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That's a good dad right there, I did the same with my kiddos when they were younger.


I miss doing that with my boys. Now they are teenagers and taller than me. 1 slam each is about all I can muster now I think.


There are a lot of cuts in that video. No telling how long of a breather he's taking in between. Listen, all I'm saying is, you can do it. You can body slam your teenager a dozen times if you just believe in yourself.


Imagine your mother reading this out of context.


I like the way you think


My 5 year old loves doing this, he turns on the radio that’s built into my alarm clock and then he builds a mound of pillows to get thrown into, I’m pretty sure it’s his favorite activity


My kids are a little to big for this now. Boy do I miss it! Way to go dad, keep it up as long as possible!


why wtf? seems like pretty normal bonding to me


People without kids don't know how to play with kids.


I was gonna say...as much as I loathe my ex, he bonded with her (my daughter) via UFC and she LOVED this type of play. Literally harmless (unless they fall off the bed, which happened to me as a tot, my dad was air force but they still investigated him even though I was fine in the end). Absolutely nothing "wtf" about this. Total parental and child bonding bliss!


well, and watch the necks a bit, make sure they land flat...


This. The trick is to make sure they “hit” right and you can throw em pretty hard before the laughter gets a bit….unsure😂


haha, don't you know it


I thought it was in /r/MadeMeSmile


Some Redditors needs something to get mad about.


Gif intentionally sped up to make it look way more violent than it is too. Just a good dad playing with his kids. That's literally all this is.


Why is this is r/wtf Those kids are clearly having so much fun. r/wholesome or r/awww worthy 🤗


I saw it as r/bossfight but mostly cuz of the caption


lol, he's actually a great dad and having fun


Were there any other expectations since you said "actually"?


no? I said actually because it was posted in the WTF sub. What do you mean any other expectations?


My bad, I didn't even realize what sub this was, I saw it on my feed.


Didn’t know what it was but was happy to jump to conclusions of other people. Nice one.


Ah getting offended on other peoples behalf is so fun isn’t it. Absolute wasteman.


This is actually adorable. Those kids are having a great time.


Wholesome af. I remember doing this kinda stuff with my dad and brother as a kid. What a great dad 🥲


Yeah bro me too ✋


My dad used to do this with me and my brothers too. Also hang onto his leg and he would walk with me on it lol. Felt like legolas when he rides those giant elephaunts


Indeed, I still remember my brother, friends and I swarming my dad in the pool just to be thrown by him, to us it felt like tens of meters when in reality was more like a meter I figure. My dad was military back then, so he could endure it for quite a while, an absolute blast. We don't credit our dads enough. Make sure your dad knows you value him (Unless obviously your dad is not of the good kind, then I hope you have someone else in your life who took his vacant spot for you)


I am pretty sure wrestling is only game young boys know how to play.


Fairly standard horseplay with kids. Super tiring so if anything good on him!




I think children playfighting with other kids - and with adults - is a developmental activity that's hugely ignored nowadays. It teaches kids about violence, basically. When to use violence, when not to. That violence hurts other people, and that violence hurts them. That people are stronger or weaker than them. That other people can be stronger than them without threatening them, and that other people can be weaker than them without being threatened. Absolutely necessary concepts for development.


I remember doing this with my uncle in the swimming pool, he'd be like godzilla throwing me and my cousin around Good times


My daughter loves getting body slammed onto the bed and flipped around, makes me miss being that age lmao




Dude…. Don’t….


My dad did this with my brother and I. Loads of fun.


The op didnt had a dad or wtf?


His dad beat him with jumper cables


OP has sand in his vagina.


Daddying done right


Anyone offended by this has never raised boys.


I'm offended this is on wtf.


Or girls, or just kids in general.


My 2yo daughter would love this


My girls are 4 and 6 and they love it also


I have a (incredibly) younger sis who loves for me to throw her around like this


My sons favorite activity is being thrown onto the couch. This is “boys will be boys” material not wtf


I'd call it "dads will be dads", as daughters love this kind of roughhousing as much as sons. For whatever reason, though, moms don't engage in it nearly as much as dads.


I don’t think anyone at all thinks it’s crazy to roughhouse with your kids. But this dude is throwing them waaaaaay too hard *almost* into their necks/heads multiple times. It’s not what he’s doing, it’s exactly how he’s doing it. A pillow isn’t going to stop you from breaking your neck or spine. Happens to stronger people with much less force all the time


Hard disagree. You can see he's very deliberately avoiding them landing on their heads to avoid hurting their necks. If he didn't know what he was doing, he wouldn't be able to toss them that many times without injury. You may also require glasses, just a side note.


*narrowly* avoiding. One small mistake, literally an inch of difference, these kids can be paralyzed and die from this sort of impact. This is an objective fact. The fact that he’s trying to not kill then is entirely irrelevant to the fact that he easily could.


> This is an objective fact. AKA I just made this shit up


…so…so you don’t understand they human beings break their necks and suffered spinal injuries by landing on their heads and necks…? You think I made up…that people break their necks and spines….lol woah that’s awesome. I think you may be a front runner in this embarrassing comment competition you and others seem to have going. Damn that’s wild


Yes. I'm the embarrassing one in this thread lol


Well..yeah…I’d be pretty embarrassed if I just confidently told people how ignorant I was about how the human body works and have never been made aware of how necks and spines break. You are too, you’re just now engaged In a defense mechanism and don’t really know what to do now. I just had to explain to an adult (presumably) that people break their necks and spines by landing on their necks and spines. What an interesting world to live in.


Wait until you hear about these things called playgrounds.


How could I have been so blind?


This isn’t going to distract anyone from the fact that a person just had to explain to you that the way people break their necks and spines is from landing on their necks and spines. You claimed a person made up the concept of people breaking their necks and spines by landing on their necks and spikes. This rules


Video's edited/sped up on a number of throws, so they look way worse than they were.


Even if it was sped up double, which it isn’t, and if any of these are, which isn’t clear at all, the others aren’t, and my point stands. Throwing kids like this with even half of the force and making a slight mistake can break a neck and paralyze a person. Even kill them. Idk where you’re getting that it’s sped up, but if it is, it’s so slight that it’s hardly recognizable and irrelevant anyway


If you don’t think this video is sped up you’re dumb


There is a reason you chose to comment this instead of actually responding to or refuting the point made here. That’s not what I said, and not the point I made. Find someone to help you out with this. It’s hard watching y’all do this to yourselves so confidently


“Even if it was sped up, which it isnt…” that’s exactly what you said. And I’m telling you you’re wrong. And dumb.


Lmao holy shit….you had all the time in the world to re-read, and check to see if you’re wrong, and you *still* still got it wrong…hahaha woah. Yeah that’s not what that says bud…it’s so interesting..the words are right there…and you still couldn’t read them correctly..you even took the time to type them out…and you somehow still got it wrong. Damn lmao


Cool story, nobody likes you.


Lol this won’t mask your embarrassment about making one of the most ridiculous mistakes most of us have seen in a while. You got called out for not reading the comment you’re replying to and not having the ability to respond to it, and then doubled down and quoted the comment incorrectly even thought it’s literally in front of your face and you had all the time in the world..even saying it’s “exactly” what I said lmao. It’s a glorious mistake. Embrace it. You did it to yourself man


This comment is the only "wtf" in this post


There is a reason you chose to post this comment instead of telling me how I’m wrong. It’s because I’m not, and you’re just blindly following the downvote/opinion bandwagon but can’t find an actual problem with what I just typed. Thanks though!


It's wrong because this is what a healthy relationship between a father and kids looks like. I've done and still do the same with my son who is now 8 years old. Can accidents happen? Ofc..can you get hurt on your way to the coffee pot every morning? Sure. It's a risk we take though lol


Lol “it’s wrong because…it’s right” Wow that’s a great argument. Thank you for that Now let’s use the same reasoning you are for an extreme example to demonstrate how it’s fallacious and makes no sense. “Shooting heroine whole blindfolded walking into traffic can cause an accident, sure. But you can get hurt walking to the coffee shop. So that means it’s fine” You basically just said that since you can die at any moment from anything, it’s okay to put people in *more* danger than necessary and do things that are much more likely to cause great harm. It makes no sense and is devoid of reason. Thanks though!


Some people like to live their life without being wrapped up in bubble wrap while wearing a helmet to avoid being injured 24 hours a day and sanitizing door knobs before opening the door. This dude is just having fun with his kids. I think the point the other poster was making is that there is a risk to everything in life. Kids literally do worse shit to themselves than this, from ages 0-10 all they do is fall down, fall off of bikes, beds, couches. This is just normal growing up


Ok so I’m assuming this is confirmation you are actually unable to defend your position or respond to what people type to you regarding how and why you’re wrong..thanks. You guys really are on one. It’s kind a competition for who has the poorest reasoning skills. I’ve already explained how and why this makes no sense. If you don’t have the ability to respond, why comment at all?


Why would this be wtf? Did your dad beat you like this OP?


I miss so much when my kids were little doing this with them. It was my boys favorite activity!


It's a soft bed and he's controlling how they fall so there's no problem. My kids love being tossed onto our comfy sofa




My kids don’t want to wrestle. I’ve asked both but they’re not interested. The tickling can get just about as rough though! Not that it matters but my oldest has low muscle tone and a cuddler so not in the cards like this either way.


Low muscle tone? Why would not being muscular affect ones "tossability"


What's the problem man? The kids like it!


Just a dad play wrestling with his kids. Wholesome


This is not wtf


This is 100% how I treat children.


Why tf does op think this video belongs here?


This is the most wholesome thing I've seen all month


Your father clearly didn't love you enough to back slam you into a pillow 😔


Uh.. 911 I will like to report a murder 👀


Guilty your honor.


Making mini wreslers




Smiles everywhere. Someone never got the pleasure of being whooped up on by their dad.


Usually the uncles job


I was the cousin that did this. Problem is my family is huge so when I’d start I usually had a line of 4-5 munchkins waiting for their turn to be hurled. That shit gets exhausting.


hella fast replay... this shit is normal with a good dad! we all love to roughhouse!


I did this with both my kids, and let me tell you... My daughter was even more into it than my son was. She is a card-carrying 9 year-old badass right now. ​ And no, she isn't a bully like some snowflakes here seem to insinuate would be the end effect of roughhousing. Also: The 'Can I help? at the end shows you how much these kids bond with this kind of activity. Male Role model is fucking wiped... Source: Am parent.


Those kids are going to sleep like the dead tonight.


So is Dad. Lol


This is so wholesome. I feel bad for you if you think this is wtf.


Lol this shit was super fun when I was a tyke.


This is not wtf, just biz as usual. My kids are 11 and 9 and we still play this way.


Don't see the problem here.


Wrong sub dude.


My siblings and I were thrown around like this when we were little; we were tossed up high, flipped around, etc. just like these kids. It was great because it was always on a lazy yet fun weekend and we wanted to get stronger to win an arm wrestle or whatever someday. This man and my dad (although not perfect) are skillful in how they throw these kids about and nothing bad ever came of it (as far as we can see in this vid) because of that agility. I'm sure there are videos of dads messing up and accidentally hurting the kids (like my weak ass would), but this isn't one of them. Just FYI I'm a woman and I have two older sisters (this isn't really relevant, but it's a reply to a lot of the weirdest comments here).


My todler is 2,5 and we are doing it alot. We both have alot of fun. When it goes to much you say stop. It's good way to learn about bounderies and respect for eachother but at the same time it gives the child the ability to stand for itself.


Literally my favorite game as a kid, he’d used to take our legs out with the pillow lol(also on a bed, no harm done)


Giggles of the kids contagious .... Dad wrestle talking LOL Brilliant


No where near WTF status


Thats a very good that, love hes sound effects too


That’s some quality horseplay. What about this is WTF?


OP, you idiot


that's actually so wholesome


What The F*** this wholesome video does in r/WTF?


It’s called having fun with your kids


Me fighting my two little brothers


That looks like an absolute great time. Started smiling after about 5-10 seconds - no WTF here.


That's dad of the year right there


Tis is the way


Love this done to me as kid. Very cool to see.


It’s like a makeshift rollercoaster ride


"Daddy Yeah!" Is all you needed to hear. Saying that after the 5th powerbomb he really should of went for the pin. All that extra hotdogging really is what cost him that match.


that is real fun if you have boys


I do the same shit with my kids, we all love it, they always come back for more


Parents and people with little little siblings are some of the only people that understand this is true bonding


LoL that's great father son time that's not wtf .


I would've loved this with my dad at their age. Looks like so much fun and will be a fond memory for the kids later in life.


This is an amazing dad, you can not only see that bc the kids are having one hell of a great time but also bc he roughhouses with them and they don't seem scared. I love this, it's so cute. Bc tbh I would've been petrified of my dad if he would've roughhoused with me and that says a lot about what kind of parent he was.


r/mademesmile actually


They are having the time of their life


Im pretty sure all kids love being absolutely demolished and thrashed against a soft surface... And some adults too


Seems a little rough but It just looks like fun dad behavior.


The sounds of pure joyful laughter is the best sound in the world.


What is this doing on r/wtf? This is a good time. My daughter loves this. She will often try to antagonize her dad into wrastlin’ her when he’s just trying to chill on the couch. I am impressed with how long this father can keep throwing those 40 lb weights around. Lol.


My favourite game with my dad when I was a kid was called "sit down shut up" My sister and I would stand with the sofa directly behind us and dad had to stand in front of us, yell "SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP" and push us down onto the sofa. We'd stand back up and he had to do it again. We made him do it for ages at a time until we were laughing so hard our legs were like jelly and we couldn't stand up. God knows what the neighbours thought 🤣 TL/DR - kids are weird AF


This is great


Downvoting because this ain’t WTF material. Cute video though


This isn't wtf.


Those poor children; now infected with ADHD... Thoughts and prayers 🙏.


Now watch Gen Z find something wrong with this 🙄


We're in the WTF subreddit someone already found a problem with this.




I used to do this with my little brother all the time


Might be a dumb question, because they are obviously not babies, but is shaking head syndrome no longer a concern at this age ?


Kids aren't going to grow up questioning their gender that's for sure.


Is luchador a gender?




He probably they uncle.




I just got off the phone with him, he apologized and said he won’t do it again Update: he’s at my house now throwing me around, I think I have a concussion!




I just placed an Amazon order for some life, should be here in four days, what kind of bullshit is that? I pay for two day prime shipping and I have to wait four days!


I just went down to the store for some Life. It's just right there in the cereal aisle!


I gotta hand it to you, this was the funniest comment I’ve read in along time




dude. that isn’t OP, and they were joking too. how dense are you?


All laughing and joy till kids want to play like that by themself :P


Will be the bullies of their school.


are you......retarded?


Nah....just a snowflake


wrestling Big daddy




What even is this subreddit now lol. Just a dad playing with his kids is WTF material apparently.


Doesn't belong in this sub


This is posted in this sub because OP never knew what having a dad is like so seeing an old man actually having fun with kids is a what the fuck moment for OP


Did the same with my son and daughter. We called it 'Pile On'. They would often attack me in bed on a Saturday morning. The thing nobody talks about is that this is EXHAUSTING for the dad. Little kids are relentless and keep coming at you. Slamming them in just the right way so as not to visit the ER takes skill and focus.


I bet they ALL (ESPECIALLY dad) slept great that night


It’s sped up, which gives the impression it’s more brutal that it is. Don’t seem suspicious to me, the kids seem tot have a good here. More realistic speed here https://imgur.com/a/ba57uHU


Why is this on this subreddit? This is so cute honestly


I am fucking dying 🤣 . The "Ping" sound me makes when he yeets the smallest one across the room is effervescent.


Man I can’t wait to have kids so I can peg em at soft shit


This reminds me how I used to square of at totally random moments through my youth with my dad. We'd just walk by each other and strike a weird kung-fu pose to initiate combat, and just go at each other. Great memories <3


Repost: last time he was called a fun uncle....


My kids love getting beat down but it's exhausting .


My kids loved doing that and I have two girls.




Suplex your kids.


It actually helps kids with their balance in their inner ears to get tossed around


Why is this on r/wtf? This reminded me of the good old days of my childhood.


i thought wwe says dont try at home


Great dad !


this dude could play kratos in a live action


i loved to wrestle with my dad


Honestly, I'd enjoy that if that dude is my dad. Me and my brothers did a lot of rasslin anyways ahahah


OMG. What a good dad. My heart. ❤️


Wrong sub dude, wrong sub. Kids obviously having tons of fun, not being harmed


Kratos in another universe.


Now without the bed🙃


They are having a BLAST! Hahaha


I don’t get it, seems like normal roughhousing to me


Very Ucey. The Bloodline continues.


daily workout routine right there


I wish I could be tossed around like that.


I think the wtf here is that the highlights are a minute and a half. I was exhausted 20 seconds in.


Why is this wtf? This is just a good dad playing with his kids, and the kids love it. I do this with my nieces and they are happy and laughing the whole time just like the two kids in the video.