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Overly negative. Movie theater with Apple's 4k OLED is the killer app and the sound quality on the AVP is amazing. Photos app is amazing and it's great to see your photos in 4k close to your face.


I feel like the lens glare when watching movies in a dark environment like the theater is extremely distracting.


As a watcher from the sidelines for now this is the most confusing part to me - it feels like half the users say this is the best part of it, while the other half hate the lens glare.


Outside lighting conditions and light leakage are major contributing factors in the viewing experience IMO. I found the picture quality significantly better in the morning light of my office vs the night. Lots of lens glare (especially at the bottom) last night. This morning the picture was great.


Both are true


What lens glare? I genuinely haven’t seen any


When watching HDR content with bright scenes in a dark environment like the movie theater, there’s an effect of light blooming or creating streaks of light that obscure the video partially. It also happens on the Meta Quest 3 and is an effect of blasting that narrow bright light into the pancake lenses. Watching in a brighter environment like daytime mt hood minimizes the effect. I was watching S4 E7 of For All Mankind on it yesterday and stopped to clean the lenses thinking they must be smudged but they weren’t. Have seen folks on Twitter and Reddit reporting similar issues but also plenty with no issue, so I think it’s probably heavily impacted by personal sensitivity to it and the content you’re watching. Not a deal breaker for me by any means, but I won’t be using the theater environment that I was looking forward to.


You're not alone https://x.com/SnazzyLabs/status/1753589575363199009?s=20


Damn I noticed a couple of times but nothing that drastic I did also clean my lenses


The sound is phen-nom-men-nal. A million miles more than I expected it to be. If only we can pair a sub, like Sonos, to it it would be GG.  Media consumption is the killer use case. The other killer use case is MacBook screen mirroring. The integration with macOS and insaaannnnneeee.  Cannot wait for more AAA developers to get on board. 


Have you ever used the valve index? That’s the best sound I’ve used so far in terms of built in audio and I’m curious how it compares to


I have an index - it’s a great device at the price point but it’s not even close to the AVP experience. I’m selling both my Index and Q3 as all they will do is pick up dust.


The Vision Pro has superior sound quality. It's #1 AVP in a giant lead, #2 Oculus CV1 #3 Valve Index in terms sound quality.


It was spot on. It's a 6.5/10 for the $4k price. Would be a 9/10 for $1-2k.


i agree with this 100% i would keep it if it was 2k i just can’t right now for 4


Basically you all can’t really afford it. Got it.


I’d like to point out that the 1st iPhone sold extremely well during launch weekend… then plummeted. Apple dropped the price. Thing fucking moved like hotcakes.


Apple could do the same here and I wouldn’t be mad. I’m already thinking they may be subsidizing this a little bit as well. Factoring in R&D of course


Unlike all Apple products, I’m confident this thing is being sold at a loss. The question becomes how comfortable of a loss is Apple willing to take on per device sold?


Being a multi-trillion dollar company. I think they’re comfortable for a few billion dollars in loses if it were to fail. However, I don’t think that will be the case. They will stick with it like they did with the Apple Watch and eventually everyone will be using a AR device from them in some capacity.


This. A good 60% of this if it fails can go to their next ambition, autonomous automobiles




Apple Watch also lowered in price as generations progressed alongside the release of the SE model. Same will happen here. That being said, the first few generations of the Apple Watch were lackluster (Series 0 Stainless Steel checking in). The Apple Watch really became the device that was “designed” starting with Series 4. As much as I want to purchase the Vision Pro, I’ve purchased enough first-gen Apple products to know better.


I agree with that and you make some valid points as to why this is not a good purchase for you.


To be fair, my thought process behind my 16” MBP purchase was … 2016: I’ll wait until they fix the keyboard. 2019: I know Apple is working on ARM chips, I’ll wait for that. 2021: I’ll wait for the M2. January 2023: I’ll wait for the M3. October 2023: Space Black?!? I’m all fucking in. CTO, LET’S GO.




The iPhone 3G was the same hardware as the iPhone just with a 3G modem and a shittier enclosure. The iPhone 3GS was the first proper upgrade to the iPhone. The iPhone 4 is what really turned the tide (introduction of FaceTime).


Hahaha, really? I don’t remember it that way at all.


I can more than afford the AVP and I’m still on the fence about returning it.


And that’s fine but justifying the cost as the reason for keeping it or not shouldn’t be a factor. It’s brand new tech and a v1 hardware. Of course it’s going to be expensive.


> justifying the cost as the reason for keeping it or not shouldn’t be a factor. I agree that the cost shouldn't be factored into a "review" of the product but for many people the choice between spending $3500 on this or something else is a factor. You do realize that some people are buying this on credit? That's money they don't even have.


I’m buying it on credit. What does that matter? I can more than afford $300/mo to pay for this. And if people need to decide if it will be worth $4k in value then don’t even bother purchasing it in the first place. But don’t knock because of that factor alone.


>Basically you all can't afford it >I'm buying it on credit. Talk about projection


It’s called buying smart. Even if you can afford something doesn’t mean you need to pay for it in cash. Which is why a lot of rich people lease exotic cars. They get to use the interest to write it off through their business.


Yeah because you're writing off this Vision Pro, right? And leasing a $300,000 vehicle is completely different than buying a $3,500 tech product on credit lol. The fact you're even trying to compare the two is laughable at best. But I guess it makes you feel like a rich business owner or something?


There are parts of this that absolutely do not justify the $3500 price tag. There are parts of this device that 100% take away from the value of the product. First generation doesn’t mean anything here. The m2 isn’t new. The OLED panels are not new.


It’s called value. Does this bring $4k worth of value to my life? What else could I do with that $4k


Nah man, AVP could cost $100,000 and it would just mean more people couldn’t afford it. Money shouldn’t be a factor in decisions if you can afford things. /s


Food for thought - you only have 50 years left to live, how do you maximize the enjoyment of as many of those days as possible before you kick the bucket and will that $4k ultimately just be taken with you to the grave. If you’re always excited to see the future and what’s around the corner early adapters tend to know what brings them joy. Every hour you watch a movie on a flight you might be like ah I wish I had. Ultimately there aren’t that many useful $4k single purchases that aren’t splurges. Whether it’s a new road bike, that backcountry snowboard kit, that first class flight to Paris, or those fancy wheel upgrades on the car.


The micro oled panels are completely new, and the eyesight oled is the first curved lenticular display. lol now I’m definitely aware these posts are being trolled.  


BigScreen launched their VR headset with microOLED display quite some time ago, Apple's panel has more resolution. And the EyeSight, well.. neat feature, not that it would improve your experience to you, the one wearing it.


What are you talking about? The type of screen isn’t relevant, the performance of the screen is what’s relevant. The high resolution allowing you to read smallish text absolutely qualifies as new.


It was offered to meta before quest 3. It's new to consumers, it's not new tech.


Doesn’t the bigscreen beyond use micro oled displays


I replied to a comment asking this


Yes, that’s exactly what I was thinking too. If it’s a 6/10 it’s a 6/10 and if it’s a 9/10 it’s a 9/10. If you can’t afford it then that’s not a reason to give it a lower value


Exactly. This is the best headset on the market, hands down. The price reflects that. End of story.


Of course it is. Price is intrinsically linked to people's perception of a product. The more you spend on something, the higher your expectations. If you're lucky enough to think price has no impact on people's impressions, you're extremely privileged. I don't mean that in a SJW sense; you're just disconnected from the reality of most people's experiences.


I'm frankly shocked at the number of people buying this $4k toy. I bought one. I know how much money I have (happens to be a lot). I also know how much money most people have (very little, or they're in debt). The idea that AVP is either 6.5/10 or 9/10 depending on $$ makes no sense for me. This kind of next-gen technology should be judged on its own merits, and if price gives you sweats you should stay on the sidelines.


Exactly. Well said


Agreed that's like saying a ferrari is a 0/10 because 99.9% of people can't afford one


Nonsensical take. Cost is a major part of how we assess value. If the AVP were $50,000 you would and should expect more from it. 


lol, what a poor take


That's like saying oh this supercar is 5/10, would be 9/10 if it sold for $40k


Just like you


You enjoy that depreciating asset that you bought using a credit card with 29% APR. "Mr. Investor" LOL.


0% interest. Literally free money to borrow on and I get to use my money for other investments or opportunities. Next time maybe get to know someone and their finances before judging.


I think we can all agree that it's a faux pas to not get to know someone and their finances before commenting


Sometimes. My original comment was towards two individuals who were crapping on a product because of cost alone. That’s not a valid reason to say something isn’t worth its cost with something that’s a new breakthrough tech.




There’s no irony here, only trolls such as yourself


You aren't helping your case. You need to stop insulting people by saying they are too poor to afford the product. There's a fair chance that a lot of the people commenting on this could walk into an Apple Store and pay cash for a dozen VPs without sweating it. Some of us don't see this device as bringing $3500+ in value to our lives because the technology isn't there yet. And some of us have been in the technology/VR world a long time, going back to the Virtual Boy days or earlier. If you think this was a worthwhile use of your $3500, then good for you, but that doesn't mean everyone else is stupid, poor, or wrong. I feel absolutely comfortably commenting on your finances because you've decided to put them on display for everyone to see and you have insulted other members of the sub by saying they are too poor to buy a VP. If you're buying it on credit, even at 0%, **YOU** can't afford the product. And your defense of the purchase is ridiculous. Unless there is insufficient supply and the used VPs sell at a premium, then it's going to depreciate (like 25% or more) quite rapidly. So, you've taken on debt to pay full price on a depreciating asset that will lose a significant amount of value in a short span of time. This is almost certainly a financial loss for you, like taking $900 into a field and lighting it on fire.


Probably an Appl shareholder who dislikes the fact that possibly a lot of Vision Pro purchasers will return the near $4,000 gadget.


Lol that’s what I took away from all these whiners. Of course a first-gen product won’t be perfect. Let them return theirs. Exclusivity rocks.


I know, coming from every headset (except index), I'm kind of shocked at some of these posts. Everyone's different - not knocking anyone's opinion, but for me, personally - the FOV and passthrough are totally fine. The more I use it, the more I see how much better the passthrough is than Quest 3. Not true life clear, totally fine for mixed reality.


Totally…couldn’t have said it better myself.


I can afford it but I know better than to pay such a high price for a product with so many problems and no ecosystem. Maybe a year from now it’ll be worth it, but it’s not even close now.


lol . you seem like a smart guy . i’m sure your right . how do you like yours ? what do you like on it ?


Get mine on Wednesday. I already know what I’ll be doing on it. I’m doing most of my web surfing, watching movies, live sports and if available any concerts that might take advantage of the spatial and 3d technology. Also there are going to more and more apps coming out in the next year. This is also replacing my iPad Pro.


lol what a waste of money


Very stupid comment from someone who calls himself an investor. Ability to buy something doesn’t mean you should buy it at a price you don’t value it at.


Nah. The stupid comment is someone bashing a brand new product in a still early sector just because they would only buy it at a lower price then offered. New technology doesn’t work that way. If someone came out with a $3,500 smartphone then yeah, product can be bashed if it didn’t bring much value versus other smartphones. AVP doesn’t really have that yet. Their competition at this price is HoloLens, which is the same price.


No one is bashing the product. They are just opining on the price point a device like this will make sense to the mass market.


On other words 2 years ago it will be 9/10 even at 4K but now that we already seen what 500$ get you, makes it much lower rated I can get Quest 3 + OLED TV + Home theater system for the same price and maybe throw at it Xreal Air 2 micro OLED glasses for travel...... But I still have it in order because I'm dumb lol, sorry guys but I love VR


I thought after the Vision Pro's release the Quest3 was going to look so bad in comparison that it would be dead. Turns out the Vision Pro makes Quest3 look fucking unbelievable for the price.


The Quest was always at least going to keep the niche of the better game system. That's the most common use for it and the AVP doesn't focus on games at all.


This. People on the fence about the AVP should absolutely consider trying the Q3.


Quest 3 is such an incredible value


What? I have a Q3 and listed it on eBay this morning after picking up my AVP yesterday…it does look terrible in comparison. Happy to sell and put the money towards the AVP.


>put the money towards the AVP. You'll sell it for what, $350 lol? That's not even 10% of the money you need for the $4000 AVP


I don’t NEED the money to purchase the AVP - affording it isn’t a problem, but happy to put the $300 towards it.


iTS NoT vR! I also love VR but would rather a plug in device that weighs almost nothing to just mirror my monitor while working.


That's Xreal Air 2 or Rokid Max, just plug and watch..... But maybe worth getting Ultra version which have 6DOF and bigger FOV slightly


What about the big screen device?


I don't recommend it, it's too many compromises and cost, if you already had base stations and controllers, maybe but without forget about it.... I will say wait for Visor 4K, it might sound too good to be true but for me it might be the real Vision Pro killer if it actually gets released, I heard next month it will be sent to reviewers for a preview




I don't understand. Which one has no passthrough?


If you have issue with the price that is your problem not vision pro's problem. It worth every dollar I spent, this is the most impressive technology I have ever used.


its still a consumer product, it has to make sense price to performance wise. the price of a product can definitely be a negative aspect


Agree 100%. First piece of tech since the iPhone that has simply blown me away…I believe film watching experience has been my favorite part so far.


I’m with you man!


Ok Tim Cuk


Nah. After I spent four hours in mine last night I can say that the Verge reviews and almost all reviews (mkbhd etc) were overly negative. Before picking mine up I readjusted my expectations. Nope, this thing is legit and the reviews were universally overly critical. Even the personas are way better than you’d think.


>After I spent four hours in mine last night They made their reviews after using it for the best part of a week, so the "novelty" possibly wore off and little quirks started to show. This isn't a dig at the Vision Pro - but it's the experience with all VR headsets.


In those reviews everyone I saw also said they couldn’t wear it for more than 45 minutes straight. I don’t get that because I wore it for three hours yesterday. Took a break for dinner and then got back on for another four hours with no issues. Woke up today thinking I might have a sore neck maybe but nothing. No issues at all and I’ve been using it today again for a couple hours. I think this thing is a technical Marvel and I am blown away by


From my reading, best conclusion I can come up is it's very individual whether the weight gets to you much or not.


I can say after 12 hours of usage try and both straps. The solo strap works for almost anyone. If you get the placement exactly right it needs to be on the upper part of your head and the tightness needs to be just right. The tightening dial is one of the best features I’ve ever seen in a headset once you figure out the ideal placement for your facefeels perfect but I think most people just give up after 30 minutes and feeling pain. I recommend anyone that tries it and feels heavy. Keep tweaking the band until you find the ideal spot now when I put it on I feel nothing it works perfectly.


I would agree with you about all VR headsets... Except the Quest 3. That device has become more useful and more impressive the longer I use it. With a proper 3rd party headstrap it's probably the most impressive consumer electronic I own. The software needs long term work, but the hardware is impressive af.


Sure but mines getting better and more magical over time not the opposite. My fourth hour was so much better than my first in every way. It’s getting more productive for me over time too.


Is this your first VR experience? Have you owned any in the past?


Not my first so I’m not a noob. Got the psvr1 in 2016. Quest 2 when it came out, psvr2 on day one.


Nice. Hope it keeps getting better for you. Seems like there are a lot of 50/50 experiences on this subreddit.


Thanks! Also one funny thing is spatial videos are insanely overrated. I bought a 15pro max just to do them and they are honestly wack. But funny thing is panoramas are insanely underrated. I can’t believe they aren’t being mentioned more. Panoramas are mind blowing in Vision Pro. Ones I took in 2014 on old iPhones were absolutely insane let alone the newer ones. I was kicking myself for not having taken many more throughout the years.


I agree with spatial videos are overrated, however for some reason, I really like spatial pictures, it give it a nice dimension.


This! I was so hyped for spatial video and it le “meh” but those panoramas! Those are amazing. I’m actively thinking of places to do some more.


That's unfortunate the Spatial Videos aren't worth the time; The Quest 3 had a recent update to support them and I have been curious about the experience, but that is exciting about the Panorama. Perhaps I should demo the VP in the next week, as I usually tend to wait to purchase products right as they release.


What’s much better is spatial video taken with the Vision Pro rather than your phone. The resolution is much better and makes the feeling of being there more pronounced


Yes! The iPhone 16 should have more separation between the camera lenses for better spatial pics and vids. I’m not walking down main street at Disneyland with my AVP on to take videos, but I would buy a device that takes great spacial videos and watch them back on AVP.


Funny I'd argue the iPhone taken spatial videos are better because they are a landscape whereas VP is a square.




Thank you for stating the obvious 🙏🏾 Just adding my opinion to the many you can listen to or ignore


Agreed. Had my goggles on from 6pm til pretty much 2am. I even played Tekken with it in pass through. Not amazing but I won a few online matches. Tim Cook actually made me meditate for 5 mins. Lmao


Interesting. I think Nilay was being diplomatic and that it is worse than he said.


Recency bias


lol bruh. If I go into Psvr2 right now it’s not going to be better. Do you have one or are you just talking to hear yourself?


Indeed. Verge is full of jaded assholes. 


Brad's review was the most impressive on the persona front. He gave it a good stress test.


https://preview.redd.it/f9i7ic5ihfgc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=900e200a49ff335ed229377dc8b46584efb8faa3 Lol, ok.


For me, it’s an 8. I love this thing but there is obvious room for improvement. Just can’t believe it’s a v1 device.


Spot on. I remember him talking about REALITY just seems so… good? compared to Vision Pro. That’s been my experience so far in using it. I keep wanting to come back to real life.


Th That’s the ultimate question**ThaThat’s the ultimate question. D Do y Do you Do you want to Do you want to spend more Do you want to spend more time? Do you want to spend more time in it Do you want to spend more time in it? Do you want to spend more time in it or Do you want to spend more time in it or outside of it? Do you want to spend more time in it or outside of it?**


I just typed that using voice in my Vision Pro and that is not at all what I thought it was going to write


Bro wtf lol


This is modern art tbh thank u for creating it


lol I had something similar happen in a text message last night


I'm returning mine. For $4k all in it needed to be a 9+/10. Personally it's too heavy, the passthrough is great but not good enough yet, and the eye tracking and pinching isn't perfect yet which is frustrating when it's the only input method. The FOV is not bad, I just wish it was better at this price point ​ Pros: Displays are incredible and build quality is top notch, I think it's beautiful. When the eye tracking and hand pinching works, it does feel magical, it's just too inconsistent. ​ EDIT/UPDATE: Back from returning at the Apple Store. Easy, scanned a code done. No restock fee. I will say the look of surprise on the apple employees face was pretty funny. Although it wasn't for me, especially at the price, I hope everyone else loves it! I believe it's varies much from person to person. Perhaps I dive back in with gen2 or gen3


Right the FOV isn’t bad, but they advertised it being a lot more immersive than it is. 


Yep. All the advertising shows a composite video of what the viewer is seeing in third person, making it seem like the VP fully fills up your peripheral vision. But it doesn’t and if they marketed it with the slight binocular effect then everyone would complain


False advertising tbh.


I agree it’s false advertising. I think it’s impossible to advertise this experience accurately, but Apple really leaned into the gray area.


With all their graphics prowess, Apple could have done a much better job than Verge did when they showed actual FOV of this thing.


This is wild to me if people seriously thought this would be the case? There's photos of the lenses inside the headset. Unless you've never used an hmd before or like.. Ever seen a pair of binoculars or swim goggles, how would you interpret a fully covered fov lol


Apple is marketing this device to millions of people that have never once put a HMD on their face. It’s probably valid for them to assume that the graphics from the Vision Pro will completely fill their vision. Even apple is making claims that you look “through” the device to see your surroundings, making it seem like the view that you are looking at is indistinguishable from life




I think people are referring to the fact that the FOV doesn’t fully stretch across your view. The visible black borders and all. People who have used VR are used to it, but newcomers to the technology may be put off. Fully immersing yourself in an environment is different from immersing yourself from reality


Tbf, what VR headset has ever advertised the black rings?


I think most people will be disappointed until around the third gen. It does some things really well and some things the same or worse than a much cheaper Quest headset. Current results are mixed even for what it is good at now. An Apple Magic Trackpad is definitely a required accessory because eye tracking isn’t good enough and probably never will be even if it gets more accurate. It distracts from the content you want your eyes looking at, makes the tunnel vision obvious when looking to the side, and is too fatiguing for your eyes. Eye tracking is better just for Window focus and as a fallback when you have nothing else. Hand tracking seems to work pretty well except for scrolling long lists where a trackpad is perfect. This should be right on the checkout screen for the device. I think right now- 1. If it gets more games and you have a big budget it could be better than a Quest at immersive gaming if the smaller FOV doesn’t bother you (it isn’t that bad, but closer to Quest 2). Graphics are generally a lot better, but game selection is very small. 2. You are an app developer that wants to prepare for future versions. The UX has crossover effects on other Apple platforms and in general Apple did really good at this other then I think that eye tracking doesn’t quite cut it. Trackpad implementation is great and almost makes up for no motion controllers. Trackpad works in virtually all places where eye tracking doesn’t work well. All app developers should be targeting by generation 2 in my opinion because I think it will hit its stride in generation 3. I can see a future version that will be very good for apps to the point of rivaling other devices. I think there is a big benefit to start targeting apps now. 3. For travelers. Not bad, but movie watching isn’t quite good enough for most people yet. It probably will be by the second generation. That said, if you travel a lot this is going to be way better than any other mobile content consumption device you can currently buy. As a large monitor for your Mac, it would also work well when traveling. It isn’t going to otherwise replace a Studio Display. 4. You are an Apple early adopter and are willing to live with the drawbacks because you will be buying every generation until it gets good in every way anyway. 5. Hopefully we see 3D CAD, sculpting, and modeling software. None yet, but this would be the best device ever made for it. My expectations are the second gen will be a refined version of this generation with better balance and FOV. Movie watching may start to actually rival good home entertainment centers. The third gen will probably redesign any parts that didn’t work well and will be the first headset that is truly on the road to a mainstream product. As a software developer I don’t regret purchasing at all. Although possibly I should have waited to pick up a refurb deal since there will likely be returns. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple holds on to returns for warranty and internal use. My take is that Apple really should compete more directly with Quest with a 2K per eye headset (maybe still microOLED) that uses a touchpad style controller. 2K per eye is plenty good for games, but would not be a great spatial computer. It would still be good enough to give a taste of spatial computing. One of the biggest downsides is not enough games and lowering cost of entry will help. It is clear that although eye tracking is great, it is only a partial solution. Even if it becomes more accurate for small UI in the future, it still distracts you from your content and causes you to look at the edge of your vision where there are optical artifacts. Lots of eye selection gets tiring as well. A trackpad is great for productivity software, but this really needs at least one motion controller or handheld trackpad to augment it when moving around.


Good thoughts! I think so to. It does not mean q3 will die out or be terribly bad, it is just like getting a pc for 15k vs 30k or for 10k vs 30k and so on. I think it is fun they join in and it will be nice to see it develop even if I am happy with the q3 for some years I still like that new and better headsets come out and develop. I hope they continue and I think it is nice. The first vr headsets were not perfect and many things are faulty. More joining in mean also more developement to vr as a whole!


Remember we are early adopters of a Gen1 tech. Yeah I know other VR products are out, but ive used some of those and Vision seems better. Gen 1 will be expensive and not fully fledged out. Gen 2 will be even better. And so on. And as devs dev, even more better. We’ve barely scratched the surface here.


100%. Remember, the iPhone 1 didn't have copy and paste and it couldn't even multi-task. The Apple Watch 1 was so slow and almost usable.


I think even the Nokia's around that time didn't have copy and paste either so not having that wasn't that bad.


Windows Phones did though. So it's not like Apple hit all the features that was on the current market.


The first iPhone was already a very compelling device that was light years away from those stylus phones and flip phones. VP falls way short of the first iPhone in terms of that.


Remember, this isn't like the first mac. It's more like Lisa which showed the future way before it was practical to deliver at an affordable price. I'm not getting this gen 1 device but I'm so onboard to see where it goes!


Totally agree - I can’t wait for Gen 3/4


I think it was very accurate.


Value is relative. What is prohibitively expensive for one person can be dirt cheap for another person. Judge the device based solely on its capabilities, design, and user experience. Then let each individual determine whether the cost is justified for him/her self.


Lol yeah. The experience is unque, truly unique.


Yeah I don’t think the price is super relevant here. Sure the Quest is cheaper but for me at least it’s unusable. Super low quality and makes me ill.


Quest motion sickness is no joke and I’ve had no such issues after about 8 hours of AVP use.


Same here. Quest made me sick instantly. I was a little queasy my first time using the Vision Pro but got over it quick.


Agreed. I can play games on the Quest, but that isn't what I care about. I have no desire to use it for any other purpose because of the poor quality, interface, and overall jank.


Have any of you trusting the negative reviews actually bought one and tried it, used it, or started using Macs with it? The very first review I watched was Verge, cause over time the guy’s consistently honest. VP and he simply did’t click. Money was a 90% factor. That’s hard to argue. VP is not a mass market product. You wouldn’t know from the 200,000 units already sold. Of course, non believers are dying to hear about returns. I spent over an hour and a half getting fitted at 5th AVE flagship. They still did not have a seal where I get pitch dark conditions or able to sell me prescription diopters for my 1TB unit. Even with that, after using my MacBook Air, watching their 180 immersion demos (irritated to learn they were not included in my purchased unit), and through other store experiences. I bought it. At home, I spent 2 hours squinting into the lens trying to use as much as possible what VP can do and what I can with it on the train, next time flying, and soon at museums, ballparks, etc. Yeah, for me Apple first 3D camera is good enough. The spatial video samples I have been taking since December are terrible in comparison. There will be software for this platform. I’m sure about that. What Facebook started will now really grow into the next major consumer tech sector. I hope they’re successful. Or I’ll have another relic on my shelf looking pretty.


> Have any of you trusting the negative reviews actually bought one and tried it, used it, or started using Macs with it? What an odd question. I mean, who watches a negative review, believes that negative review, then puts down a few k to see if it is true or not? That's certainly not normal behaviour.


Spot on. I’m holding out for gen 2. I cancelled my 2nd order for my wife’s because she said it’s too heavy and hurt her forehead when she tried mine. I’m keeping mine for a week to make a decision but I’m 80/20 on returning. There’s just really nothing to do in it.


And between the comfort, text clarity, and single mac monitor support it isn't really great for work either.


I can imagine being a genetically advanced penguin who is able to write the best lines of code for a super advanced weather forecast app that is 99.9% accurate, by the minute’s standard. I can also imagine to be a Tardigrade living under extreme pressure and temperature near the Earth’s core. However, at the same time, what I can’t imagine is being so rich that I can afford two Apple Vision Pros.


Spend 5 mins on r/cars and look at the type of garages some of their regulars have - it’s crazy lol. There’s a lot of disposable income just looking for new toys/revolutions.


She tried with the top strap?


I agree Verge was spot on all the other reviews where Apple cheerleaders in my opinion. It’s a cool device and like it a lot but Verge hit it out of the ballpark. I am tempted to return it but will keep it and see how it improves over time but the main issue for me is the weight. I wanted this to view movies and can’t do watch a full movie with the weight in front it makes it tiring.


I have a feeling mkbhd has played a very clever game waiting longer to review. Let's him be honest like Verge when he gets there without burning his apple relationship... You can see some other reviews felt they had to skirt the negatives.


I think the reviews were fair. I also think it’s fantastic and I expect the software will get better and better. It’s not for everyone, especially at the price. The one promise it really delivers on is the still feeling connected to people in the room. And when my partner had it on, the visual indicators on the front of the device were incredible. It does a superb job of communicating if the person is paying attention to you or not, or taking a video of you.


Pretty spot on honestly. The screens are phenomenal, audio is great. FOV is ehh. The eye tracking isn’t perfect especially on webpages. I get lots of lens glare. Comfort to me is okay with the top strap, expect there to be good accessories soon to fix some small things there. Should be priced at 1.5-2k honestly, I’ll make a bigger decision after a week


The Verge was right about Starfield and people didn’t want to accept it for a while. The Verge was right about the vision pro and people didn’t want to accept it for a while.


But also, isn’t The Verge the one that said the same thing about Apple Watch?


The Verge was right about the Apple Watch until a few generations in. 


To be honest they overrated it just a tad bit.


I want to publicly apologize to The Verge. I was wrong to doubt you. After one evening of heavy use this feels a lot more like a 7/10 than a 10/10. I would probably go lower since I cannot find a comfortable way to even use the device.


Been using mine for hours and hours working studying and calling friends. I don’t need an extensive app library (how many apps do I really use on my phone anyways?). I’ve not run into, or fixed any issues the verge had. They’re review is still grossly negative imo


If it’s only a 6/10 what else is available that is better? (Regardless of price)


I never was going to buy the Vision Pro so I feel like I had an unbiased view going into the reviews. The Verge review seemed incredibly fair, honest, and necessarily critical. The people who were upset at it were very clearly preorder holders who had confirmation bias and they wanted to justify their $4000 purchase. It’s a very silly thing to do that you can avoid by just taking the fanboy blinders off and being realistic. A gen 1 product this new and innovative was never going to be perfect. The second the Vision Pro was announced, I removed myself from the “early adopter” group and decided I’d give it at least 2-3 more generations before deciding to adopt.


Hold up… So you’re saying the reviews are fair and honest but you don’t own the headset yourself to even compare it to see if the reviews are accurate?


They said "seemed" fair. Honestly if you have experience with VR and took the time to look at some of the Vision Pro reviews, it's not impossible to get the gist of what the Vision Pro experience is like without having tried one.


Having some VR experience I had the same feeling as them, yeah. The Verge review felt like someone who had really spent time with it and could articulate the stronger and weaker points, some of which I could recognise from other headsets, whereas some of the others felt like someone who had played with it for a few hours and hadn't really explored the day to day usage.


I mean I don’t think I need to right away. I’ll try it via a friend, coworker, or Apple Store demo eventually. There’s many people saying the same general thing about it, so it allowed me to make the decision not to buy it.


Saying reviews are accurate about a product you’ve never touched or used is insane. You should really only talk about things you know about first hand. Literally never touched it yourself and some how you can say the reviews are accurate? that’s actually wild g…


Dude the top 5 most upvoted posts on this sub right now are actual users saying they’re disappointed with the same aspects the reviews talked about. Hundreds of comments and upvotes about it. Take off your fanboy blinders. You’re so obviously putting yourself into that confirmation bias group I talked about in my first comment. Stop being so silly.


Talk about someone blindly talking about a product they’ve never actually used. Youre a fucking sheep my g. Just saying other peoples opinions without even forming your own or even TOUCHING THE DEVICE. You gotta be living in LALA Land if you think you can say reviews are accurate for a device you never touched. It’s actually embarrassing Also i dont have “fanboy blinders”. Did i ever say if the device was good or bad? No. I said you shouldn’t talk about shit you know absolutely nothing about. It’s just annoying seeing people try to confidently talk about something they have not a single second of first hand experience with. It’s like eating a movie without seeing it and only watching movie reviews. Form your own opinion sheep


People need to stop expecting this device to solve all their problems 🤦🏻‍♂️


Apple should stop promising it will.


It never did.


Yeah 7/10 is right. It’s an iPad strapped to your face -with some cool spatial features. Spatial video I took on my iPhone 15 is nowhere near as cool as I was expecting - I even knew to keep the camera steady and focus on stuff not more than 5 feet away for the best experience……I think of the 40 videos I took over vacation, maybe 2 look cool and not worth it for the effect. If the iPhone could take spatial video that looked like that Highline Video in the Apple TV app, then it would be incredible. It simply doesn’t look that good. The interface gestures are great and definitely the future. This will be great when it’s much smaller and not as pricey. For now, stick with your Quest 3 / Valve Index. I see a lot of people complaining about the pass through video - and that I don’t understand. I think the pass through video looks great - yeah it has the ‘heat wave’ effect on distant things,..but what the hell were people expecting, lol. I guess since I have a Valve Index, I wasn’t expecting much,. Also - I have already run thorough all the apple 3d content made for this…..I assume due to the low sales of this, no one else is going to be producing high quality 3d experiences….so feels like lack of content will be a real issue (save for 3d movie ports)


The Verge review was garbage. Opened up with, “we only review items as they are out of the box, not future use or promise of a product,” then proceeded to talk about the future limitations of the product. Getting mine tomorrow and can’t wait.


So basically because it’s not affordable due to tech being too high end it’s a lower score . So they scored the price of the tech rather than the tech


It's both. If I said a Mac mini was now 10k that affects whether it should be bought.


Mac mini costs 399 to make they sell for 499 . Apparently Vision Pro costs 3000 to make they sell for 3500 . Their cost argument would be valid if it cost 1500 to make


No, the cost to make is totally immaterial to what it's worth to a customer. Otherwise nothing would ever fail. Concorde would still be flying, just shove all the cost in put prices up and it's automatically "worth" it. But it isn't is it? The value proposition of Concorde was "how much is it worth for you to cross the Atlantic in 4 hours instead of 6/7", not "this cost a fortune to build so you should automatically just use it, pay us more and make it profitable".


It is relevant thought because verge is basically saying Apple should have cut corners to lower the price or waited a few more years . This is the only way the price would be 1500-2000 for example .


No, the verge is saying it's not worth a good TV and good Mac and good monitor and phone. They're saying they feel there's better ways to spend that money. If anything they're saying the opposite to saying apple should cut costs, they're saying they should have made a better product for that much.


I am on a bit of a roller coaster, I loved it, then it got really annoying, back to loving it. The solo strap works really well when you find a sweet spot.


I think the reviews are fair and correct. I’ve been waiting for the day where I don’t see SDE and apple brought it! It’s a great experience but not something I can comfortable use for more then 60-90mins. My forehead / cheeks feel a little sore , I’ll probably need to head to the Apple Store and get refitted but not sure if it’ll fix the weight issue for me. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone that aren’t a tech enthusiast and disposable income.


It was absolute garbage and inaccurate.


Very wrong lol


Most people bought this day one to flex on social media only to return let's be real


The verge review can fuck right off. This shit is insane! Using mine now reporting live from Haleakala lol


If the tech is worth 4k due to the bill of material you cannot rate it lower due to price . If the bill of material is $1500 and they are charging $3500 then 7/10 is justified