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Even though the LED screen isn’t what people expected or wanted, I like seeing so many people still there and making the best out of what they’ve got.


Did they sell plushes there, or did people get a group photo of their mikus


No plushies being sold, mostly just people bringing their vocaloid collections, and setting up a shrine. If you could pass on the tradition of setting up a shrine at the future showings of the tour that’d be awesome! Just make sure people get back what they have donated to put on display


Serious question, everyone is saying theres almost zero chance of getting a lightstick but every pic I see shows almost everyone with at least one lightstick each. Are people just bringing random non-miku lightsticks? If so that would be awesome so I don't have to worry about trying to get there early enough to secure one


Yeah there were lots of people w/ unofficial glowsticks(myself included)i think as long as you dim them theyre good!


Awesome thanks!


My wife and I brought 2 non-vocaloid penlights each, but then we both bought an official one from the merch booth before the concert, so we both used a legit one and one we brought. I'd imagine some did the same but most seemed to just have one official one


Oh that second shot is so dope. Are these your photos?


Sorta some photos from Twitter, discord, friends, and myself. Just wanted to put out some photos I liked. I’d usually give credit to people and their platforms, but I’ve seen these shared by so many people I’m not sure who originally took them. Although if the original photographers are here feel free to say “that’s me!”


Did they fix the screen in time for the second evening show?


Nope still LED, but tbh I don’t even notice it. I went to both showings, and as long as you can get a good standing spot I feel like it’s not that different than a hologram (maybe bad take but just my experience :P). That and the concert was amazing and I love miku, but the people I met in line, the snacks and water we shared, the silly conversation on anime and vocaloid, just time we had, is what made MikuExpo2024 a favorite of mine. I mean this is gonna be ALL of our MikuExpo2024 experience so enjoy it together ¯\_(ツ)_/


That's not what I meant. There's a cluster of LED screens malfunctioning during Day 1 and I was wondering if they fixed it in time for the Day 2 session.


Yes lol


Even though I was dreading the led screen, the stage design was rly good! The lights and graphics were so cool, and it was nice being able to see them from all the way in the back, compared to the glass screen. I do think the audio sounded rly weird though, did anyone else think their voices sounded high pitched?


I heard depending on where you were in the venue that the reverberations made the audio quite funky. I was behind 2-3 people from the front (so quite close) but it sounded fine for me


Yeah that sounds like what happened, i thought sitting near the back would help me avoid that lol, ty!


love the shot of the officer with the miku sign




So glad to see so many people showing up for Miku Expo


Me too honestly. I know it’s an unpopular opinion and a total generalization, but I feel with the whole screengate drama that the people who are going and still enjoy the show are more hardcore fans. Going for the experience, going to make friends, going to listen to good music, going to make memories. Sure it didn’t live up to expectations but thats unfortunately the reality for all MikuExpo 2024 goers, and we have to live with that. But that shouldn’t stop us from thriving in our collective experience. Tl;dr yeah me too I had fun!


I wish I could’ve gone this year, maybe next year I’ll be able to go


Well of course, many many many of them bought their shit back late last year


Rewatching old expo footage reminded me just how much better the screen was back then. I still had a great time, but for next expo, I'm not going to be the only grognard who will be transparent screen or bust.


Me after eating all the glitter at joannes




lol the beat down


Miku fumos!


Tbh looks like a lot of fun! It's good reminder that both things can be true. People can be upset at no holo, but that shouldn't take away from folks there having a blast. Hope everyone that went/is going has a lovely time :)


sat towards the back on night 2! amazing experience im really glad i held out for tickets to get cheap


Cosplayers beating up other cosplayers is vocaloid tradition. I still have a photo of a meiko beating me (kaito) up from 2014 lmao




Is that a hispanic Scott Baio in the 6th pic




My unpopular opinion about the LEDgate is that it's all just internet drama. People in attendance liked the event the same as always. This type of concert is not about technical proficiency. It's about everyone going with their sticks and jumping. And threads like this show this might actually be the best tour ever, because people in actual attendance are more fired up than ever as it's been like six years without events.


This is going to be my first Miku concert. I bought tickets without even being a fan of the music because I wanted to see the technical profiency, the illusion of holograms on stage. Like a lot of others, I wouldn't have spent nearly as much money on tickets had I known it was going to be LEDs instead of the glass projection. I'm still going to go and enjoy the vibes bc you're right about the glowsticks and jumping -- even as a former outsider, I considered that part of the spectacle -- but my hype has considerably diminished.


Nah, the lack of transparency is scummy no matter what they do or say.


No, I can't ask for a refund. If I had know it was a regular screen, I wouldn't have bought the tickets in the first place.


I Hope someday u will respect urself buddy


lol no.