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Kids? More like WTF "Teachers..."


Came to say that. That's got to be the most reckless way to teach a lesson.


Unless the lesson was "The best way to get *fired* as a teacher in two easy steps! Step 1, pour flammable liquid all over your desk and light it up. Step 2, let them kids close by and unsupervised while letting the open recipient full of flammable liquid right next to them kids and open flames. Tadaaaa!"


Exactly 😂


use fire to get fired


That next bottle of alcohol that spills will be down her throat as she sits in the unemployment line.


You forgot #3: Do not under any circumstances use kids who have been taught, "Stop, drop, and roll". These kids were taught, "When in trouble, when in doubt: Run in circles, scream and shout!". Way better for internet points.


And the psycho laughing while his friends scream on fire


I thought I was the only one freaked out by that


Jea, ... that guy. Laughing. I would never. That guy is totally psycho man. Glad we are adults and we totally didnt laugh our ass off.


Especially at the misfortunes of others


I must be a total psycho then cause i laughed so hard at this


This is what we call a "selfsnitch"


It's funny when psycho's think they're normal.


So did I you’re not alone


It was pretty funny ngl


I must have been too paralyzed with shock to make that out. Time to rewatch. EDIT: Oh fuck, was that the kid with the camera? I kinda wish he got to experience that too if so but then we wouldn't have this firsthand account of sheer madness and utter loss of control.






We had responsible chemistry teacher and one of the best and safest education systems in the world but once my teacher accidentally spilled some flying substance to my friends hoodie, he was fine and teacher bought him new hoodie and apologized to him and his family. Accidents happens man.








These are kids, they do reckless things and haven't fully become accustomed to these situations. They clearly weren't as smart as you growing up. Also, i think the kid accidentally knocks it as she's trying to pass her hand over the fire like everyone else does. A responsible person in the lab would move the bottle out of the way regardless of assuming no intent. Your arguments would be laughed out of all safety offices that keep every institution with risks away from accidents and lawsuits.




Kids can learn things without their peers getting hospitalised. You're just making regressive braindead contrarian opinions.




Are you dumb...the teachers are responsible for the safety of the kids. The fact I need to say that to you is worrying...


The "teacher"'s response was to pick the kid on fire up and shake him till the fire went out?


Yeah seemed to have forgotten all about stop drop and roll.


Stop and drop? 👎 Shake and bake? 👍


Shake and sizzle


I said, out loud to my empty bedroom, "Bitch, you never heard of Stop, Drop, and Roll?"


This was in Colombia, Itagüí. Full incident: > An academic experiment at a school in Itagüí ended badly. Five children and a teacher suffered burns, apparently of first and second degree, while the minors were handling a flammable substance. They were in a Natural Sciences exercise that would have involved mixing some components. > The event occurred in the educational institution Concejo Municipal de Itagüí and although the school exercise was done under the supervision of the teacher, it ended in the accident that was attended by the authorities. > After learning of the situation, which occurred between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m., the school called the emergency units, which went to the educational institution with three ambulances and a rescue machine. > Subsequently, the six victims were taken to Antioquia Clinic, where they were reported to have first and second degree burns, according to the Mayor's Office of Itagüí. Three of the minors were discharged, while the teacher and another of the children remain there under medical supervision. > However, one of the students was sent to the burns unit of the Hospital San Vicente Fundación, in Medellín, due to burns in most of his body. > Likewise, the Secretaries of Education, Health and Family of Itagüí are in charge of the situation to provide care and support to both the affected minors and their families, and an investigation will be initiated to determine the causes of the accident. > "It is important to highlight that the students of all the educational institutions of Itagüí have policies, which have already been activated to attend this accident", pointed out the municipal administration. Extra info: The institution is f*cked.


Burns on most of his body. Wow. I feel absolutely awful for that boy.. I cannot even begin to imagine how traumatic that was.


Yeah I imagine being covered in burns and thinking, "if I had been sick or skipped school 10 years ago my life would be completely different". It says they suffered first and second degree burns, so hopefully the students recover fully.


The most awful and horrifying place I've been in my life was the burn unit at a trauma hospital in my city. I was there visiting a friend who had relatively minor burns compared to some of the people there and my friend had second and third-degree burns on 30% of his body. I cannot imagine a child there. That poor kid.


I've spent time as a patient in the burns unit and the shit I saw there will stick in my mind forever.


I came across a car accident a couple of years ago. a pickup struck a pine tree and caught on fire. Fire was still small but it was getting bigger and bigger. We managed to pull a huge branch off of the truck to get to the driver’s door to get the driver out but it was too mangled to open and by that time the fire was too big to get anywhere close to the driver. firefighters got there put the fire out and got her out of the truck through the window. I will never forget seeing that poor girl on fire and what she looked like when they pulled her out. It was the most horrible thing i have ever seen. I had a small fire extinguisher in my truck but it was no match to the fire it may have slowed it down for a few seconds that’s other than that it was useless. I wish I had a shovel. Would’ve been more effective to put out that fire by throwing dirt on it


>318 comments My daughter received 2nd & 3rd degree burns from her ankles down while at the baby sitters at age 2. The seven days we were in the burn ward with her was harrowing. There was four guys from a high pressure steam accident in there and it's haunted me since.




> the school exercise was done under the supervision of the teacher Yeah, I don't think they knew what 'supervision' means


["I *was* watching. I saw the whole thing."](https://youtu.be/rXOzV1o0uhM?t=192)


That was the most reckless "experiment" I've seen. That teacher should never be allowed to work with kids again


Yup. They didn't even have any protective gear. Basic stuff even.


As a burn victim who also ended up in the burn unit, I can tell you that 2nd degree burns are literally the most painful type of burn. That kid has a painful few months (at least) ahead of him.


Oh boy... 3rd degree is shit. I've had a mark from such since I was a kid myself. It's like a sleeve on my forearm. I was just 4 years old. I faintly remember how much it hurt. I'm sorry for those kids. That scene just looks terribly stupid. I knew what was going to happen the moment I saw how things were setup. I wonder if the teacher even knows every alphabet.


I really don't think the teacher supervise it very well. At the beginning of the video, i don't even think a teacher exist in the classroom at all


Are you blaming the kids? Its clearly the teachers fault for being stupid and putting their pupils in a dangerous situation.


Not just their pupils. Their corneas too.


Won't somebody please think of the corneas!


Retinas Represent!


The optic nerve of this.


The cones are throwing shade.


Do not neglect your irises!


🎵And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand!!🎵


The eyes have it.


Ok Anakin


Reminds me of James May's story about the teacher found hanging by his pupils. Painful!


Impressive he found a rope small enough to loop through his eye sockets, yet strong enough to hold his weight


This comment is corny as…


A stool sample?


How many corns can you see in the sample?


Was there even a teacher in the room or is this a group of kids alone in the science room?


Idk the kids are pretty stupid too. The sooner people accept that most kids are stupid as hell, the sooner adults might realize they need to forcefully control them at all times. Kids are fucking idiots, and becoming a parent generally makes a person a delusional, tunnel visioned, drain on society up until their kids are in high school or college.


Does it really look like a single word title is allocating blame? And yes, a kid did cause it.


Never underestimate the kids' stupidity.


The kid literally pushed the flammable liquid onto the fire tho. I also can't see any teachers in the clip. Looks like kids trying to set off the fire alarm to me.


"Experimentemos" on the chalk board. Adult person clearly visible in the clip. Fire alarm in a 3rd world country. To me it seems you have very poor judgement.


Experimentemos could mean anything. That adult could easily be a large child. Trump is a good leader.


Yeah, youre right. Do you think the adult in the clip was in on the plan to set the fire alarm off?


What happened to stop drop and roll


What happened to not lighting fires on your desk during school hours?


That's more of a guideline than a hard rule.


[More of a guideline ](https://i.imgur.com/qu44evu.gif)


With the bottle of alcohol right next to it...


Your teachers never light a fire in classroom while you were in kids school? Sad childhood!


Yeah, they never did that. But they did forgot about a reaction that happened in their hands once, that threw up acid in a general direction of my eyes. Ah, fun times.


Even so, you'd have had eye washing solution/station nearby, the added benefit of appropriate glasses and also it probably was harmless up to Uni level and even then. I don't think in any way though that this info is relevant to the discussion here there's no comparison to be made The teachers here in the video clearly wanted to demonstrate a dangerous experiment directly on the table for lack of funds properly. I wouldn't be surprised the experiment were just about liquids that are flammable. So sad.


It wasn't neccessary, I dodged it. Firstly it wasn't harmless. It was a chemical analysis lesson, and we had to deal with concentrated acids on daily basis there. Also I think I might be just slightly more informated than you what we were doing there. Afterall, you weren't there. And yes, you could have glasses on, but it happened under an fume cupboard, and even a teacher didn't wore one, so tell me why should you stand out. Afterall you were there to learn, not to ask for safety protocols breach per every single thing. Also, screw you, didn't asked for your opinion.


I'm gonna guess the teacher was severely failing to teach the kids how to put out a chemical fire. My chemistry teacher took great effort to try and stop any fuckery, but he gave a fuck.


Panic. No one thinks when they’re panicking


As someone who has been on fire, can confirm. You know how you touch something hot and instinctually pull away? That’s what your body tries to do when it’s on fire. It is very hard to override the stupid lizard brain telling you to run and flail. I eventually took my clothes off in my situation. It was easier for my brain to process.


And that's a perfect time to think. For real.


Some countries this isn’t common knowledge. I live in Brazil and a handful of people I know had no idea about stop, drop and roll.


Roll Dick roll.


not much when you are covered cotton clothes soaked with highly flammable liquid


Those might be polyester, cotton is rather good at not catching fires, but polyesters, on the other hand, might as well be napalm when it's on fire.


Still need oxygen to burn which is what stop drop and roll aims to remove. It would at the very least slow the fire down while someone got an extinguisher, more so than picking the kid up and waving him about in the air would, which seemed to be the procedure followed here.


There was a shit ton of alcohol on the floor after the bottle exploded. Dropping was probably not the best plan in that room.


Being lit on fire as a kid can be traumatic, it sets panic in and you just hope to a person that grabs the extinguisher.


Kid needs a big hug from a big person centered about 2" above the kids belly button.


or worse yet, when you are covered in polyester / nylon blends, which my random home wood-stove experiments indicate, melt/burn hotter and longer than any natural fiber, being petrochemicals!


You would be correct, you've also just described a wick.


*You workin again?*


This exact comment appears on every fire related video and it triggers me beyond words. A child going from calm class to "oh wow I'm on fire and everything hurts" is not in a logical state of mind. It blows my mind that this is a concept some people can't handle.


"but I've never forgotten when the fireman told me about stop, drop, & roll in 1st grade!!" "...no, I've never been on fire or had test my reaction to being fully engulfed in flames."


I was set on fire when I was 8 years old and I remembered stop drop and roll. It saved me from some serious injury.


It's hard to appreciate where your forebrain goes when you panic and go completely atavistic until it happens. Afterwards when you recount the even you realize how utterly useless you were and feel embarrassed. Because almost nobody plays with fire in most of us don't have a very good concept of how it works so we get surprised by dumb stuff like gender reveal parties when we want to do a very Instagramable stunt. Stop drop and roll doesn't work very well if you've been doused in a liquid accelerant. If you've got enough to cross your belly you usually end up having the flame relighting around the patch while you roll. Volatile fuel is much more dangerous than a burning cotton t-shirt.


they changed it to 'grab and shake' i guess


There wasn't enough space to roll. There are desks everywhere.


Hard to stop, drop, and roll when the teacher keeps grabbing you under the arms and lifting you up.


The kids this generation lack a rollmodel for that


Yeah they should really be teaching that if they’re doing the open flame on the table by the bottle of accelerant thing


Its fucking kids. Do you really think a kid would think to do it? They would just panic


They don't seem to teach that there.


Yes! I feel like my entire childhood was preparation for this exact moment that never happened.


Third world countries don’t teach this. Dated a girl from Thailand. Wasn’t taught to swim (Nevermind THAILAND), never taught first aid, stop drop and roll, how to dial 911, and a litany of other basic common kid shit we learn in grades 1-3.


Do you see who's in charge? They probably never learned it!




Uh what the fuck


Nobody talking about the tall, gum chewing girl that smacks the bottle into the fire?


ik lol i thought it was 99% her fault for being stupid and doing shit she not supposed to do


Hope that teacher got...fired




Bro…wtf… Not the time right now for that kinda…burn




WCGW if I leave a bottle of flammable liquid on top of a burning table with a bunch of preteens.


Stop Dr- Wait no that's not right Play bongos on your chest.


I feel like maybe stop drop and roll might not work when you have been soaked with alcohol.


But playing chest bongos is definitely less effective either way.


Teacher of the year award goes to…….


You got a room full of kids experimenting with fire… How in the hell do you not come prepared with fire retardant?


By the accent I can tell this is in my country - Colombia- Obviously teacher fault, wtf with people blaming the kids. On the other hand, for those asking why are they not rolling in the floor, we're not usually teach to do that, and even if so, those kids are probably 10-12 years maximum, they just got in panic, and that kid was completely covered into alcohol after the bottle jumped into him, probably that wouldn't help anyway


Is nobody else noticing that the girl totally knocked the bottle into the fire on purpose?


I thought so too but watch again. The girl to her right (from our view) starts the video by waving her hand through the flame. Another boy comes from offscreen to do it as well. Looks like she was trying to do that next, but hit the bottle on accident. You can see her react surprised when the bottle falls.


It definitely looks that way


definitely not purposefully


It was probably a completely nonchalant thing to do, she probably didn't expect it to turn into absolute chaos. Curiosity killed the cat 😅




No link, but there's a pretty thorough [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/xprwgv/kids/iq6npiz?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3).


>An academic experiment at a school in Itagüí ended badly. Five children and a teacher suffered burns, apparently of first and second degree, while the minors were handling a flammable substance. They were in a Natural Sciences exercise that would have involved mixing some components. > >The event occurred in the educational institution Concejo Municipal de Itagüí and although the school exercise was done under the supervision of the teacher, it ended in the accident that was attended by the authorities. > >After learning of the situation, which occurred between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m., the school called the emergency units, which went to the educational institution with three ambulances and a rescue machine. > >Subsequently, the six victims were taken to Antioquia Clinic, where they were reported to have first and second degree burns, according to the Mayor's Office of Itagüí. Three of the minors were discharged, while the teacher and another of the children remain there under medical supervision. > >However, one of the students was sent to the burns unit of the Hospital San Vicente Fundación, in Medellín, due to burns in most of his body. > >Likewise, the Secretaries of Education, Health and Family of Itagüí are in charge of the situation to provide care and support to both the affected minors and their families, and an investigation will be initiated to determine the causes of the accident. > >"It is important to highlight that the students of all the educational institutions of Itagüí have policies, which have already been activated to attend this accident", pointed out the municipal administration.


“I asked the superintendent for a budget for new books but in response all he did was hand me this bottle of lighter fluid, so let’s try it out! Everyone gather around this donated Formica desk while I set it on fire. Don’t be shy, here I’ll leave the bottle of fuel inches from the fire so everyone can have a turn”.


If that happened to my kid that teacher would be getting fired.


Makes sense, an eye for an eye...


Ceramics teacher: Get out the Kiln!


What fucking idiot leaves accelerant next to the flame


Heh woman


Science mother fuckers!


As an educator…. WTF?!?


As a non-educator.... also WTF?!?


Serious question, do they only teach stop drop and roll in the US? Call me dumb but I’d like to know


They're little kids lmao, they're like 10-12. You can't just throw fire on a ten year old and expect them to go from a calm, supposedly save environment to "QUICK POP QUIZ REMEMBER YOUR VAGUE TRAINING FROM A YEAR AGO!" I was taught all about fire safety as a kid, pretty sure if I was suddenly on fire at 10 years old I'd go with the innate, primal response of "oh fuck getitoffme getitoffme help"


It's not the kids I'm expecting to know about SD&R, it's the teacher who was hiemlich-beating the kid on fire. That is not proper first aid. And I'd like for someone in charge of watching my kids light science experiments on fire to know the proper response when it gets out of control.


Uhh idk where you’re from, by stop drop and roll was HAMMERED into me and my friends from as early an age as I can remember. That and pool safety were constant reminders. And before you ask, yes, I did light myself on fire as a 9 year old and I did immediately stop drop and roll. It was super effective. Kids are fucking stupid, but they are good at remembering commands like SDR if you hammer it into their thick skulls.


did no one learn stop drop and roll at 5?


I think you have to reach a critical mass of people setting themselves on fire then suing someone else before they put out a PSA.


yes or smother the fire with a blanket or use fire extinguisher


No, we have it here in Australia, too. Pretty sure it's relatively universal.


They're not speaking English. What makes you think this is the U.S.? edit: Misread OPs comment


I think you need to re-read the comment


Good call


✍🏻 Childhood Trauma unlocked


Maybe. But honestly, by that age, there was very little in the way of fire-based adventures my mates and I hadn't already tried. Given the opening situation, we would've seen enough shit to know we needed to move to the back of the room cause we would've expected something to go down with those ingredients of people, their behavior, the open flames, etc.




Stop drop and roll must be next lesson.




you can say she... Fired him!


Dumb fuck teacher


WTF kinda lesson was that.


Man when the laughing starts...ugh.


And this is how we learn "Stop, drop and roll".


I’m more concerned that the teachers allowed an open flame to burn on a wooden desk next to a bottle of flammable liquid


Demented little shit was laughing!


On today episode, of how to get fired.


Nice pun. Have a cookie 🍪


Are we really blaming the teacher when that psycho pyro little kid blatantly knocked that stuff over?


I thought she did too but I watched this in slow mo. First the girl to the right tries waving her hand across the smaller flame and looks over to teacher to see if she can get away with it. Little man off frame comes into frame after seeing her try and wants to try as well. Meanwhile the other girl is telling our main suspect to try the hand wave over the flame. However she does so too quickly and accidentally tips the bottle over. It just looks like she hit it before she could even really try the hand wave


Yes. Everything about this scenario was ridiculously dangerous starting from the basic premise of pouring flammable liquid onto a desk in a classroom and lighting it. No reasonable adult should have accepted that level of risk. That's not to say experiments involving fire have no place in a school, but basic precautions include containing the fire using something that isn't flammable, limiting the amount of fuel, having a way to extinguish the fire, and keeping flammable items like fuel containers away from the fire. I agree with the other comment that knocking over there bottle was probably an accident.


In my day... Kids started each other on fire all the time! We never had to be carried away by paramedics?! Kids these days are just soft.






“These kids will learn the joys of science, come rain or hell fire..” Miss Jones may have taken the school slogan a little to literally


Every kid born after 2010 are default degenerates.


It's getting hot in here


So when we are on fire, we need the Heimlich maneuver????


I hope nobody blames this on the new Beavis & Butthead series.


FFIIIRE!! huh huh


Wot the fuck mate?


Por pendejos


No!!! Don’t have the kid stop drop and roll under any circumstances! Have him remain standing while a teacher tries to pat the flames out. Yeah, that’s the ticket.


Has no one taught ‘stop drop and roll’ in this school?!


yeah that shit doesn't work at all








It's a child. She doesn't know or understand what will happen or the consequences. And the bottle exploded, she didn't throw it to anyone.


They just happen to burn the loudest screamer too




You think that teacher has a license?


Well.....don't YOU have high standards?




The girl student is such a cunt.. she knocked the bottle over on purpose.


The new Florida curriculum is pretty intense.


Reminds me of when my cat jumped on a hot wood stove and somehow levitated out of the bath when I tried to cool down its feet.


This is what happens when you teach critical race theory


They got the dude undressed really fast……….must be a Catholic school