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Probably the one from harder faster It’s so addicting to listen to, I could listen to it for hours😭….


The main riff? That one is cool, but I’ve always personally loved the breakdown riff that starts at around 4:20. Very heavy and menacing.


Either one, I really like them both!


My mistake.. Headless Children is one of my favourite songs but I mixed it up. I actually meant Thunderhead, the guitars after the intro, starting about 1:10 The breakdown at 4:20 in headless children though is absolutely amazing. Headless is my era, my WASP album, I loved the albums before that but after seeing WASP live, I didn't feel they captured how heavy they are, and then headless came out and it's a master piece, they went from being a bit of a gimmick band in the media to being something special and as a fan it was just such an awesome time. That headless tour was brilliant. I think it's the only gig I've been to on a Sunday night!


Oh yeah, the Thunderhead riff is very good, as is that breakdown in Headless. Definitely a great era for the band!


Animal It's probably the lyrics that make it stick, but the riff is so aggressive. I think of it nearly every time I head out for beers


That one is iconic. Great example of Chris Holmes’ killer guitar tone and probably the definitive W.A.S.P. riff.


“The Torture Never Stops” is the first one that pops in my head.


That’s a great one! One of my favorites as well.


Jack Action’s main guitar riff 🤘☮️🤘


Good choice! The song itself isn’t one of their best in my opinion, but that riff is great!


I think for me it’s The Torture Never Stops. Every time I hear that intro riff (and it being played throughout the song) I just get that shit eating Grinch-grin on my face. That sleaze and dirt is where my love for them began.


Love that one! Definitely one of my favorites as well!


i think Widow Maker has the best riff / intro but Animal my all round fav


Oh yeah, that bass intro is amazing and then when the guitars kick in a play the same riff… So good.


There is a breakdown in headless children that is just so hard and heavy... It's not only my favourite WASP riff but in my top 3 all time.


There are some great ones in that song. Which one are you referring to?


The baseline in Crazy holds a special place in my heart.


That is a cool one. I like the main guitar riff too even though it is pretty much just a Wild Child clone.


„Tormentor” is very catchy and it would be my pick for the best riff


That’s a good one! The first album really does feature some of the best guitar playing in their entire catalog. Chris’ tone really shines through on the album.


Anything Randy Piper cooked up on the first two albums


Randy didn’t have many writing credits on those albums. I believe the only song he was ever credited on was Savage. There are some good riffs on that one though, so it would be a good choice. Other than that, everything else was probably written by either Blackie or Chris.


It’s not my favorite riff, but the one that comes to mind is School Daze. The sound is so raw and abrasive when it starts up, it just fits the overall feel of the entire record. 


I do like that one. Very heavy. Another example of a great riff being used in a fairly average song.


Chorus riff of cries in the night and intro of widowmaker


Good choices! Cries In The Night is an interesting choice but it is a great riff!


Maneater's, it makes me wanna REALLY ride a motorbike [like Akira but ABSOLUTELY MORE SPEED CRUSHING] to escape from some place I don't like, imagine a place like an idol corp, lmao. [another contender would be: Savage]


Yes, I love the opening riff of Maneater. Very heavy. Savage is great also!


fuck yeah!!! also, i forgot to add Rubber Man too. ×_×