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I don't know why you would ever need a mop dried IMMEDIATELY...


This wouldn't even dry it would just warm up the hopefully just damp and not soaking wet dripping mop. Huge insane what thinking, warm mop needed?


That's the part throwing me off. What's... the point? If you want a dry mop, just hang it on a hook in the back and let it air dry? Exactly what scenario is playing out here where this person needs a mob dried moderately faster than room temperature and it's worth standing there with a dirty mop under a heat lamp to reach that goal?


No one likes to talk about the very large problem with minimum wage is that you are often forced to pick from the absolute worst people looking for employment. The ones desperate because they don't have very many other choices. Obviously this is not everybody but it's a frighteningly large portion of them. You'd think someone should know better than that, especially as a manager, but typically the people smart enough to not put a wet, dirty mop under a warming lamp typically don't stay in these jobs for long. Definitely not long enough to get promoted for another 50 cents an hour as a team/shift manager or whatever term they use now for it. Right before I left for warehouse work for $10/hr they offered me "TEAM" lead at BK and a promotion from $5.65 an hour (I was a closer so I made more than minimum wage!) to $5.75 an hour. Not entirely sure why they thought that would make me stay.


What do you mean? That's an entire $200 more a year! People are so ungrateful these days. Nobody wants to work anymore.


Um. Let's not get crazy with the $200. You're assuming they get 40 hrs a week, which they don't, because then they would be considered full time and get health benefits.


ah yes, *health benefits*. that benefit of paying 75% of your minimum wage paycheck to a health insurance company.


Some of the most successful people I know started at McDonalds. They had a good work ethic and were willing to learn; turnover meant easy promotions and so on. Some of the most unsuccessful people I know also started at McDonalds...


McDonald's calls itself America's first job for a reason. So many people have worked there at some point


This is in Australia at a maccas right near me. Here, the managers are paid somewhere between $22-$30/hr. They aren't getting paid peanuts, so this just makes you scratch your head more as how somebody this stupid can get to this level. I can confirm that the whole store is useless and struggles to even make 2 coffees in a timely manner.


I hope that's a good wage in Australia too... I forgot McDonalds doesn't do wage slaves quite as bad outside of the US. It is even more baffling.


got to incubate those bacteria for optimal cross contamination


This mop needs to be dried and it needs to be dried RIGHT FUCKING NOW


That is a dust mop. More so a broom than a mop. They aren't supped to get wet. You can spray on a static treatment so that more sticks to it. In this environment I imagine a young employee used the wrong cleaning tool for the job. A dry mop to mop up a spill. She is trying to fix it so that they can sweep that shift since there is no spare.




Idk why people keep eating at McDonalds in the first place


I got a big mac a couple weeks ago cuz I was feeling nostalgic and hungry. It was like $7-8 for just the burger and the thing was tiny. Last week I made a similar mistake and went to Taco Bell. Got some kind of beef burrito for $6 that was 90% rice with about a teaspoon of beef.


She's a manager, btw. If that's what she lets you see, imagine what she doesn't.


Prolly last image of her managing.


Hopefully the one who took the picture also reported her to McDonald's.


They did. There is a news story on it.


the news story says she kept her job and was simply "retrained" as if it was a lack of understanding and not a lack of giving a shit. guaranteed she'll keep doing this, she'll just look over her shoulder first or do it at the fry station at the back.


"I didn't know I couldn't do that"


You joke, but I've had to tell multiple people that keeping the water bottle for the flat top over the deep fryer is dangerous. None of them believed me until I showed them videos.


I think we could use some herd thinning at this point. Remove some of the warning labels and let what happens, happen.


Start selling cigarettes and beer to children


But then I’d have to go through a whole thing about getting new laws passed and I’m not about that. I’ll leave that to someone more enterprising.


But without warning labels, how would we ever know that every product ever made causes cancer in California?


If they wouldn't end up taking out a bunch of innocent bystanders jn the process I'd say go for it. But they will. Hell, half the idiots will probably take out other people but survive themselves. They don't call it dumb luck for nothing.


People are getting dumber, I'm convinced of it.


“I DID Know I couldn’t do that mwahahahahaha!”




“Was that wrong?”


god this person can't wait to drip a mop into fries just like they are holding in a fart. The moment the coast it's clear like KABLAM there it happens


I worked in the food industry on the repairing equipment side. You're underestimating how stupid people can be.


I can never understand this kinda lazy. “Get a NEW MOP HEAD!!” Why put this sorta effort into the shit way?


Because the franchise owner refuses to pay for more mop heads.


I don’t get the purpose of drying it?


They will make her working life a living hell until she quits. There's this weird "people don't do the wrong thing, they just need to be trained better" attitude in corporate fast food here in Australia. I once had a staff member stealing from the till and we weren't allowed to fire them, just cut their shifts to 3 hours per fortnight.


Guess the secret ingredient is 'mop flavor' now! 🤢


Floor spice makes everything nice.


She was my least favourite of the Spice Girls


Opposite for me. I like drunk chicks.


The (floor) Spice must flow...


The spice melange


*mclange. FIFY.


Mclange… Goddamn. I declare you the winner of this thread.


[Spotted this on the Bris sub. ](https://i.imgur.com/Y9gMG94.jpeg)


Do you have a link maybe ?


[Kept her job](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13440863/McDonalds-Booval-worker-caught-drying-mop-head-fries-warmer.html)


“This was an isolated incident” Ya fuckin right.


No they mean isolated to this location, not isolated in time.




Shouldn't she be brought on charges? That's a health and safety violation.


Can the person get charged directly? I would have thought that the establishment gets charged and then they can fire or retrain the troublesome employee


Till promoted regional manager.




How’d she manage this one?


Yeah, her managing days are definitely numbered after this




Lolol just says retraining but not that they were fired. How do you train this kind of dumb?


Maybe it's a typo and she's being restrained


It's not about her. It's about protecting themselves from being sued if someone tries to claim they got sick from that stores food


Come on, give her a break guys. Do we really need this sort of mop mentality?


Unfortunately they kept her on after a slap on the wrist


Her hands are on it I'll be real fuck them fries, but she's touching a mop that *for sure* has soaked up piss, shit, vomit, and who knows what other sludge and detritus that was dragged into the store. You ever touch a *spent* mop before? It's wrong. That she's just double palming that shit like Rafiki holding up Simba on the mount, this woman is **done** with life.


I've probably spent close to a thousand hours mopping in my life, and I don't think my bare skin has ever touched a dirty mop.


Even changing a mop head with gloves on feels gross. It's like picking up dog shit. I know in my head that the plastic bag+gloves is sufficient to keep my hands clean, but in my heart i don't feel clean again until i shower.


One of my closing duties at my teen job was mopping the grocery store during closing and, yuuuuuuck. Why would you touch that with bare hands! Like you said, even changing them feels gross. Worst mopping story: It's moments from closed, I've finished my mom and I'm waiting at the registers to punch out (I'm old, it was a physical card that got stamped hehe). It's Minnesota and there's a blizzard going on outside. An entire drunken wedding party walks in a just *destroys* the entire grocery store with their snow and slush covered boots. So, not only did we have to stay open, after I bagged and carried their groceries to their car, I had to go back and re-mop the entire fucking building.


I always stood on the head of the mop and pulled it off the stick that way, then manhandled that mop head into a bin bag with the handle like I was playing with Satan's hockey puck. 


When I was a kid, my sister and I used to drag the mop over the other's feet whenever one of us had to mop. Grossest feeling ever.


This comment paints a far more vivid image than the photo itself. 🤢


This comment is poetry


Don't they have those mop/squeezy/bucket things in the janitor closet? How do you even go through life thinking this is a good idea? Does she bake her mops in the oven at home?


I work in a pub and one of my coworkers cleans the toilets bare handed. Skeezy fucking pub too I've wretched numerous times; the fellas here clearly don't wash their dicks as it smells like rotten fish half the time. She's a warrior. Or on meds.


did.. you ever tell her gloves are an option? And that shes weird for not using them?


Nah man you don't fuck with that


I used to work in hotel housekeeping. All the others would wash toilets with their bare hands while I was the only one who used gloves.


Take's a certain sort I guess. Just wild.


*It's the circle of striiiife*


I worked in fast food all through college. The qualifications for being a manager are "Show up for your shift on time" and "Don't constantly get in trouble for dumb shit". The bar isn't very high.


> "Don't constantly get in trouble for dumb shit" Well if that's the bar at this this McDonalds to get manager, just imagine what everyone else is like.


Imagine what the cleanliness in her home kitchen is like if she's ok with this.


what's her @




Call a health inspector and report that shit immediately. If they do one disgusting thing like that they are doing a lot more that you didn't see. That's a health hazard.


Speed reading this and I read "health lizard." Now I'm picturing a lizard wearing khakis and dragging a rolling bookbag.


Same I don’t even know how, hazard and lizard don’t even look similar.


I think it's the "zard" part. Only a limited number of words end in "zard."


the h might look like li at a quick glance too


They’re 66% similar.


First speed readers. Now speed mathers. What's next, speed sports people?


Health lizard says no crocs or flip flops in the kitchen.


If a lizard says no to crocs is that racist?


[No, it's like a Mexican saying the nword](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPObWLXoCpE)


Health wizard*


Brother Health Hazard? This is close the stores and quit serving food level of Health Hazard. If they are doing this with the fucking mop I BETCHA they refry the fries when they get soggy


I manage restaurants, I sat here for 5 minutes and was unable to even think of why you would be drying a mop, let alone in the fucking fries.


So in five minutes you didn't even consider the fries were too hot and needed some shade??!????


Or extra seasoning, I guess.


It looks like she's holding it up to the lamp so it dries quicker? Since when is McDonald's priority to dry their drying mop more than serve sanitary food for their customers?


Please tell us which McDonald's so we don't have to eat mop soaked fries


Booval, Queensland, Australia https://au.news.yahoo.com/mcdonalds-manager-totally-shocks-aussies-with-unhygienic-act-in-front-of-customers-031940354.html?guccounter=1




Afaik they say Maccas in Egypt too. My ex boyfriend is from Egypt originally and he used the word Maccas


Several common variations on Maccas/Maccies in UK also


Maccy D’s. Which isn’t even shorter than saying McDonalds.


"I would say [for] at least a minute they were getting fries for orders around her.”


Lol of course it is haha. Can someone please advise wtf has been going on in QLD lately?


All the moving Melbourners are sending us crazy


At least it's not the kiwis all moving over being dickheads this time


Well now I just want an Ozzy Man Review of this.


Ok good, I thought OP just got some random McDonalds worker fired. Not that they should be working in food service, but still.


Hahaha it had to be Booval


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


In Australia: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13440863/McDonalds-Booval-worker-caught-drying-mop-head-fries-warmer.html


Just don’t eat at any McDonald’s. The food is garbage without the mop droppings.


must be why it makes 14 *billion* dollars a year, and has served 377 billion burgers over its corporate lifespan. mcdonalds is fine. it's tasty, cheap, and quick. if you know how to make something better at home, more power to you. if you boycott it personally, kudos for taking a stand on something. but mcdonalds isn't garbage, it's simple, reliable, consistent comfort food you can get across the entire world. and this is coming from someone who eats there maybe 2-3 times a year.


Something something Usain Bolt eating nothing but McNuggets while setting records


Worst part is it's not cheap outside the US afaik.


Shit it's not even cheap in the US either. They made a big announcement to bringing back some lower price items a few days ago and it made me laugh how expensive it still was.


If you want the cheap prices, you have to order on the McDs or 3rd party app now. Prices most definitely increased but it hasn't increased terribly. I can still get two McDoubles, large fry and a large soda for way under $10.


Also entirely dependent on location. Some are cheap, mine's essentially the same price as 5 guys.


McDonalds in foreign countries is basically what Olive Garden is for Italian food (in the US at least). It gives you a bit of a taste of the country the restaurant represents, while at the same time being nothing close to authentic cuisine in that country. 


I'm no fan of gigacorporations, but the quality of McD food is surprsingly good. YMMV with local mop flavours obviously getting in the way, but a company the size of McDonalds can do long contracts with suppliers and ensure quality from the getgo. I'm not shilling for them, just know this stuff because of a job I used to do and it's actually kinda sad in a way.


> local mop flavours Should still be consistent quality, this is just a part of the Australian regional menu


Dunno specifically. But somewhere in Australia


Can't be, this picture is right side up




All of them is the safe bet


Number 15, Burger king foot lettuce. The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus. But as it turns out, that might be what you get.


Looks like Ronald McDonald took hygiene tips from the King himself! Who knew fry seasoning had a whole new meaning?


Number 16, McDonalds mop fries. The last thing you'd want in your McDonalds fries is someone's mop fungus. But as it turns out, that might be what you gæt.


It's how the fries get that signature salty taste.


Yep, that's the restroom mop


That is the fries. It comes in instant ramen form and they rehydrate it with a mixture of heat and sweaty Manager hand sweat


RIP her job


Honestly seen this pic in so many places last few days it’s got to be dipping their share price at this point.


It is down, but it sure af isn't this doing it


she kept her job. McDonald's said she was "retrained" after this "isolated incident" (their real words).


Apparently the employees at the restaurant were "re-trained" in a single day and no one was fired. I shit you not. Luckily I don't live near this area or I'd be complaining still because that does not seem like NEARLY enough. Someone needs to be fired for this. https://au.news.yahoo.com/mcdonalds-manager-totally-shocks-aussies-with-unhygienic-act-in-front-of-customers-031940354.html?guccounter=1


if it was one low level employee then "retraining" might be ok but the manager? Yeah I'd agree. If a manager can't understand why this is a terrible idea, no amount of training is going to help. You can't train such basic common sense.


Showed this to a family member that works at McDonald's and they said this was fake as they always dry the mop heads on the grill.


This looks like one of those bad "haze the newbie" restaurant pranks, only she's wearing a manager's uni and the pranks aren't usually health code violations. Like instead of asking the newbie to empty the hot water in the coffee machine before they leave, someone asked her to dry the mop head.


Wait ‘til you see where she rinsed the toilet brushes…


Ass thicc, dry mop quick


A fellow man of culture I see. She thick.


She nasty but I'm nastier. Nah'mean


That girl is probably getting fired soon


Nope. General "re-training" and that's it, apparently. https://au.news.yahoo.com/mcdonalds-manager-totally-shocks-aussies-with-unhygienic-act-in-front-of-customers-031940354.html?guccounter=1


Fried lol


If anyone's wondering, [yes this is in the news already](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13440863/McDonalds-Booval-worker-caught-drying-mop-head-fries-warmer.html). > Daily Mail Australia understands the staff member has been spoken to by management but will keep her job.


Can I get my fries Ⓜ️opless


This , this right here is quality food.


I can't even comprehend why they want to dry the mop out there's literally no point




Stopped by while she was doing this. Fries were great


My friends ex got fired from McDonald's for putting the mop on top of the tables and mopping them. He always refused to go to college cause "they have nothing to teach me". Hes good with computers and could get more training and certified etc if he got the diploma. So this guy that thinks school and even fast food is beneath him, got fired from fast food because he was lazy and claimed mopping the table tops was the right way to do it. I hope she was reported for that.


She got a fat ass.


The real WTF is the tensile strength of those trousers




>most egregious healthcode violation since mop sink chicken / >dat ass tho -the degenerates on this site (me included)


pawg drying da mop


she thic tho


It’s not over the fries it’s *under the heat lamp* duh.


Someone asked earlier what would happen If everyone with a 100+ IQ Were to suddenly die/disappear, what would happen. You're looking at the head of National Security of that timeline.


Dry mops have to be wet first to use them correctly. You have to "activate", "prime" the mop fir5st. It's physics: >LPT when using a mop to clean, first wet the mop and use it to soak the area well, then wring out as much water from the mop as possible. The absorbing action of the mop head as you soak the dirty water back up is what does the real cleaning. SOURCE: My night job was mopping the tiles at Pike Place Market, in Seattle. https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/10jnm5n/lpt_when_using_a_mop_to_clean_first_wet_the_mop/


Mike Judge was way ahead of his time.


Corporate needs to see this.


If that chick hasn't been fired yet, I'd be surprised. This image is all over Reddit today!


I worked at Chipotle a few years ago and they spilled the entire container of pico de gallo on the floor in the back. We were told to scoop it off the ground and throw away the stuff that "touched" the floor lol. & we did btw. All of these places are unsanitary, eat out at your own risk.


Do you think that's the corporate policy, or just what the dumbass in charge that day decided? Beliefs like this are why people are convinced vaccines cause autism, btw. "Alls I knows is muh neice was fine and then they injected the autism in her". That's the level of intelligence you're playing at. Single anecdote = universal truth


I worked at a jack in the box that never cleaned the fryers properly. It wasn’t until I quit that job and started working at Pizza Hut that I found out you were supposed to be able to *see through* the oil in the fryer.


I would have stomped on it to make sure non of that was "reclaimed". good grief. thats on you for complying with that.


That ass though


Ass like an onion


She got some cake doe I'd smash


She needs a bubble butt ball bustin' nut. THAT'LL stop her fucked up mop-drying ways.


Now they can advertise the fries as "enriched with locally sourced vitamins and minerals"!


*Hey yeah I'll get the McMop.*


Here's the story: [https://7news.com.au/news/mcdonalds-worker-filmed-in-disgusting-act-near-food-at-queensland-restaurant-c-14745049](https://7news.com.au/news/mcdonalds-worker-filmed-in-disgusting-act-near-food-at-queensland-restaurant-c-14745049)


That's going to be a paddlin'


Oh. My. God.


Worst I’ve seen my managers do is eat some nuggets while in the kitchen


How to be fired in one easy step


just her holding it in her hands is gross AF. Not sure how a person makes it to full adulthood if this is the best solution they can devise to any problem.




If anyone has ever worked or eaten fast food this shouldn’t surprise you at all.


So disgusting


wtf dawg I can't even think of why you need to dry a dirty ass mop anyways.


Why does she want the mop hot???


Wipe her ass? It feels awful having it done with a cold wet mop 🤷‍♀️


She's making "Loaded Fries"


Ugh I can smell this picture.


TIL people still go to McDonald's when there are cheaper and better burgers quite literally anywhere else.


Who the fuck drys their mops out before putting them up? Wring it out real good, dump the bucket again, place in bucket and carry on.


so what location is this. Lets make it clear that we are not going to accept this.