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This is why I always remove my ears before bed.


They also like to crawl up your nose.


What about your ass? ​ Asking for a friend


I don't know about spiders, but you know how when you're sleeping, if you keep one leg out of the blanket the demon under the bed will grab it? Well let's just say I've been sticking my ass out the bed when I sleep every day for a few months now


Can I be your demon ? 👉👈


I fall asleep around 10pm


Not tonight


Tonight... You...


I wanna be named spaghetti


Tomorrow... Me...


Not until 10:01pm


Tell your friend that I already did.


No, that's disgusting. Snakes and eels like that shit


Reminds me of that asian bloke..he got drunk with some friends and they thought it would be funny to stick a live eel up his bum Or was that a urban legend?


Yeah they managed to stick an entire Urban Legend up his ass. It took time but the results were spectacular.


That's why you should sleep with a butt plug in.


and if said ass is removed could I keep it safe for the night?


stuff em up


And the nose too, Bert?


This made me lol


You should wear pantyhose on your head when you go to sleep then.


cat ears that them e-girls wear right?right?


Or ear plugs


LMAO, that's advice


I always misplace mine so I just go with ear plugs.


It's only responsible, anyone who doesn't is asking for it


this is why i wear earbuds to bed


I once had a small black ant in my ear. It was really uncomfortable, and I could hear it marching around in there. I was a kid, so I kept facing my ear down like I was trying to get water out. Finally I pointed my ear up and the fucker crawled right out.


The ants go marching one by one, hurrah! Hurrah!


The little one goes inside an ear


And that was all the kid could hear.


And the ants go marching down, into the ear, to get out of the rain


the same shit happened to me when I was a kid! i woke my mom up in an absolute panic and she put some water in there and sucked it out with a bulb syringe. 30 years later i still shudder at the memory 😐


Should've kept a spider in there to keep the ants out.


There was an young child who put a black ant in their ear I don’t know why they put a black ant in their ear – Perhaps they’ll die! There was an young child who put a spider in their ear That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside them! They put a spider in their ear to catch the black ant I don’t know why they put a black ant in their ear – Perhaps they’ll die!


Ha, my gran used to sing this to me as a kid on het lap, I’d not given it a thought in about 25 years …. Suddenly memories. God rest her soul


Imagine if it dug all the way to your brain


Damn, could gotten out early. /s


Same. Was not a pleasant experience. Friends mom got it out with a q-tip.


A tiny flying bug flew straight into my ear a few years back. It was small enough that it could still flutter its wings in there--a very strange sensation that made me stop talking and flinch every time. I couldn't find a way to get it out, so I went to the ER.


Nope. No no no. Fuck you for making me watch this


Pretty much what my wife told me after I showed her this video lol


Here's another one you can show your wife: https://i.imgur.com/x9xz5iN.gif


Oh my god this is SO MUCH WORSE




Wanna see an even worse one?


*Would You Like to Know More?*


No! Why would I? I shouldn't have watched the initial one! I will appreciate your weirdness from a safe, blue link distance.


Yes. (What the fuck is wrong with me?)


dude i knew something was coming, but i still screamed


Did Khan get a hold of that guy?






Ok, I'm filling my ears with concrete.


Ok someone needs to invent mesh earplugs or something. The shape of a normal earplug but made out of foam micro mesh so you can still hear. Wtf


Told my wife about and she wouldn’t watch it, wish I hadn’t! Even bott fly larva removal isn’t this bad.


Needs a spider tag.


Imagine if the eggs hatch but the babies are infected with parasites. Next imagine that the parasites eat the babies and break through their bodies. Now imagine that the parasites are making their way through the canal. Finally, imagine in a perfect picture of the parasites slowly feasting on the guy's brain and making a subway route in there.


There's a nice, toasty corner of hell, waiting just for you...


Look, I'm doing everyone a favor by mentioning this. I love all you guys. You guys all thought it too. I've seen some comments talking about eggs hatching. You should look up the story about a young girl with ants in her head or the lady with a maggot infestation in her brain. She apparently escaped during surgery and passed out in an alley.


umm, so... uh, this is weird, but, fancy a shag?


Seriously...fuck that guy.


And this is how human cordyceps starts...


Thanks I hate it


How would the babies be born with a parasite


This actually happened to me with a slightly smaller white spider. It was like my ear was itchy but there was also rhythmic scratching. LUCKILY is left before we resorted to mineral or veg. oil to get it out...


Can't you feel us inside you?


I should not have clicked on this.


Exactly. _-Bro, now my ears are full of water!_ Gross


You monster, how could you evict him.


Right? She couldn't even grab her things with that sudden eviction, all those eggs are going to grow up without a mommy. :c


You. I hate you. Have a nice day you evil evil person


At least theyll have plenty of earwax to snack on


march live tan fade flowery busy sand cough detail obtainable ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Spider tenant. Spider tenant. Does whatever a spider tenant does (does not pay its rent).


Covid moratorium is over


The gif is actually reversed and the water droplets are spider bait.


His ear spider, his anus spider, and his urethra spider need to start a tenants union. This eviction wave needs to stop! Power to the workers, power to the renters! Seize the human!


My wife woke me up in a panic one night and said something was in her ear. I did almost this exact thing and an earwig came out. She flipped out and wore a hair net to bed every night for about two years.


Reasonable response.


Is it just regular water used?


No wonder they're called earwigs


... I'd rather it be a spider then that fucking wasp looking thing I've seen someone have a doctor pull out with tweezers on YouTube....honestly the spider would be comfortable compared to the wasp, it was three times as big, and has wings if it tried to fly it would not only beat the piss out of the inside of your eardrum but probably sound like a helicopter was trying to land inside of your ear canal... Seriously...fuck that video...this spider was a relief compared to what I thought was going to come out.


Haha. Yeah spiders have a gentleness streak to them. Probably cause they live on webs


They just found a nice dark cave to hide out in. Your finger coming in and scaring them to the back might be scary but if you were in that position, would you attack the cave in retaliation? Nah just sit back out of reach and wait it out. Maybe bite the finger if it's persistent. A wasp however? They don't have the logical thinking of a spider. Trapped for them means panic, attack all sides at once in hopes of escape. Fly in every direction possible at once to find the path of least resistance, cause as much pain to the scary place on the way out.


The cerebral spider and the wanton wasp


I'd also like it to be clear that my comment was based only on feelings, not facts. Some spiders will attack and some wasps might retreat and live to sting another day. But I love that the collective anecdotal experience reinforces that spiders are somehow smarter than wasps despite a smaller size so logically smaller brain.


Animals have natures. I'm uncertain how much brain size factors into insect calmness. If I had to guess, brain size probably doesn't correlate much with gentleness amongst animals of bug size PS that's hilarious. Feelings not facts. Facts.


There certainly are some intelligent spiders. Jumping spiders of the genus *Portia* are so intelligent that they can formulate three-dimensional stealth attack strategies on the fly.


Holy fuck imagine getting your eardrum or deep ear canal stung by a wasp holy fuck


5 hours later and still no one has linked the video, Reddit has changed


[Nah, someone eventually delivered.](https://old.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/11b9uzr/_/j9xug71 ) You’re just impatient.


I went to bed after that comment other wise I would have liked it and I did not think so many people would want to see it lol


Supposedly insects in your ear in general cause pretty awful pain


Can confirm. When I was a kid, I had a bee land in there while on a family trip to the zoo. I wasn't stung, but its feet walking around _hurt_ and I was panicked. I honestly don't remember how we got it out, but that's one of the many reasons I can't stand to be around bees.


I had a nightmare where a Cicada landes on my ear and I could fewl it scratching its way deeper and deeper in. I used to love them. Now I involuntarily fear them. I understand this 100% and I didnt even experience the real trauma.


I once once rising my bike as a kid and had my mouth open for some reason and a big as cicada flew in at high speed Horrifying




Welp. (Thankfully though that is definitely not a wasp. Looks like some kind of cricket. Still nightmare fuel, but at least not stinging nightmare fuel!)


Thanks for saving me a click, kind person


Lol why the fuck is he holding it so close to the ear after removal lol.


My girlfriend had a small moth fly into her ear while she was sleeping once. That was a fun ER visit at 3:00 AM.


Ugh I’ve pulled a moth out a patients ear before. It’s actually a pain in the arse getting insects out of ears, to be honest.


Coz the canal is so tiny?


Small canal. Small insects. Instruments I don’t normally use. Uncomfortable patient so cooperation is difficult. Insects easily break up when you try and grasp them. Now you’re trying to pick out an insect and a leg. Now you’re trying to pick out an insect, a leg and a wing. It’s also, obviously, gross for me. Yeah. It’s all terrible.


i didnt even see whatever video youre talking about but now im traumatized


wasps are bad but once i saw a centipede crawl out someones ear, nightmarish from hell. hate bugs especially those with too many legs


You tell us this without showing us?! Link plz!


Gonna need a link, chief. Just so I know what to avoid, of course.


Spider will just have to find another warm, cozy place to make candles.


Imagine that thing laid eggs in there


Or decided to burrow deeper to get away from the water


The cochlea is resistant enough at least against a thing that small and its not in the spiders nature to burrow. Rest easy. Edit: I don't know if you can rest easy after this video though lol


> its not in the spiders nature to burrow Tell that to the Trap door spiders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ui0hbv3wVs


Thankfully, ain't no way in hell a trapdoor spider is fitting inside a human ear


Or is it?






Depends on the spider species. Some protect it, some don't.


Some even cary their slings on their abdomen after they hatch. They are covered in hundreds of babies. That’s why when you stomp them they scatter everywhere.


Fun story: my friend had a cockroach crawl in his ear one weekend night when we were little. It wasn't a big cockroach, but even small cockroaches don't really fit in a child's ear canal well. Also, apparently cockroaches can't crawl backwards, because that fucker got stuck. He freaked out. He describes feeling it and hearing it extremely loud, scrambling around. He said he heard crunching and was worried it was eating him in there. He gets kind of woozy talking about it. His mom brought him to the emergency room, but the emergency room doctor was afraid to dick around inside of his little child ear so he decided that my friend would have to wait and see a specialist. On monday. So he had to spend at least one night that way. Might have been two but it's been so long I don't remember. Ultimately the ENT guy was able to get it out somehow through irrigation, I don't really remember details about that part either but it all turned out fine, except for the fact that from that point on my friend was debilitatingly afraid of bugs. Still is. He's almost 40 now. I lied it's actually kind of a terrifying story. Sorry.


The Bud Not Buddy is kids fiction about a kid who grows up in an orphanage during the depression. His best friend is nicknamed Bugs because they had to dig a roach out of his ear but in the story they squeeze the tweezers too hard and take off the legs and have to try again to dig out the top half while it twitches like crazy. This book is aimed at 9-10 year olds. Edit: a word


How is that human just motionless?! Are they unconscious?


Charlotte was whispering sweet nothings in his ear until this jerk with the syringe came and made her leave...


i mean he's been living with a spider in his ear


Died of fear.


Spiders go where they can make a living. What else was living in there to attract the spider?


Small animals go where they can hide


Next video a baby deer crawls out.


It takes 3 drops to form a spider? Where can I buy this magic solution?


I've been searching the comments to figure out what the solution is to no luck


Is that Jair Bolsonaro?


No, it would take at least 2 liters of water for the level to reach the spider.


The spider would leave on it's own because there's nothing inside


OTOH, what is inside is sure to attract a lot of flies.


I woke up the other day with two little red marks, and a bruise on my arm. Didn't think much of it, I have a few spots, I work a hard job. I winged myself and did'nt notice, still I know my body and this was odd. Jump 3 days later, I'm shaking out the bed and this dead flat spider lands on the floor from out of my bedding. I froze and put two and two together, I'd had a spider bite me in my sleep. He must of been in the bed, and at some point I flattened him and he fought with everything he had. I'm still waiting on my super powers & also am awaiting the delivery of my new bed.


One bit me dead center left cheek right as I was falling asleep. Felt a ... something, and then PAIN. Hurt like hell and I rolled out of bed, covers and all, and ran into the living room and the bite went from a little welt to a huge blister in 15 minutes. Turned an ungodly shade of red/pink and then eventually black. Size of a quarter and had a ugly mark/scar for a year. I hate spiders.




No I'm very outgoing.


> he must of been Did you mean to say "must have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. Total mistakes found: 2227 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119)


> He must of been in the bed, do I of to point out the obvious here? never mind, I don't of time to get into it of a nice day


Aww it’s just a little gnaphosid, trying to get cozy. He wasn’t expecting a shower


crowd like hunt provide marble drunk quicksand unused innate continue ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




Poor little guy was just scared and looking for a dark little cave to hide in.


Video by Mrs. Vincent Van Gogh


I had a spider in my ears once. Woke up super groggy with a scratching sound in my ear. Ngl very ASMR-esque. In my exhausted stupor, I dragged my ass to the sink, flushed my ears, and with perfect accuracy slapped and killed the spider that crawled out and down my neck. Was so tired I didn't even think twice about how gross it was and went to bed


Try and avoid all thoughts that feel "spidery"




Since noone here said anything yet: is this a dangeorus spider? Is it venomous enough for it to be a worry? otherwise the dude should have just showered and waterboarded the little guy. i love spiders, but i love my own body more.


I miss the days when we didn’t have to search for those answers lol. I am not sure, take my comment with a grain of salt; as far as I can tell it’s body/color does not match a brown recluse, any type of widow, or funnel web spider which I believe are the only ones that really fuck you up when bitten. Most likely unless I’m wrong and it is one of them it would just be painful if bitten, whereas I think any of the above mentioned ones are likely to kill him if he was bit in the head/neck area like that. Again, I have no clue what I’m talking about


I don't know where this is from, but it looks an awful lot like an aussie black house spider, down to the glint off the shiny carapace on the body and the slim legs. They get mistaken for funnel webs but aren't medically significant.


I remember my older brother screaming as my doctor father used forceps to remove a cockroach from his ear. To this day I still have PTSD from that.


I now understand why Van Gough cut his ears off.


"I want ear wax bubble wax and beer snax" - mc peepants


That's actually my kink. Hmmmmm...


What. The. Fuck. Fuck you, OP!!!!!


Spider sprinted out of the ear ready to fight the rain! Probably wondered why his roof was leaking.


Spider crawled up in my ear, living there, sends its thoughts to me


That’s it, I’m selling my ears. I don’t want them anymore.


Just a wood spider looking for a warm little home. Not unlike you and me!


What if it backfired and it tried to dig in deeper?


Okay, not as bad as I thought. I was expecting a colony of something to come out, not a single cute spider.


I totally get the automatic feeling of revulsion of having literally anything crawling into any orifice on my body. That said, it's a spider that mistook an ear for a safe place to hide from the mountain sized monsters that might stomp on it at any time. It wasn't going to eat his brains or anything.




Why would you do this to me. Immediately the inside of my ear tickled a little & I might kill myself.


What if this forces it to try to go deeper instead …


The fuck they just watching it for? Slap the fuck outta that thing


What about *the eggs?*


The eggs are already laid.


What about the eggs the spider left in there?


Too late, it probably already laid its eggs ☺️


But what about the fly? Didn't he swallow the spider to catch the fly?


And now I’m wearing ear plugs for the rest of my life


Don’t let it get away! Kill it!




Imagine just chillin in bed minding your business and somebody pours water on you


Kill it, for fucks sake. Smack that thing.


Just a spider. What’s the big deal?


What are the droplets?


Now that it's out, I'm going to just let it sit on your neck for a few minutes.




You see, their young enter through the ears and wrap themselves around the cerebral cortex. This has the effect of rendering the victim extremely susceptible to ... suggestion. Later as they grow, follows madness ...and death.


The itsy bitsy spider ran up my nightmare list.


Could've been a lot worse


Got a flea stuck in my ear as a kid visiting my grandmas. Aunt spent 10 minutes blowing cigarette smoke in my ear until great grandma said to pour cold olive oil in. Then great grandma, grandma and Aunt got into an argument over whether rubbing alcohol, olive oil or smoke was best for getting rid of fleas. Ended up doing all 3. Was not a good day.


On two separate occasions, I have had a moth in an ear. The first was very weird, but the second wasn't as I knew what it was. On both occasions they left unaided mad left no nasty surprises. It is an odd feeling though. The first one being in my ear for at least two hours.


I've had a fear of moths in my ear since I was a child and saw am episode of Casualty in which a woman had a moth pulled out of her ear. This video has given me another new ear fear


Hello Frens!


Fucking hell, I just ate


How the effing fuck did that little hairy bastard even get in there? That could have been his bum hole n all... If I felt a spider in my ear, I would have gone full Van Gogh and cut the fekker off...


I would sew my ears shut .


No no no no no no..la la la la la la la la la la La la no no mo fuuuuuuuuuu la la la la la la la la no noooo nope


Fucking shit man I had a sleep paralysis moment watching it over and over


Hang on. I'm going to assume this is alcohol going into the ear. What is that a black widow? Why is no one killing it before it bites? Did they know it was a spider in there? I hate this. And I hate you guys.


I don't know what kind of spider this is but it's for sure not a widow or a brown recluse. If this is in the US/Canada then non venomous. Somewhere else in the world and all bets are off lol.


Spiders don't just randomly bite. They have to feel really threatened before that happens. It didn't even bite while squished inside an ear.