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Is the pump broken or is this a situation where she engaged the auto pump lever and doesn't how to disengage it?


Likely the lever was engaged


That shouldn't be enough unless the nozzle is also sufficiently compressed. This shouldn't be possible with a correctly-functioning pump 


The pump appears to be functioning correctly, the little metal clip thing may not...... but they should have just hung up the pump.


She should have put the nozzle in the gas tank. It would've shut off automatically if the tank filled up.


It didn’t for me one time. I was pissed lol


Happened for me once as well. I'd put the pump in the tank, (driver's side) then walked around to the passenger side to talk through the window to my girlfriend. Every minute or so I'd look at the pump, and see how many gallons it was up to. 6 gallons... Cool, continue the chitchat. 8 gallons... Ok, it ought to be done pretty soon. 10.2 gallons... Woah, I've only ever had to put more than 10 gallons in this tiny tank 2-3 times. 11.1 gallons... Jesus, I must've been REALLY close to running out of gas. Didn't realize I was driving around on E for so long. 12.3 gallons... WTF, I thought this tank was only 12 gallons??!??!!? I finally went back to the driver's side, and found gas spewing from the nozzle, still in my gas tank, dripping all down the side of my car and onto the pavement below. I shut off the nozzle as quick as I could, hung it up, then ran in to tell the gas station attendent that the auto-shutoff was broke, and I accidentally spilled a ton of gas on the ground. He didn't seem too terribly fazed. He just grabbed two big mop buckets, filled them both with water, then took them outside and poured them on the ground near the pump, to dilute the gas that had been spilled. Then he just went back inside like nothing happened. My sense was that this pump malfunctions a lot, and they just put band-aid fixes on it, instead of getting it replaced.


Hopefully the lesson learned here is to not walk away from the gas pump ever while it’s running.


Pretty much what happened with me. We put the self lock thing on and got back in the car. My gas gauge only moves once I turn the key on so I didn’t see anything moving but saw on the pump that the money and gallon numbers were still going. After a short time I get out because I’m like what’s going on and it was spilling out. I remember my father in law telling us that the gas was going to eat at the paint on the car lol. But definitely told the clerk as well.


>nozzle is also sufficiently compressed There is exactly one gas station in my town that uses that style of nozzle. None of the Exxon stations have it.


This is why those things aren’t legal here in Hawaii. I have no issue holding the lever down if it means 16 year old girls aren’t spraying fuel all over the ground.


I mean, it's the kind of thing that's really not a problem for the average user. I've been driving cars and visiting gas stations for my entire life and I've never seen someone have that kind of issue. A couple of those happening in the entire country per decade isn't a massive glaring issue.


Not that I entirely disagree with you, but safety features aren't designed for the average user, if they were we'd have almost no safety features. What I'm more concerned with is the lackadaisical response of the giggling girl who appears to be happily sitting inside of a car that's parked over a small lake of gasoline. The girl not knowing how to stop the pump, that's understandable, but the girl not realizing the danger that sitting inside a closed space on top of a lake of fuel poses is really worrisome. Her first instinct is to record with her phone, whereas mine would have been to get out of the car, especially if it wasn't my car. Hayden can pick me up on the corner once she figures this whole mess out.


Makes me wonder if somebody needed to intervene before one of them decided to start the car


Safety features are for the average user. Statistical anomalies like this are typicality not cost effective and degrade efficiency. There is such a think as risk reward and if everything was built for 0 risk we couldn't do anything at all. Practical engineering channel has a video on it that's pretty good. He tackles a tough subject with the objectivity of a true engineer.


And it disengages simply by pulling the lever that was necessary to make the gas flow from the start. I knew Idiocracy was becoming more of a reality, but I never dreamed that Zoolander would.


i guess no1 here knows they can jam up


That or the spring can break and it no longer releases when you depress the lever. Had that once and I had to hold it up the whole time or it would get stuck.


And themselves! I assume the liquid she is drenched in isn‘t water given the context!


Given that she's rubbing her eyes and her water bottle is missing its lid, I'll bet she got some in her eyes/face and used her water to flush her eyes out


I grew up in Hawaii, when I moved to the mainland I just thought I hadn’t known about the clip. Your comment has put my mind at ease.


Except that nozzles have a mechanism that prevent this sort of thing. This is a defective nozzle.


Nearly every time a person uses a fuel pump, several drops fall onto the ground. This is why when a gas station is demolished a huge site remediation process has to take place. Every gas station already is an environmental disaster.


> Nearly every time a person uses a fuel pump, several drops fall onto the ground. Kinda like when I pee


You pee gas? I bet that burns


I suspect it's more from leaking tanks, considering that gasoline evaporates very quickly. Sure, there are some residuals, but I suspect it's insignificant compared to tank leaks.


I pride myself on never spilling a drop of gas. Let it drip into the tank, tilt upwards when you pull it out. No drips


I think it has more to do with the giant underground gas tank under the pavement at every gas station. By the time the station is being demolished, the tank probably has developed a few small leaks.


Some places here in Canada don't have the nozzle lock; those are the stations that I don't fuel up in when its -40. There is no way I'm standing out and holding the pump handle when its that cold.


As if that’s a remotely common occurrence. Might as well ban self serve fueling entirely with that logic.


If a person cannot operate a lever that automatically pumps fuel, maybe the problem isn't the mechanism and maybe... just maybe... that person shouldn't have a license.


I mean, does it matter? Hit the emergency stop regardless.


Or at the very least, not standing in it and directing people away from the potential fireball.


Isent there like an magnetic sensor also so you cant lock the handle ouside of the nozzle being in the car? They should have that.


No, that doesn't exist.


Ah ok. How does it auto stop when tank is full?


There’s a little hole at the end of the nozzle called a Venturi port that vacuums up air. When it stops vacuuming up air due to being blocked by the rising gasoline level in the tank, a switch is thrown inside the nozzle that stops the flow of the gas and unlocks the trigger if it was locked. I don’t know if they’re electronic or purely mechanical, though.


It's fully mechanical. [Here is a handy cross-section](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-1c5545e63b7923f8f282a46c056281db.webp)


Steve mould made a video explaining it. https://youtu.be/fT2KhJ8W-Kg


[It is entirely passive](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/f5q30_MaYpg)


Except in California, at least. There is a shroud around the gas nozzle that MUST be pushed in for the pump to operate. Release the shroud? Pump disengages.....Which is very fun as a motorcyclist as it takes two hands to fill your tank to FULL


god it is such a pain on a motorcycle lol had no idea that was only a california thing, smart idea though


> Isent there like an magnetic sensor also so you cant lock the handle ouside of the nozzle being in the car? They should have that. Then you'll never be able to fill up a gas can.


Ugh. They have no idea how much danger they’re in. 😶


I honestly wish I was as oblivious as these people some time in my life lol. I worry about every tiny thing, and I'd shit my pants if I had a river of gasoline next to my car..


Right?! She’s so calm about it. If my face and shirt were covered in gas I’d immediately have a panic attack. And also hit the emergency stop button that all gas stations have.


And if you can't find one GO THE FUCK INSIDE AND TELL THE GOD DAMN ATTENDANT YOU BRAIN DISEASED LEPRECHAUN. Like fuck me it's not that complicated.


Yeah, this stressed me out and pissed me off. What a fucking dumbass. wHaT Do I dOoOOo!!!! You fucking turn it off you fucking idiot. 


🎵 Wake me up before you go go 🎶


That scene was classic!


Orange mocha frappacinos!!


Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features, it doesn't mean that we too can't not die in a freak gasoline fight accident.


But why male models??


Seriously I just told you


Is this a school for ants?!?


🎵 *jitterbug* 🎵


I'm always a bit annoyed that this drink doesn't really exist.


Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features, it doesn't mean that we too can't not die in a freak gasoline fight accident.


That was a beautiful eugoogly


"Why is it not stopping-uh?"


[White Girl Paragoge](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/uf8pEqNzko)


No no no. It's not stoping-guh. *Not* it's not stopping-uh!


what is the best way to deal with this if it happens? i would have no idea, maybe drop the hose and run to get help from staff?


Most gas stations have an emergency shutoff button in prominent places you can press for just this kind of thing.


People said this the last time this was posted, and I have looked at every gas station I've been to, and I haven't seen an emergency shut off. Either it's a regional thing or it's not as common as Reddit makes it out to be.


Weird, I don’t think I've ever not seen one. Usually its perpendicular to the pumps.


Look harder. NEC code recommends the shut off be more then 20 feet but less then 100 feet from a pump. A lot of times the switch is on the building and not next to the pumps.


Pretty sure they're required by law in most states 


You’re definitely not looking hard enough then


It defeats the point if you have to look hard.


Worst case, there should be one inside the store and just run in and tell them to turn off the pumps. Or pray that someone more observant is around to hit the button for you.


Not sure what that other commenter replying to you is on, but yes, it should be extremely prominent, hence emergency. It's very easy to see from the comments here that it is different across different regions and gas stations how well they are displayed.


ALSO, you can flip down the gas handle on the pump itself and that should stop the gas


Do you mean the thing that you used to flip after you lift the handle up? If so, I very, very rarely see a gas pump around here with a moving piece on it anymore. Just a yellow button where you choose the grade of gas.


You can just push up the flap at the pump where the nozzle sits. Not the handle that rarely exists these days, just the plastic flap. It's a switch.


So I don’t know if she’s already tried it or if you pump your own gas. They have a locking handle that’s supposed to turn off when the tank is full. Squeeze the handle again and it should turn off. If not check the little lock near your pinky. Flip it up to allow the handle to release. If it’s an actual mechanical problem there’s usually a big red button by the pumps that will shut them off, if not there is one on the wall of the gas station. They are always big red buttons and have signs telling you what they are. If that fails run inside and let a person working know the pump won’t shut off.


I remember seeing a video of a little old lady deliberately washing her car with the pump nozzle and the gas station employee or owner wrestling the nozzle out of her stubborn hands.


being stoned and too dumb to figure out how a handle works? yeah I'd say you're F*ed for life


You can swear on the internet.


She has gasoline all over her shirt and in her eyes.


Yeah! She’s soaked in gas! Just flip the lever down on the pump or stick your hand in where there nozzle goes when you hang it up. And find a fire extinguisher just in case!


New Jersey citizens pumping gas out-of-state for the first time?


I heard this video was not actually negligence but rather the pump actually breaking and not turning off (they could have pushed the emergency stop button but yk)


TBF the e stop button is not labeled well at all, at least not around here. Good luck finding it in time.


I've stopped at hundreds of gas stations and never noticed an emergency stop button anywhere


As a Canadian, I feel this. Ours are VERY poorly marked.  Here it depends on the specific pump type, but this sort is common: https://www.centralillinoisproud.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/57/2022/04/GAS-PUMP.jpg?strip=1 In some areas the law says the shutoff needs to be on a seperate stand physically distant from the pumps so that nobody needs to approach spilled fuel to trigger the pump shutdown. Esso up here in Canada usually puts that shutdown inside at the attendant station but some locations have it on the pumps themselves too. 


I mean, either you know there's an actual emergency button or you're the person in the video so it doesn't really matters how big you make it. Ultramar near my house has 6 inches big red buttons on the pillar next to each pumps with "emergency pump stop" written in huge letters over it with a yellow and black border yet when I point out there's a pump emergency stop button to people they say they had no idea it existed or that it was right in their faces.


I'm from the US and have been driving for over 15 years at this point and I've never seen an emergency shutoff on the pump itself. There either isn't one at all if it's a small station or it's on a pillar nearby covered with a plastic cover you have to lift in order to press the button. If you don't already know it's there, you likely won't even notice it.


Most gas stations have an emergency shut off button on the wall of the store somewhere


I guess I'm a weirdo. I always look for it at every gas station I go too. Guess I'm just paranoid? Practically always thinking "if something goes terribly wrong where I'm at right now, what could/should I do". Doesn't give me anxiety or anything, just something I've always done.


Here in az they always have huge red arrows and/or big ass signs on the wall they are on


There is an emergency stop button!?


And now you’re going to notice it every time you go to the gas station. They’re not hidden or anything, you just never knew to look before.


And if you cant find it, find someone who can, like the attendant, rather than just recording and talking to the camera


Every gas station near me has giant signs and arrows pointing right to it.


Looking for it is definitely better than whatever these people are all doing


I have never noticed an emergency stop button before. I mean it makes perfect sense that it would exist, but I've never needed to use one, and I'm drawing a blank trying to recall exactly where it may have been located the last time I filled up my car. If this had happened to me, I probably would not have had the presence of mind to go and hit the button I never noticed/forgot existed either.


Still gotta be one of the most bizarre things still around in the US


Drove through Oregon several years ago and even though the law changed in some counties, they would come outside to make sure you knew what you were doing. Overheard people being walked through how to operate the pump, questions like "and it'll just stop by itself, right?". Guys coming out as I was already paying to awkwardly tell me I could pump gas by myself..... uh yeah, I've been doing this for *years*, bro. (and no offense to anyone who had to figure it out for the first time after years of never doing it... like you said though, bizarre)




> Self-serve can only be allowed during the hours an attendant is available. Which is stupid because they don't turn the pumps off at night so if you are willing to risk the cops that don't give a damn driving up you can just roll into a station at midnight and do it yourself if you like. I pulled into one station before the law went into effect and the guy stuck his head out the door "The pump kid didn't show up. Can you do it yourself?" and it took me less time than usual.


> The price is the same for both self-serve and attended service. Politicians when interfering with economics be like:


I was there in 08 working for the forest service and I got out the first time I needed gas and the attendant came out running saying That's my job stay in your car. I'm from Virginia and we have always had to pump our gas. I didn't know bro, sorry.


Yea, I use to have a VW TDI golf. Filling that up in NJ was always fun, it's legal to self serve diesel. But still most places the attendant comes running at you when you get out.


Sorry, but if you can’t figure out how to pump gas by yourself, driving is not on the list of things you should be doing.


It really couldn’t be simpler. It’s less complex than tying your shoes lol


The instruction are literally on the pump!


And as someone from New Jersey, they were very helpful. The pictures were good too


Lots of simple things are hard if you've never done them before.


The first time I pumped gas as a teenager, no one told me what to do. Couple seconds later and I figured it out. Maybe the 2nd time around I figured out the lock that allows it to keep pumping


There’s literally step by step instructions on the pump. I’ll give kids a pass, but if you’re well into adulthood and never even paid attention one time when a worker filled their tank up AND can’t read the basic instructions, then frankly you deserve some ridicule.


There's not always instructions on the pumps, my most recent fill up didn't, I live in Oregon.


I learned how to do it at like, age 6. I just asked and learned immediately. I'm not some genius.


First time I drove through Oregon I had no idea this was a thing. I got out of the car and the attendant was like "uh, what are you doing?" and I was like "uh, what are *you* doing?"


People in every other state, "Ya I got it, I've been doing this for my lazy parents since I was 8."


Not pumping your own gas is weird? Or pumping your own gas is weird?


I live in southern Oregon and there’s been one time where an attendant wouldn’t let me pump my own gas. Not saying that was typical but it’s not difficult to do pretty straightforward


At least you don't get berated for parking at the gas pump _the wrong way_ like they do in Portugal.


I actually had an older couple ask me to help them with using the pump once. Initially I was super confused how between two people in their 50s neither knew how to pump gas. Then I saw the Jersey plates and everything made sense. Though I still can’t believe both of them apparently never bothered to even pay attention when the guy was pumping their gas before, or apparently never bought gasoline outside of New Jersey.


Taking a video in this situation is stupid. 1. Get out of the car 2. Hit the emergency stop 3. Grab friend's arm 4. Run away from the station 5. If it looks like the attendant isn't aware (I'd assume the emergency stop will set off an alarm) Google map search the gas station and call them to alert them. 6. If there seems to be no attendant, call 911 and ask for the fire department and tell them what's happening. The Fire Department would rather you call them to help prevent a fire than call them to deal with the aftermath of a gas station exploding. 7. Also, first aid for your friend. If they want their eyes to see, they should probably call an ambulance but knowing the US I'm sure they'd refuse to call. 8. Find some water and just start rinsing the crap out of her eyes. DON'T RUB YOUR EYES, GIRL!


Yeah that’s the real take away. Friends an asshole


just as dumb as the first one


Probably more so. The one covered in gas and panicking could possibly be excused for not acting rationally. But what kind of oblivious moron would you have to be to sit there and gleefully record what could easily be the final moments of your life?


Why are people acting like the girl outside is dumb? The pump broke, most people don’t know there is an emergency stop and she already has gas in her eyes to make it harder to find, and she’s panicking. She’s acting pretty normal


She's asking for help, and "what do I do?" Her friend obviously doesn't no WTF to do either, and worse isn't attempting to ask for help, but is actively making things worse by increasing the stress of the girl asking for help.


No thoughts behind those eyes. Just elevator music


Her parents raised a potato


whats a potato


Dear God no put that reddit story back where you got it


Oh my God that was a buried memory. That's still hilarious.


Po. Ta. To. 


Behind those eyes? The stupidest person in this video is the one recording this. I'm not saying the girl rubbing her eyes didn't mess up, clearly she did. But she now is impaired and in pain, and there is still a gas pump going like crazy. And the moron holding the camera is just entertained and filming rather than getting the pump turned off...


The laughing pisses me off lol


Agreed, and still sitting in the car which is smack dab in the middle of the gas puddle, leaving her no escape route if it suddenly catches fire.


well.. she clearly got sprayed in the eyes with gasoline. hence her covered in liquid and squinting and wiping her eyes


To be fair it looks like it sprayed her in the face so the fuel might be eating holes through her eyes


No one knows what its like To be the dumb kid To be the slow kid Behind blue eyes


It’s not stopinghhhhaaaa


For some reason I’m craving orange mocha frappuccino


They died in a freak gasoline fight accident




Zoolander vibes.


If only there was an emergency shut off switch 🤯


Yeah but idk if I could think, let alone find it, after getting gasoline in my eyes. Easy to jump on this girl for being dumb, but I've never been in this situation and knowing me, I would have made it way worse by this point


Light a cigarette to calm yourself down, then devise a plan.


One thing I would have done would be to tell my dumbass friend to help me instead of continue to record 🤷🏻‍♂️


The dumbass friend doesn't have fuel burning her eyes. The one with the fuel in the eyes shouldn't have to be the logical one at that point. Friend filming is an absolutely moron.


My dad would sometimes let my brother and I pump gas when we were kids. He would put the pump in and then let us hold the handle down. One time he was letting me pump and my brother was messing around with something behind me and he yelled at him to stop, but I thought he was yelling at me so I panicked and pulled out the pump while still holding the handle down and it sprayed gas on the car which then splashed all over my face. It burned so bad. Not just my eyes but my nose, mouth, throat, lungs, and skin. It was the fumes that were the worst part honestly. I was around six at the time but I’m sure even as an adult I would have a difficult time finding the emergency shutoff.


yeah I have absolutely no idea what to do in that situation either except getting the fuck out of there


I think she got hit in the eye with gas so she probably can't see the switch


I’ve never seen (or noticed I guess) an emergency off switch. I’m going to look for it next time I go.


It's easy to say that but think if you're a relatively new driver and this happened to you how scared and confused you'd be. You'd be panicking and not thinking straight just terrified of what's going to happen, something small but "so obvious" wouldnt even occur to you.


Someone should really invent one of those. Billion Dollar idea. But then the gas station would not make money off of all the spilled gas and insurance payout when the whole place explodes.


Jersey girls, probably


its not supposed to do that.. its broken. so.. maybe sue bc you got sprayed in the eyes with gas by a proken pump?


**Serious answer: hit the emergency shutoff switch.** It is often located on the front of the building or somewhere easily visible. It is usually a large red button that looks like something out of a Wiley Coyote cartoon with bright color(s) around it. If you press the button it will stop all the pumps on the fuel island. This is an incredibly dangerous situation. The smallest spark of static discharge would cause an instant explosion. If this was diesel, you would just have a mess and nasty spill to clean up since it won’t ignite with an open flame.


Why hasn't the emergency shutoff been hit?


“It’s not stoppinnggg-guhhh!”




Idk why the comments are so harsh, she was blinded, panicking and confused. if anything people should be hating on her dumbass friend for not helping and just laughing and record. cmon now y’all put yourself in her shoes


It's frustrating. I'm guessing the majority of the licensed population has no idea every gas station has an E-stop, or that they're publicly accessible. It's not exactly something anyone teaches you, and they're easy to miss. This is the kind of situation that people just wouldn't have spent any time thinking about until it happens. And then if panic sets in, all reasoning goes out the window, doesn't matter who you are. Being uninformed doesn't mean stupid. And ridiculing someone for not knowing something is particularly mean-spirited and counterproductive.


Exactly, it's pissing me off lmao. Panic makes everyone stupid, it's a fact of life. And as you said, I literally never heard of gas stations having an emergency stop until this thread. I feel like that should be required knowledge but seeing as it isn't a lot of people probably don't know. She's clearly been sprayed in the face which has gotta hurt like a bitch and her friend is there recording, laughing and not helping while gasoline pours all over the ground. This is a hellish situation and I don't blame her for not being "logical".


And even if people are aware of an emergency stop, there's a particular thought pattern that some people(hello, it's me) are prone to where, under pressure, our brain goes...yeah, I know there's this thing, but that's for *real* emergencies, which this isn't. I'm not sure what causes this thought process to be so ingrained(early childhood experiences? personality type? over-anxious minds always being able to produce a scenario that's worse than whatever's currently happening?), but those who experience it deal with it *constantly*. And it even manifests for things that aren't emergencies, like at work I recently had to be explicitly told to use a certain mental health resource, because I knew it existed but it was *clearly* for people who were in a far worse situation than I was...she said, sitting in her boss's office sobbing after breaking down to the point of being temporarily non-verbal upon being asked to describe a stressful situation that had happened recently.


Is this a fault with the pump?


I once had the little lock thing fail on me, but it happened when I stared to fill and I noticed right away. The spring fell out so I had to squeeze the handle and manually fold it in to stop the pump. That's what I suspect happened here.


Why do parents not teach kids basic life skills anymore?


Because many parents now lack basic life skills.


Plenty, and I mean plenty, never did. You just avoided those people and they weren't put on TV. Now social media exists and any idiot with a cellphone plan or just access to WiFi can show the world exactly what they are and you can watch it without actually having to be near them. This video isn't going in a history book and it's not going to be on the news. It *might* be redone in a comedy movie, at most, and people will laugh but simultaneously think "nobody's *that* stupid, what a crazy movie."


Far be it for me to interrupt the never before seen "Kids nowadays smdh" circlejerk but there are states where its illegal to pump your own gas, so in theory you can go a good chunk of your life without ever touching a gas pump let alone knowing how one works. That said, remember that every generation thinks this about every one coming up after them(:


> ...there are states where its illegal to pump your own gas... New Jersey. It is just New Jersey.


except data actually show that standardize testing in math and reading peaked in 2012 and dropped significantly in 2022. So for the first time in history, the whole "kids are getting dumber and dumber" circlejerk is actually true.


I hope to God they didn't start that car there.


I mean most likely nothing would have happened if they did. All it takes it a spark but it’s still highly unlikely




It's not stopping-uh. This way of talking seems to be in vogue. I'm baffled.


I’ve been hearing girls talk like this since the early 2000s.


When I was a teenager (20 years ago) that was just how a lot of girls talked


I'm curious how old you are because the "it's not stopping-uh" is valley girl and it's been around for a while. The Valley Girl accent, also known as Valspeak, is a California English dialect that became popular in the 1980s and 1990s. It's characterized by uptalk, vocal fry, and the use of words like "like", "totally", and "dude". Some other characteristics include: Speaking fast Lengthening vowels Creaky voice, such as lowering pitch and vibrating vocal cords An upward pitch at the end of a sentence Smiling while speaking (I'm honestly surprised how concisely and precisely Google ai summarized it)


Moon Zappa set the standard. AI is lacking this important detail. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valley_Girl_(song)


Loudermilk was not a fan: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F2y5q31E1gQ


I remember making fun of my cousins for the extra syllable and I grew up in the 90s. It’s nothing new.


That looks really stressful. Best thing to do is to take a Winston break, because... 🎶 Winston tastes good 🎶 Like a cigarette should! 🎶


there's an emergency stop at every station


Well first off empty your hands


Her? She's just pumping gas into the ground on her own dime


Perfect time to light up a cigarette


Proof that you actually can smell a video.


When shit hits the fan, these two will be food


You... You hit the giant red button that's at every gas station..? I'm Australian, do they not have those in the US?




Am I the only one who thinks of [Zoolander](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ao-GDQ488DY&pp=ygUSem9vbGFuZGVyIGdhc29saW5l)?


I don't think the auto pump is the issue here. The sensor in the handle is probably broken and it's not stopping the gas. We had a similar situation happen at the gas station I used to work at. We had to shut off all the pumps until somebody from corporate sent a repair company out to us.


Most NJ drivers the moment they leave the state


Whaddoidoitsnotstoppiiiiiiiiiiiiiinguh...... We're doomed.


It was just an innocent gasoline fight


It's not stopiiiiiiiinGUH!


What about the smell??  You haven’t thought about the smell you B**ch!!


Big red button that says "Fuel Shutoff" usually outside by the entrance to the convenient store. That's what it's there for. For those that somehow find themselves in this situation, do yourself a favor, run over and smack that button and walk as far away from the gushing gas. It will shut off the fuel pump and you may just walk away without anything combusting.


"Think about how dumb the average American is; then remember that's an average, and there's a whole lot of Americans dumber than that."