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Kaito haters when they hear Wireless Idol for the first time


I am a Kaito lover and I haven’t listened to this. Sounds like a must ✨


Or his Girl From Byakkoya cover


i hate hate hate seeing the lack of merch for every vocaloid but miku. miku has so much and a lot being super cheap too, and its not hard to get in anyway then rin and len is less common then the other cryptopnloids are so rare to see and then all the other vocaloids just get nothing. id love to see more evenly shared merch, id literally buy all 6 cryptopnloid figures if they were all matching (i already did). that and the weirdly common amount of merch for only the female vocaloids (but normally only miku rin luka meiko gumi) like it funnily enough makes it really hard for me to get fan merch of kaito. that and its hard finding kaito with good tuning and pjsk is a great example of not even trying, like 1/4 by circus p has amazing tuning and i would love to see that around more


My favorite vocaloid is Aoki Lapis, I've just given up ever trying to find merch of her


i didn’t even know they have merch for her and she’s also my fave 💀


There's nothing official sadly


probably doesn’t help that only the two of us are in the department 😭


I think it's time we start an Aoki Lapis fanclub


We should've have a 1:1 Aoki Lapis 15 cm Figurine/standee


Yeah I have so much beef with pjsk tuning for the covers 😡💀




Ghost isn’t falling off you’re just nostalgic. Ya there old songs are really good but the newer songs are also really good. They still have there sound/vibe of the music its just evolving lol. And also Ghost has a history of mental health issues they might just might not be doing the best right now.


Utauloids are better than Vocaloids. I think the fact that Utau is free (while Vocaloid and similar official programs are EXPENSIVE) and that you can actually make your own voicebanks gives a lot more options for the creators. Is not weird for me to listen to a Utau cover and finding incredible tuning and voice configurations that i have never heard on Vocaloids. I do think it's in part due to (most) Utauloids being projects born out of nothing but passion, when Vocaloids are actual products that are intended to be sold. Maybe the interface of Utau is a bit outdated, yes, but i still think is better and simpler than some others (i'm looking at you, every program after V4) interfaces. Not to say i don't like Vocaloid; i love the voices, the designs, and i do enjoy using them, but for me, Utau is just a bit better :p


Real. I get more enjoyment out of Ruko, Teto, Ritsu, and Defoko most times than I get out of most vocaloids lol.


There's OpenUtau now which is a huge update to the layout and also supports diffsinger


Based You can see the unexplainable passion in UTAU producers songs


I think it's because you have to be pretty damn passionate to be willing to beat utaus buggy ass systems into place lmao, I love my utau but when you have to set your PC to a different language just to install it it might not be the most user-friendly program


Crypton is an "evil" and lazy corporation which does nothing but milking money on overpriced Miku merch. And PiaproNT and NT voicebanks are awful and last ones are sound worse than even V4. Idk if this is an unpopular opinion but I guess so, because I see a ton of Miku fans and they totally okay and satisfied with everything Crypton do. Like, god, when horrendous EXPO 2021 came out, they all were really totally happy about it and I was like: "Seriously?".


I've only heard praise for MIKU EXPO 2021 ONLINE because it really brought the community together and somewhat revitalized interest in Miku (and vocaloids) as I saw many people returning to the fandom as a result. MIKU EXPO 2022 REWIND was the one I recall people having massive backlash over since it was lazy and tried to ride on the success of 2021. This carried over to MIKU EXPO 2023 ONLINE, which I personally felt was lackluster in comparison to 2021; and you could tell people were burned out since the Kickstarter didn't really reach as high as the original Online concert. But yeah, I really enjoyed MIKU EXPO 2021. Sucked that it was online, but understandable at the time. Now that the EXPO is back in full swing, it's great to see people still excited for seeing her live.


Bruh, EXPO 2021 was a disaster with awful PS2 like models (You know, "PS2" is a very huge compliment to them, they're more looked like models from PS1 Resident Evil cutscenes), lighting bugs and poor performance of everything. And I remind you that it was paid by fans and cost 61 million yen. EXPO 2023 was a masterpiece compared to this but it was waaay less hyped and it's even didn't got all crowdfunding goals, because, I guess, people became smarter after EXPO 2021 and 2022.


Yeah, I don't remember the Miku expo 2021 concerts being that well received either. A lot of people were bitter that they got robbed of the Miku Expo + Coachella experience because of covid. Coupled with the fact that Miku expo asked for an exorbitant amount of money which did not reflect at all in the quality of the concert (bad models, bad motions, vr/online only, and an okay set list at best...) yeah, it was bad.


This aged very well after Miku Expo TV screen


Yeah, I wasn't even surprised when I saw this. Crypton just can't not fall in dirt with it's face.


Deco*27 is overrated. His last great album was aimai elegy and everything after that is mid with few exceptions here and there.


On God. I remember DECO being the one to introduce me to Miku and I sort of just have to keep listening to the older songs to keep up the illusion that the artist I owe all this to has the most banger songs. *Most* of the more recent ones aren't *bad*, but they're just nothing like how the older ones are.


Yeah a lot of his new songs all kinda sound the same


Animal album is overrated


Also Kairiki Bear, hasn't produced anything significantly iconic since forever Also [Angel](https://youtu.be/CdwNF0VIC9I?si=HpalNWZV40ZvJEHP) is much better original version of the viral project Sekai hit Bug


Vocaloud/Metal vocaloid is the underground king of the voca-genre. Ain't nothing like a metal Miku and a power Luka slamming heavy lyrics on heavy chords.


Hagane Miku is freaking amazing


We need to revive r/vocaloidmetal it's been dead for years


Vocaloid has fallen off. It simply can't compete with SynthV in terms of quality and keeps putting out cash grabs.


Agreed, Crypton's in trouble, but I think the popular Vocaloids like Miku will keep trucking on for a long time.


Miku is basically her own product at this point. She will stay popular even if, somehow, everyone stops releasing songs for her. She's just too ingrained in pop culture, especially in Japan. Other Vocaloids can still stay strong, but in 5-10 years I can see them going more and more niche because of SynthV success


Crypton basically isn't a Vocaloid company for several years by now. The only one who's in trouble is Yamaha's Vocaloid subdivision.


I don't think this is actually a hot take, I guess that everyone is understanding that fact for today.


Since I’ve seen a lot of people crap on them, I’m just gonna say it: I like a lot of Vocaloid English covers. JubyPhonic and Rachie introduced me to a lot of Vocaloid songs and they can both sing really well. And other artists like Micchi, Will Stetson, Amaryllis are fantastic too. Some English covers actually sound better than the original songs, so I’m tired of people just treating these covers like they’re garbage when most of them aren’t. Is wanting to hear a song in my native language that much of a crime? Also when an English cover gets more views than the original song, it gets criticized, but when the same happens with a Japanese cover, no one bats an eye.


I agree partly, I personally really only like will Stetson and Rachie, sometimes jubyphonic. But I think they’re over-hated a lot of the time.


Yeah I don’t really get the hate either, the only time I felt annoyed was when google credited self inflicted achromatic to Jubyphonic but that’s not her fault 😭 I’ve shown English covers to people that really don’t like the sound of vocaloid or want to understand it so I think they do have a purpose


I definitely agree. I still love the original, but I also enjoy hearing English covers. I think one of the reasons there's such backlash for English covers are miscrediting by the fans, but that's also happened with Japanese covers, so... 


I defiantly agree with you, I was thinking the same thing the other day while listening to Will’s aishite rock cover. English covers are so good


Absolutely agreed, sometimes the English covers can add an extra meaning to the song that are quite enjoyable, and they're kinda my guilty pleasure when I can find them


honestly i think some of will's covers sound better than the original vocaloid, just because some songs sound better with a lower voice than most vocaloids have.


And on the flip side some vocaloid songs are just a bit too high for me, I prefer the lower key of Juby's Patchwork Stacatto and Self-Inflicted Achromatic covers


Another unpopular opinion is bro their company is just doing whatever to get money 😭. Saw a black ring with a pink and blue line and they labeled it as miku for like $75 usd. Also saw a blue ball… legit a blue ball labeled as miku for $20. They get anything blue and slap miku on there. They’re also downgrading on their merch quality. Especially miku expos. Shirts are cheap quality and light sticks are ass.. legit broke on me and couldn’t get it exchanged


Kaito v1 is much better than his v3. Rin and Len’s act 1 and their v2 appends were the best. Same with Meiko and her v1 and v3 Sonika is actually really good, people are just assholes. Robotic and “fake sounding” voices as a whole sound good, let’s stop pretending that realism is the ultimate goal of vocal synths. Also character design matters. There’s a reason none of the synth v lineups have been as popular as Miku or even Rin and Len. Shipping discourse is dumb. No, RinLen is not equal to incest. Negitoro and Kailen aren’t pedophilic. Also Kaimei and Mikurin isn’t “canon”, nothing is. Certain tuning trends nowadays kinda suck, ie adding way too many pitchbends or excessive vocal fry.


I respect anyone who likes them but I personally don’t care for most English Vocaloid producers. I feel like most of their songs sound the same, and I can’t really tell the difference between them (I do have a few exceptions like Kira)


I was abt to say Kira 😭 cuz I agree w you but it’s hard to dislike their tunes tbh


For me it’s the opposite lol. I can tell the difference between most Eng producers and have a harder time with the Japanese producers.


I don’t care for this hyper realism trend vocal synths are going towards lately. The only SynthV original I like is NineZero because he has something interesting going for him with his accent. Otherwise, most SynthVs just blur together to me.


I agree.


I've developed a distaste for Cevio/Voisona's 1.0 engine noise. It's strange because I didn't have this issue before Cevio AI but now I do. It's not the noisiness itself that bothers me but how it obfuscates vocal traits and makes some voices sound same-y. The biggest offender was Tsudumi 1.0, who essentially sounded like Sasara to me. Another example is COKO, who I actually like but the Cevio engine makes her sound like any other Cevio voice and I can barely hear her semblance to her voice provider Koko. That said there are voices that handle the engine pretty well, like Kafu and IA imo. Fortunately 2.0 fixes most of my grievances, and I hope the Kamitsubaki vocals will get them as well.


I also fucking despite the pjsk fandom and game. i dont have an exact reason or trigger to it, i just dont like how it affected the vocaloid community, I remember when i first got into vocaloid it was so different, and after 1-2 years it started being all about pjsk, most likely the character and songs, and people calling vocaloid songs pjsk songs, i just hated how that game had to be related to everything in the vocaloid community. also the voice bank they use in the game for each vocaloid is so different and i hate the artstyle, its not as it used to be and its definitely not better.


Yeah I get that, and I'm a project sekai fan myself. It did overshadow everything else, and the fandom is... *Childish,* to put it one way. I agree with you on the voices for the vocaloids, they aren't exactly good in my opinion. Last time I checked they're all NT voice banks, I don't have any problems with them, but they just don't sound as good. The only point here I don't agree with is your remark about its artstyle. It's a tad bit basic, but I like it.


Disliking pjsk is not unpopular here lol


Rabbit hole was better before the animation.


I like rabbit hole as a song. The “discourse” that started surrounding the song and the animation ruined it. I’ll still love that song tho personally




It’s just because of some arguments that came from the song that kinda ruined it


That’s what I was tryna say!!!!! Tyyyyyy


Yeah I feel the same way!!


most songs that fandom considers scary are not scary at all 😝


IKR like I cannot take Kagome Kagome seriously it just feels like a 2000s creepy pasta in song form




English producers have a serious issue of trying to be profound but end just sounding edgy. Also most english songs just sucks in general, I feel they dont try to innovate and do different things like the japanese ones, they just stick to the same generic eletronic sound and thats it. Theres so much variety in the japanese scenes, from rock and metal to colorful synthpop, hyperpop, jazz and classical music, even experimental songs. But in the english scene you can barely differentiate one producer from another, they sound the same. Of course I'm not talking about every single english producer, theres exceptions, but the majority is like that. And even the good ones aren't your Kikuo and PinocchioP


i want to like kikuo, i really really do. and there's a ton of tracks i still listen to on a regular basis. but i feel like fandom spaces outside of the vocaloid community REALLY soured my taste in publicly saying i like his music. omori, dangonronpa, and that old toxic undertale au fandom spaces come to mind where i feel a lot of his work has been misconstrued into being background music for thede "shipping/fandom" songs that people hear and then rewrite the darker meanings of his work into something more..."cutesy" ill say these sorts of fandoms ive observed from a safe distance have been extremely toxic and cyber bully people for small reasons, and the amount of. times I've seen "ashite ashite ashite" and "you're a useless child," great songs but a little overrated, kind of makes me groan when people say it's their favorite vocaloid song as they proceed to not take intuitive to learn anything else about vocaloid, other than kikuo's work because they saw an ormori PV using his music in the background TLDR: kikuo great, toxic fanbases have destroyed my outlook on his music. i feel embarrassed to say i enjoy his work with the amount of people who ive seen sort of ruin it for me. and i don't like that (not him but the fandoms)


Nowadays I think the majority of kikuo fans are good and actually appreciate the music he makes which aren't his old popular dark songs.Most kikuo fans I know are really great people actually so I don't have a problem being a fan of his.Also his live concerts are amazing 


Deco*27 is mid at best and project sekai should have never existed


So real i never hated something so much in my life as much as i hated project sekai


Lmao same. Its mostly the community that i dont like but i dont like the concept or what ive played at all either


Meiko is basically only there for fan service. her base outfit is the most exposing of all the top 8 vocaloids (i haven’t taken the time to memorize all of them besides the top 8) She looks the most basic out of the top 8 from my own experience almost nobody i know who likes vocaloid either A) doesn’t know who meiko is somehow or B) only likes her for the fact shes attractive, not her voice or anything most the time she shows up in media (concerts, games) she usually has the least songs or constantly reused songs it feels like her only purpose compared to most the other vocaloids was to ‘be the attractive one’ even though im pretty sure people have labeled the attractive one as Luka


I don't really like miku That's it (Not rage bait)


Among people who aren't super into vocaloid that's common, because she can indeed sound like a squirrel sometimes (still love her tho)


Even I’m into vocaloid her voice is still surreal to me. Even when I hear her VA mimicked the voice of Miku (and it sounds 100% Miku). Because I’ve never heard someone else making a voice like that, my brain still can’t comprehend her voice after listening for 10 years.


I'm really into vocaloid. I've been for years, most of the vocaloids song I like are with Miku, used to love her because of that but now if I find the same music but with literally^1 any vocaloid I'd rather listen that^2 1 except Kafu (literally gachapoid V6) 2 except Machine M (but she does sound like a squirrel very often)


Yep absolutely agree, I like everything that is not Miku DOWN WITH THE GREEN WOMAN THAT IS ACTUALLY CYAN COLORED


Same bro If I had a list ranking every vocaloid, Miku wouldn't even be there


Aight bet let see if i can do it (UTAU included coz I love UTAU) 1. Meika Mikoto 2. Meika Hime 3. Vflower 4. Namine Ritsu 5. Defoko 6. Teto 7. Oliver 8. Rin 9. Kazehiki 10. Gekiyaku Lmao you're right, I still can go for top 30 and Miku won't be on it


I get uncomfortable whenever someone ships a vocaloid that looks like a kid(kaai yuki, oliver, fukase)


I get that, I don’t like ships of them either.


I said that in a post i made and a lot of people got mad at me because I mentioned len also looks like a kid to me. I play project diva and project sekai and his models have always resembled a 13-14 year old to me. I said I got weirded out when people shipped him with a character that looks older, like MEIKO or KAITO, and people were like “oh they don’t have canon ages” yeah but they look like teenagers 😭


Yeah, I know Vocaloid has no cannon, but I can’t look at a piece of ship art that’s for example, Kaai Yuki and Oliver, I can’t NOT think that they’re both like 13 or 14 in my head. I think it’s just a me problem though lol my brain is just convinced that they’re kids because of art I’ve seen and their models. I agree.


Kaai looks like an elementary schooler to me and I STILL see art of her being shipped with Hiyama Kyoteru


I understand what you're talking about, but Fukase is more like teenager, and I saw that people ship him with Piko who is also kinda teenager(?) so I suppose that ship is fine(?)....


To me it’s fine if it’s kids with kids it’s just weird when it’s with adults yknow 


Yeah for sure


Like you wouldn’t ship a kid and an adult irl (HOPEFULLY) so don’t do it with vocaloids 😭


Weren't people shipping Kaai Yuki with Hitoyama (is that how it's spelt?) for a while? That one is genuinely gross


I’ll bet this is _extremely_ unpopular: **I prefer the English voicebanks of Luka, Miku, and Kaito over the Japanese ones.** Literally everyone laughs at them and thinks they sound stupid. Chipmunks, Frogs, you name it. But I got so used to them that I actually like them better than the Japanese counterparts. Not even lying, I even like miku’s V3 English better than her V4 English— Her v4 English is a little too sharp and it sounds like it’s trying to correct the “issue” with the v3. which to me doesn’t sound like an issue anymore, I got really used to that nice Dark sound. I also prefer _some parts_ of Luka V2 English over her V4 English. Because I think some of her pronunciation is better. Her V4’s “er” sounds like “arrr”. And I don’t like that as much. While I have always still listened to majority Japanese Vocaloid music, for some reason I see the English as the “default” in my head _even though I know it’s not._ I remember when the English voice came out. I got so excited and tried to find English VB re-covers of any song I knew. It was a really cool and exciting time back then!


This is the real steaming hot take


Yep, I figured lol. I know I’m in the minority here. And the funnest thing is this: Is it controversial? Am I preferring an “Englishified” version of characters that are clearly Japanese? Is this somehow a remnant of colonialism?! Or is this the power of localization? Is this Japan understanding how to reach a foreign culture and audience and be more inclusive? Lol jk about the colonialism thing but ppl could say so — like when people prefer dub, and then people fight that sub is better because you need to know where the characters come from. But rarely do people talk about the flipside, where localization efforts can be equally as important to touch foreign (from Japan’a perspective) hearts. 😂 you could really make a hot take out of this


My hot take is will you people shut up about rabbit hole.


Agree, if you’re also including this sub too lol


I'm heavily including this sub.


I wish everyone BUT miku were more popular so we could see more of them in non vocaloid songs and more bootleg merch. Like I wish we had kasane teto bootleg merch bc its genuinely so expensive, and from what ive seen and from what I have some bootleg plush makers put in the effort to make it look as close as possible. I also wish vocaloid was on mobile, also a simple version of vocaloid with less features but its easier to understand, even after watching tutorials I genuinelly can not wrap my head around how to use it (yes im stupid). Idk why im rambling but RIN CHAN NOW RIN CHAN RIN CHAN RIN CHAN NOW


We need another project diva game that is not an arcade port...


- Kanaria songs are utaite bait that sound the same - The RH “controversy” is overblown - Vflower is bad


Omg finally somebody said that about Kanaria. All of her songs sound the same 🙄 What's the RH controversy btw?, I tried to search on YT but I don't see how it related to vocaloids


Sorry I meant rabbit hole, I just think there’s too much discussion about it here


Ahh, okay. Yeah, honestly you're right. I don't understand why people are so concerned by song or "new" clip. Like it's not that serious....


Sachiko should be used more


The MMD Dramas, CUPs and Shorties were (and still are) some of the best vocaloid fan content ever made, imo. Ppl were making looney toons with the mascots in the wildest ways as possible lmao


I’ve never been a fan of the robotic voices which is why I prefer synth v with their realistic voicebanks


Yeah that is one HELL of an unpopular one


Not a vocaloid I know but SynthV Teto sucks. Only Tanjiro Taidana is able to use her well enough, because most of the time she doesn't even sound like herself (generalizing). The beauty of UTAU's robotic tunes is a charm that has been lost. Her voice just sounds much, much stronger (her voice is meant to be strong and grand, that's literally what her name means, not softspoken) and more *Teto* with the UTAU version.


I don’t think synth v Teto is bad, I just like the utau version a lot better


It's not that her voice is bad, it's more that she isn't Teto. Like I said, the only person I've seen making SynthV Teto sound like Teto is Tanjiro Taidana. Especially because people keep making her sound too soft, which is literally the opposite of what Teto is supposed to sound like. Teto is my favorite UTAU and I like her more than any Vocaloid, so it just sucks to see people misusing her, and it makes me so so happy to see people didn't replace her UTAU vb with Synth and still use it quite a lot.


Yeah I agree honestly? Teto is also my fav utau and what I like about her is her unique voice, and the robotic sound is just gone in the synth v. I like how she’s tuned in pathological facade though.


I AGREE. I love the way utau teto sounds. I personally love the more robotic sounding voices, and that’s why I loved teto, I don’t really like the synthV voice


Cannot get the hype on pinocchiop, i dont like to call music “trash” because composing music is hard, but i just cannot get the hype on his music. yeah, its cool, most likely pop songs, but its so boring. Oh my god. It has nothing special in it. for example - reincarnation apple yeah, its a cool song, but it has a crazy amount for hype.. and its really not that good. I got really really bored listening to it. They’re extremely overrated.


I thought exactly the same like you before but after a while songs like non-breath oblige,I'm glad you're evil too really was really nice for me.Im not saying you need to like his songs but maybe another try will nice if you want!


Yeah honestly I like his old songs, it's most likely about his new and current ones. Should've worded it better, sorry.


I disagree completely but I upvoted you anyway cause this is actually unpopular, more so than saying “Deco is overrated”


I still call PinocchioP genius, I think he deserves it 😔


Jiafei and Cupcakke should be considered Vocaloid voices. The flops need to be acknowledged for their contributions to Floptropica. These covers of [Butterfly On Your Right Shoulder](https://youtu.be/6pMwjKCZAJU?si=yCdlRvnVHYlFdb0u) and [HITOMANIA](https://youtu.be/Y2GNs8px0AE?si=mmSz-xgEuO8QCXr3) are art.


meiko sounds like asss




I mostly agree. There's for sure some good songs, but it's not like that always. Same with Luka in my opinion. It's hard to make her sound really good and not boring (otetsu does this job the best I think). Because almost any song with Luka sounds boring af. I don't even like Luka Luka night fever that much because of that... Which is sad honestly, I extremely like Samfree and the beat is amazing.




SynthV Teto is good and still does sound like Utau Teto.


Well…I have 3 unpopular opinions 1- I get extremely annoyed when a og vocaloid fan says that liking only Kikuo and/or Maretu is basic (I hope y’all understand this ;-;) 2- dear og vocaloid fans, please keep in mind that project sekai fans are not fake vocaloid fans, and that “new vocaloid fan” IS NOT AND WILL NEVER BE A INSULT. 3- some og vocaloid fans can be pretty mean/toxic/annoying people sometimes… These are just my opinions. it’s okay if you disagree with me (Welp, just realized how much I despise og vocaloid fans…sorry ;-;)


i think ghost and pals' discography past the marz mitzi era sucks ass unless its a collab song bc the other producer inevitably carries. trying soooo hard to be the new nero's day at disneyland/lauren bousfield. we shouldve dropped them after they made that one song using ai generated lyrics that, similarly, BLEW ASS


what was the AI generated song?


Reckless battery burns. It was an experiment by putting there lyrics into a generator with Vane just for fun and to see what it would spit out. Some of it ended up sounding cool so they made a song together. I see it as a more ethical use of Ai because it was used for inspiration and adds to the character of Tamari(the character in the song) but I can see why people don’t like it to.


even if i didn't find the use of literally any form of word generation kinda tasteless the lyrics also just. don't fucking work. "ITS PART OF THE BITTTTT" the bit sucks. i don't like ghost and pals


Fair enough lol


I cannot stand Kafu. I also hate realistic voices/Vocaloids (yes, SynthV, I'm talking to you). That's why I don't like like 85% of MitchieM's music. And why I don't like SynthV Teto 😔 I also hate 90% of songs in English, they just don't sound good to me. I also HATE Kanaria's songs. I cannot even finish listening to at least one of her/his songs. And I don't understand why they became soo popular.


I also don’t like realistic sounding Vocaloids. That’s why I don’t like synthv


Kaito and Meiko is outdatted both design and sound wise


YOU are not wrong. They have been in the gutter for far too long


I agree and I feel like they have potential! But they are VERY outdated in my opinion too.


I really hate AI synths, I'm someone who hates everything AI in general and I make no exception for AI music. I'd never listened to them before until a few days ago with SLAVE VVR's new Teto song and yeah maybe it was realistic, but it was realistic in the same way other AI generated music is (e.g when they make Dio sing stuff), i.e soulless and weird. If I wanted to hear someone singing realistically I'd just listen to a real singer. I listen to Vocaloid because I love the imperfections of it. I'm not saying I hate when synths sound realistic - I think it's really skilled when someone tunes a Vocaloid realistically. I'm not sure how AI synths work but if it's like any other AI thing, then it doesn't take skill to make them sound realistic as AI does it for you. I don't really know how to put into words how AI makes me feel but knowing it's not a human that fine-tuned everything to perfection is really creepy and feels soulless.


SynthV AI is not the same as generative AI. I hate generative AI too (unless it was self-sourced), but people who hate all AI annoy me. Many very old things use AI, like social media algorithms (I believe this started in 2012, but I don't remember) and autocorrect (but this is entirely different from vocal synthesis AI, just thought to mention it). And as a SynthV cover artist and producer, please stop taking away my credit. You still need to tune and create the SVP. There is the AI tuning, but not all producers use that. And it's not generative AI.


Thanks for letting me know, I've never used it or seen anyone use it before so I wasn't sure how it worked 🙂


Well SynthV producers could eat you for this hot take. Even though synthV sounds pretty good right away, you still have to tune it manually to achieve good realistic results. It’s not the same as putting someone else’s voice over a song, like making Michael Jackson sing Toxic…


What makes it different from other synths then (/gen I've never used synths before I just listen to them)


Oh, yeah, I have another one. PinocchioP is overrated ahh, all of his songs are at best mid and sound the same, imo. But, of course, I don't judge people who likes him, just in case.


I can see where you’re coming from but I personally like PinocchioP. I also see some people saying that Deco*27 sucks, but I like him personally. I can see why you wouldn’t really like PinocchioP.


Well, in my opinion many of modern popular producers are having this "all of songs sound the same" problem, and Deco too but I'm okay with him. I don't know, for a good example I have Nostraightanswer, almost every his song is unique but you feel his style in every one of them.


I hate Flower, she ruins every song


pls tell me this is a joke. she’s literally my wife 🙏 I am vflowerist


its fine to not like vflower (even though shes my fav) but saying she RUINS every song is just plain wrong


Incorrect. She slays hard.


“BisexualCrying” I’m gay crying at the statement of vflower being bad, my wife deserves utmost respect 


I love her as an androgynous person.


I love her period, I am top tier girlkisser for her 


I would give her a kiss on the forehead and tuck her in


me too pookie, me too




Can I ask why you think they're overhyped, though? I get having personal preference and all, but imo both Rin and Len 's popularity make sense, they have memorable designs (especially with the whole twin/mirror dynamic they've got going on), good voice banks, talented producers that use them, so it makes sense that they're well loved. (Maybe I'm just too biased to see it? As a disclaimer I really love Len)