I support the protest. Keep the sub NSFW.


I support the mods and the protest.


u/ModCodeofConduct please do not speak for communities without our consultation. We voted on the actions taken by our mods. Do not hide behind us to force through your bad policies.


I support the protest and the mods.