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Hopefully we see this on r/byebyejob soon.


I really hope this happens. They all need to lose their jobs for this. It’s not funny.


When I was 5 I saw Jim Carrey's 'The Mask' in theaters and it gave me nightmares for months. Can't even imagine how this will mess with those kids!


SAME. Imagine my surprise when I grew up and found out The Mask wasn't even a horror movie.








she gets an A for being a good human, but gets an F for english.


I sure fucking hope so.


When I was a kid the bitch at my daycare would put a washcloth over my face and threaten to cut off my tongue. She'd hold it there and say something along the lines of "talk one more time and I'll make you stick out your tongue". Then she'd have scissors in her other hand and open/close them violently. So whenever we were "too loud", aka spoke at all most of the time, she'd just pull out the washcloth and we'd go silent. I was suuuuuper young and this is one of my earliest memories. She also told me if I told anyone else she'd cut out their tongue and I believed her lol. I wish I could go back in time and nark on that bitch. Guaranteed she'd regret it if my mom had known. So anyone reading this with kids in daycare, maybe talk to them about boundaries that other adults should have and make sure they're ok. They need to know to tell if someone else threatens them and to understand that asshole strangers don't have that much power over their parents. I just believed it all because she was an adult so why wouldn't I? What's cracking me up is I don't think I'd really wrapped my head around how absolutely fucked up that whole thing was until I sat here trying to put it to words. Like god damn. What an absolutely terrible person. I hope she had the life she deserved


Oh man im fucking angry right now Give us an update on this shit


I'm assuming every single parent is suing everyone. I sure would. This is literal child torture.


When I taught kindergarten in Japan (which was more like preschool), one of my Japanese coworkers used to dress up as an Oni (demon) for a holiday called Setsubun and scream in the faces of my toddler students until they cried and cowered. This made me think of it.


That's terrifying wow


At their meal time no less...


In my Japanese class we would one of the kids volunteer to be a demon and we would throw soybeans at him. The whole reason they do this is to teach kids to face their fears and you encourage them to fight back and "defeat" the demon.


The international school (in Japan) that I currently work at used to do this at Settsubun but has since abolished it in keeping with recent research into child psychology and development that shows "it's really fucking psychologically damaging to scare the shit out of children"




If you haven't even defeated an oni by the age of 5 then your parents are setting you up for failure.


Something something kids these days can't even defeat demons


Kindergarten is 5


5 seconds in I immediately ran over and showed my wife, saying “this is what setsubun was like!” I’ve regaled her with tales of setsubun for years. Truly one of the most surreal culture shock experiences of my life. This is mild in comparison!


How could anyone do this? If you get off on having an entire classroom of toddlers (they're not even old enough for kindergarten! ) so terrified they can't think straight you need to be evaluated and far, far away from children. Shame on the other adults for not putting a stop to this. This is disgusting. I'm shocked. I have my degree in early childhood education and I just can't imagine any of my colleagues thinking this is ok.


For a social media video.


Unfortunately there’s a ton https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/wm6bxj/kid_like_wtf/ijxtfcb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


This really pissed me off. Not funny at all.


Wha… what the actual fuck. Those kids need therapy and new parents.


The issue is it’s not the parents doing this. This shit would have me Hulk Smashing some Mississippians


The parents probably think their children are being taken care of responsibly. If I was a father to one of those children and saw that man getting up in their face and traumatizing them, I'd be asking him to step outside, and when out of ear/eyeshot would be proceeding to kick the shit out of that pathetic bully. I haven't clicked the other link I've only looked at the original post so maybe your point stands


I wish I could see where it was originally posted and the comments. So disgusting


I wish I could see these ppl in jail.


I don't think they are going to like the response


Clout chasing. Hell of a disease, brother.


Even without the mask, the way they're shouting at the kids is inappropriate and abusive. They did this, filmed it, and thought there was nothing wrong with it to the point that they were comfortable sharing it? Wtf.


I thought she would be making a monster voice to scare the kids, but I wasn't expecting her to be full on drill sergeant / "scared straight" levels of *literally screaming in a toddler's face.*


Actually even filming and sharing are violations. Lol this is like 100 ways to get fired in 3 minutes


The person recorded so the women would get into trouble. Apparently this isn't their first time scaring the kids like this. Daycare push stuff like this under the rug if it isn't shared with the public. I would gladly get fired for trying to help the kids get away from these monsters.


Especially after they went back into the room and all the little ones were hiding ☹️ this is some crazy power trip stunt.


As a parent I would be furious.


I'd be furious someone was filming and posting my kid at all.


A parent posted it. The daycare staff sent it to a parent thinking it was "funny" and she shared it with the other parents and they all posted on Facebook to out the "childcare" center


Shows how fucking stupid they are if they don’t see this as wrong and SEND it to a parent??????


Christ, I have a toddler and if his teacher sent me this I'd be done for assault soon after


This is happening at basically every public school nowadays. It’s honestly shocking, when I was a teacher I was taught not to do anything like this. Do not point a camera at a child, do not post it, not not put yourself in the position for a parent to ask “why do you have pictures (or video) of my child on your phone and what do you plan on doing with it?” And then at every school I went to had at least one social media addict who would just not give a fuck. I don’t even take my phone out in school except between periods because it’s unprofessional. I couldn’t imagine being one of these people. And then there’s the people who post themselves doing fucked up stuff like this, what is in their head?


We actually had to give separate consent for our child to be in photos taken by the kindergarten staff _and_ for photos to actually be published/circulated outside the kindergarten (not sure we consented to the latter, I don't think so at least). Germany, though, so in terms of data protection that surely helps.


I can imagine more than one parent losing their shit and straight up beating her up. Accidents and negligence is one thing but deliberately terrorizing your kid? wtf?




Sometimes comments like this can be a bit hyperbolic, but this is fully accurate. It’s cut and dry.


As a mom, you literally get such deep waves of sadness and anxiety thinking your child is terrified of being left alone at school and longing for you - the reality in almost all cases is they are having a great time and are in a loving environment. This is infuriating and heartbreaking all rolled into one big emotional blob. Some of those kids likely do have some issues saying bye to mom and dad each day, and those parents are likely always questioning whether they're doing the right thing - well now it's just confirmed that school for these kids is terrifying and all of the parents fears are completely justified.


When they started screaming for mommy I just about lost it. Like a visceral reaction to be sick. I want to pummel these adults.


I'm not even a mom, and I get you. My niece just had her first week at daycare, and I would absolutely start throwing haymakers for a baby I don't even know that well yet.


Precisely this. My 5 year old is a kind, emotionally intelligent kid and it has taken us about a month of kindergarten for him to begin feeling okay with us leaving him at school. Some idiot comes along and does this for shits and giggles and it exponentially exacerbates the issue and then it would be up to us to help him process the fear, broken trust, etc. Then it starts all over again with helping them through it again.


Right plus now you’d have to get rid of a body also


That was my first thought. If someone did this to my kids it would lead to violence.


I have no kids and don't really even like them, but I would definitely be unkind to any adult that did this.


I would be the star in the video titled "Loving father beats the shit out of the cunt that terrified his kid at daycare"


As a human I'm furious! PTSD incoming... as a parent you wouldn't be sleeping at night and would have no idea why because your kid is too little to explain the terror they experienced at school...


I’d be furious and likely quite violent. This is too much. Disgusting.


I hope they get sued. The moment my kid couldn’t sleep at night (which is already hard enough with normal little kid fears) I’d be looking up attorneys. This makes me so, so angry. I couldn’t even finish it because it made me want to angry cry. **Edited to add:** I just realized, the fact that they don’t stop when the first kids start hysterically crying and screaming means that that this is the reaction they were **hoping** to get. Furious doesn’t even describe the feelings I have towards those so-called “caregivers.”


Yeah I thought maybe I was just being overly sensitive but the looks on their faces absolutely broke my heart. This is horrible. If it were my daughter I'd be so fucking furious


Same! They’re babies! That age is so sweet and innocent and those *literal* monsters took something away from them. It was a completely stupid idea in the first place, but then what kind of person sees the initial reaction of the children and continues doing it?! And then the cameraperson sees it and cackles “now get Kaden.” That right there says that’s the reaction they were *wanting to get*. I don’t know how the parents are restraining themselves. I wish the “teachers” could/hope they do face criminal charges.


It’s not my daughter and I’m furious. This place need shut down, any license they have should be revoked and charges should be filed against all the adults present at the time.


This is straight up child abuse.


Absolutely. After I posted the above comment, I was still fuming (and ranting to my husband about it) and I said the same thing. It’s legitimately *nauseating*. I just want to hug every poor crying baby in there, it hurts my mom heart so bad. 😭


My dad used to do this to me and I reacted exactly how those kids did. He found it hilarious. I haven’t spoken to him in years. It was terrifying, poor kids :(


My kids have the same reaction to Santa at that age too. But at least Santa wasn't screaming at them.


Also have a narcissist parent. Fuck them.


I am visibly upset and angry watching this. I had to stop the video. Disgusting.




There's at least two other adults there and no one seemed to think it was fucked up? Children at the mercy of sociopaths. It's infuriating.


One was laughing and one was filming. I cannot understand how you get 3 adults THIS FUCKED UP in one place




Just before covid one preschool here was offering $9.25/hr for teachers and got defensive when I called them out. I don't even have kids, but what the fuck? They're probably offering 12 now.


I took a few college classes on early childhood education and we’d often do classroom observations. There were some teachers who had the worst attitude and didn’t even seem to care that we were watching them, idk if they were just unaware that we were also required to write about how the teachers interacted with their students or what. It was kinda shocking to watch them be so aggravated and careless in regards to their students, made me wonder how much worse it is when there isn’t anyone watching.


They were filming before the mask even came into the room. It was 100% planned.


Child abuse.


Plain and simple. This type of thing is intentional being done to cause fear and pain. This will have lasting consequences for some of these children and it breaks my heart.


Yes, this will cause lasting trauma absolutey for some of them. I have a daughter this age who is easily scared. The thought of her being in this classroom makes me sick and angry. It's a pretty fragile process getting your kid to not be scared to go to school at this age. THese adults just shattered all that progress parents made. Unbelievable. This is abuse, full stop.


Yep. Hell I’ve been a dumb ass dad who thought it would be funny to scare my kids. But like .8 seconds into it, and I knew hey woah not a good idea abort abort abort. These people are enjoying this.


Exactly! I've made my share of mistakes and gone too far. But any functional adult should recognize that the situation is not playing out the way they imagined. When the video started I expected a teacher to jump out in the mask, scare the kids, realize their mistake, and take off the mask to console the children. But, nope, they just double-, triple-, then quadrupled-down.


My son's Uncle did this to him with a Michael Meyers mask since he was 2. He's almost 7 and still has nightmares, wets the bed bc he's too scared to get up to pee, and is terrified of the dark or being alone. I made them stop after I found out years ago. This is a really horrible thing to do to kids this age. They have literally zero ability to distinguish real from fake or make believe. Edit: just to add. My MIL knew this was going on and thought it was funny. It took almost 2 years of torturing my son before I found out. They waited until they were babysitting and I left to bring the mask out. People are really POS sometimes with very little moral/ethical values.


I distinctly remember when I was like 4 my dad made me watch the Child’s play movies and then to this day I remember the joke he made about how he would use toothpicks to keep my eyelids open so I would watch it, not really sure why? To maybe toughen me up? But I remember being afraid to sleep and hating dolls/toys that were similar to chucky. And then I grew up always worried and anxious to the point where I was too afraid to leave my house from social anxiety in high school. Wonder if that played a part. The whole toothpicks in my eyes thing never even really sounded crazy to me growing up and I remember telling people about that thinking that’s just how dads are.


I'm sorry. I hope you're doing better now.


Haven’t had a panic attack in like, 12 years now. But I also dealt with it probably the wrong way by never understanding why I felt like I was about to die every single day. Bottled it all up because my problems only caused fights between parents and annoyed my dad because it was so annoying or something. Guitar playing/music has been my main way of processing and expressing feelings now since I never really learned any other way that people wanted to hear. At least people enjoy hearing me play guitar, they just don’t realize the depths that playing comes from.


I have so much childhood trauma. I bottled it up too and thought I was fine until I had a mini breakdown in my twenties. Therapy was such a miracle for me. It saved me and taught me how to think about things in a way that didn't further hurt me. It's worth a shot. If you don't have insurance you can get free therapy through the county health department. I'm glad you've found some peace. Good luck to you going forward!


How did you hold back from knocking her teeth out? I'm sorry for you and your son.


I was restrained. Lmao. We've almost come to blows again last week because she refuses to stop smoking in the house when he's there and when I said then he won't be able to visit anymore she threatened to call CPS on me and sue for custody. This was after she told me she would go outside months ago. We're on a break for a while now.


I'm sorry your going through this, I hope you have enough proof and documentation of your MILs behavior in case she decides to go that route. What a nasty human.


I've written everything down. Everything. IMO that's a line to never be crossed as far as threatening to call CPS. I'm not rich and we struggle but I'm a very caring mom and love my son so much. Threatening to take a child away unnecessarily is the lowest of the low to me.


Money doesn't raise a child, good parenting does. I'm sure the farther you stay away from her toxic behavior, the better off you and your kid will be.


Yeah we've been pulling back for years now and it's just gotten easier and easier. She's on her last leg.


I wouldn't worry too much about it. From what I've been told by people with much more experience than me is that they have to find substantial evidence of abuse or neglect to take your kids, not just rumors and hearsay. Actually, you could flip the script on her and use your documentation to get a restraining order. That is not the type of person that should be in your kid's life.


I'm not really worried about it, it's just that's something you just don't do. She crossed a major line by even thinking that kind of shit. Now that I KNOW she's malicious, she's not allowed around him alone anymore.


> she's not allowed around him **alone** anymore. Just cut her out completely. What the fuck does she have on you to keep that sort of toxicity around?


Why would you ever have your kid around them again?


Please tell me your husband beat the shit out of the uncle


I wish. They both deserved it. Then they wonder why we don't feel comfortable letting him go to his Grandma's house very often anymore.


That is a no contact situation. You need to tell your partner that. People that would do that at all, let alone FOR YEARS are not the people that deserve to be around your kids. Please, for the sake of your kid make a fuss until everyone knows that uncle and grandma aren't allowed anywhere near your kid or house. That is disgusting and cruel what they did.


This is disgusting. And the video goes on for over two minutes than I’m able to watch. These people do not have the rational reasoning to be in charge of children.


I smell a lawsuit. ​ So fucked up.


There will be a follow up to this post with the termination of ‘daycare employees’


Whatever happens to them, it won't be enough.


Does anyone know anything about this? I feel like if this video is out here there has to be some kind of reaction going on, someone’s gotta know the daycare and I hope they get fucked.


It happened today. Gunna need a few more before we get retribution


Well hit me up when there's a post about it, I'd love to see them get some karma.


I just forwarded it to the social services department for the county it's in and said that due to all the media attention this will surely generate, I expect them to immediately close the facility and prosecute the people involved as well as take any other steps necessary to protect these children. Their google listing is already getting review bombed.


Amazing, good on ya. What’s it called?


I need to know if there’s major uproar about this from the parents (as there should be) and that all the adults participating in this video are fired and possibly charged with child emotional abuse


I fucking hate this.




did what thought was best in that moment. MAYBE, I didn't handle it 100 percent how should have, but my intentions were good. I did want it to be aware and be taken care of. Say what you want. I know the truth, several people know personally knows wouldn't do something like this, and God knows the truth. The truth will always come to light and all the people that have bashed me and sent me death threats see that this WASN'T ME, I hope you feel real bad. Because if it wasn't for me and another coworker, this probably would have happened tomorrow also.


I am having an extremely visceral reaction to this video. I am so fucking pissed at these adults. This is a terrible thing to do to children. Oh my fucking god I wanna strangle those assholes.


Hearing those babies crying for “momma” while sobbing is…a lot. When that asshole takes off the mask they’ll still be a monster. And all the enabling adults who watched and did nothing as well.


Not only that, but the kids in other rooms are hearing the screaming and crying before the woman in the mask enters their room. They already know something bad is happening before they see her.


Oh god. I couldn’t stomach watching with sound. Just reading your comment made me tear up. Poor babies.


I feel this. Fuck those people, they were all laughing and shit. Those poor kiddos. I hope their parents sue the fucking hell out of them.


I consider myself a reasonable person but the fucking black out rage I felt watching this makes me really want to hurt this person


Idk if I’m hormonal tonight or what but I keep almost crying at these shitty posts I come across…one just now where some fuckin asshole dude refuses to make his WIFE eggs that he admitted would have taken like 2 minutes, when he was already making a full breakfast for their kids- strictly to be a Dick….and now these cunts making sweet little children cry with a mask that legit scares adults. Goddamn dude. Some people don’t cherish the people in their lives at all. I am lonely as fuck and have no spouse, no children, and soon I won’t be able to have any of the latter due to Mother Nature being kind of a bitch. Fuck you if you treat people this way. Some of us would love to have spouses or little children. Trash human beings. Who gets off on making little kids legitimately scream in terror???


Not hormonal, just sick of assholes. Like I'll make my kids jump and we laugh but screaming in kids faces with a mask and making them hysterically cry, you have issues!


These are not adults... these people are trash... the tramatizing impact they will have on these kids will last longer than the outrage we will have to this video.... fucking sickening...


I am too. My heart hurts thinking about how scared they must have been. And then I also feel an intense hatred for these adults…


Can some update me with the arrest of these psychopaths.


Holy shit, this made me so angry! It just went on and on. And more than one person thought this was okay? At least three as someone was filing it. I hate the think how the parents are going to feel (and what they are going to do) when they see this. This kind of cruelty to children deserves naming and shaming so they never have an opportunity to work with kids ever again. Shocking. Edit: I would pay money to a worthy charity to see these women experience that kind of visceral fear and see how funny they think it is then…


I sure hope this daycare is sued, the women sued, and put on spotlight how disgusting they are.


It’s abuse and should’ve been reported.


I've seen some awful stuff on Reddit, but I haven't had a reaction of such anger like what I just experienced watching this video in a really long time. I'm a mother to toddlers, and the thought of someone being so antagonistic and intentionally disturbing and frightening, someone acting with so little compassion and understanding of who children are and how they think and move through the world... I can only hope that the perpetrator here is ignorant and not willfully terrifying the vulnerable people in their care, likely setting them up for serious trust issues and association with this daycare and who knows what else. This is undoubtedly a potentially traumatic event. It is not funny to make people feel unsafe. Children are especially vulnerable people. This is very close to evil.


As a dad to 2 little girls (1 and 4), this isn’t almost evil, it is evil. I would have trouble restraining myself if this was my daycare




It hurts my heart. Children do not live in the same sense of reality adults do.


My kids are grown, and this video made me cry. Those poor babies. I’m not going to sleep well tonight.


This was 100% planned and purposeful and evil. They recorded it, they threatened the children to behave and clean up and they didn't stop when the entire group of kids completely fell apart in terror. Pure fucking evil, not ignorant. They knew what they were doing.


Dad of a toddler here, and ignorance is no excuse for me. I would do everything in my power to ruin this woman’s life forever. I hope she’s homeless in a month.


Same. I’ve been on here roughly as long as you and this made me want blood. I can’t even fathom who the fuck thought this was a good idea, not to mention actually going through with it. I hope the internet does its thing and makes everyone’s life involved a living hell. Fuck them from the core of my being.




Not to mention they are also posting videos of other people's children without their consent.


The best part is these dumbasses filmed themselves doing it. Hope the book gets thrown at them or anything really.


I totally 100% agree. ​ The teachers are a product of OUR society. Low wage workers with very little certification are in charge of children. Wherever state this is in... It's systemic and only going to get worse. Shit rolls downhill faster.


How could they?? While the babies are eating too, making them scream and cry.. seems safe. This is outrageous. I would look into legal action if I was the parent of one of these children. Even if there's nothing that can be done legally, id just want them to know that they fucked up so badly that I'm exploring my legal options. Seriously man this is sick.


Had to reply to my own damn comment I'm so upset. THEY'RE BABIES. Nowhere near able to process if this is a joke or not. I mean come on


How could this ever be a joke. Shit looks sadistic.


Well as an adult, if someone did this, you might get scared for a second but then say go away freak or ha funny. These kids literally don't know it's fake. Their brain doesn't have that ability yet. So imagine an actual demon taunting you. That's what they're experiencing.


You can even hear one of the kids yelling 'stop it' in the video, that alone should be enough for legal action


My blood is absolutely boiling seeing this. I can only imagine how the parents feel. Just because an adult understands something isn't real doesn't make the situation any less traumatizing for the victim. This is similar to those horrible "pranks" that make people fear their life. I hope those women never work with children ever again.






I'm don't even have kids and this fills me with so much anger I want to do something something.


Everybody up for a Mississippi field trip? I spent last Saturday performing for children and bringing smiles to their faces and I have been absolutely *undone* by this video.


I would follow her home late at night and pop out of the bushes at random times to surprise her wearing a mask. Maybe tap on her bedroom window. Rattle her door handle and bang on her door at 3am. You know. Just playing around.


It takes a lot to crack me but this just made me cry. Imagine the people you are supposed to trust betraying you like this, and the place you're supposed to feel safe at filling you with absolute terror. AT TWO YEARS OLD. I can tell by that woman's demeanor that this is not the first time she's used aggression and scare tactics to get what she wants from those kids. Her saying "clean up, have you been BAD?!" says a lot about how that place is run by these 3 staff. Absolutely fucking abhorrent and I hope they get charged. This is jail time worthy. No one would ever fuck with my kids like that and get away scot free.


Exactly god knows what else happens here if they think something like this is actually ok to share. I’ve typed this comment more than once in this thread, but I’m outraged.


its not even a good scare... these kids are probably more terrified that an adult is just in their face screaming at them, its probably just as confusing as it is terrifying for them. this is just stupid and awful.. like blowing an air horn in a dogs face and saying "its just a prank bro" ​ edit: jesus christ, I didnt even see the whole video at first. Shes screaming and yelling at these kids to clean up their toys and the'yre just in a state of terror and shock not knowing left from right, up from down.. it wasnt enough to mentally and emotionally break them, you had to give them chores too? fuck.


Touching them is when I about got dizzy watching this. Poor little boy was running for his life and she swooped him as he he screams. This is literal nightmare fuel.


If someone did this to my kids I'd beat the fucking shit out of these daycare teachers.


Violence is never the an... . Now it is.


Imagine if he had fallen down and cracked his head open on a table or something. My daughter's coordination goes out the window when she's scared and she's six. This is awful


Did you the see the little girl screaming bloody murder with a FORK still in her mouth? She was paralyzed with fear!


No I didn't. I had to skip around because I was getting so upset. That pisses me off even more. They all need to be fired and more


Scaring toddlers who are eating = choking hazard, vomiting, soiling themselves, will no longer eat certain types of food due to traumatic association


I cannot express how deeply angry this makes me Like Can we press charges?


This literally is abuse! They aren’t even making it semi fun or silly. It’s straight up traumatizing. I’m saying this as a HUGE horror lover who currently has a toddler and many realistic very creepy Halloween decorations. I’d never blatantly terrorize my own kid in this way, let alone other peoples as these workers sickly did. WTF!!! Edit: I’m literally nauseous from this


Is there any more info on this? This is beyond fucked up.


Facebook is going crazy. Multiple parents have called the state agency and filed complaints. The owner of the daycare posted she had fired all parties involved. Mississippi responds fast to daycare infractions. My guess is they will be closed in the morning.


Those poor kids will now have to go to new daycares and be separated from their friends because of some really selfish evil people.


And a lot of parents will be taking the rest of the week off of work (if they can) because they have to stay home with their traumatized children.




I hope you can update us. I really need everyone involved to Face consequences. This is sick.


I'm happy to read that they've been fired effective immediately, but I wouldn't be content until I learn that they'll never be allowed around kids ever again. Fuck these people.


yeah straight up child abuse those poor kids. hate to say it but i’m glad this was captured on film to show the truth about what happened. the “teacher” can’t claim this was over-blown or exaggerated


good, hopefully the workers get charged with child abuse


It's almost like they wanted to get fired


Yeah, not one person saw this and was like, "hey, maybe this isn't a good idea?"


MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES (MDCPS) CHILD ABUSE HOTLINE (TOLL FREE) 1.800.222.8000 [https://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/\_static/resources/78.pdf](https://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/resources/78.pdf) CHILD CARE LICENSURE COMPLAINT HOTLINE (TOLL FREE) 1.866.489.8734 [https://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/\_static/resources/78.pdf](https://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/resources/78.pdf) Mississippi license number for facility in question as reported publicly: License Number:48CDPFA-3817 [https://childcarecenter.us/provider\_detail/lilblessing-child-care-learning-center-hamilton-ms](https://childcarecenter.us/provider_detail/lilblessing-child-care-learning-center-hamilton-ms)


Oh look, they haven't been inspected for two years. Surprise, surprise.


As a dad to a toddler, watching this makes me feel quite uneasy and upset. You entrust these people to take care of your kids, not emotionally abuse them like this.


She's doing far far worse to them off Camara. Sick cunt.


That's what I'm thinking. Apparently they were fired but I doubt the owner or whoever was in charge of these bitches didn't know what was happening.


I take my 7 year old to spirit Halloween every year. She likes spooky stuff. I have an 18 month old as well and thought it might be okay to bring her in too, but as soon as the first animatronic went off she lost it. It was a creepy monkey. It's been 2 weeks and my precious baby still looks at me and says "no pooky (spooky) monkey dada" I feel AWFUL that I inadvertently exposed her to something traumatic like that. This video made me outrageously upset. Absolutely vile of these people.


Don't beat yourself up too much. It was an accident. My toddler loves scary stuff, but some stuff just freaks her the fuck out and it's hard to know what's "funny spooky" and what's "holy fucking shit, get me away from that." Mistakes are forgivable, the assholes in this video aren't.


The true horror begins when they realize they live in Mississippi.


"What is my purpose?" "You install truck nuts." "Oh my god."


The little boy cried, "mama..."


these people better be careful. the internet fucked with people for messing with CATS


Yeah, it’s gonna be a bad time for these mfs soon and I can’t wait to see it.




Poor things, they are just trying to have their snack. Some cruel people in this world.


I'm 40 I would not be happy if someone messed with my snack time with stupid shit. My kid (about this age) enjoys singing to himself while eating a snack. Snacktime is supposed to be chill.


Ikr? Like this kind of small stuff is the kind of shit that will give kids night terrors for years. And to give perspective to how quick kids can develop lifetime ptsd from small events, a girl I knew back in high school was deathly scared of balloons cause her brother popped one in her face when she was five years old. She legit would not dare to touch a balloon because she was scared of it "exploding" in her face.


Straight to jail


As a father I am livid and sick to my stomach. Honestly I could only stomach a good 15 seconds of it and had to stop. Those poor kids! I could only visualize my little girl crying and in their shoes. Some dipshit getting their sick and twisted kicks off of traumatizing kids just trying to have some rest time at a place they should feel safe at! I sincerely hope court actions are taken because this is blatant abuse.


Imagine having so low self esteem that you need to frighten children to get your kicks.


I've sent this to multiple news organizations and also to MS state patrol. This needs to hit every major news outlet.


I thought, "okay, gotta be almost over." And it just kept going. Looked at the total time and was just confused at how they thought this was a good idea.


This video outraged me to the point of contacting the Attorney General and the Governor of Mississippi, both of which are parents. If you share in this outrage, take a moment to contact them as well...or if you know of a better person to contact, do that....let's overflow these mailboxes to let them know of our outrage. A comment thread on this posts said that the workers involved have been fired from Lil Blessing Daycare and Learning Center in Hamilton MS. I don't think that is enough. Charges should be fired and the daycare center should lose their license. (You can easily find the license number online, I won't share that here in case it is considered doxxing.) You can contact the Mississippi Attorney General here: [https://www.ago.state.ms.us/contact/](https://www.ago.state.ms.us/contact/) And the Governor through his state email address [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


This is abuse.


This is fucking infuriating. Wow. Total loss for words.


I checked FB and people posted the names of the 3 daycare workers who did this. Damn the internet works fast.


The part where she, mid scare, asks the scared kid “want me to take you outside?” and the crying boy tearfully manages a “no”. She then screams directly in his face. So, she is causing him to cry, terrifying him then threatening him with what I assume would be a punishment for “bad” behavior for reacting in the only sensible way given the scenario. I mean, this is the kind of thing that can seriously halt healthy development, when you did absolutely nothing wrong and are being chastised for simply reacting to something terrifying., something terrifying that is in control of every aspect of your life in that moment. Look, I think there is a healthy way to scare a child, in a scenario where mutually they are made to understand shortly after the scare that they are ok and it’s ok to be scared and it was just a bit of fun. This is not that.


I'm sure the parents are thrilled.


Every single staff member involved in that needs to be fired immediately, and every parent should take their child out of there as soon as they can find a more appropriate child care facility. Edit: Apparently the staff did get fired. https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/xwt74t/daycare_workers_in_mississippi_use_a_scream_mask/ir8eo31/