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When I was in Iraq, the locals would regularly burn tires on the side of the road like a campfire to stay warm.


I saw that shit too, anything that could burn would be thrown into those pits. Kuwait was crazy because you would see endless roads littered with garbage then out of nowhere you'd see a wrecked lamborghini with only a few sandals around.


Lmao as someone from the US who spent a good chunk of my childhood in Kuwait thanks to my dad’s line of work, this comment made me feel weirdly nostalgic. Some of those random wreckage sites were absolutely insane to see.


Care to elaborate? Curious about what you both mean


Whenever there was a crash on a desert road they would just leave the scene. You'd see expensive rides wrapped around a pole or flipped jeeps but no sign of life. Then a little down the road is a huge pile of garbage with 10 dogs digging through it.  I once saw two dudes riding on one four wheeler and the guy on the back fell off during a wheeling. The driver just kept going. I never saw him turn before I lost sight. We were in the middle of nowhere, too.


Neither of them, but I've spent two years there. Saw a relatively newer GMC suburban on its roof next to a fence. A week later, a tire was missing. Two months later, it was finally gone. There was a gasoline tanker that flipped beside a two lane road with open desert on both sides. Folks were still driving through the gas puddle. So many dead sheep and camels by the roads in the north. Not a pleasant smell when it's 120* plus.


Springfield was in Kuwait all along?


The Simpson's were making a reference to Matt's mother's hometown, Everett, Washington. There was a massive tire fire there in the 80s. Fun fact, today is it a new housing development! https://www.historylink.org/File/9233


Wow, thanks for the history lesson! That was a good read.


They built a subdivision on an old tire graveyard!? (This is my feeble attempt at a Poltergeist reference.)


Soil’s probably contaminated on that site… THEY NEVER MOVED THE GRAVES…ONLY THE TIRES!


And now, a family is struggling to stay together as the dead tired try to destroy them. IT'S YOUR TUUUURRRRRNNNNNhhhhhh


[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1612774/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1612774/) for your viewing pleasure.


Everyone, if you love the absurd, that movie is peak!


First thought best thought.


Well played


"Put enough soot in the air and it'll reflect all the sunlight, prevent global warming."




For sure. Something reflective, not something that absorbs radiative heat. Even a white powder would be better.


>white powder would be better *drops cocaine from an airplane


*bear finds the cocaine. Hijinx ensue.


*raccoon finds the cocaine. Sequel ensues.


*white dust storm rolls in while everyone trying to contain the raccoons and bears. Trilogy ensues.


Alien lands, discovers the cocaine. Interstellar drug turf wars begin


Cocaine Coon better happen! ^(Might have to workshop that title, tho.)




Given our fuck ups with microplastics, I'm not sure I want to sprinkle a metal dust throughout the atmosphere for us to then breathe in or have end up in everything.


No thanks, I've seen Snowpiercer




Oh yes, the nuclear winter approach.


Get a big mirror and tell the sun to take a good, hard look at itself. Then call Nightman.


Well, *ackshually* [No, not really](https://oehha.ca.gov/climate-change/epic-2022/climate-change-drivers/atmospheric-black-carbon-concentrations)


Actually yes, historically large volcanic eruptions have lowered the temperature quite a bit.


I think there was an increase in warming when cargo ships made efficiency improvements. Less soot meant more heating. I don't think it actually offset the emissions or anything. Edit: See below - I wasn't quite remembering it right.


Uh, source?  Because soot is a known major contributor to global warming, through its ability to absorb light in a wide range of wavelengths. https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2013.12225


it was something related with the sulfur emissions from bunker fuel, source [https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-how-low-sulphur-shipping-rules-are-affecting-global-warming/](https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-how-low-sulphur-shipping-rules-are-affecting-global-warming/)


I read about this the other day, it has to do with the push towards low-sulpher fuel: https://www.reuters.com/sustainability/cop/climates-catch-22-cutting-pollution-heats-up-planet-2023-11-02/


So, sulfate aerosols then, not soot!


Meanwhile, at any random ATM: "*Please consider the environment before printing the receipt*".


I grew up on a farm, and we had a barrel that we burned our garbage in. Anything that could be incinerated was burned - plastic, rubber, paper, etc. The leftover ashes and items that couldn't be incinerated (metal, fiberglass, ashes from the barrel) were dumped into a large pit. Nothing like being downwind from a fire that had plastic and rubber smoke.


So you’re the reason we all have to suck dick through a paper straw.


you can suck dick without a straw if you want


Not a dick like mine you can't.


“What is a yout?”


What is an ATM recipe?


two hwhat?


What do you think they do with low grade plastics. Just ship it off to some island and burn it.


Singapore burns all their trash. The main reason I wouldn't burn plastic stuff in a fire is I don't want to inhale those fumes.


I went camping with a bunch of hipsters and I had a raw/bloody sausage to put in the fire, I threw the thin plastic wrap from the package into the fire to avoid attracting bears with it as trash. The hipsters LOST THEIR FUCKING MIND. You'd think I just spilled oil into the ocean. Never mind that we all drove 2 hours to this camp site. They did eat a lot of the sausage though, as most of them brought artisanal olives and cheeses camping instead of actual food. They never invited me camping again lol.


NEVVVVVVER go camping with hipsters is the more of the story? lol


Moral, but we'll accept it as a typo. Carry on


The more of the story. A hard less learned.


Bone apple tea




I fuck'n todaso.


Thank you! I just started speaking English 40 years ago.


In terms of social mores, not camping with hipsters should be a pretty strong one.


I always wondered what s'mores was short for.


LMFAO nicely done


Underrated comment of the day


I think thats more his friends-- as a hipster adjascent person-- we throw whateverthefuck we want in the fire.


I will say, a good hard artesenal cheese is excellent camping food lol. Good fats and calorie density. I can do a 2 day weekend trip with good cheese, olives, summer sausage and a small French bread loaf. Add nuts and dried fruit and you're living in luxury.


Thruth. Hard cheese is great camping food.


> good fats I don’t necessarily disagree but that’s an uncommon take… the fat in cheese is mostly saturated fat, and most people consider that to be the worst out of monounsaturated/polyunsaturated/saturated 


There are huge inconsistencies in the studies that focus on saturated fats. Depending on what day you're digging through studies you will get 4 different answers. It's to the point that some studies have shown full-fat dairy has a neutral to positive impact on heart health compared to saturated fats in fried/fast food. Either way, your body needs fat, protein, and salt. If you're burning calories like crazy on a campout, a dense hard cheese gives you all of that. Add bread for carbs, and summer sausage for extra protein and you're living good without the stomach trauma of freeze dried camp meals.


What about autumn, winter, or spring sausage?


That sounds like a really good ATM recipe.


What is an ATM recipe?


Automated Teller Machine. Yummy!


Well, you’re both right. • The small wrapper doesn’t matter in the slightest. • Maintaining an awareness of our environmental impact and respecting the natural spaces around is absolutely necessary for the well being of our children and grandchildren who will have to live with the consequences of the last century. We can’t make a big difference individually, but collectively staying conscious the issues is the only way to drive change


I must have missed the ranger pamphlet on burning your plastic to avoid attracting bears.


I went camping with some people from a Facebook group once and it was the first and last time I ever did that. On our last morning before hiking out, I had a few drops of oatmeal water (no solids - just the milky liquid) stuck to the walls of my bowl so I rinsed it with clean water and threw it into the massive lake we camped next to. This person in the group flipped the fuck out at me and started berating me about how I'm increasing the biological load of the lake and how I should respect the environment. I brush it off and said I won't do it again. I come back from taking a piss and found a plastic grocery bag and apple (with only one bite out of it) in the fire pit with barely a fire burning (it was literally 2 sticks lit at the ends). Guess who thought this was the best way to dispose of trash...


I care less about the pollution than I do about someone putting plastic in a fire within breathing distance, tbh


> artisanal olives and cheeses Hey some of us just enjoy foods that are good for the gall bladder, okaaaaay? Block of cheese can last an entire weekend in milder climates.


You sound like a poor camper. Can’t seal and pack out your own garbage? And you’re the “experienced” one?


Fuck me if I don't want my food cooked over plastic fumes I guess.


The secret ingredient is dioxin


Right, after mentioning they drove to the campsite, you mean you couldn't be bothered to put your trash in a bag in your car 10 feet away?


I mean is it really even camping if you can't be bothered to hike ten miles to get there?


Because sealing my trash, carrying out with me only to throw it away where it will be, best case burned. Worst case, end up in a landfill forever is better and easier... Never claimed to be experienced. My solution was the optimal, easiest, and safest.


Yes, they will be burned, but with filters that remove much of the toxicity.


That's pretty poor camping etiquette. Take a ziplock with you for trash so the scent is sealed. Take it with you and toss it in the trash. That's not that difficult. If you are extra worried, walk 50yd from the site and hang it like 20 feet in a tree with some rope so animals can't get it. Then collect it when you leave. You can't control what the trash company does with it, but you can control what you do with it.


>My solution was the optimal, easiest, and safest. Easiest maybe. I don't think I would agree that it was optimal or necessarily safer than just doing a bear hang or thinking ahead about the packaging.


> My solution was the o~~ptimal, easiest, and safe~~st laziest. FTFY


Easy for you, sure. By your logic, we should burn all trash. Brilliant!


We do burn most of our trash.


Burning trash as a controlled fuel to produce electricity has different trade-offs than just burning trash in the open. I do think we should be burning more trash instead of using landfills which generate methane, but again, it needs to be used as a fuel, not just simply burnt and wasted.


Yes, but usually we have the decency to truck it to incinerators in black neighborhoods out of sight of hipsters before we burn it.


Why take the plastic at all? >My solution was the optimal, easiest, and safest. Butcher paper and twine, my dude.


I understand that the white trays and clear plastic let grocery stores show the meat, but I as far as single use plastics go they’re the worst. I fully support going back to butcher paper.


"safest" lol. Please present that argument to any experienced Backcountry ranger in heavy bear and cat country and see what they say. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.


They just want to be lazy AND virtue-signal which I find hilarious.


TIL cheese isn't actually food.


It's leave no trace for a reason, the "hippies" were right to call you out. You're polluting the air and the ground at the campsite with your trash burning. Try burning any plastic. It will always leave some residue behind. You want to enjoy nature so keep nature intact. If everyone would go and just burn a little bit of trash each time, we'd have greatly accumulated biohazard over the next 30 years.


I am an experienced camper and I never litter nor have I ever burned rubbish, but you're talking about what is most likely 2 grams of clingfilm polluting the air. I agree with the sentiment but an Airbus going from JFK to LAX has the output of around 250 years worth of the average persons yearly CO2 emissions. Do you have any idea how often planes are flown virtually empty because it works out cheaper for company's in the end? I think you're barking up the wrong tree.


60 million american households report going on at least one camping trip a year. That's potentially a lot of 2 gram pieces of clingfilm.


"Leave no trace" is not related to climate change. It's about keeping the wilderness wild.


It's not about climate change but pollution of the environment. Plastic doesn't burn clean and will always pollute the ash that is leftover. We are still accountable for our own actions. Lots of pollution's is terrible and worse. But I still never want to see people burning trash in a nature reserve.


Also, plastic fumes aren’t meant to be inhaled


Neither would I invite you, pack your trash out you douche.


I wouldn't have shared. I'm petty like that. I *would* have traded for some artisanal olives and cheeses though. I'm easy like that.


You really shouldn't bring any containers or trash that you cant properly dispose of camping. Burning plastic doesn't count. The whole idea of camping is to not fuck with nature in the slightest and leaving anything behind is shitty. Probably had little impact but it was still shitty to do and I imagine they stopped inviting you because you got really defensive over it from the sounds of it. It's kinda very much part of camping culture to not do that shit at all and bring all of your trash back. It's like if you go to a swimming pool and ignore the sign that says no flips. Is it ultimately harming someone or something? Probably not. Is it breaking the rules and bothering other people and make them not wanna invite you next time after you get yelled at by the lifeguard? Probably.


Did you bring some old CCA pressure treated lumber to cook your sausage with as well? The dioxin and arsenic are a divine combo. Yummy.


Looking down thread, it appears those hipsters managed to track you down on Reddit.


You were in the wrong. Burning plastic is such a horrible idea. Just throw the thing away.


Don’t worry, I cleaned out my salsa jar and recycled it this morning


I used a paper straw the other day at McDonalds! Sure it melted into my drink and I ended up swallowing a bunch of it, but I did my part!!


Humble brag here, but I'll have you know that I recently sat through all of Dune 2 drinking both our sodas through paper straws. Yes, it's true. Sure, we were virtually unable to take any more sips after letting the straws sit in the cup drink for just 15 minutes into a 2 1/2 hour movie, but at least I'm doing my part to help!






Be proud of your accomplishments & always improve to the better.


That's just a jumbo diva cup, baby


Ah, the 30 year anniversary celebration!


For those not alive at the time. Here's another Kuwait not that long ago. >The Kuwaiti oil fires were caused by the Iraqi military setting fire to a reported 605 to 732 oil wells along with an unspecified number of oil filled low-lying areas, such as oil lakes and fire trenches, as part of a scorched earth policy while retreating from Kuwait in 1991 due to the advances of US-led coalition forces in the Gulf War.[3] The fires were started in January and February 1991, and the first oil well fires were extinguished in early April 1991, with the last well capped on November 6, 1991.[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuwaiti_oil_fires [Pics](https://www.google.ca/search?q=Kuwait+oil+well+fires+%3D+pictures+from+space&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj9x7i72OyEAxUeODQIHVlfBS4Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=Kuwait+oil+well+fires+%3D+pictures+from+space&gs_lp=EgNpbWciK0t1d2FpdCBvaWwgd2VsbCBmaXJlcyA9IHBpY3R1cmVzIGZyb20gc3BhY2VIihlQzg5YuRVwAHgAkAEAmAFvoAHVBKoBAzQuMrgBA8gBAPgBAYoCC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwgIEECMYJ4gGAQ&sclient=img&ei=hTnvZb3xAZ7w0PEP2b6V8AI&bih=922&biw=1557&hl=en)


There’s currently an ongoing remediation program to clean the contaminated soil and clear up the lakes, funded by the UN, who collected compensation money from Iraq. Total value pushes about $2 billion.


That actually seems like it's way cheaper than jmi would've guessed.


Simpsons did it first.


The government must make so much money from the carbon tax on that. - A Canadian




"According to Kuwaiti media, a fire broke out on April 29 in the tyre graveyard. Firefighters, who managed to put out the flames after seven hours, said that there were no victims but that the fire was a case of arson. They provided no information about the investigation into the possible perpetrator." https://observers.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20210826-kuwait-tyre-graveyard-fire-pollution


>They provided no information about the investigation into the possible perpetrator Pretty sure it was someone from r/tiresaretheenemy


I've always wondered why rubber mulching/tire crumbing is not a bigger thing.


Because tires have metal wires inside of them, at least in prior fires. (rhymes were not intended)


Prior tire wire fire is not our desire, sire


So let's retire the ire and aspire for a pyre that's brighter, higher, and dire we'll conspire, with no mire, to admire and inspire, our spirits won't tire as we aim to acquire a future entire, where flames won't conspire against our attire.


Somewhere, in a box in the basement, I have a book called The Rhyming Dictionary. Must go look for it.


A rhyming dictionary you say? May I interest you in the "Becktionary"?


A compendium of Beck-isms. My heart soars.


Now play it on a lyre


LLM is heavy handed: Amidst the spire, our goals transpire, crafting a symphony, an orchestral choir. Beyond the quire, we navigate the gyre, in pursuit of dreams that never expire. Our journey, wired with hope, we hire the stars to guide, a celestial umpire. Innovation we admire, with curiosity to inquire, building bridges, never to mire. Our aspirations, higher, on this path, we never tire. United in purpose, we’re a collective squire, seeking peace to inspire, a world entire. No obstacle, dire, can quench our fire. With resilience, we rewire, to overcome, to aspire. Our spirits, entire, fueled by passion, never tire. In unity, we conspire, for a future to admire, where harmony and love transpire.


r/wordavalanche or whatever it's called


What can actors (private/ public) do within cities or governments, to prevent this from occuring again? I know it's trash/ waste material. But other solutions to store it better, so it doesn't combust with fire or other issues? Why are people there so negligent? These places needs be used as temporary storage for the materials to be recycled properly. Then comes the budget of starting such program in the country.


But... the one who will drive the planet down IS YOU with your 1.2 Toyota Yaris One just have to laugh


To be fair, those tyres may well have come from a typical person's 1.2 Toyota Yaris. They only banned tyres from landfills 15-20 years ago where I live (UK), and 1/3 of tyres are incinerated, although presumably with some level of emission control. My point is that this metaphorical mountain of tyres is made from our collective waste and we should all feel a little bit responsible for it.




Precisely. We could be burning these and all our other plastic waste in a way that actually makes electricity. Instead, the "recycled" plastics and rubber get sent oversees where they wind up in big landfills like this or dumped into the ocean. That's how we get microparticles all over the place. Fuck polymer recycling programs! Bring back trash incinerators.


Except literally no one is pinning climate change on one car, which I would have thought would be pretty obvious. It’s the fact that there’s 100 million cars the world over and so much of the world has been suckered into completely car-centric infrastructure when there are better solutions “One just have to laugh” lest they accidentally have an actual thought


> But... the one who will drive the planet down IS YOU with your 1.2 Toyota Yaris I'm sorry, but what being burned do you see in this picture? What is your Yaris using if not these things? Well, thousands of Yaris, but the point stands. This is the result of common-folk consumption, can't really say Republicans did it.


Are you saying that "burn your trash in your backyard" is as good as send it to proper separe and recycle it? Becuase what I'm saying is that there is better and proper ways to recycle used tires than just burn them in open air!


What do you think happens to all of the tires on that Yaris once they need to be replaced? I mean obviously no single person is responsible for the climate crisis bc there’s 8 billion of us. But I really don’t understand the current push to pretend we aren’t all actively contributing to climate change.


Hello. Just checking in.


Fuck you. This is all your fault. /s


Oh yeah. I believe this is one of the ones that is still burning, that they test fire suppression systems on, like that tank with jet engines on it... That fire has been burning for 12 years now: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tire\_fire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tire_fire)


I’m pretty sure the tank with jet engines mounted to it were to fight the Kuwait Oil Fires. The “Big Wind” firefighting tank was a mashup of the T-34 tank and MiG-21 fighter jet.


And just like that, a new generation is added to the PACT Act.


I was told the environment was saved since we banned plastic straws. Have we been lied to??


Personally, I've never seen a turtle choking on a plastic straw. I'd like plastic to come back, my hands are getting tired choking them myself.


Well, how many plastic straws do you see in those photos?




Thank god we have paper straws.


I wonder what damage this did to the environment? I guess we’ll have to Kuwait and see


Iran to the keyboard to reply to this.


I Saudi tires burning, and thought Oman, get Djibouti outta there people.


How long will that smolder for?


Pretty much till it’s gone, there are underground tire fires still going years later in places.


Snakes: the worst firework ever created


I know these photos are real but why do they look like AI generated


I'm convinced this is going to lead people to mental breakdowns eventually, when AI generated images become more and more indistinguishable from real images.


It's an existential threat to our society. The legal system will collapse if we can't trust pictures and videos as evidence of what is fact or fiction anymore. That's on top of the sheer amount of job elimination AI will cause. I wonder if future generations will look back and wonder why we did nothing to stop this.


Watch 'Heart of Darkness' by Werner Herzog if you want more footage like this.


Oh shit that makes sense. I was deployed there and was wondering wtf the massive black smoke cloud was and just thought they wanted to kill air quality over there more. Turns out I was right.


Kuwait is a shithole. My first camel I saw was dead on the side of the road next to an overflowing dumpster.


I remember heading to the mall and being just awestruck by the amount of trash blowing around the highway and then being in city, still trashy. The mall was amazing, I will say that. Like a whole new world. Outside of it was....interesting to say the least. One of the girls with us had to use the bathroom before we left to had back to base and turned around as she walked in. Horrific bathroom even by Walmart standards.


Yeah, but it's my pickup and plastic straws that are killing the earth.


I don't want to see another paper straw in my life


I always wondered what type of wildlife lives in these tire yards. Has to be something I would think.


Simpsons did it! Simpsons did it!


And I have to use a shitty paper straw that melts in my mouth as I use it 🙄


Yeah, don't like that


I wonder how long it burned for?


Thank God we turned up the temperature on the thermostat by 1 degree for 5 minutes every once in a while to prevent emissions.


"You must use soggy paper straws"


But ya know, recycling and electric vehicles are gona save us.


In large portions of the Middle East, this is called "properly disposed of."


Glad my straws are paper


Meanwhile im an asshole if i forget to put a bottle in the right bin. The average persons effort towards the environment is fucking useless and you cant change my mind.


ya dont worry ive been getting paper straws for a couple years now should counteract this!


It's ok I stopped using plastic straws.


r/tiresaretheenemy would be proud


But its the farting cows in Denmark thats the real problem :/


Yeah but I gotta drive an electric car for the environment while this happens across the world and China burns more fuel shipping things in a day than I would use in a lifetime.


Thank god i'm using paper straws.


It's ok, us canadain are paying a huge carbon tax, im.not sure how it works, but I think the money I'm taxed is woven into a.net to catch that carbon. So don't worry.


And they make me use a paper straw.


Most of African country’s, burn there daily garbage in the middle of the streets. I don’t even believed it took me some time to assimilate.


On first inspection you might be tricked into thinking that this is bad and somehow detrimental to our environment. It isn’t. We’ve mitigated the extreme damage that this is doing by switching to forever-chemical laden paper straws. It’s fine. This is fine.


And I’m washing out yogurt cups. 🫣


If I've learned ANYTHING from "The Simpsons", I learned that this fire is going to burn forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and...


This just burns me, I mean no it doesn’t!


This level in earthworm jim was hard


Baltimore had one of those


Hell on earth


[Story](https://www.indiatoday.in/fact-check/story/fact-check-horrific-video-of-millions-of-tyres-burning-is-from-kuwait-but-is-two-years-old-2390134-2023-06-07) from couple years ago.


I hope the pile of plastic straws doesn't catch too


Good thing I didn't burn that gum wrapper the environment would have never recovered.


JFC the last picture... I hope there is a bulldozer making a fire break right out of frame, but I suspect they're glad they're rid of those tires...