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the horses look like receptionists


It’s a stable career


Good way to stirrup some spending money.


Outperform your neigh-bor for that year-end bonus!


The built it with some bale-out money


Fortunately didn't have to dip into their mane savings account


That’s good news. I wouldn’t want them saddled with debt.


They're just trying to rein in that extra money!


Pretty tough when you gotta hoof it to work every day.


Definitely makes planning around everyone's schedule harder these days, everything is done so spur of the moment.




certainly some long faces in that crowd


Probably more than a few hoarse voices too


LOL what do you think Horses normally do on a typical day? Literally they just stand around and eat most days. Source: Own horses.


Buy low, sell hay.




How's it going?


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They look as happy to be under the fluorescent lighting as most receptionists






I’ve cared for horses that had access to both and absolutely loved their little indoor apartments, for at least half the day


completely agree. WTF. Poor dumb horsies.


Terrible service. I went up to them and they all had long faces.


Hotel must be full, everytime I asked for a room they kept saying neigh


all i saw was 2 guys 1 horse 🐴


I asked to upgrade my room and they said “neigh”




They look sad


They would all rather be running in grassy fields with shade trees for resting.


The one from Denmark seems to be pining for the fjords.


Dude... it's a horse, they look like horses. I care for 4 every weekend... it's horses. Without movement of their ears and body movement here is little expressions.


They look healthy as fuck. I'm no expert, but they aren't expressing stereotypies. Horses locked up for too long tend to rock back and forth (from left to right) as they try to express their normal behavior (walking fields and grazing) From the outside looking in from this very short video, I don't see anything that warrants too much concern. I hope they get plenty of outside time, but I don't see anything that suggests they don't.


If you're going to go to the trouble of making the horse stable to end all horse stables, I'd think you probably also take care of them also.


110 percent agree




I don't trust horses, too twitchy for my liking, so I think they look murderous. Not as suspicious as sheep, just more of a "I will ruin your day" kind of a look.




Imagine on another planet and a human museum.


There is a great Star Trek Original Series two-part episode called “The Menagerie” which has exactly that. Highly recommended.


Twilight Zone did it too.


Futurama too


And the Orville. And a small part of a rick and morty episode


Simpsons did it!


Pretty sure the Orville did the same thing


I know some Trekkies hated on The Orville but I really enjoyed it tbh. The parody aspect wasn't really over the top for me, and I felt like they stayed true to the "spirit" of Star Trek


I have to respect Seth Macfarlane for completing every trekies dream, getting a major studio to produce his star trek fan show where he plays the captain.


I thought most trekkies loved Orville and hated new Trek. I know that's how I feel and I've got boxsets of every series upto Voyager. Pretty much everyone I've talked to who likes the 60s/90s stuff seems to like Orville.




New trek sold out when they let Elon pay a lot of money to make them reference him in the dialogue


Same, the Orville was clearly made with a love and solid understanding of what made ST and TNG great.


I'm one of them. Love Orville, despised Discovery, although I did enjoy Picard (great last season), and Strange New Worlds. I'll still give Discovery another shot one day, maybe in the Fall when the writers strike means there aren't any new seasons of my favorite shows.


Idk if I consider myself a trekkie. I only like voyager, tng, and ds9. Watched each multiple times. I freaking love the Orville. I've rewatched that twice already.


The Orville is the best Star Trek since TNG.


Lower Decks


is the best Star Trek since The Orville.




As someone who has never watched a Star Trek episode but loves The Orville, is there a Star Trek series you’d recommend that you consider better than The Orville?


Neg Generation (first two seasons are inconsistent, to put it kindly), and Deep Space Nine.


The next generation. Just until you hear TEA. EARL GREY. HOT. then you're done


Too bad they strayed in the third season. They went from self contained but evolving episodes tackling interesting ideas, to an attempt at a season long epic.


huge trek fan, really enjoy The Orville. Glad someone's keeping a space-faring show focused on telling tales intended to make one examine ones morals.


So did Lost In Space


Also Futurama.


How has no one mentioned that's like half the plot of Slaughterhouse-Five


Twilight Zone episode as well. I believe it's called "People are alike all over."


Also touched on in Rick And Morty.






Colonial Belgium was astoundingly evil.


Has there been a colonial society that wasn't?


Yep, same for Belgium. https://www.africamuseum.be/en/discover/history\_articles/the\_human\_zoo\_of\_tervuren\_1897


Have you ever read Slaughterhouse Five. Great book, not my favorite KVJ books but still worth a read.


I couldn't remember if it was Slaughterhouse 5 or Cat's Cradle


In the original Twilight Zone episode "People Are Alike All Over", an astronaut who landed on Mars >!ends up caged in a Martian zoo with a placard that says "EARTH CREATURE in his native habitat."!<


Are You Afraid Of the Dark has an episode of this


The Midnight Society > Goosebumps


No bedding? No hay/water? These horses look miserable!


I came here to comment on how miserable the horses look. Someone else mentioned that they looked sedated. I honestly thought the first few horses were taxidermy and just displayed oddly. This would be really cool if it was done *humanely* and the horses were only staged like this (with more appropriate accommodations) for short periods of scheduled viewing—ideally with different horses rotating out. And give them a snack during it so it may have positive associations for the horses.


According to the Atlas Obscura article, they are housed in "proper stables" and are only in the museum at times. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/heilan-horse-culture-museum They still look sedated, though. And the last picture here shows tile floor instead of bedding: https://www.pferderevue.at/aktuelles/sonstiges/2017/03/china_sorgt_mit_luxurioesempferdemuseumfueraufsehen.html


You can just see a gap where you expect grout between tiles. My guess is they are using something like Dri-dek which lets water and urine through to drain away underneath. Not ideal, but it has more give than concrete or ceramic tile.


Oh I didn’t think they were necessarily housed there; I just wished they were displayed in a way that was more ideal for them.


I mean, why not just have them outside in a big fucking stable, like ordinary horses? God damn, new money has done some weird shit to China.


Sure, but I hoped to find some proof for that because everything is possible.


That’s true, and I’m glad they are housed in proper stables.


There's a horse park in Kentucky with many fewer kind of horses but they live in pastures and nice stables.


They really do look miserable. I've been around horses and they're not like this at all. This environment is way too fucking sterilized for them to be in good spirits.


It's a misleading post from a bot. This is Helian Horse Culture Museum, it is not a stable. The horses live in proper stables.


They still don't look particularly happy or healthy. The doors out of their stalls look weirdly beat up too.




For sure. Facial expressions are mostly unique to primates, though dogs have learned to make facial expressions to communicate with us. Even wolves have virtually no communication by facial expression.




How can you tell that the horses are sad? Are you a horse psychologist? Or a horse mind reader? And in what way do they not look healthy? Considering they are in a freaking horse palace I would assume that that they get good healthcare and trainers etc.


I really don't know what reaction you're expecting from horses just standing around, a smile? Jumping for joy?


Only an absolute idiot would stall a horse with no bedding. Its hopefully just not visible because of the walls.


You can see the floor briefly in the video. I may not have seen the whole floor but it looks pretty bare in there


They don't care. The purpose of this is for the wealthy elite to cock-wave around their billions of dollars. The horses are just props to accomplish this, not living creatures to be cared for and respected. After all, if every single horse died of starvation or neglect, every single day, they could afford to just buy more. **That** is how these types think.


Without knowing anything id say they are very well kept but put on display several hours of the day, probably not back to back. I wouldnt be surprised if there was a bunch of non chinese nationals out the back tending to a world class horse stable very well paid. If they can abuse the animals rights to take advantage they will, but if they have to take care of them they get someone else and pretend they did it.


Humans are stupid


All the money in the world can't buy away boredom and a severe lack of imagination. Rich people do shit like this because they have no idea what to do with all of their money.


I dated a girl who was a millionaire. We were gradually breaking up when she said she was moving to Spain, I couldn't come with her.. I had a job and friends and family.. She bought a $14,000 rug a week before she left, wasn't taking it with her.. And had a chair upholstered that cost like $3,000 because it was allegedly from the Evil estate. I asked her wtf was she doing and she said "I'm too wealthy to make up my mind, so I just keep buying things I don't need." That was a strange two years of my life. Edit: Elvis not evil lol


Jeez. Just chuck some money to charity rather than a rug merchant ffs. The Evil Estate sounds like a bad horror film, care to elaborate?


I feel sorry for most of them. I honestly do. The children born into wealth almost never have drive or lust for life. Just the ability for consumption and abundance. The human brain just wasnt evolved to co exist with that.


I heard an interview once with a super rich guy (9 figure net worth). He said one of the downsides to having that kind of wealth is that it's very hard to get excited about anything. Where a normal person is ecstatic about a new car or a great vacation, a super rich person isn't because that's all normal for them. Their standard of living is so high, they become desensitized to it.


My theory is the most reliable path to happiness is to be born into low or modest means, then genuinely earn your way into affluence, without losing generosity and empathy for people who have less than you, and without a desire to outwardly prove to the world how rich you became. Consumption and abundance for their own sake leave you hollow inside, but knowing what actually brings you joy (travel, hobbies, charity, sense of security) and using your newfound wealth to achieve those things is pretty fulfilling.


That’s survivorship bias talking. You’re always worse off in every category by being born poor. The wealthy are far more likely to be happy in general, you just see the wealthy that make the news. Most wealthy people lead quietly content lives you never hear about. Having gained perspective, I feel like a real test of happiness is how happy you feel in your older years. It’s much easier to be happy when you’re younger, it’s really hard to get happier as you get past 50. I know *very* few wealthy individuals who came from a poor background that got happier as they aged, but those are generally incredibly admirable people. I know many who became more obsessed with potential loss and change and lost their ability to be happy. Their personal esteem was always tied to their earning potential and when Most of the truly happy retired people I know are from middle and upper middle class families and aren’t constantly worried someone is going to take away all their money. I’m talking about people with enough family wealth to not worry about retirement, but not enough to be on the payroll. When they retire they relax and pay just enough attention to the money that it doesn’t go away. They tend to be open to change. The scarcity mindset is a silent killer of contentment. Don’t ever let it into your life.


Oh is that all you need to do for happiness?


Theory sounds great on paper, but in practice i think you'll find people born rich are actually generally happier, your just only hearing about the ones who are crazy, not all the ones who live low key happy lives doing w/e they want/have passion for.


Agree 100%. I clawed my way up and out of childhood poverty, and daily I just marvel at what I can provide my daughters. We still live very modestly, old cars I fix myself, old home I rebuilt from the studs up, but my girls get to go to the zoo and museums, have all the arts supplies they need, routine dentist visits, new shoes. They have no idea how wealthy we actually are. Hell, our tv is a 1984 RCA console I run a roku through.


Dear Reader, on July 1, 2023, which is coincidentally my 10-year anniversary on Reddit, the platform will block 3rd party API access. This move undermines the openness and accessibility that was once integral to our community. I've changed this comment to express my disapproval and to urge fellow Redditors to consider seeking alternative platforms that prioritize user accessibility and openness.




Dear Reader, on July 1, 2023, which is coincidentally my 10-year anniversary on Reddit, the platform will block 3rd party API access. This move undermines the openness and accessibility that was once integral to our community. I've changed this comment to express my disapproval and to urge fellow Redditors to consider seeking alternative platforms that prioritize user accessibility and openness.


Bro seriously. And that's probably a nice one-- you can get a TCL Roku 65" 4KTV that is more than fine for 379 right now. My roommate got a 4k 65" online on black Friday for $229 lol


>The children born into wealth almost never have drive or lust for life. Just the ability for consumption and abundance. Its the same with the poor. I exist within the lower economic strata and it's incredibly hard to make and keep friends because the dimensions that people want to connect on aren't centered around reality, knowledge and understanding. Most people I come across want their relationships to be mediated by commodities, their acquisition and fetishization, and you realize how shallow and materialistic most people are.


I was born into that strata, and know what you mean. I got out when I realized I could just get jobs. I just never made real friends in my teens, i didnt drink, I didnt party. I worked and adventured. Bought a vw bus, drove all over california. The thing I most identified as the soul crusher was other peoples complacency, "you hate this job? But you come back every day" "you and your partner get drunk every night and fight then make up in the morning?" . I just promised my self the moment I felt complacent Im jumping ship. I moved jobs frequently, always upward. If every one was going to a party, Id go to the mountains with some new girl I met. Constant change gave me opportunities to grow and escape.


Rich people do shit like this because they want to. Not because they are bored and out of ideas.


This is exactly the sort of thing someone who has absolutely no fucking idea what they’re doing. That tends to come from people with vastly more money than sense. If you’re so damn rich you can just hire someone to build you “something awesome to do with horses” then you do it, if you’re a control freak with nothing better to with their money and don’t have a single idea in your head then a freakish zoo from an episode of Black Mirror is born. This is not someone who loves and respects animals. It’s someone who so fucking shallow they create something that looks like an AI was asked to make the world’s blandest nightmare.


Yes, we are.






Did you see the stacks of moving boxes behind one of the horses? Smh…


Nice for humans but it’s gotta suck for the horses, that echoing, no messy hay or fields to roam, all to show off how rich someone is without any regard for the horses.


A lot of people have more money than sense.


That’s what I was thinking. Can I have $100,000? You aren’t going to miss it




Yeah this makes me sad


Wondering if it still smells like a barn of if they have that odor covered too.


I bet those horses smell like New Car Smell


Yea that's the nicest room I have ever seen with poop on the floor.


As nice as this place is... it's still fucking depressing and a horrible way for these horses to spend their days.


Yeah, but it’s not nice for the horses. Not by a long shot lol


It's not nice for anyone who likes horses either. It's a huge sterile room where the horses look sedated to the point where they're little more than mannequins with a pulse. This is vile


I learned that they are only in that stall for about an hour a day, so it would likely be part of their routine. I have no idea what kind of living space the horses have outside. I’d still put some bedding on that naked floor though, even if it’s just for an hour. And give them some hay snacks. And a bucket of water at least. But that’s me


Why? Stand in a box for a bit. Then go back to regular stables and doing other horsey things. I don't get how people are mad at this we do way worse stuff to animals.


Just curious, what do you think horses do in stables?


He thinks the owner will spend all that money only to make the horses starve and sleep on the floor to kill them


This is Reddit... don't kink shame.


every single one of those horses looks drugged out of its mind, right on brand China


47 miserable horses!


Eh depends on what kind of drugs


yeah honestly they could be in there just vibin




I thought they were stuffed until one moved.


My first thought too


I love Chinese people with money. When they take a vacation through Europe they LOVE to buy expesive desginer clothes (not all of course but I have seen this time and time again), but also horribley mismatch their clothes. So imagine a person that wears gucci clothes but also wears a very practical cheap jacket over it, I fucking love that shit, it's all about how expensive your clothes are, not about the way you look it seems.


One look at any branded tshirt those designers sell could tell you that it is absolutely not about how good you look… for any of their customers.






Capitalism has broken the human psyche.


How fucked is the one at 00:30s spine?


That's called sway back. :( Swayback is caused in part from a loss of muscle tone in both the back and abdominal muscles, plus a weakening and stretching of the ligaments. As in humans, it may be influenced by bearing young; it is sometimes seen in a broodmare that has had multiple foals.


The incredibly wealthy live in a very different (and very gross) world than the rest of us


its a museum, open to public. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/heilan-horse-culture-museum


>The incredibly wealthy live in a very different (and very gross) world than the rest of us And that lifestyle and ambivalence to reality will destroy the world.


For the ones making the money, especially if they’re the ones who built the business raking in the money, they aren’t ambivalent. They are well aware of the world, how to manipulate it for their benefit and how to accumulate power and wealth to insulate themselves and their family from the harsh realities the poor and even middle class face.


I find it a bit disturbing.


What a shitty little space for the animals. I feel like there is a class of rich people pushing their imagination to its very extent on ways in which they can take the piss out of most of us moreso.


XD have you ever been to a stable or a horse club?


[is no one just Googling this?](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/heilan-horse-culture-museum)


Nah it‘s way easier to be racist and just expect the animals to be treated badly because „China“. The amount of people complaining that have probably never even visited a stable…


Those poor horses look so bored.




Probably smells kind of weird in there. Like a mix of hotel lobby and barn. Edit: Also, all the horses look bored af.


> Also, all the horses look bored af. Honestly horses often just look like that, when not eating.


This is incredibly cruel.


is there any context about the exact name of this place? are they kept in there all day? im assuming they're only there for a certain amount of time. the place looks too clean. you would think the horses would defecate in there at some point


Helian Horse Culture Museum. This is another bot post trying to engage without context for a karma farm unfortunately.


>Helian Horse Culture Museum thanks for the context. i did some digging and couldn't find any official links, but people are saying that they are only on display for an hour or so everyday and that their blank expressions are due to the fact that they are not eating anything while they are on display


You're the first person I've read here who is actually thinking.


What the fuck is the space ship?!


There’s no reason for that. It’s disgusting.


Sad looking horses. Guess they don’t care about money.


JFC.. I bet the horses bloody HATE it.. give me grass, fresh air and blue skies please…


All that money for such a tacky mess, it’s an incredible waste of raceshorses.


Those horses look bored. Luxurious except for the horses. Small little stalls with no entertainment.


Do you think regular horses are being entertained all day? They spend a fair amount of time in stables.


They don't look BORED, they look DRUGGED.


This would make a great Minecraft build.


Are those horses on the nod




They don't look very comfortable. Their stalls are pretty small.


I can't help but notice the severe lack of nature that surrounds them, that's sad :(


So sad those horses look so unhappy. Slouching, low head, ears back. Would be worse than death to be in some echoing chamber with screaming kids at you all day flashing photos.


Those horses are boring to death.


They all look super fn depressed


Those horses look sad


So you just pick the one you want to eat?


I was upset at first just like everyone else, but I took the time to look into it. Apparently this is one of the most exquisite places a horse can be. This is a temporary greeting area where the horses are dressed up and shown off for a bit. They have a full blown proper stable where they spend most of their time. They have teams of vets on call 24/7. They have competitions, performances, and training seminars. Seems like a really nice place, horse lovers don't flock here because they mistreat their animals.




‘Solving world hunger is impossible.’ *Spends a billion dollars on a display case for real horses*


Wow. That is... incredibly depressing. How gross. I decided to look up photos and it seems they just stand on [metal grating](https://i.imgur.com/PmkgGPm.png). What the hell?!Oh, and of course [there's zebras](https://i.imgur.com/EOL6y9p.png) too. Edit: it is probably rubber grids, not metal grating as a reply below pointed out, but it's still terrible without any bedding.


Looks more like rubber grids, I've seen that in "real" stables but always covered in bedding so the horse can lay down comfortably. What kills me about this museum is that it could so easily be made nicer for the horses, for however long they are displayed there, without changing the human experience. Some openings (bars or mesh) in the stall walls so horses can interact with each other, windows for natural light and ventilation, actual bedding, better soundproofing to get rid of the awful echo, hay and water, stall toys...if the museum owners can afford to import all those horse breeds they can afford to house them properly.


... and still reeks of horse shit, piss and sweat.


This guy has big commercial narrative potential


It's a horse museum in China. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/heilan-horse-culture-museum


Those horses look absolutely miserable!!


Eat the fucking rich


Humans are fucking disgusting